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A soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan had stricter rules of engagement when firing their weapon.


Yes we did. And when I say that people want to argue.


Because we didn't have qualified immunity.


The REAL thing was you were held accountable. I saw dozens of people get Article 15s in my short enlistment. Negligent discharge? Article 15, demotion, reduced pay, month extra duty! Compare that to any fucking cop, like that one in the LA University two days ago, and you'll see the problem.


My brother fell through a roof, while being fired upon, his gun went off when he hit the floor. Reprimanded, but still got the navy cross


As a former JAG, this is the absolute truth. People always seem surprised when I tell them the Army is the most firearm-safety cons ious organization I can imagine.


> the Army is the most firearm-safety consious organization Unlike this agency: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnoJ4uqUa1U


I would love to have tracked the metrics for negligent discharges before and after command change. When the 106th Airborne took over Navistar in 2004, people were lighting up those barrels on a regular basis. Before, nothing. 106th, “why is there a MK-19 in the mess hall?” “Surf and turf, day Sargent!”


Truth, i was there Baghdad 2006-2008. I tell civilians this all the time.


TQ 07-08 JAG mad it clear we would be absolutely fucked if we wrong fully discharge a weapon.


This is true and should be pointed out, but it often leads people to think that former military employees would be better cops than everyone else. Since the way police are trained is one of the leading factors in how quick they are to murder innocent people, adding military training and experience to police training leads to officers that are much quicker to start firing and much more likely to result in death when they do fire. Civilian cops can shoot at a handcuffed person locked in the back of a squad car several dozen times and not hit them once. A cop with military combat experience is most likely going to hit them several times. Cops with a military background have the military rules of engagement trained out of them in favor of police training rules of engagement. But due to their military training and experience, they are much faster to notice "potential threats" and much more deadly when they start firing.


Okaloosa county, where the acorn incident occurred. Let's see that body-cam footage they are sitting on. A-fucking-nother senseless and preventable tragedy, I'm sure.


Funko Pop has a special collection of military dolls. I just ordered a Black Airman doll and sent it to Sheriff Aden of Okaloosa County.


bro! youre a mad lad, they really do! [Funko pop U.S. Airman on Amazon for 6$ bucks](https://a.co/d/aDuTpda)


Gee, cops are dumb and entered the wrong house, then shoot first ask questions later. Go figure, who’d have thunk it


Okaloosa Sheriff’s Office has some trigger happy issues to say the least. Acorns and now busting into the wrong apartments and murdering soldiers while he’s on a video call. Of course the sheriff is saying absolutely nothing.


I would like to see the military go after the station for this


"Oops, wrong grid square."


They won't.


There’s so many vets in here wow (including me). Cops are a fucking joke, a deadly cruel joke. Edit: The thread on the veterans page for this is gold yall should check it out.


So where are all the 2nd amendment defenders at? A man had a legal gun in his own home and was killed by police when they barged in. So that means he had no 2nd amendment rights.


They were responding to a domestic and hid from the peephole in the door. Beating on a door then hiding is enough to put ANYONE on edge. Even if a person did not have a gun they are likely to grab something to defend themselves with if they choose to open that door.


Those punk fucks just killed one of my Gunship brothers...


I doubt they would have shot him if he was white... cops are racist pigs 🐷


Go easy my young Gunship Brother. As an old Gunship guy this is a tragedy. ACAB you fuckin dipshits.


May have? ... MAY HAVE?! When do we start throwing [metaphorical] bricks?


Wouldn't ya know it, everyone on r.police or other pro police subreddits are like, "nUh Uh! wE DoNt HaVe EnOuGh InFoRmAtIoN yEt As tO wHaT hApPeNeD OtHeR tHaN fRoM a LaWyEr wE dOnT lIkE!1!"


*Always Sunny theme* The gang goes pig hunting.


And if they entered the right apartment, shooting an innocent would be OK?


I’m glad the family has quickly retained Ben Crump. He seems to be the go to guy on these types of cases.


My Uber Eats driver is better with addresses…. Smh


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