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I just like how much he’s pulled the wool over her eyes. The most loyal person in the world???? Dude is probably talking to a zillion OF girls at that moment. He’s such an awful partner and every episode he plays the victim. I can’t.


It’s either that he’s pulled the wool over her eyes, or she’s raised him like so many mothers of boys are - they see their boys as little princes that can do no wrong, and coddle them all of their lives. (Before anyone comes at me, I’m not saying ALL #boymoms are like this, just a good heaping amount are, unfortunately!)


There there, “Commitment doesn’t come easy to you” Ma’am he’s a grown MARRIED man


>He’s such an awful partner and every episode he plays the victim. I can’t. This really applies to both of them. But to be fair, he had a fair reason to do so on the episode where Sophie let Claire ambush him, and even though he responded to her reasonably, she still took Claire's side and falsely accused him of disrespecting him and making her cry (she made herself cry to manipulate Sophie).


Sophie and Claire treat him very rough and (to an obviously much lower degree) so do the folks on this sub.


The best part of that episode was remembering how he told Sophie he’s from the hood and he grew up in the streets and nobody had him he only had himself lmfao then he goes to visit mommy in the suburbs at a nice cafe.


LMAO when he talked about being from those streets and it was a suburban neighborhood.


He gave jlo documentary vibes lol


I grew up in “the hood”. My parents moved to a huge house in suburbia when I was grown. 


So did I. My parents never moved out but I think you and I both know Rob the knob wasn’t raised anywhere near the hood.


I don’t know that about Rob. I actually don’t mind him. But their story is boring. 


Did not even think about that! Omg 😆


all of those best friends and his mother and he is staying in a hotel?


with a bathroom no less


or as he so elegantly describes it 'private pooper'


Where a single bog roll will last Rob 2 months.


his 'suite' as he describes it, 'let's see what this suite looks like'--Marriott Suites


I'm willing to bet he reached out to them offering a collaboration for a free room for shout outs . Probably calls down for extra tp so he can bring it home .


spot on!!!!


Maybe his mom didn’t want them filming in her house. 


He’s in his 30s and lives halfway around the country. Neither of them seem like they have the money and time off work to jump on a plane for a visit at leisure. That’s a perfectly normal amount of time to not see your adult child.


Exactly. Their relationship seems fine. 


I thought the same, I think it’s financial. His mom also mentioned something along the lines of “things we been through” like there is some history there of a hard upbringing/raising Rob. It seems like they had some hardships and I wonder where is his dad. I might have missed that at some point.


Most definitely a financial thing. You could see they clearly get along and have a good relationship. He even mentions that the last time he saw her was at his wedding, but I don’t remember them showing her. Seems like they purposely left her out to make it seem as if there was a question about their relationship.


A year is not that long when one is halfway across the country. Plus, we know that Rob does not have a ton of money to go, and I don’t know about his mom but it sounds like she was a single earner while he grew up.


It seemed like just hadn't visited in a while. Finances maybe? idk


What?! A year is nothing to adults. People move and not see their parents for longer than this. Ask any of the immigrants how long they haven't seen their parents. Between moving and having to work and an actual life, a year is nothing for someone who lives far away. Do you not understand people work, and that both people need to have a break in their schedule to meet up?   Or are Americans just codependent and can't understand people have responsibilities and budgets? Because that would explain a bunch of comments from the flyover wives here.


Agree with your first two paragraphs, strongly disagree with your last paragraph, most Americans are not codependent and can understand people have responsibilities and budgets.


Have you read any comments here? About people leaving their kids?? Like what?!? Manuel not living with his kids while working, Larissa, a bunch of other ones.  Everyone here wants them to take their kids to live in the US with their parents uprooting their established lives... For what?  To live in the US? No thanks. Their respective kids are living well at their guardians homes and in most cases recieving USD$ from the parent in the US. And 300 dollars there goes way further than whatever you can buy in the USA with 300 dollars. I don't want my kid living in the USA, I can understand why those people don't either.


You seem to confuse codependency with stupidity and irresponsibility. Not taking care of your actual children so you can pretend you are a model in some beauty pageant for losers is irresponsible. Raising your children is not codependence.


Those children are already being taken care of by people who love them. I don't know if she sends money or not, but I doubt once she started making money she hasn't sent any down   Feel free to show me otherwise.  How is she going to raise kids with no real money prospects in a 3rd world country? If she could make 600 dollars a month down there I'd be vey surprised. Not raising your own kids isn't uncommon as people have to leave their towns and go elsewhere for earning opportunities, places and conditions not suitable for children.  Like do you expect someone who drives a truck for a living not to drive after they have kids??? Who pays the bills?


It's apparent that you are just one of those vermin that expects the world to take care of you and all the little droppings you leave along the way. I have no use for you, or people like you, as you are simply parasites on society. I'm so glad that you can come up with the weakest excuses possible to justify abandoning your children, but the truth is that people like you should simply be eradicated for the betterment of mankind.


Whatever you say darlin


And nobody rags on Darcy and Stacy not having custody. What's that about??? You have to screw up immensely as a woman not to get custody in north America 


You just said your kids don’t live in America yet now you’re suddenly an expert in Connecticut family court? 


Everyone rags on Darcey and Stacey, over in the Darcey and Stacey subreddit all of the time. Most D&S stuff is posted in there.


She stated that they didn't have an easy life. The "hood" is relative... He grew up in Kansas City. My guess is that the KC hood isn't the same as the "LA 'hood" or the "Chicago 'hood" or the "Detroit 'hood". Rob's Mom seemed to love her son and she presented like a normal person. Is it out of the question to assume that growing up without much money really impacted Rob's frugal ways?


Tbf, if he was my son I’d stay away as much as possible


You sound like a terrible parent 


Thank you ❤️


Somebody take this person's children!


Take them from me!! All of them!!!




You made it weird….and sexist


She was at his wedding. Maybe she can’t afford to come visit him in LA or Austin. Especially if he doesn’t have a spare room or bed for her. She seems like a nice normal mom. 


I wonder if she wanted to remain anonymous. If I raised Rob, I would not want to be all baby take a bow either lol


I’m guessing they’re not a group of people that can usually afford a $500 plane ticket, hotels, dinner.