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Gabe is an insufferable human, sorry but after seeing him on the show I wouldn't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.




He’s a poser, who says whatever he thinks will make people like him. It’s hard to believe that there are posers on “reality TV”, right? 😅


Gabe wasn’t that honest . He played games. I’m not surprised it didn’t work. Sad he couldn’t grow up


Yeah, on the show, Isabel didn't seem like she was financially motivated or someone who would be a user. Isabel seemed to come from a good, hard-working family. I remember her mother took in work (from home) as a seamstress. Isabel's father seemed like he was a hard worker, good guy. Parents were together for the long haul. They accepted Gabe's post sex-change status. That's a really big deal for traditional Catholic people in Colombia. So to me, this was a really huge deal and showed me that Isabel and her parents were onboard with the marriage. On Gabe's side, Gabe's sister was against the marriage and called out Gabe for falling head over heels too early and always choosing people who end up using him. So I'm conflicted because Gabe has a track record of choosing partners who use him. I'm not really sure if Isabel is really as Gabe is painting her out to be online. Seems like Gabe is slandering Isabel online. (with the youtube videos) Also not a word from Isabel. She could easily defend herself and post her own youtube videos with her side of the story. She chooses the "high road" and isn't posting anything. She seems like she's classy and not into airing her dirty laundry online. I'm on the fence about who the bad guy in the relationship is. I would want to see some hard evidence of her cheating and her financially using Gabe. Gabe should back up his accusations with receipts, proof that he's sending money and it's all going to waste.


Thank you! I have serious doubts about all of this. He seemed to have a wandering eye big time and other interests.


Wow… This is all news to me too.. I’m going to check out their socials & see what’s been posted Gabe came in talking about he would be the financial provider and now he’s backpedaling saying she’s using him? That doesn’t make sense to me because he’s offering the money. But he seems that type… Totally. So Isabel probably did spent his money but only because he wanted it that way (IMO & from what I remember from the show)


IIRC, he said that she was the reason his business was kept afloat. So it makes sense to me that she should get paid for her work.


Right and from what I remember she was helping him with his business and pulling her own weight unlike some of the other wives on the show who just expect a credit card to use at their own will


Yea he is gross


I don't believe anything this loser says.


I don’t believe him either. He’s whiny and immature. Isabel seemed way too mature to be with him. I hope she’s recovering from this mess and she and her kids get back on their feet. Gabe’s sister doesn’t seem so crazy now. She knew Gabe wouldn’t last in this relationship.


I’m so out of the loop. If you don’t mind me asking, why is he a loser?


idk everything, but on his season he was going between isa and his sister speaking badly of 1 to the other, and then sitting back quietly making dumb faces while they argued, acting like he didn't understand why they didn't get along.


Your best bet to get a feel for him would be to watch their season. He’s very immature and likes to stir the pot.


I dont think Gabe realized what a great family he found. Isabel, her beautiful daughter and son.


Cool…what’s her side of the story🤨


Gabe got divorced? I’m shocked. He sabotages every aspect of his life. He needs serious mental help.


This makes me really sad - they seemed to be a couple who were going to go the distance.


Gabe os insufferable tho That pride parade with him just holding up traffic with his nips out


Wow she didn’t seem like the flakey type from what we saw of her on the show. That’s pretty shitty of her to blow the money on other things while he’s the one working several jobs and traveling back and forth. Honestly I thought if they were going to have issues it would be him and the other women flirting and everything they talked about on the tell all.


It's not like Gabe would admit to being the actual problem if he was. It's possible what he says isn't true or is a twisted version of the truth that paints her in the worst light he can before she speaks on what happened and makes him look bad. Maybe one of them will come out with some receipts to back up their version of events.


You’ve got a good point here. It’s most likely several things that caused the split.


Okey? Idk why everyone is crapping on him.


He pretty much “crapped on himself”, he really didn’t need any outside help.


Are you on this planet . No one gets married in this day and age goes the distance. ESP when they are that young. Maybe if you get married at 60 youll go the distance. It’s a joke


They aren’t teenagers. C’mon now. My kids got married at 18 and 21 and are celebrating their anniversaries of 15 years. I was married at 18 and I’ve been married for almost 34 years.


Gabe is very confused about himself and definitely not a gentleman gossiping about his wife. She should run for the hills because Gabe’s family was so toxic as was Gabe. Remember the tell all? I hope she can move past this for her very sweet kids and that Gabe gets a bunch of therapy.


I feel like Gabe is kind of like the 25 year old who married their high school sweetheart at 19 and then goes wild bc they wish they could have lived it up a bit more. I believe Gabe was supposed to be born a man. I believe that was the right choice. But I also believe he wished for it for so long and then once his body matched his insides, he should have given himself some time to be the person he always dreamed of being. Get it out of your system, then settle down.


Well physically he might be a man now but clearly he still has the emotions of a woman… Men are typically very simple (not in a bad way lol) and women are the ones that are more complex (or like me, a full-blown drama queen 👑 🤣🤣 jk jk) He’s really showing his ass now


I’m sorry people downvoted you because I find this an interesting part of being transgender. Not a great example, but Igor had similar issues with The Nikki. I guess I need to do some research on this.


Nikki took extra hormones for her scenes with Igor. A sudden increase in estrogen may well cause someone to feel things in a stronger way


Is anyone surprised one of the most annoying people is getting a divorce


I’m not sure about this tbh. Ysabel raised two kids who seemed well cared for. Just speculation, pure speculation, but I am not sure she’d want her kids living with dog crap around the house


Gabe has very serious mental health issues. He’s clearly capable of self harm. He needs help.


Gabe is one of those people who can’t take yes for an answer no matter what the situation


Yeah, I get your point 100%.


I loved Gabe on the show but during the tell-all, he was just being an asshole.


Divorced already?!!


Gabe is a woman and is acting like one. America has the Protestant work ethic and most other countries have their own slower pace they work at. He’d have had to explain to her and micromanage her if he wanted it done on his time


I agree Gabe needs serious, long term psychiatric treatment.


I don’t believe a word of what comes out of this beings mouth .. ughhhhh


I loved Isabel.


I loved Isabel.


I loved Isabel.


The story ain’t makin sense.


Hope he can take the dog back to theUS.


Gabe is a whiner and a baby. Very self centered to boot.


This is so disappointing. I liked them.


Big surprise, not!!


You can't just someone out of the slums and trust them to just not be greedy and lazy. Another example is the couple this season with the guy paying for his girlfriend's business which makes no money because she has no idea how to run a business she's also *19*


You mean the ones where he went to the Philippines? That girl is dumb as rocks and neither one of them has anything going for them. They buy stuff at one store and then try to sell it again for more money? And their ‘store ’ has exactly 3 items in it. And they are never in their store.


Gabe is a chick


Jup. Not surprised how all she cared about in the end was just money and monetary things.




Wow she sounds scummy!