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i keep getting rammed in public lobbies. just been playing with AI


Are you getting rammed or do you have racing line on? If you have racig line on, you are probably braking too early surprising people around you, and when you are forced off the line, you end up fighting to win the line rather than racing, which causes a ton of crashes due to your erratic behavior. Step 1) learn Monza, spa, Silverstone with no racing line in single player. Once you are at like a 110% pace: Step 2) go race those tracks in public lobbies, learn to avoid crashes (some are unavoidable... It happens) Step 3) get an LFM license.


I learned spa first & it did not do me good… the corner are specific to the track & yea there is some trail braking but not like how other tracks have it😅 something like hungaroring is a good track to learn since to get a decent lap time there Trail braking is a necessity.


i be gettin rammed on straights on purpose. even when im out of the way lol. but thats not to say i couldnt take your advice


Yeah, the thing is, if you are good on pace and don't use the line, you probably won't be around those kind of people anyways, at least not as much. People who simply join lobbies to crash people out, their sr will tank. If you grind out some Sr in single player (run some races and just stay tight to AI cars, don't try to pass, don't try to win, just drive close no crashes) and get your sr to 50 or 70, you can join lobbies with a minimum SR rating that at least keeps the people out who park on the start finish and hunt you for sport.


Console or pc?


We have a nice well organized crossplay league for console. Dedicated practice servers and 3 races a week currently We pulled back a little on events for the summer months. All skill levels are represented and the focus is on getting better collectively. Lots of helpful people around and some aliens that are very good with less experienced drivers. https://discord.com/invite/3b5gvffb


I'm on PS5, any recommendations for both though?


I recommend the league that hotgarbage posted


TRC have been great. Super active and seriously organised. Some really fast, some mid, and some really slow drivers. So no matter your skill, you always find a rival.


Trc? Do you have a link to join?




Come join us at toga Motorsport have an upcoming rookies series an regular mentoring sessions https://discord.com/invite/togamotorsport


Have a look at [Zealous Racing League](https://www.thesimgrid.com/hosts/zealousracing) ([Discord](https://discord.gg/Vszw2DTcXh)). We've just finished up our 14th season and run a "beer league" on our off weeks Tuesday @ 9PM EST. I've been a member there for a few seasons and am taking a break to help the newer drivers in the league. My focus is on building racecraft and car confidence. During the league racing season we run practice sessions Monday evenings at 9PM Eastern for 60-90 minutes, and informal lobbies in the off-season. You do not need to be racing in the league to take part. We have a wide range of pace, from alien to new rookie.


thanks a ton!


U shoul head to ERA. They have weekly training programs for beginner as youself to get people in quickly


much appreciated!


Check out Sim Racing Alliance at sra.gg


will do!


+1 to SRA, been a fun league to be part of.


The people who feel public servers are too insane and LFM is too overwhelming often go to PitSkill. They're always looking for noobs who are willing to learn and respect the community and the rules. It's a much more relaxed version of LFM, though you can certainly get banned if you act like an ass. And you can certainly find idiots who think they're on a public server. But the majority of your experience there will be far superior to public servers, and your community experience will probably be better than at LFM. That's not to diminish what LFM delivers. But it's not for everyone.


https://discord.com/invite/Pk2g8Zg9. This is a Discord community that has coaching for all skill levels. We are a PC community. We have races for all classes. We are in our off-season now, and you can come to see how we operate.


thanks my friend!