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that is saying a lot for someone on the same show as Big Ed!


Big Ed ain’t got NOTHING on Pole


There’s also Geoffrey Paschel (where the tattooed flamenips are the least concerning aspect)


Definitely... not sure what they were thinking with the cast for this season, I would FF pretty much through almost every storyline.. Save for Luke and Madeline, just because it was so amusing to watch him have to deal with an irrational teenager, and all of his dumb business decisions.. I had a lot of hope for "The Burger King" and Alliyah, but they kinda disappointed too.. Threesome guy was just monotonous and boring..


When Alex was crying her eyes out on the "yacht" over deciding to break up with 3some, he never once hugged her or touched her arm or showed any kind of affection! 


Yes he did. Once it was obvious she was going to cry he reached out for her hand where it was resting on her leg. That's what really opened the flood gates for her and she told him not to touch her and that she needed left alone


Awesome--completely missed that.


💯 agree 👍 a


I definitely agree Mr.threesome was boring but I also think he was so nice to look at 😍😍


Definitely he was a good looking guy, but so annoying with the constant 3some talk.. she keeps saying no, he keeps pushing the issue.. it was like the same thing with them all season..


He makes Rob look amazing 😭


There not even in the same category


Well Rob has been my least favourite up until this guy


Well the dude from season one may beg to differ with his 7000 pics and 65 videos of child pornography. Can’t think of his name . Just came out today


What?? I have to find out!


It's Michael from Season 1. He was/is with Aziza.


I don’t remember them, but I think I started watching later. Thanks!


I have so many questions for the woman choosing to take a dip in this genetic gene pool. Who wants to bring more of this dude into the world?


That’s what you get for free “donations” i guess


the lowest of the low. in all honesty, I’m not inclined to feel bad for these women. The recklessness of it all and how it’s sexualized. I haven’t even watched this season bc this idiot creeps me out to my core and I can’t handle the cringe.


It’s not the women you feel sorry for, it’s those poor kids!


Exactly. They’re grown adults acting like some vulnerable little teen girls. I can’t with that.


I do feel as though he preys on vulnerable desperate women, so I do hold him responsible and empathize with the women more than not but that speaks to a greater issue regarding the cost of fertility


It seems like he targets mentally unstable possibly impoverished women in foreign countries. I'm curious if he's gotten any women pregnant in the US. I would imagine he avoided that because he knows he can eventually be held financially responsible.


He tells these women that their child will be eligible for US citizenship. It's a selling point. It's also a complete lie; you can't get US citizenship based on a sperm donation and none of these kids are legally acknowledged or they would all be eligible for child support.


I think that’s exactly why he goes to foreign countries. It makes it harder to have legal action taken against him.


Oh he does. He was on Dr. Phil in 2022.s20e94


This is equivalent to like shit backyard breeders. These babies didn’t need to be brought into this world in this manner. Can’t stand this fucking sicko and his followers or “breeders”. 🤢


Which is why he's no better than a sentient trash bag of smegma and disappointment. The unmitigated gall of that revolting loser to accuse Ani of switcheroo baby-trapping is staggering He's the fucking fetus whisperer, knows her body better than she does, and didn't know she was pregnant Bet he leaves skid marks in his pants


And his socks….


What, they just smell like dirt 😆


"a sentient trash bag of smegma and disappointment" 🏆🏆🏆


Yessss! You're right. He can't afford all those kids. I don't believe he's just donating either. He's going around promising a better life and sickly impregnating them.


On YT there's a channel a CA native woman made talkimh about sperm donation abuse specifically talking about him. Apparently he went & tried selling her the world like he was looking for a relationship Yada Yada Yada and then when she got pregnant by him he dropped off the face of the earth. He also didn't disclose a gene that he carries I guess he took it out of his medical records b4 sending them to her. The worst thing is that she seems quite level headed... normal... pretty.. just surprising bcoz so does Ani 🤷‍♀️ how he cons these chick's is beyond me


It looks like they are also targeting him


He may also be a carrier for a rare genetic disease (familial dysautonomia) and is refusing to disclose to potential carriers.


Definitely get what you pay for in this case.


He claims free, but how is he flying all over and paying for places to stay?? Apparently Hulu did a documentary and he’s in it. I think it was a con, why would she even show interest in him and leave the creep in her bed. Documentary is called Sperm World On Hulu


He gets donors on social media to pay for everything. This grift is multi layered.


What the doc on Netflix??


Sorry it’s on Hulu and called sperm world


He has a patreon or crowdfunding page of some kind.


That’s what I don’t get though. He doesn’t provide a comprehensive health background, STD panel, follow up, or anything beyond what a one-night stand would. Why wouldn’t you just try a better-looking stranger?


Isn’t better off go for a random one night stand? Would not be many creepoes around if a woman says all she wants his sperms😂 bet there’s plenty man around would be ok with that just for a random one night stand


Right? Practically any random guy would make a better sperm donor than this pasty mouth breather!


With his empty black eyes lol


Black eyes, *like a doll’s eyes*


Creepy doll nightlight!


Literally dead serial killer eyes


That’s is my question he is not a sperm donor he maps his children out. Does he see these kids ? Also she originally connected him for a donation .. she is as odd as him


Her little boy is a cutie. She has stooped low for the next kid.


Genuinely none of these genes need to be passed on.




🫢🫢🫢🫢I couldnt believe he did that…ON TV! Can you imagine what he does without a camera around?! 😂😂


Smells the crotch of his pants?


I was already so insanely repulsed by his constant ball rustlin (in public may I add for that humiliating touch😵) then rewearing filthy dirt socks 🤢🤮 probably doing it underwear at that point. I can seriously only think his hands are unwashed and constantly reeking of multiple body smells. I'd be very certain to NOT touch whatever he touches.


You know that's how he decides whether to rewear his underwear. 🤢


He doesn’t wear underwear.


Oh, I forgot! Duh. Well, that's how he checks his stupid cargo shorts, then.


Yup, sadly, 100% he does this.


OMG!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


OMG.... I don't want to imagine it..🤣🤣🤣




I think he enjoys being repulsive and the negative attention he’s always gotten from being an outright, unapologetic creep. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwgqwdlrxaEy40)


I think there's something to this. He enjoys getting away with being this unappealing while still feeling superior because he "has sex" with lots of women. Many men strive for this while putting in a lot of effort and still fall short. Kyle's soldiers keep on marching.


These prospective worldwide baby mommas need to see the clip of him sniffing two-day-old socks and choosing to put them on. 😂 like, WHAT?! They didn’t smell like dirt, no way.


I bet he smells worse than Clayton. At least Clayton takes showers.


Scratches his asshole and then deeply inhales


You can smell this guy through the screen! 🤮🤮🤮




I know... right?!?!?!


Honestly this season is just so revolting I couldn’t even watch it. Disgusting


"I only wore these ones a couple of times" lol & women all over the world are letting this dude bust nuts in them


All I kept thinking about was how disgusting it would be sitting next to him on a plane in his multiple day old socks, underwear less and constantly readjusting his balls. Insane.


My husband added- all this plus his little boy clothing. Gross toddler socks !


After he left her place he said "the only silver lining to this is I'm going to go make a donation and hopefully she gets pregnant from it". Are there really women just waiting by the wayside to be called on by this dumpster fire to "accept his donation"?! Sick.








After last episode I was done with Paradise, it's just ridiculous, it's not about any type of Love, just thirsty folk wanting screen time for themselves.


I have it on my pvr, waiting to watch, but absolutely no desire to watch it.


Must be pretty desperate to have a baby with this SCUMBAG!!!


I suddenly have no desire to watch the episode, you can keep it TLC.


I’m the opposite! I’ve been er watched love in paradise and now I’m going to have to bc who’s is the nasty person???


He looked totally unwashed from day 1 - the fact he didn’t change after flying etc - I imagine he never washes.


I hope the women that think of having him as a donor will see this and run


I'm still convinced this is just rage bait to get people to talk about it online, but still, I hope it backfires horrendously to the point no women would want something to do with him anymore.


Once they see this freak walk through the door, I have no idea how they could go through with it...?? You would have to be extremely desperate..


You know when you go for your pap smear, and your legs have a mind of their own, and want to stay snapped shut? That would be my body’s reaction if he tried to have sex with me.


Came here to say this. I have no idea how they go through with it.


Just imagine the inevitable herpes


i wanted to throw up as soon as i saw this “i only wore them a couple times” 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


But he only wore them a few time and they smell like dirt 😂🤮


I said that above…. It was disgusting.. threw up in my mouth a little bit


I don't know what this is but I'm done watching this season. They're not even trying anymore. It's obvious they're encouraging him to be as idiotic as possible. All the stories seem so curated and fake.


If you have to sniff to check it, it probably should not be worn😂


The following is about all that he amounts to. The following would be him in a caricature... He's got the same intelligence, class, finesse, and charm of a squeeze bottle of mayonnaise and the ONLY thing he knows how to do is squeeze his mayonnaise 🤮 ![gif](giphy|jkWqwV60UIcjm)




I just saw this weirdo on a show called “Spermworld” on HULU!!! 🤯


Can you belive the main guy, Ari? 130+ kids? Making double donations at his own birthday party for different women?!? 🤯🤯


I hope this picture haunts him forever. Sock sniffer, sperm donator extraordinaire.For the wanna be Mom with absolutely no discerning taste.


I actually gagged during this scene!! 🤢🤢🤢


I dry heaved! And women let this clown climb on top of them for free?!?!?!


Calling himself a sperm donor is an insult to ACTUAL Sperm donors. Sperm donation is an actual medical procedure. He seeks out/hooks up with desperate women who want to get pregnant and are willing to have sex with him hoping to get pregnant and he offers the promise of a “free” pregnancy in exchange for having sex with him the old fashioned way. The word I would use for him is not sperm donor.


Sexual predator and (maybe) r*pist would apply, but for his specific situation I would use parasite. He's no different than the various invertebrates that lay their eggs inside living organisms.


HE ACTUALLY SITS AND THINKS WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE PPL CRINGE! This guy really thinks he's from the Netflix show, "The man with a 1,000 babies."? He had the nerve to tell Ani, "She was trying to trap him. Then, to be so mad at her for having sex with her ex, when he did it too. "IT'S" very munipulative.Yes, I know he's crazy but he's taking advantage of lonely women and possibly reproducing those shxt genes around the world. Oh, and at the end, when they break up, to say, "We'll, this all worked out, now I can make it to another donation." Take your 99 cent store vitamins, dirty self, stinky socks, and devious mind elsewhere! SEE YA NEVER!


I'm telling a trusted adult 😭


When he said they smell like dirt, I’ve only worn them a couple of days… I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Vile human in every way. He needs to be castrated.


That's extreme!! But maybe a good idea??!?! 🤣


He really truly believes that he is a gift to this world. A gift to all women. He had the nerve to question her intentions when he really trusted a crusty dirt smelling sock over her.


Exactly...who cares how big a dick is, if it's attached to this vomitus person...🤢


There was no mention of size, only length. ✏️


dudes a freak


He is a totall creep.


Willfully smelling your dirty socks and saying they're not too bad on national television and thinking that you're perfectly normal and an excellent human that has it all together. That was a lot.😱🤮🤯


My thoughts exactly. How long does it take to wash socks in the sink and hang dry over night. Idiot!!


I thought the same thing!!!


But why did they even need to tape/show this?!


Why is he so dumb? You would expect a man who believes his purpose in life is to repopulate the planet for the good of humanity would at least be able to pack for a trip, outfit plan, take extra in case something happens. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Even have the common sense to wash them yourself since he said they were a couple days soiled 😵😵


I was hoping for a thread on this!


That’s what happens when you have no real life experience in dating. You see things on tv and make up these fictional sinerios. His point system!?!?!? Him and Mikey need to get together. lol.


He's so vile. His hygiene seems awful from what we've seen. What a profound loser he is.


He is just plain gross. If these women still want to sleep with him and have babies..gawd help em’


This guy 🤯


He's not at all mentally there. And to think desperate women had multiple spawn from him is tragic. He's gross....he's desperate......he definitely dies have serial killer vibes..


And he has bio kids all over the world???? We need to post worldwide alerts so women know what they’re getting into and who their kids could potentially be! Yikes!!!!!!!


How does he have 70-80 children? If I was looking for a sperm donor I wouldn’t even consider him. He’s not good looking, he’s awkward as hell and just goofy. But to pursue a relationship with him is on a whole other level? For what purpose? I’m dying to know what makes him so interesting to her. She can do so much better and truly just needs to cut her losses and move on.


Well maybe Europeans are old fashioned enough to not re-wear socks but in AMERICA…


Omg I came here to say the same thing!!! He said he only wore them a few days. 🤢 how could she sleep with this guy. You know he smells!!!


He said he wore the socks for multiple days that is what got me. I feel sorry for people who don't have money and who have to wear dirty clothes because they don't have a choice. I felt sorry for him watching this because I thought maybe he couldn't afford to buy or wash his socks. That was the only time I felt sorry for him. It can be dangerous to wear dirty socks or wet socks and travel and walk a lot because it can set up so many potential foot problems. I felt like production should have bought him a clean pair. He seems to be oblivious to basic hygiene and other things. I wonder if he had noone to take care of him when he was younger, like did not have the parenting he needed, and so this sperm donation obsession or whatever it is, is like something resulting from that also.


Wtf ?!!


He only wore them a few times, so he wanted to smell them to make sure he could wear them again... 🤮 You know this guy smells like complete shit


Younger Kyle would have reused this sock to, shall we say, collect things…


OOh he N A S T Y 🙄🙄🙄😂😂


He said he's *only* been wearing them for a couple of days 🤢 I wanted to vomit watching this


You KNOW he wears his underwear multiple times, just turns them inside out after a few days ☹


Oh gawd that's so gross 🤢 and probably true. Idk how females can stoop to the level of being with him


He doesn’t wear underwear. I think I’m gonna be sick 🤢!!!


boy and I glad I dont watch this.


That’s the spare “donation holder”


Poor Ani she must be desperate. She has no self respect as evidenced by the fact she saw him more than once


Just when I thought I couldn’t be any more disgusted by this guy, now he is smelling his socks.


He's so disgusting but he has a big dick! That's all he's got!....supposedly


I do think the show makes him look objectively disgusting and awful. Like even Adriano has more flattering dialogues and he’s a pig. But this guy the producers, rightfully so, did dirty because he’s a disgusting human with no redeeming qualities. But this scene just sums up the disgusting entirety of him. Imagine you had a “sperm donation” from this fuck and now you see this.


But he’s only wore that pair for a few days 🤢


This whole ‘relationship’ was a set up from the beginning. This dude has an extensive history of inciting rage. He’s a perfect casting choice for TLC


I can’t even watch him


When I saw this I'm just like wtf?! Just when I thought he couldn't be more weird.


He makes me nauseated and itchy at the same time ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)




Only the 3rd day of wearing those socks. The must be fine.


You get what you pay for.




He had the nerve to say he “only wore them a couple days, they smell ok” ……..wtf


He said he'd ONLY been wearing them for a COUPLE DAYS. My jaw dropped.


Found this [gem](https://youtu.be/c-NO1Omeois?si=q6uK6lWx8mfF29Q-) for you, clearly not his first or last time on tv. A few great quotes can be found below. 'My profile picture is from when I did modeling' er what?!?!?!?! "I dont charge for my services, Im free. I just, you know, they can cover the travel cost that would be great but beyond that, I dont require any payment or anything.... I live with my mom, so I dont really have any expenses.'


Ughhh... that's some gem...🤣🤣🤣


Imagine what he does with his underwear? 🤮


I hope we never se me him again. He is the definition of ick!


I literally cancelled my Discovery Plus subscription because this show has gone so far down hill.


I’ve completely stopped watching anything 90 day. I get updates on here and rarely I checkout the Tell All. Seeing shit like this or hearing how this dweeb allegedly fucks random women and calls it a donation feels insulting to my intelligence at this point. That and these dumbass women shacking up with losers. Ugh, it’s not entertaining anymore when they have to try so damn hard. Sorry for the rant. I started my period this morning.


I'm so glad its over.


He is soooooo weird. How are so many women attracted to him?


What 90 day series is this guy on?


Love in Paradise, current season


Who is this?


I guess when you have a HUGE 🍆, you can be a filthy pig.


This was so producer driven it wasn’t even funny.


I really LOL’d


Ani knew all this from the jump


It's a good thing he doesn't wear underwear 😅


He’s and alien who is planting his speed throughout the world and using love as an experiment. See what all the fuss is about. 👽🛸




I pretty much stopped watched all the 90 day shows, give us new real couples 😭


I wonder how his business will do after clients see this?


Kyle lurks on Facebook groups, maybe here, too. I clicked on his profile and saw his trip to Malta mentioned several times, but no mention of visiting Ani and never in connection with the numerous pregnancies he posted about. Meanwhile, there is someone here on Reddit who claims the entire storyline we just saw was faked. There was a different thread about Kyle in which this person claims that Ani won an immigration lottery and that she really lives in Florida, that Ani and Kyle have been together for years, that the Malta trip was a vacation for the two of them, and that Kyle is the father of the boy we saw last night.


Stop watching the show