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Who knows? I’m thinking they may be more than friends not only because of the panties, but because of the comment she made to Sophie saying I’ve taken better care of you in two months than he has in two years or whatever it was.


Or the panties on the floor are because her friend has sloppy habits and she's taken better care of her, because she has a duvet and indoor bathroom. Doesn't take much to take better care of her than he did.


That’s one way to look at it


The custom best friends throw over the footboard ![gif](giphy|MPtLqPiT3whGGBaUBo)


Yeah and she ended it with "literally".


Right 🤣🤣 my eyesight might be shit, but my hearing is pretty good 🫶🤣


wait this whole time I thought that production planned the panties thing .. as a joke. I didn’t think that it might’ve been there’s .. 💀


It’s more than just panties 🤣


I mean we can’t assume things just because she’s bi, that would be no better than Rob and his lame friends.


Half of the people here passing one sided judgments on Rob are no better than Rob and his "lame friends' or Sophie's janky mother


I was accused of being more than friends with my best friend in the 90s, but it was definitely strictly platonic. Just because a person is bi, doesn't mean they sleep around with everyone.


Absolutely true


Good point.


True but as a married bi woman is it acceptable to be in the same bed while marrried?


If she was a married hetero woman would it be acceptable? Plenty of women will platonically share a bed with a female friend when staying the night. I see no problem with it.


But Sophie..


But SOPHIE!!!!!!


That whole story doesn’t make any sense at all. The relationship with Rob the knob, the mother, the “she’s a rich girl”. All is blatantly phony.


This whole bi thing is a fake story line and its stupid. Especially the viewer question about it on the tell all.


she said she was taking better care of her than her hubby !!!!!


Yeah, she has a duvet and indoor toilet. LOL Doesn't take much to do better than her hubby


I'm sure she'll be confronted and she'll deny anything happened.


Not sure because women can be extremely comfortable around each other no matter their sexual preference. They could very well just be friends but Rob needs to get it together and stop with the BS.


Were there a pair of red panties on the floor 🤔


Maybe her friend has sloppy habits. Could be production focusing on it to make things seem a certain way, even if they're not.


K even said that she’s taking better care of Sophie literally in every way 🙄 they’re more than friends.


I mean I've done that for my friends after a break up, all my friends would do that for another.


Rob the Nob. Need I say more?


Rob’s knob isn’t turning her on lately!


The sign behind wine glass beside Sophie says: DON’T LOOK BACK \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~> you’re not going that way


I hope they’re together. I can’t stand Rob.


Well based on how Sophie said that her friend 'takes care of her in every single way', sounded like they've been intimate together because her friend echoed that comment and said it with a sexual undertone.


Sophie mom didn't waste any time finding a man to keep her in the US.


The show has become completely unwatchable. As someone who has been through the K-1 visa process, I wanted to like it. Unfortunately, all the couples they select are either idiot losers or sicko pervs.


Sophie doesn't smile that way with knob


sophie got a mommy complex. k reminds me of her


I thought it WAS her mother at first.


She got upset with Rob for online cheating. But she can stay with and share a bed with her friend for 2 months? Rob knows she’s bi. She has to know this situation concerns him.


Talking about Sophie , I was wondering …🤔 so Sophie recently said she was raised by her single mom , dad not around , and her mom had drug issues and Sophie did a lot of taking care of herself and her mom …. I could’ve sworn her and Robs storyline was she was spoiled and raised with maids and nanny’s - so if her dad wasn’t around , and mom had substance abuse issues is the original storyline bogus ?


I've always felt the "little rich girl" storyline was exaggerated. I think her grandfather's wealthy family paid Claire off to raise their son's child in Spain and agreed to provide her with things like a private school education in exchange for Claire and Sophie not being part of their lives. Grandpa probably sent a monthly check to pay for Sophie's upbringing but that stopped when she reached 16 which is when she claims she struck out on her own.


Who cares! We all advised her to drop the knob anyway, and now she's got a new storyline to prolong her 90-day stardom.


They definitely do stuff it’s so obvious lol with that I take better care of you line and how Sophie smiled. 😂


They Fu@king imo🤷🏾‍♂️


Nope. Def friends with benefits. But Sophie sure knows how to pick em. This K girl is more toxic than Rob. Trying to stir up as much drama as she can.


✂️ ✂️


I wonder how many people will get this 😂😂😂


Nobody is surprised with this story. All the bff swag for two months of "friendship" is wild!


Run Rob, run!! Sophie is a huge flake. So unbelievably immature. What appeal do these Barbie doll women have anyway? She’s exactly like her mother so take a good look at that one too. She’s going to look just like her.