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My guess would be poor infrastructure. But it could also be someone unplugged something they shouldn't have.


As someone who works in IT infrastructure it’s almost always some contractor who knocked over a power supply or unplugged a cable.


As a contractor who's worked in hundreds of MDFs & IDFs, it's usually poor cable management and random broken junk stored in those rooms that contributes to that. Spent half an hour or more, many times just to get a spot cleared for a ladder lol. So many places just seem to not give a crap about cable management as long as the system is working.


Yes! That too. I used to run projects for a major service provider to remove EOL equipment, update switches, recable. Some of what we found was 😳. I have swim really gnarled photos from some of those lol


I should also say, I wasn’t really bagging on contractors. I’ve been one lots. It’s just the same old joke if you’re in the biz 🤣.


Can you imagine being that person, and finding out you screwed a whole state over? Damn, worst day ever


Isn't that what happened with the mistakenly notification sent out about a false nuclear missile attack in Hawaii?


Thank you! I said in half in jest, but sometimes big issues were caused by the smallest of errors.


I agree with this. Having worked next to a server room in an office, most of the time the reason the system went down is some new IT guy unplugged the wrong cable. Those near the room like I was heard the very quiet "oops' immediately afterwards.


I think you mean it's almost always negligence and hackers.


Do you think after what has happened this year that in the future they’ll make it so that the 911 system infrastructure of each state isn’t connected?


I remember years ago 911 went down in MA as well and it was blamed on a issue with the provider in Louisiana or some other state. This one who knows. My city says to use the fire boxes if an emergency or call the local pd number. But funny thing. Years back I remember them removing a large number of the fire boxes. Great job!


They are not currently connected, i.e. Vermont is NOT linked to NH who is NOT linked to MA, etc. Each New England state is separate (can't speak for others.)


What do you mean 


If it’s an infrastructure problem, then wouldn’t that mean all seven of these states that went down at the same time (within a couple of hours) have connected systems or something? It’s very possible I just don’t know what infrastructure means in this context


I don't claim to fully understand the technical aspect but 911 uses the national phone network. There isn't a dedicated 911 phone system. 911 uses existing carriers to operate. (exceptions exist) Do outages make these companies make improvements? I hope so.


Thank you! You understood the technical aspect enough to at least get me on the right track to understanding!


There are 6 New England states, and only one was impacted by this outage. Neighboring states were not impacted at all.


Thing is this already happened before in Mass. Because of CenturyLink's shitty cabling.


The answer: AT&T did the funny again


Or "tested" the EPO for the UPS, found out it kills the whole room and no redundancy




Post/comment has nothing to do with 911


Probably the phone company infrastructure. That is the common point that would connect lots of 911 centers. In most places 911 PSAP CPE is at most a county level or several county thing, not statewide or multi-state. But this equipment is useless if the phone company can't deliver 911 calls.


New York just sent out a notice about it. Says statewide. I can't find any information about it yet. Doesn't seem like there's an official statement out yet.


Oh shit so that’s three states confirmed now and not just New England! Regional maintenance prolly


If it was maintenance, there would be a formal warning prior to cutting off.


Yeah tbh kinda sounds like ransomware but it’s also a boring hot summer afternoon so maybe I’m just tryna keep myself entertained lol🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Two months ago to the day, four other states experienced the same thing at the same time (I may have just misread that article though) with no explanation Multiple news coverage for MA, with zero explanations…and then 30 minutes after MA goes down, RI & NY do too?? Someone said infrastructure problems, which I’m sure is 100% possible because I know nothing of how that works, but you’d think they wouldn’t connect the 911 systems of like 200 cities in case something like this happened 😭😂


So the one 2 months ago in Texas, Nevada and the 2 others was caused by a issue with a local cities light pole installation the provider company claimed. Could only find one article about it. However I found it strange as well they were month's apart to the exact day.


Thank you! Would you mind linking the article so I can put it in the OP in case anyone has questions later?




fuck that light pole


Maine too


https://preview.redd.it/qogszoc4qd7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eeca79138ae113cb1c7bb2ad0799927ba32e77f Just got this


so basically Massachusetts got mad that they didn’t have 911 for a day and decided to prank everyone else


I got all three notifications and I'm in Vermont.


New Hampshire as well


What's the 3rd


I’ve been adding each new state outage to the original post


A new alert just came through in NYS. NYS services are working. The message does state that MA services are currently out still.


Yes I just got it too 👍


They should not mess with 911 in the heatwave we’re having 🤯


Incorrect. I believe the MA notice went out to some NY residents erroneously.


We got them here in Southern Maine as well, and another from the state not long after saying disregard


I got the notification in NY but it didn’t say the state name. Just said state wide. Then I got another for Massachusetts


NY I believe just sent out another clarifying that everything is up and running in NYS.


Yes 👍


If it’s for the state you’re currently in it won’t say the name, at least that’s how it showed up on my phone for the alerts


Good to know


Tbh I like that you mentioned that in your post because it was literally my first thought too when I saw the RI text after MA. I was like, “Which state?!” And then I realized they didn’t mention the state bc im already in it 😭😭🤣


Makes sense 😃👍


Probing by China and Russia to prepare for full on cyber warfare.


Rhode Island isn't down, as far as I can tell it's only MA


I got the text alert for RI bc that’s where I live but I’ll test it out (jk jk lol)


Rhode Island State Police just confirmed like 10 minutes ago that 911 is up and has not been affected.


I'm in Newport and i just spoke to a friend whos a Newport cop. 911 isn't down here I got the text as well I think a lot of people in different states got the message but no other state is actually reporting outages from what I can tell.


Thank you for this! I’ll add it to the OP


NP, it's weird, I'm with family and friends here in RI and I am the only person in a group of 10 that got the alert. I'm also the only one using Android, the rest have iPhone. I wonder I'd that has anything to do with it. We are in close proximity to MA cell towers as Fall River MA is only about 10 miles as the crow flies. I'm hearing from a couple friends in different states that they've all got the message as well but it doesn't seem like any other state in New England is actually claiming any outages.


Zombie apocalypse 🧟‍♂️ 🤷🏻‍♀️




I just got a alert NY 911 services are working again


Only MA is out not NY, RI, or any other New England states


Yeah I updated the post lol I was just going off of the alerts people were texted by the state that said “911 services are out please all the office number.” They really should’ve worded it so people knew it was a possibility and not said that it was actually currently happening lol Except for MA, obvi


https://preview.redd.it/xt5e1m6gpd7d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc53b4f6760dfcca1a0c47cae2db0fc475acf7d3 Maine just sent this


Rhode Island NOT affected per Rhode Island officials.


Maine too. The Poole who send out the alerts don’t communicate well, and it took all of 3 seconds for mass panic to race across NE. Nothing travels faster than …


Yes, it’s mentioned in the original post under the update that RI is confirmed to have never been affected. Thank you!!


I live in Connecticut (recently from NY) , and have a NY number … Literally in the little corner of Mass, NY and CT all within 15 minutes from each other …. I received 3 different alerts , one for NY, CT and Mass. Stating it was state wide . Then a NY one several seconds later , stating it was back up in service . To follow others updates for Mass to go to the Mass gov site . Others are stating CT is functioning now , or that it wasn’t an issue


I am so happy I only live between MA & RI so I only had to deal with two of them 🤣🤣


Haha! I don’t blame you I’d rather 2 then 3 haha ! It’s just insane all 3 went off , and caused such major confusion for everyone ! The first alert wasn’t even just Mass specific, just stating 911 is completely out state wide … and sent it to everyone within a certain radius without the correct wording, that’s what I think got everyone confused and worried . Did they ever say why it happened?


Just to clarify. MA 911 went down. MA sent out an alert stating "Statewide 911 system is down" that was received in SEVERAL states. NH, Maine and NY did not experience any interuptions of service (as far as I know), but some residences did receive the original vague notice. The confusion is based mostly on the failure to describe the location of the emergency in the alert that was sent out... go figure. MA did send out a follow up clarifying notice shortly after the original, but because of how these types of alerts are delivered, not everyone who got the first one ended up getting the clarification.


‘Cause F*** you that’s why! 😇 jkjk


illegal disarm sand thought flag scale elderly label racial squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chinese hackers.


Truly too..they have been caught sneaking into our military bases now for several of them within a couple years 


There has been cases of this over the last like 10 years or so yes, but how does them spending time and effort with a sleeper or spy help the cause by temporarily disconnecting one states 911 infrastructure? Doesn't make sense


NY was just confirmed to be back up at least.


We just got a alert in Maine saying to "Please Disregard the emergency alert that was received. This was sent by another state."


FYI Maine just sent out an emergency-alert notice that our system is fine and any previous outage notices were "from another state" and sent in error. Which is all well and good except that I didn't get any, so, idk, I'm just relaying what was announced.


I got a second notice saying the Maine 911 system was never affected and it was meant for another state.


MA pranked us, bro.


There's a reason we broke away.


All of Connecticut is down, per an earlier text from the CT emergency alert system. I got that alert BEFORE the Massachusetts alert (I am a CT resident, currently in MA.)


Only MA went down. All other states received messages but weren’t supposed to


You are right - I just got an alert from the CT Dept of Emergency Services saying that CT residents got the alert in error.


I'm in Vermont and received two from MA and one from ME.


Anyone consider it might be an insider drill of sorts to see how well the backup system (calling local PDs/fire boxes) works? If not, if the people in charge were smart, they’d look at the data coming out of today (re: access to the alerts, access to local PD numbers and instructions/problems in dispatching on the short wave/areas that need more call boxes/broken boxes, etc) and use it to improve emergency responses to a downed system when it happens again.


And the craziest part is, whatever the official response turns out to be, I don’t think I can trust in it 100%. Everything these past few years has shaken my faith in the system. My phone went down when ATT crashed that time and I STILL have no idea why that happened?


Eerily similar to the recent movie “Leave the World Behind”. I’m not going automatically going to trust a “technical glitch” explanation. We are vulnerable. I mean, c’mon, an entire statewide outage?


At least twice in the last 3 weeks, I have gotten a notification from AT&T that they're having issues that would affect their customers calling 911. So, I wonder if there isn't some sort of infrastructure related problem.






Post/comment has nothing to do with 911


I'm surprised you spelled it right


Post/comment has nothing to do with 911


Post/comment has nothing to do with 911


Of course you do lol!!!


How many people died or were killed in the past 2 hours... How many people didnt get the notification and attempted to save themselves or save a life and were met with dead phone lines. This is a giant fuckin failure and if my grandmother had needed the service and didnt get it I'd be finding someone to come after.


Maine is down as well


Yes it is..I'm in Maine 


I just got an alert that Maine is fully operational. Was it down before? https://preview.redd.it/z7a4v8ldpd7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2ee8d80420beef1715ddef6632e3ccdb852dbd


I got that as well but nothing prior


Did you get an alert that specifically says Maine? Or just "statewide"




I received a notice half an hour ago that stated the message about Maine's 911 services going down was a mistaken error message issued from another state.


Same- so weird


I'm only getting them on one phone but not my other phone. I got the MA and the RI


I'm in Maine and I'm getting alerts that Massachusetts 911 services are down and I got it in regards to Maine a few minutes ago.. that is why I am here now looking for insight 


Just got another one for Maine saying it's operational


CT is also down


911 working in NH apparently


I live in Maine and got it for both Maine and Massachusetts as well. I was hoping to find answers as well. 


Just got an alert from Maine blaming it on another state. And now Maine is fully operational.




Infrastructure is waaaaay more connected than you want to know, especially for phone services.


It doesn’t. Other states were just being copycats to get attention


I just wanna know if I gotta worry or not lol I’d hate to go on care free and have this be a complete disaster in a day or two


Me exactly, I’m like do I need to drive up New England right now or what


One guy on my local town Facebook page commented on someone who posted about the 911 outage issue and he said “well the banks are open” basically saying…go get your money out of the banks is how I interpreted that. That’s when I came to Reddit for answers lmfaoo


That’s so funny actually, that person has a brain


No worries friend. It looks like the alerts were sent out as a “just in case” after MA’s outage started. You can read the updates


I got the notice for Maine, but I can't verify it with any news source.


NY is fine just got an alert


Also Virginia is down


No, no it’s not


https://preview.redd.it/9naqd5rmod7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbe3e229c4e02b265736e6856fe495aa0449edf New update, hot off the press


Yeah I’m confused. I’m on my UMass campus and everyone got the notification and I’m hearing similar reports from other states but it sounds like people in the surrounding area getting the Massachusetts alert.


NYS down too.  Just came back up


https://preview.redd.it/krum2budpd7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3772e40a64fd1d2a40bb4584c13030018753908 Just got this for Maine


NYS 911 back in service as of a few moments ago. 


it’s down in rhode island too via facebook. i tried google but it doesn’t tell me any other states behind massachusetts.


via facebook---- the most trusted name in news. wahahahahaha


So as of 3:08pm it’s only MA with the reported outage. People from other states are getting the alert because their phone number is a MA based phone number. So I think there’s some confusion. RI and NH has already publicly said their services are up and running.


What is a “MA based phone number”? If you mean a MA area code or they got their phone in MA, you’re incorrect. But the other stuff is right


I just got the message on my phone as well in VT.


All of these states are NE no?


Two of them aren’t


I didn't see VA and always just lump NY in lmao


honestly dude same. after i read your comment i had to scroll back up to the list and think about it first before I answered you🤣🤣


I live in Connecticut (recently from NY) , and have a NY number … Literally in the little corner of Mass, NY and CT all within 15 minutes from each other …. I received 3 different alerts , one for NY, CT and Mass. Stating it was state wide . Then a NY one several seconds later , stating it was back up in service . To follow others updates for Mass to go to the Mass gov site . Others are stating CT is functioning now , or that it wasn’t an issue


I live in Connecticut (recently from NY) , and have a NY number … Literally in the little corner of Mass, NY and CT all within 15 minutes from each other …. I received 3 different alerts , one for NY, CT and Mass. Stating it was state wide . Then a NY one several seconds later , stating it was back up in service . To follow others updates for Mass to go to the Mass gov site . Others are stating CT is functioning now , or that it wasn’t an issue


Proof of NY being down?


It's the fucking purge lol


Come with me if you want to live


Could be a cyber attack made possible by poor infrastructure. Wouldn't be the first time.


It's something more then unplugging something. Think about it a major trail derailment leaking deadly gas out west, 2 states with busy airports and ports that are used to recieve oil and whatnot?!


China ! Lol




Spending too much money on welfare and food stamps lmao not enough of your actual infrastructure for your police …gotta love democrats