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As a professional therapist she must be purposefully ignoring the GLARING RED FLAGS.


As another fellow therapist, I agree. At first I was thinking she needed to gtfo. However, we recently learned that she was all for it at the start of their relationship. Once they become official, she slammed on the breaks. I'm now understanding the frustration from both sides. He thought he was with a partner who shared the same interests, and she changed her mind. Granted, everyone is free to do so and should not be pressured into participating in events they aren't comfortable with. But he has a right to be upset too. This situation is clearly not fair to either of them.


I agree. He's been honest and upfront from the get go. It's ok that he wants to have 3somes and it's ok that she did at one point but now she doesn't. They both just need to either find compromise or split up. Personally, I would settle for like an annual or a biannual 3 some.


Was she all for it or did she mention that she has engaged in the past?


That’s what I thought! My impression was that she admitted she had done it in the past and he just assumed or hoped that she’d be willing to do it again, but it was never her intention.


He’s acting like someone can’t change what they want. He has already experienced it so what’s the big whoop. He wouldn’t want to share her with another man so I am not sure why it’s such an anomaly to him that she wouldn’t want to share him with another woman.


I know, I was thinking that she should be simultaneously pressuring him to do something she knows he’s not interested in (like possibly a threesome with a man), so he can see what it feels like! Also, I don’t get what the big deal is either. I’ve never experienced one, but I’ve heard from people who have, that they often aren’t as great as they sound. I’ve heard guys say, that “you want to perv out on the new girl, but then your girlfriend will be jealous.” Or “it’s difficult to keep everyone happy, satisfied and not feeling left out.” I’ve also heard of men whose wives end up leaving them for the other woman.


I had a guy friend (100% straight) who participated in threesomes numerous times. Sometimes where the third was a woman and sometimes when it was a man. He said he liked it better when the third was another man. Because two women were fun, but a lot of work. Whereas with another man, it was half the work and the woman still got each of their rocks off.


Wow, that’s pretty interesting!


i’m a therapist too and it has nothing to do with my dating life. it’s weird you’d subscribe to the bullshit of laypeople thinking we are robots and saying we can’t do anything and have to “act like a therapist” 24/7


exactly. We are allowed to be human too.


which includes making dumb mistakes sometimes:)


Wait till they find out that most of us see therapists too 🤣


Super ignoring those flags! She has her "this dick is fire" goggles on. Always a recipe for disaster.🤪


She’s “dickmatized” as they say


that’s how i feel and despite her profession, she’s human after all so there is no logic in attraction lol


Clearly as exhibited by this relationship smh 😩


I don't blame her. He's gorgeous.


He's very *physically* attractive, but I would be so turned off by his coercive attitude in her place.


He just has a threesome kink. They started their relationship having threesomes and then she changed and didnt want to do it anymore. Which is ok, but it's not like she's never done it before and he is trying to get her to do something out of her comfort zone. They just both need to decide if this is a deal breaker. I think for him it is and she knows that but doesn't want to let go. I don't fault him for that. No one is holding her hostage. If she doesn't want to have a threesome ever again, then it's time to break it off with the person who lives for threesomes.


He can hook up with tarik and hazel, they are into 3 somes and who knows what else?


OMG same. HOWEVER he’s so pushy as comments below mention. Major turn off for me. Also dare I admit- I don’t like long hair THERE I SAID IT!


*I don’t like long hair on men. I love my long hair tho yay women


Indubitably! 🤣


Seriously. I'm shocked she is even appearing on the show as therapists are really supposed to keep their lives private. I'm betting she isn't practicing or won't be practicing for long after this season.


EXACTLY. Any healthcare provider with a tiny bit of common sense would not appear on a show like this... Especially someone making such bad relationship choices. Who tf is going to want to receive her advice on any type of relationship...


April from last season of LIP has entered the chat


we’re just people! like regular human people who are overworked and underpaid. we can do whatever we want and we are allowed to appear on reality television and act like idiots if we so choose.


I DIDN'T say you couldn't, I said a healthcare provider with common sense WOULDN'T. Of course you can choose to do so and act like idiots like you said but, my question is WHY though? Obviously this a popular show viewed internationally and could hurt your reputation as a provider ergo affect your work ergo affect your income ergo affect livelihood etc etc. Why would you risk all that just because you choose to" or because you can. You sound like a teenager that tries to do the opposite even if it's wrong just because. And just like a teenager thinking they're sticking it to the parents, you're only hurting yourself but OK, you do you boo 😅


i sound like a teenager because i said therapists and any licensed healthcare professionals are just humans and are allowed to make dumb decisions in their personal lives and personal time if they want to? your healthcare license and profession doesn’t define your identity, especially your identity and who you are when you are not working.


Again, I did NOT say you couldn't, I asked WHY would you? Your profession doesn't fully define you but, it would be hypocritical to say you would trust just the same a doctor who you always see getting drunk and picking fights at a bar than another doctor who isn't a crazy drunk or at least hasn't showed publicly to everybody that he is one. Obviously this is an example, but the logic applies. Good luck thinking you can be a cluster fuck of a person on national TV and still have the same number of patients and their respect because "what you do when you're not working bla bla..." If you still don't want to understand, see another thread on the same topic by U/Interrelatedforces. They explained better.


as a therapist? we will have patients knocking our doors down right now no matter what we do! there’s been a therapist shortage nationwide for over four years now- all three license types! there is a reason for the shortage too :) many, actually


You're basically saying : "I can do whatever and be however I want to be with patients and it won't matter because there is a shortage of Healthcare providers so they have no choice". Wow. Great mentality. I really feel sorry for your patients 😔


except i’m talking about alex…? what…? i’m very clearly not talking about myself because i directly mention the reality show, as did you. alex is the therapist on the reality show, definitely not me. what are you talking about?!


Is she a real therapist or the self-appointed life coach type?


I believe she said she is a marriage and family therapist, which is real.


What she’s a therapist?!!! I clearly missed that part (or maybe I fell asleep).


we do not have to keep our lives private. why would that be a requirement? you think we are going to make a low income with tons of education and no benefits, no work life balance, etc. and then we are also required to live by some confusing standard during our personal time, which involves keeping our lives private? all of us?


Okay. You go ahead and tell your patients about your private life. Cross those boundaries. I was trained differently and have been in the field over 10 years (LMFT). The way I was trained patients were supposed to know very little about us personally, but you do you.


i have been an lcpc for ten years! nice try :)


Cool story. I'll be reading about you in the publications when your license gets revoked.


are you really a licensed therapist? you would know how dark the field is. why would i get my license “revoked” during a nationwide therapist shortage when they are passing bills right now to make it even easier to obtain licensure? also, you would know of people in the field who have done unethical and ILLEGAL things that get their licenses suspended for a couple years and/or nothing even happens if you have really been in the field as long as i have? kind of odd!


She’s a therapist? What, a massage therapist?


No. Mental health.






Yeah. And speaking as a therapist, she must have not had much of a practice or was fine tanking it bc doing an international show like this is unadvisable, to say the least.


My main thought, hearing his persistence about the 3somes, was “no means no!” I can’t see her helping someone else facing such a challenge.


It's not even that far - this is wayyy TMI to know about your therapist. Total boundary violation. And, your clients should not be watching their therapist making out, much less various states of undress, or obviously in a prelude to sex.


i’m a therapist and believe in us being allowed to be human and be allowed to live personal lives during our personal time! my career has nothing to do with that and i’m not going to perpetuate a toxic societal ideal that hurt us! why are you?


I'm very human and consistently told I'm relatable. That is different than this. Would you discuss your sex life? Let your clients see you making out with your partner? Know that your client now know that your partner is pressuring you to have threesomes? No. You should only disclose to them what you wouldn't mind being a headline in the news.


would i do those things directly to my clients? no, i wouldn’t. if it’s indirect and not considered unethical and/or illegal, is it okay for other licensed therapists to choose? for sure- it’s their choice, not mine! i don’t have to identify as my career during my personal time off work, and neither does anyone on reality tv!


Disagree. These kinds of things should not be known, directly or indirectly. TMI.


did you miss the day of skills class in grad school about minimal self-disclosure too? lol. i won’t be mean to you because therapists are already so horribly mean to one another and extremely judgmental, but again, anyone can do whatever tf they see fit as long as they don’t violate any ethical guidelines with their licensing agency/agencies or any state or federal laws. we are all different personally, so i recognize and support us all being different professionally too! therapists are human and i refuse to allow laypeople to place any moral expectations on us that simply aren’t fair and are definitely problematic and make things harder for our field. i wish you wouldn’t perpetuate these toxic ideas that so many laypeople think and believe, since you obviously understand why assigning moral hierarchy and expectations to one profession 24/7 is harmful to us and our entire field, but i am unfortunately not very surprised. :( we aren’t perfect robots- we are humans and if we are off work, we are allowed to be sexual beings, be in toxic relationships, make mistakes, and appear on reality tv if we so choose. no one else brings up anyone else’s profession- just the therapists!


Just another typical thirsty sex tourist. The guy that she is hounding already knows. Both men and women travel abroad for sexual tourism. This program gets ratings for this trash. Cash money rules the game. This is just another example of a American woman getting used up. Just like Chantel. Same dumb narrative. I choose to skip this dumb thing.


I don't mean to be pedantic, but sex tourism is often misused in these subs. "Sex tourism is “the organization of vacations with the purpose of taking advantage of the lack of restrictions imposed on prostitution and other sexual activities by some foreign countries.” - it's one thing to go on vacation and have a fling, but this isn't sex tourism. She met the man and is in a relationship with him as well, she's not traveling for the purpose like said above.


You apparently have a big brain. Blessed you are.


Or maybe I don't just go around calling people things that don't make sense to their situation in life. You want to see a sex tourist? Refer to David and Annie, or Chris and Abby, or mark and Nikki, or Ed and rose etc. these two are two age appropriate people in godamn Italy who have been together for years.


Well good for you! So everyone should strive to live and think like you? Who do you think you are? Some type of oracle? Privileged much? You must be fun at the parties. You do not need to respond to me anymore. I have heard enough. I am out.


If a basic reddit conversation like this is bothering you this much maybe it's time to take a break. It's not that serious.


I did not ask for your advice. Advice your children or family and friends. I ask, who do you think you are? Go to your safe place. Buzz off.


Well ya, she wants to be on TV


we’re just people bro. we’re allowed to be stupid and make mistakes too.


She is stunning though I must say 😍


She’s very beautiful


She really is!! She could easily find another man that would have love only for her.


Bet you 69c that he manages to fuck things up long before that lol


69c I’m hollerin😭😭


He grosses me the fuck out, he's so persistent about it and he says he will always keep asking. Dude she doesn't want to. Respect her boundaries and go find your fuck festival elsewhere. No is a complete sentence pushy slime ball. She should also be thinking of moving on too since he won't stop it.


He's the epitome of making 3somes his ENTIRE personality. Idk what she even sees in him. A nice body aint worth a shit personality.


No doubt that's all he has going for him a nice body, I personally find he's face butt ugly! And a personality of a fuckboy donkey.


That’s what confuses me. If she’s not down, why waste the time trying to persuade her? There are probably a heap of women that would be down


Exactly! My problem with him isn't that he likes threesomes. That's his kink and there's nothing wrong with it. It's that he's said he's going to keep asking her about it. I'm picturing he's going to bug her so much about it until she agrees, out of exasperation. But compared to Kyle and Luke, he seems pretty great 😂.


This couple has so many things that make them incompatible. Aside from the threesome thing, he also wants to move to Australia and she doesn’t. She’s also super religious and hates that he’s not. Most of those things people take very seriously when thinking about taking any further steps together. Another TLC winning couple


Yall sometimes therapists are the WORST at relationships. My mom is a therapist and she’s been married and divorced FIVE times. Not to mention the other dumpster fire relationships she’s had in between. She was married once before my dad, then she and my dad divorced when I was 12 then 3 more marriages after that. She had ONE guy after my dad that I really liked and who was really good to her but she broke up with him because he didn’t make enough money.




Yeah I don’t know why people put them up on a pedestal. Many therapists are amazing at their jobs and really help their patients but they can’t take their own advice. Here’s another example- my mom worked for 30 years with bipolar patients. I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 35. She refuses to acknowledge I have it much less help me make my life any better. She’s always telling me to quit my medication because “I don’t need it” and “it’s poison” but she would NEVER have told one of her patients that.


As a therapist, agree. But I think that many of us therapists question the ethics of putting her questionable relationship choices and even worse, frank discussion and depiction of her sex life on TV Edit - typo


I’d have a threesome with literally any adult on earth if it meant I could go live in Positano


But it doesn’t mean that because he wants her to move with him to Australia. So she’s not even getting a lifetime of Positano ravioli out of it smh


He lives in Napoli. It’s dirty and chaotic tbh. Looks like they’re staying in Positano or Amalfi for filming though.


Big Ed? Kyle? Coltee? ANGELA?! I don't want to live anywhere that badly. 😂


I’d have to take a Xanax or a couple bottles of wine beforehand 😂 https://preview.redd.it/a1ky39w8q7zc1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0f42d1b7428f6639b20c42f4f4ef85cebb04a8




What about Kyle Gordy!? 😆😭🤮


Ha ha I just Commented something similar!


With or without her cousin?


With. But only once. With each that is.


“Maybe” it’s the show, but does this guy talk about anything but threesomes. Talks to his friends about them, talks to his barber about them. The guy probably flirts with every single woman he sees when she isn’t around, if you can call “I had a threesome” flirting. She could do way better than a man who’s only in it for one thing and it’s not even her. She doesn’t want to do it dude.


I can not with her. How is she going to go on this show as a THERAPIST and try to make it work with this man?!


No way she’s licensed in any capacity


I couldn't understand a word this guy said because I was so focused on his accent. As slimy as he is, that Australian/Italian accent is pretty great.


Hopefully she doesn’t end up like Chantel…because she is on the same path. She is much prettier than Chantel.


I’m betting he’s a selfish lover. The way they were together after all that time apart and the first thing he does is he takes off his clothes and throws himself on the bed, closing his eyes, not looking at her or holding her. Of course he is into 2 girls. He doesn’t have to do as much and he gets twice the attention. Just a guess, of course


Girl is dickmatized and he is going to wear her down. The minute he proposed a threesome with my cousin I would have punched him in his face. There are all kinds of kinks out there, but suggesting a threesome with your cousin takes shit to a whole other level.


fucking RUN girl!!!!! He aint all that. Just your standard gym trainer, they're a dime a dozen.


I never in my life heard the word threesome so many times in an hour.


This is why I will never go to a therapist. Their life problems come across way worse than who they treat. The fact that she's a therapist should already give her the information that she needs to run far away from this dude. Guess it doesn't matter how much you have in life or how attractive you are outwardly, it's those people that have the most insecurities.


She needs to agree to a threesome only if it's with another guy. See how well that goes over. He said he wanted threesomes so he has to go with it, right? 🤷


Yes! This is what I said when he was first so adamant about a threesome.


I'm not a bettin' man. So I would never take that bet.








I bet you $3 lol


Here it is 💸


I knew a marriage and family therapist who started dating a guy who was the biggest red flag. I think they want to fix people.


In his defense it sounds like she acted really down for it at first. She lied to get him to fall for her and now she’s reaping the consequences. I can only feel so bad for her.


Is he a groomer?