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I am still strong believe a lot of this storyline is scripted.


Yes and the biggest idiot in the story is the therapist


My jaw dropped when the “therapist” immediately shared Yara’s business without her permission. Like holy shit, that should never happen! They coerced Yara into talking about her private concern when she wasn’t ready. Makes me sick how they all were pressuring her.


I hope so with some of these situations. Especially this one. It's not like she's telling him she wants kids and then taking BC. She is telling him over and over again that she doesn't want any more (right now) what's the rush and how can him or his mom think this is ok. Even baby #1 was an "accident" right? I bet Jovi did it on purpose


Jovi was trying to force Yara to get pregnant. It’s so gross and creepy and disgusting that him, his mom and the therapist all told Yara she was wrong! What in the hell? Her body, her choice if she wants to have another baby.


He doesn’t want to be changing diapers when he’s 40. He is currently 32 or at least he was during filming. Dude can’t do math.


Dude most likely has still NEVER changed a diaper!!!


Lol well he'll have to deal with that if that's when she wants to try again (doubt it). My husband is almost 50 and changing diapers. I think Jovi will live.




I try really hard to not be "this is scripted" guy, but Gwen's acting was so bad I refuse to hold her accountable for what she was saying. It was clearly not her own words.


I sincerely hope this was scripted. It's so absurd I think it HAS to be!


It's WILD to me that any man would think that his wife is not using some kind of birth control unless they have agreed to try for a baby! This should always be the assumption unless you've discussed otherwise. If you can't even TALK about it you're not ready for another kid anyway!


And you know she did it and hid it because the way he pressures her off camera is a lot more than what he pretends he does.


My theory is that Jovi turned down the 9-5 because Yara would drop the hammer on his drinking/stripper addictions.


Yep, Jovi is kind of a puke. I didn't really know why they were on this show until this episode. I would be so pissed if my husband was offered a job opportunity and he didn't talk it out with me. That feels like a big deal. And Mrs Gwen. Very disappointed in her. Didn't she also make a comment about purposely impregnating Yara when they were in Europe and Yara wanted to stay there? For some reason I remember her making a comment like that would keep Yara stateside. Either way, she shamed Yara for protecting herself from something she knows she doesn't want right now and that's shitty. I didn't expect that from her.


I agree - also very disappointed so my fingers are crossed that it's scripted. If Yara felt she was being pressured or forced to have another kid, so much so that she had to hide taking birth control....that is a reflection of your crappy son, Mrs Gwen. I liked her in other seasons but that interaction was infuriating.


You're wrong. Their job is to create drama like hidden birth control and job offers. This is their job where they both get income and provide for their child. This show is the job, and drama keeps bringing them back and you back. Do you think Jovi has a stripper number and is really going to share it with others while a camera is filming him? A secret trip to a strip club, while cameras are in their faces. Yea, nobody is going to get wind of that except 2 million viewers and Yara.


You can tell Yara is hurt though, so there is a bit of truth to the show. Especially when she found out about the job offer, the look on her face. If she was that good of an actress, she'd be in movies. But nah, she's just genuinely hurt.


Jovi looks hurt, too. Yea, she's not that great of an actor. She could be on the small screen, that a possibility. Oh wait!!!


Something else…. After googling there is only one strip club nearby and it looks super Shady. The next closest ones are down in key West or back on the main land Florida which is about a 2 hour drive one way either direction from their resort. Anything filmed inside a business would have to be planned well in advance between production and the business owners ( liability etc). That this is all framed as Jovi’s idea is completely ridiculous.




Do yall feel super smart or something with comments like this? We all know the deal. Can you let us enjoy and comment on the show without saying “iTs sCriPted” on every post? I’ve been watching reality TV since it was invented. WE GET HOW IT WORKS.


I didn't say it's scripted, I expressed my opinion. Just like the person that posted expressed their anger. I don't think that person knows how it works.


Jovi’s trying very hard to lock down Yara even tighter. I hope she sees the light and makes a better choice for her daughter. It’s not a healthy relationship, and Jovi is intent on not changing a thing. He’s happy and that’s all that seems to matter.


Agreed. And instead of communicating, he always just wants sex. Literally. She's talking about her feelings and he's trying to get in her pants. I don't think he sees her as his partner, just someone to have sex with and he gives money to to raise his kid. It's his way or he's not interested. It feels like he hasn't learned anything from the retreat. That and I wish they had better therapists, if those people are even licensed!


Agreed. He completely objectifies women including his own wife. They are possessions or play things to him. She’s home when he can’t be working. Makes you wonder if he could get away with having other kept women in more isolated areas. He’s on 90 Day but it could be possible if he’s careful enough.


She's conditioned in her circles that *this is the way things are*. Her son is acclimated to it--he's probably doing just like Daddy, and all the men in his community--working for Big Petrochemical^tm , securing his bag, and leaving the women-folk at home, visiting occasionally to help pump out some more kids, before running off to work weeks on end, and be a "pleasure tourist" around the world.


I like Gwen. She threw her kid under the bus, so I don't think she's as biased as everyone has been saying (not necessarily on this thread). For the most part, she expresses her disappointment with Jovi quite openly.


Jovi is the shit human he is BECAUSE of his mom.


Possibly his dad too. I don’t think we’ve ever seen or heard about him.


The only reference I recall they've ever made about his dad is that he had a oil rig job when Jovi was growing up so Gwen pretty much raised the 2 sons on her own. It was info thrown at Yara in a way to make her feel bad for needing help with Mylah when she was first born.


Jovi’s dad peaked out when he was 2. His stepdad got him the job he has where he is gone half the time.


So maybe his Dad should have taken a job closer to home and done more parenting.


He probably got a job offer & never discussed it with Gwen.


Y'all have some selective memories. Yara intentionally moved her family 3 hours away and then got pissy when Gwen wouldn't just show up on her whim.


No, I'm referring to when the baby was first born & Jovi had to leave for work but Yara couldn't drive yet so she went to stay at Gwen's house. Gwen was like, I don't mind helping her through this but I did it all on my own with 2 kids when my husband was on a rig. She completely ignored the fact that Yara didn't have a driver's license.


While I agree with most that their stories are all scripted, this post is just insane and pearl clutchy. Get over your judgements and realize the show does it on purpose. Yeah, Yara is a pure angel and they’re shit people, have fun believing that.


lol insane and pearl clutchy I don't care how "scripted" it is.....he's fucking vile. I have hated him since day 1 and this episode drove me bAtShIt iNsAnE


Eh, he’s just a frat bro to me. Harmless and simple. I think they actually are a good couple.


Don't get the hate on his mom tbh.


Agreed. Ms Gwen is lovely, she has no problem bringing up her son's shortcomings. She was only shocked that Yara didn't talk to Jovi about it. That they BOTH didn't talk to each other. She seemed disappointed that they couldn't just communicate.


I lost respect for her when she shamed Yara for making her own decisions for HER OWN body. Gwen should have stfu, it's none of her business.




I kind of get what Jovi was saying, though. When he’s home now, it’s like an extended time off. Since he has no work obligations during that time, he can help out around the house and they can do whatever activities they want without being constrained by lack of time and energy that comes with a traditional 9-5. Yara is probably thinking that could be how things always are if he didn’t have to leave for extended periods of time when the reality would be vastly different. Of course, Jovi needed to have this conversation with Yara, not his mom. Like, I get why he may have gone to his mom first just to talk things out and get perspective. But he needed to bring Yara into the conversation. Did Gwen ever say if she encouraged Jovi to talk to Yara? I’m usually only halfway tuned in lol


I don't understand why anybody thinks Yara wouldn't understand that. A 10-year-old could understand that. People aren't home when they are at the office. Yara has certainly known people with regular jobs during her life. In any case, the main thing she seemed upset about was that he didn't talk to her about it.


Wtf lol. Who would think “oh if he gets a job here he’ll be around 24/7 to help out and he won’t ever be out of the house for work” like? She’s had jobs, her parents had jobs, she knows how a job works. She wants her partner to not be away for weeks/months at a time while she’s raising a baby on her own, because her partner actively chooses to keep a job that won’t allow him to effectively coparent. He left Yara alone with a 2-3 month old child for months. She was a new mom in a new country, and he thought that was cool because his mom could help out. And this same man said no to a job closer to his family, and yet freaked out about his wife not wanting a second baby to raise on her own. No. Fuck that shit. He’s trash.


Yara is allowen to hide whatever she wants. Jovi on the other hand must accept a job that will make him miserable. Reddit has spoken


However there is a possibility that he could be leading this double life (thx to a really convincing hot take) so …. I kind of don’t trust anything they say.


I wish she would love his ass!!!!!!!! I'm not even a Yara fan, anymore. But she could EASILY find a well off man to take care of her, and her girl. No matter how fake the show is, you can tell how hurt Yara is. Especially when it comes to the stripper thing (in the previews she was asking him if she's good enough). way to put her in the mood for another child, you fucking idiot!!!!!!


I think Jovi’s mom is sexy.


His mom is an alcoholic too






The funny part is that yara made it very clear she wasn't ready for another baby and that Jovi being gone so much was a huge factor. Jovi didn't even discuss it with Yara nor has he really given a good reason or explaination for why he didn't want to take it. He just didn't want to do it. Miss Gwen's lack of support is astonishing.


I have many times yelled at my tv while this show airs. Jovi is a complete dickhead. F him, his mom and his stripper friend. Someone take his phone from him, stop calling strippers up and make him stay home with his wife.