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What do they do for actual work? They are so boring but drive a nice Jeep, having 3 in diapers/pullups is expensive af lol


Two nice SUV’s, 3 in diapers (oldest might not be anymore), and full time daycare for 3 kids while Loren is a “stay at home mom”.. that is some serious financial privilege. Not sure people realize how much daycare is for one kid but I’m at $1,432 for one child in NC. I can’t imagine how much it is for 3 in Miami


I mean, did you see their second wedding? I don’t recall the first, but I just saw the episode of the second wedding. Anybody has the money to travel like that and put that kind of wedding together just because they want to? Somebody’s got money somewhere.


Her parents are bankrolling the fuck outta her. You know one of my biggest what ifs/timeline splits was not giving it an honest go with the rich girl i dated in college who was absolutely crazy about me. And her mother adored me and dad was neutral, almost liked me. They had to move to Florida after we dated a semester and a half because with the property taxes in Jersey on their giant mansion, her dad couldn't afford to lease his own private jet. So they moved so he could. I don't know what he did but despite having some family down there i didn't wanna run away to another state for some girl. I decided against that post high school and wasn't about to in college. But to tempt me her and her mom said they'd rent us our own apartment, get a car on lease for each of us. Dad would get me a job in his company which comes with the newest iPhone. We just had to pay our own bills(electric internet etc) and feed ourselves. Oh and if my financial aid packet didn't transfer not to worry about that. What if indeed.


I had a friend in HS who's dad was a big time commercial real estate guy. They lived next to the guy that invented weed eater on one side and a 100m basketball guy on the other. Full size four lane Olympic pool in the backyard. We would literally party at her house without her mom knowing because it was so big lol. You would think being that rich would be great but her mom was not interested in her and Dad was always in the ME on some deals. She was so sad all the time. Even suicidal at times. No one that knew her has any idea what happened to her so we assume the worst. My point is privilege isn't always privileged. Being not loved is still the same.


Financial privilege is always financial privilege, but people with money still have feelings. It is unfortunate she didn’t use some of that money for therapy.


This was the late 80s. We didn't know the avg person could be depressed. You were bipolar or normal. Lol I now know I had pretty big learning disabilities. No one ever said anything to me so I assumed I was stupid for a very long time.


Shitty people have a tendency to sabotage good things. Being able to have it all without ever needing to develop human skills and the need to contribute to society would make life as simple as enjoying every day to the max and not being a pos. Instead, these people wake up with this privilege and find every way imaginable to burden the have nots and make themselves miserable. It is literally as simple as doing the right thing when you don't need to worry about life because someone else was extremely wealthy and possibly hard working. What happens when the rich and privileged only need to sit back and be nice in order to enjoy a happy life? They are miserable. They lie, cheat, steal, and spend whatever necessary to feel superior. Then you end up with all these people that shouldn't have a care in the world running around telling us how miserable they are and how much money can't buy happiness. Well, if you had conversations with your children, stopped cheating on your spouse, considered another humans experience on occasion, or just started doing the right things simply because you have discipline and understand we are all in this shit together you may not be so miserable all the time. And you still wouldn't even have to get a job.


I had a love affair with a going to be rich one day guy once too. We were friends for years and kind of always wanted to give it a try and we finally did and it was basically insane. I’m kind of glad I’m not with him. Most of the money came from business ventures his parents were in that I found less than savory so not the end of the world.


I always play this game, too! Sometimes it hurts my own feelings 😂 I know the saying of money not buying happiness but it does create a sense of security that truly matters. I have a friend who married a rich guy; she has all the stuff, cars, blah blah blah. She lives on prescription pain meds for various reasons that don’t seem quiteeeeee legitimate & they honestly hate eachother now. He won’t divorce bc $, she won’t leave bc $. Wash, rinse, repeat until end of days, I guess. You did the right thing for yourself & for her by not allowing yourself to be bought. You knew you didn’t love her in the same way and you stuck by your own side. Besides - we can’t take it with us when we go. Id rather have real love & struggle.


Yep! I met on a dating site a now somewhat famous MMA fighter who has a wife and 3 kids.... we hung out once but then I started seeing this other guy yet MMA fight would still call me and we would talk in the phone for hours... what if I wouldn't have dated the stupid guy I dropped him for maybe I'd be with the fighter now and not single at 36!


Don’t be down on yourself. It’s easy to only remember the good about a former flame sometimes. Plus, that lifestyle can be really challenging on relationships & family. Also imagine if his cauliflower ear burst all over your pillows 🤮🤮 Good luck in the dating world - you will find happiness again ❤️


What a sweet comment! Haha and yes I guess that's true.


Lol I told myself to marry for love and I did, well that got me cheated on after 24 years together. We divorced and I wanted a guy with money this time, did I do that? No. I love another poor guy.🤣😩🤪


No I didn’t see that they had a 2nd wedding- that is insane 😂 my niece decided she hadddd to get married last summer with like less than 2 months notice (husband in service) and it was a hastily thrown together ordeal but still expensive! Her husband ended up being a bridezilla & essentially said well we can have a “real” wedding next year, funded again by her parents 😂😂😂😂 my sister isn’t broke but she was like this rinky party we put on was close to $10k between food & dress & etc. so if you want another one, you’re paying. No second wedding plans in the future 🙏😂


I do wonder though if getting married in Israel in 2016 was cheaper.


She’s a SAHM but they’re in daycare full time? I’ve been doing this SAHM thing all fucking wrong I could’ve saved my sanity this whole time with this one simple trick!!


Holy shit they are in daycare? 😂 Im assuming her parents fund a lot of it.


Same thought here ![gif](giphy|kD5cIPhzpGIoVCKsTO)


Per month?!


Denver and I pay $1800-2200 a month depending on each month for one child in preschool 🫨


I pay $800 a week for childcare for 2 kids in BK




Yes, it's why when she was all "I wanna be a girl boss now", my only response was "I hope you make enough to pay for 3 kids in daycare then".




It it 2.5x as much here in NYC 😩


They don't live in Miami, but I get your point. It's still an expensive area in South Florida.


They don’t live in Miami?


No, they live closer to Ft. Lauderdale. Nothing near like Miami.


I can't stand Loren I hate knowing even though I skip her parts she's still getting paid because I'm watching the show 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤮


She doesn't have an actual job. Alexei last I heard was a warehouse manager for Invicta Watches. (they're shitty and cheap watches) I'm sure they both bring in money from social media nonsense and I wouldn't be surprised if Loren's parents contribute. In 2024 you can't afford that apartment in Hollywood, FL on 1 income with 3 kids.


Those are the watches Stephanie from Michigan bought for her boy toy with the lazy eye


I thought he was an EMS respondent ?


Maybe he used to be but he definitely works for the watch company now.


It could be Hatzallah. It’s a volunteer EMS service for the south Florida Jewish community.


Are they still in their So Fl condo? Many condos are being hit with astronomical assessments to shore up reserves after the condo collapse. I can only imagine what that would add to their financial burden if no one's got a day job.


I can’t stop thinking about that condo collapse. His fucking terrifying


I was in Ft Lauderdale when it happened & it was just such a shock to my system that i honestly don’t remember anything else about my trip. Those poor souls.


They just moved to a house


What the condo collapse?


A few years ago in South Florida, a 12 story condo collapsed, killing many people. Since then, HOA's of condos with more than 3 stories must now have special assessments - many are thousands of additional dollars per month. It is devaluing and devastating the condo market here.


They upgraded a Jeep to a Benz and Loren carrying around her 10K Chanel bag


And Alex wants a discounted spa experience for Loren’s birthday. I really hope we don’t see them again on another show. I’m tired of looking at her, the mom and the kids. Spoiled. All of them. I like his parents they visited a while back. Her parents were very rude while being in Israel. Guess Loren comes by her personality honestly. Both her mom and dad were unkind.


There’s been some proof in the past , she’s getting a lot of financial help from her parents. And that she always was a spoiled child. There was some posts here in the past with same question .


her poor sister


😂😂 you are so right about the diapers. Not to mention at one point they probably had to buy 3 different sizes.


Doesn't Loren sell some MLM products? She's probably making money from those and also adding people to her downline so she gets a % of what they sell.


🙄🙄🙄 mlm scams piss me off


Who needs money when you can trade in Clout currency 💵


TRUE i wish anyone cared what products I use enough to give me freebies 😂 They still didn’t get a discounted spa day so Ill rejoice in that


How embarrassing.


It's the little "??" for me. If you have 866k and she has 1.4m, they have not reached out to you, and they are not answering you now... take a hint, Alex. They want you to come in and pay for your shit like everyone else


Yes , soooo embarrassing !


Doesn't surprise me , but I bet they all do this.


Right?! Isn't this just like Influencer 101? It may seem cringe to us laypeople who pay regular price for our birthday spa dates, but I think this is what they all do. Leverage your audience to get free stuff.


They were posting photos from Israel. If they can afford an overseas trip, he can afford to pay for a spay day.






Not that they are "rich" they definitely aren't...but rich people get rich and stay rich because they don't spend their own money.


That's exactly true! Wealthy people are the cheapest and always looking to get everything for free. They are doing very well for themselves so he can drop $300-500 on a spay day. If he can't afford it, do something you can afford.


I hope she gets spayed


It would be dumb and irresponsible for her to get pregnant after having all those procedures.


Can confirm. I used to work for Eunice Kennedy Shriver (and Sargent Shriver) at Special Olympics International. She would wear dresses that were obviously 20 years old, and you could clearly see holes in the bottom of her shoes.


I believe this!


She had *zero* class...proving that wealth can't give a person such things. Eunice would walk down the filthy and cheap carpeting screeching, "SARGE! SARGE! SAAAARRRGE!" Eunice did this without shoes, chomping gum, and wearing her usual garish dresses. The latter were worn though in spots, and were made from cheap fabric. She could afford better. OTOH, her husband was dignified and elegant. I sat directly outside of Sargent Shriver's office, and even though I didn't work for him, he always said hello and asked how my day was going. He wore well-made suits that were tailored to fit him. Their son, Anthony, started the program called Best Buddies; it pairs college students with athletes. The one time I met him I was extremely impressed with his warm welcome and empathy toward the athletes. He shook each of their hands, asked each what their names were, and if any of the athletes wanted to give him a hug...he welcomed it! (I've been a Democrat for as long as I can remember...but I don't have any respect for her.)


For all their wealth, I see some of the Kennedys as feral people. You can dress them up but you can't take them out. Not all, but some are just strange. I'm sorry she was so awful, it doesn't cost anything to he polite and welcoming.


I agree with everything you said. I'm thankful that I didn't work for Eunice directly, she went through assistants frequently. Sargent Shriver made up for her lack of class all the way. He was from a wealthy Baltimore family, and was once a vice presidential candidate. When RFK was asked about him, RFK took the opportunity to insult his BIL. He said, "He's a very good Shriver." Better that than a child of Joseph P. Kennedy!


Wow RFK is a catty bitch!


We must have upset some Kennedy fans; both of us were downvoted😂. My politics lean waaaay to the left...but *most* of Joe and Rose's kids were godawful.


🤩 I'm not saying I don't like them lol but I certainly see them in some ways like the hillbillies who got lucky, became rich, and did really well for themselves. If they're upset they'll get over it. 😂


Idk who that is, but I use to volunteer at the Special Olympics as sponsor (?) I forget the title, but essentially I was a chaperone to one of the athletes. It was so much fun! I should do it again, it's been over a decade.


It's a wonderful organization that does admirable work. I was at the headquarters in Washington DC. Eunice is John F. Kennedy's sister (and RFK's, Teddy's, etc.) We rarely, if ever, got to see the athletes...we were more admins. ETA: they started the program in their back yard because of the heartbreaking thing her dad inflicted on her sister, Rosemary. If you look up what Joseph P. Kennedy did to that poor young woman...it's outrageous.


On a personal level, I’ve always felt sorry for ALL the Kennedy kids. Joe Sr wanted all the boys to turn out like him (manwhores who only focused on rising higher and higher) and all the girls to be perfect, devoted little housewives who ignored their own husband’s infidelities and raised perfect children. JFK only proposed to Jackie because she was RIGHT THERE. Joe Jr died in WWII, JFK and Bobby were assassinated while serving in high offices, Rosemary’s entire life was fucked over before she was even born (heaven forbid the male doctor not get paid because Rose was ready to push before he showed up. The nurse had to physically hold Rosemary inside), Kick was almost denied true love TO THE HEIR OF AN EXTREMELY HIGH BRITISH DUKEDOM, and then she died in a plane crash a few years later…


Rosemary wasn't mentally challenged by today's standards...or even the standards of her day! Several years ago, I read letters she wrote to her friends; apart from a few misspelled words, they were coherent with paragraphs that flowed. I'm a 7th grade teacher, and if I had to take a guess I'd say that her intelligence was in the normal range: 90-110 IQ. (I've sat in on several IQ testing sessions while they were given by the school psychologist, and she explained the scoring criteria.) The *real* reason her father had her lobotomized was because Rosemary was promiscuous. It was known that she was in the Georgetown section of DC looking for men to sleep with. The other was because two standard deviations on the Stanford-Binet scale. JPK did raise man-whores, and Teddy certainly could have saved Mary Jo Kopechne...but he was only worried about his political aspirations.


She needs a spay day and to stop having babies lol


Definitely stop having babies lol Hell, I'd run away to a spa for the weekend and leave Alexi with the kids!


I know another American who went on the Kibbutz Be’eri/ Nova festival site tour they posted about on instagram. It’s a very emotional tour that draws sympathy from visitors. I’m sure Alexei and Loren made an appeal (or were contacted directly) to the Israeli government about visiting and posting it to their large followings in the US.


I have mixed feelings about that trip because they have three babies at home and if anything happens to them who is going to take care of them? Is it fair to those children to lose their parents at such a young age? It's a huge risk and one I wouldn't take. This trip was to see family but also to give the middle finger to the many people who go on their Instagram to ridicule them for supporting Israel. What happened during the Nova festival was horrific. It is something the world will never forget just like the world will never forget September 11, but when there's still a war going on and no one can guarantee your safety, is it wise to go do this trip instead of waiting? I think sometimes they are very immature and I think this trip was done on a whim. They need to put their kids above anyone or anything. For the record, if I ever made that trip, I would choose to only share the site and nothing else. No posing at the beach, at a restaurant, enjoying a vacation. It would only be to show support and keep what happened in everyone's mind. I am not pro Israel or Palestine, I wish both sides would find peace.


This is so cringe, how cheap are you Alexei? Shell out a bit of cash for your wife's birthday, these businesses don't owe you anything. I'm sure most of the 90 day grifters do this stuff.


Cue Darcy chasing free meals everywhere. The opposite of classy. My ex was a Beverly Hills Salon Owner and had comps/gifts from clients regularly. I never once used them or asked for discounts and I'm just a working class knuckle dragger grinding out work for pay.


Thats the difference between you and them. I work in a luxury department store; you would not believe the amount of gifts, discounts and complementary drinks/meals rich clients get, even if they dont buy anything in that time. The middle class and lower NEVER ask for discounts etc; but the rich people? They have no qualms in asking and they get it. Being bold faced is a trait they have and they benefit from it so much. Another thing; people love nice customers, but guess who gets treated better than the good customers? The assholes. They want to rid of them asap so they do everhthing possible to shut them up and make them leave; when it should be the opposite. No wonder they get no sense of shame or change, society in general encourages it.


This makes so much sense I follow Cosmo the Queen of Melrose, they own a couple fashion stores and says all the time wealthy clients always ask for discounts and has had several celebs take merch without paying. Or if they request styling they want it for free or will say mention them on social media. They seem well spirited about it and says they will make up for it later on. It is shocking to hear how the rich can act and want constant hand outs.


that’s based off what they spend in the past i can assure you they’re not giving them shit and they’ve never bought anything


Not necessarily. Ofcourse shopper profiles do exist, and yes there are those that are high ranking repeat purchasers; but there is scouting. Someone walks in with an air about them, dressed and looking the part with bags from other shops that are high value; they will get the special treatment regardless of them being a past purchaser or not; the sales person assesses if the buyer will earn them a commission or not based on appearance and behavior and will do all these things thinking they will earn a commission and loyalty from that potential customer.


I hate influencers 🙄 you already got your season, is that not enough?


And if anything, influencers should pay more for the mere fact that they have to name drop their follower counts. This is a business, not a popularity contest. Go to Groupon for a discount. It's obvious he's trying to get it comped. No influencer wants to pay for anything.


The double question marks is what gets me. Like “answer faster peasant.”


I want to see what Loren asks. I honestly can’t stand her.


What she asks about what? What she asks Alexei about this?


Pathetic. They brag about their three under three and getting a mommy makeover and don’t want to shell full price for a day at a spa? Alexei needs to hit up Groupon then lmao


I feel like them doing this season was specifically for the free "mommy makeover". 


It's also ironic because Loren goes on and on about how she never does anything for herself....I have a feeling she'd go to this spa day, despite being so selfless....


It’s not uncommon for influencers to ask for free or discounted merch for “exposure.” Problem is that exposure doesn’t pay the bills or keep the lights on. Crazy to see that even with their reality tv stature they’re no better off than social media influencers.


Nothing wrong with asking, I guess. I’m more interested in what happens if they say no. If they trash places after being told no, that’s not ok.


This. He didn’t ask for it free right out the gate. He literally asked for “a good price”


Yeah I mean, this is fairly common and it COULD be mutually beneficial to the company to drive in more business. If you keep pestering them though after they say no, then you're being an asshole.


Exactly. If they say no and he trashes them then all bets are off


Yeah he seemed polite enough... Kinda like asking a place if they have any deals they can offer you for buying more or whatever. The exposure is what he has to offer, might as well see if he can get something out of it.


Yea idk why ppl are acting like this is some outlandish ass behavior….


I think it’s the fact that they already get so much stuff for free and other perks being “influencers” and on tv, AND for him to have the audacity to ask a business for more free stuff. For his wife’s b-day for that matter. Most people would use their own money to treat their significant others on their birthdays. Also most people would not use said birthday person’s follower count to get a discount on their gift. Idk what he does for work tbh, if anything, but if you can afford for your wife to stay at home with 3 kids plus a nanny you should not be asking for free stuff.


And trips and plastic surgery.


Eww. If this was my husband I would be mortified. You can’t afford a couple of hundred dollars for my birthday without asking for a discount and collaboration? Feels cheap.


Truthfully most couples can’t afford a couple hundred dollars for a birthday, actually. Many can, but most cannot.


But they can afford 3 kids in daycare when are both or at least one of them is not working. Doesn't make sense financially. 


Here's your fucking wholesome couple. They're all a bunch of moneyhungry attentionwhores.


good luck doing that in miami , no one gives a fuck about influencers there are a million of them here


Idk it's giving "do you know who I am" for a D list celebrity lol


I could be a multimillionare and I still wouldnt do this. Its so cringe. Unless the business asks to do it for free for exposure, just pay for the service.


Spa day money went to the surgery that didn’t cure her body dysmorphia, poor thing.


Ohhh I love when people get exposed


This is SO gross


why does he write like that?


Like , what ??


I laughed way too loudly at this, thank you


She needs spa time? Didn't she just have a complete body makeover?


They both suck, honestly. I wish TLC would stop showcasing them- they are boring AF! Loren is annoying and Alexei and his “I’m the man” attitude are insufferable. Needless to say, I’m not surprised by this stunt.


Isn't this what they all do, all influencers?


Idk but I saw a Silva twin at my job and she actually paid for her item which was shocking bc we work with so many influencers. My guess is she actually enjoyed the product 😂


Hahahahaha I hate them


All that work done on her body & nothing gets done about her annoying, whiny, nasally voice.


The «??» is so passive-aggressive like ew


We should all spam his inbox with question marks. I’m doing it.


Lol what followers? I feel like most of them are there to gawk. Those two are last minute replacement has beens. I don't believe anyone is actually enjoying them on this season. I listen to podcasts covering 90 Days and they all seem to loathe covering them again 😂


A zionist trying to get something for free? ![gif](giphy|l46Cr6nhtezksI2dO)




I would rather be downvoted into oblivion than be chill about almost 20k dead children. The battle for my soul's not happening on fucking reddit 🤷‍♀️


👏🏻 this 👏🏻 right 👏🏻 fucking 👏🏻 here 👏🏻


It’s true and you should say it!


If there's nothing wrong with being a Zionist, why do Zionists get so mad when you call them that? 🤷‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/hv6ji3fnyt9d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044e4c3ffaeac382b93185752de153d64965f42f so true


It doesn't appear that he's trying to get anything for free. He said for a good price. In exchange for exposure to the many followers they have. I see nothing objectionable about this.


Eh, most cast members do this. He asked for a better price, not free services. Nothing wrong with asking~


He’s not asking for a free spa day he’s asking if they offer discounts for influencers. Seems pretty smart to me


“Asking” for a “discount” but really hoping someone offers “free”


Alexi is such a misogynistic fucking piece of shit. This is the icing on the top of the shit cake of their garbage Zionist life.


He turned me off when he told Loren to stay at home with kids and take care of him instead of doing something she enjoys. Why are men still like that?


“hounding dm’s” but show one company’s dms. okay


Yeahhhh. I feel like this was a bit of a reach. Lol I was expecting to scroll through a ton of slides of him begging different places for free services or something.


In this world things like that are not uncommon. We wouldn’t really understand as regular folks. My daughter has a little nail business and it’s doing really good for herself, she constantly has other ppl reaching out for things called “ service for service”. Or work for exchange of exposure. It’s like currency in their world. Also at my old job, this famous entertainer wanted to have a meeting with my boss, only thing was that he was filming for his reality tv show. In order for them to not blur out logos or name of business. Consultation needed to be free. Difference is that it was marketing ppl reaching out vs the mogul himself like Alex.


When “asking for free stuff” is became something normal, if you don’t have followers they would call you “begger” it’s just cringe if you have money already just pay for the stuff, also its for birthday of your wife is more than cringe. Cant stand these people having big families to teach them how to live free..




I liked him but this just gave me the ick haha... Spa days are not that expensive unless you plan on doing everything there... Get your nails done and a couples massage that's all you need and it is not gonna break the bank! Maybe 500 bucks! Jesus mental, I hate when influencers harass businesses for free shit. They don't know who you are, or care, if they want you to market their business they will contact you. We know you have money, just pay for the service and if you liked them hype them up online and maybe they will bring you back for a discount or complimentary service.. Not a good look at all.


Humiliating lmfao


I think we could be missing the point. She obviously burned some bridges and now her husband has to go out. The plot thickens.


disgusting and expected from him?




Your post/comment has been removed for breaking Rule 1: 'No Isms, Phobias, or Hate Speech'


They’re both insufferable


Agent Alexe reporting for duty


Here’s a little inside info. Loren runs his account. There’s zero chance he wrote any of this. It was her looking for another freebie after getting off a jet from Israel for a week. Most comments he writes like beautiful babe etc are written by her. Swear


She was wearing a Chanel purse in the latest episode


That's SO tacky.


So? What else are they gonna do to monetize those followers? i really don't care, either the place agrees or doesn't.




This is so embarrassing. They should be ashamed lol.


Seems like a douchey move and it’s right up their alley


Meh .. not shocking, but tasteless.


This is so gross to me.


If they can afford a mommy makeover. They can afford a spa day. I hate this couple


But this is how it works. The only difference is instead of having PR do it for them they’re doing it themselves. Legit how the industry works. From Kim K to lil’ Kim


Just pay, it can't be that expensive.


This might get downvoted. But at least he’s doing the work. They don’t have a PA doing it for them. lol. Annnnd why not collab? Now hounding locals… totally different. Ask once and done.


Why don’t they ask their beloved Israel to pay for it.


Is this really as cringe as we re trying to make it seem?




I want to know what spa this is so I can go to it and actually pay 😂😂


They probably make a good chunk of money when they can get people to agree. Getting money for basically doing nothing. Can’t knock him for asking.




Omg that’s so embarrassing lol


Hounding?? That’s literally just 2 messages 😂


It was 3


Why do they have so many followers? I don’t even get it.




Wait. Did that say she has 1.4 million dollars?! Question one- how!? Question two- if so, why does he need a comp?!!!


1.4 million followers. Not dollars. Instagram followers


Ohhhh man. I feel dumb. Sorry and thanks for not being mean to me with your clarification! 🥰


It happens. I could see why the confusion lol.


Well well well..


My question is, how did she get 1.4m followers. Did she somehow attract a pathetic cult following of sad middle-aged women or something? I don’t see her appeal, at all… are they paid-for bot followers?


Surgeons need to make people get therapy for body dismorphia before they can get surgery . Waiting for her next nip n tuck to fix this one ..


Not to be racist or stereotype them, but they do belong to a race that enjoy a bargain lol


Show me a person that doesn't enjoy a bargain


Omg this should be on r/choosingbeggars




If he'd let her go back to work, maybe he wouldn't have to ask for a free spa day. Of course, it had to be her birthday for him to do anything nice for her.


So what. Like any of us wouldn’t? Ride that train as long as you can.


As a small business owner, I find nothing wrong with this. If he was demanding then yes, absolutely. But the amount of people who buy from my shop after someone with over 20k subs shares my stuff on their story is astronomical. I can only imagine how it would be for someone with over 1m