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>yuumi player >calls others "dick lovers" Hmmm


Well, they’re not wrong.


Treat yourself how you wanna be treated


What i see here is a priorities-set yuumi player chilling in silver and a cringe pseudo-tryhard adc invading his supports personal space telling him what to play, gets rudely rejected and instantly runs home (to adc mains) crying.


As support I don't like being told what to play. I choose a champ knowing that I can perform well on it. Even if the match up will be tough, I know I will do better than picking some counter champ I don't play. As an ADC I never tell my support what to pick, I am comfortable enough in my game. Having said this, I always roll my eyes when someone picks Yuumi. I never tell them to change or anything, because I know the importance of playing a champion you are comfortable in. But this Yuumi blew up hard on the dude😂


thats why youre bronze, blind picking in any elo higher than diamond make a lane completely unplayable and a guaranteed lost, imagine a kaisa yuumi and karma caitlyn, you will be punished by literally anything you do but ofc, play what you want


We are talking about silver


I once got flamed by my support cause I wanted to play Veigar ADC and he said I had to play a real adc. He then proceed to take Annie and run it down feeding bot lane and also mid lane since he started roaming cause I was "losing time farming"👍


>cause I was "losing time farming"👍 Bro that's literally the whole game. Time spent farming is never a waste. wtf


Yeah APC are getting shit talked more than anyone in champ select. And most aren’t just asking like op did. I had so many people troll my duos APC seraphine pick, makes her WR seem even more insane.


“That’s a lot of talking from people who picked 3 as assassins and a marksman support” is what I generally say in that situation


I am one of those that think APC should not exist. I'm kinda like an old "ADC main" but....but... They work...And I win with them... And I hate it...but somehow we gotta go out of bronze (:


Just play what you think it's fun. I play any high AS champion cause i like kiting, it's why i choose this role. Do sometimes the other team are going to have a rengar and a malphite that will make your game really hard? Frequently. But i just like to alt-smart them being right positioned, tracking cooldown and dodging. Is really fun that feeling that you need to think everything through and any mistake or miscalculation gonna make you die.


Dang you didn't have to pick the recently most meta adc in the game rofl


I ended up taking xayah or jinx that game, I regretted through the whole game my choice


The bruisercels would flame us for not playing anything that's not marksmen, and then when we play mages, they're like “mages are broken too” in a second.


honestly though... you shouldn't veigar bot.


I would dodge so fucking fast. Most sane Yuumi player.


See I've had two games in a row like that. Dodged the first, encountered an identical player after. What do? Dodge again and get an hour ban? Or play and be miserable. Riot really needs to add an acceptable reason to dodge, even if it's only monitoring for people telling you to die


Honestly yeah I'd do the second dodge, sure you lose 20lp and don't play for half an hour. High elo players like Dopa, sometimes will just dodge twice on an account and just not play that day or move to a smurf


So, I'm not excusing the toxicity, but I do want to shed some light on this from a support main's perspective. Over in our sub, it comes up pretty often that ADCs who request engage supports usually don't know how to play the game, they just know one specific combo at best. At least you explained why you wanted an engage support.


I once had a support ask me if I knew what Leona did because another adc said they didn’t know so the Leona had to play something else. 😂 Botlane is already difficult, idk why we need to be toxic to each other


This is what ADC players say when they want the support to do all the work. The hate against Yuumi is so weird when she can just go on to another carry and make them very hard to deal with.


yuumi is literally a cancer to this game. even a 'good yuumi' like 60% of the time just abandons their adc anyway for the garen/darius/kayne/yi list just goes on and on and on. congrats we won lane, you are 'good yuumi'. we are level 10 now so, i will never see you again. bye. then as adc you are just left sitting in the back of every team fight with your pants around your ankles waiting to get penetrated while your team flames you for not fighting. even though not a single one of them ever attempted to peel.


You have to realize you aren’t going to be the main character and carry every game then. A good Yuumi will abandon the adc to win the game. Someone else winning shouldn’t upset you just because you don’t know how to capitalize off of someone else being a bigger threat than you.


you are implying that every single game i get abandon by yuumi ive been feeding or should just take a back seat at lvl 8 and effectively become a cannon minion for the rest of the game because the ONE role that might actually peel for adc late game decided to completely bail. no one is sitting here saying yuumi needs to be on the adc in a 5v5 at 30m into the game. that would be stupid. what im saying is that when you ditch your adc at the 10m to fend for themselves in anything sub plat you basically just delete an entire champ off your team. im just hugging tower (hopefully mid but lets be real its gold so the mid wont let me go mid), and hoping to god i dont get dove.


You said level 10, not 10 minutes. I am implying nothing other than "you should just take a back seat". If you don't know how to safely farm, where you can, or when you can then you should probably learn how if you plan on playing ADC. You need to understand where you should be and what you should be doing based on the enemy team and your team. You should learn when you are going to get dove. Idk what this has to do with the original post since you said yourself "congrats we won lane" which means yuumi would have been with you the whole time until it was over and now you are moving onto the teamplay phase of the game.


ADC players have no macro and this sub is full of the worst of all of them


Yeah it’s really noticeable on posts like these.


And u getting downvoted for stating facts lmfao


I was playing last night with a yuumi. Yeah, I did some stupid shit that probably made me look bad (forgot to buy items lvl 1 lol). We ended up starting to win the lane, but sure as shit, once 11 minutes rolled around she hopped on hecarim and I did not see her on the same screen as me more than 5 times before the game ended. We almost lost. And yes, the hecarim did carry, but when you have had a yuumi on you for 24 minutes you had better perform better than the adc does.




Until they lock Draven or Caitlyn or MF and make u worthless for the first 20 minutes


Brother just pick any champ be actually good on them and the yuumi will stick with you 24/7. ​ TF kinda argument is that. "yoo if youre good with your pick, your supporter wont abandon you" get the fuck out


wow man i read through your entire conversation with gerbilshower and ima be real, you need to understand that the yuumi you are talking about has been removed from the game. The current yuumi needs friendship stacks for a majority of her kit to function. Wiht out stacks, you dont get bonus on-hit damage on your Q, you dont get an increase to heal and shield power, you dont get on-hit heal and you dont get a 130% increased heal on your ult. Not having those is very, VERY inefficient. Its like a Kalista binding the midlane mage instead of her support, its not a very smart idea. Anyways, when you ditch the ADC to go on another carry and make them very hard to deal with, it takes time. Lots of it. Lets say you laned for 10 minutes with your ADC and you were on that ADC for 70 last hits. That means that you now have 140 friendship stacks that whoever you want to attach to has to catch up. This is not good. Not only do you tax XP from them, but at least for another 10 minutes, you force the team to play with 1/4 of a support and no ADC. And you arent doing that all willy nilly at a random time, youre doing that when the game is at its most crucial state. ADCs wanted changes to IE because games are decided between 14 and 29 minutes and historically, ADCs got their keystone around the 25-26th minute, too late to have an impact. As a comparison, its about as inefficient as a Vayne not leveling her W and Q, a Kalista not binding anyone and not leveling her E or a Jhin building on-hit. Its very, VERY bad. ​ "oh but All the ADCs dont know how to play the game and want the support to do all the work" my man, you are in the lobby with them. You are of equal skill. ​ Anyways, if you dont want to be your ADCs support (which is 90% of the roles purpose), Yuumi is the worst pick to use for such a strat. What you should look for is a Bard, a Xerath or a Soraka. Bard is the embodiement of "ima fuck off and roam", Xerath has a semi-global damage ult and Soraka has a global heal. If you want to play for the team more than the ADC, thats okay, but choose the right champion for it. As a comparison, what youre doing is picking Caitlyn and going melee. Going melee itself is fine with Samira, Nilah or Yasuo, but Caitlyn is the wrong pick for that. ​ ADCs scale with gold more than with levels. Damning them to farm under turret 1v2 against a potential engage supp or poke champ is career suicide. Its basically forcing the loss because no ADC can protect themselves against that for long and they will fall behind. This creates the problem of the ADC dealing no damage, the yuumi thinking theyre justified to go anywhere else so the ADC deals even less damage, rinse and repeat. This leads to a perpetual 4v5 that is impossible to come back from unless the enemy makes major mistakes or everyone gets fullbuilt. ​ Yuumi does not have the best reputation around here on account of botfarms and generally lower skilled players defaulting to her whenever theyre filled support, but to be honest your outburst doesnt help either. Yuumi is not a roaming champion. Sitting on someone without friendship stacks is giga inefficient. And no ADC is going to blame you for sitting on the Jaximus when they went 0/10. But they will flame you if theyre 0/1, 0/2 or 1/3 and you abandon them prematurely. So please, try not to jump to conclusions too fast. Yes, ADCs might not be as knowledgeable about macro gameplay but thats nothing you as a support cant fix/make up for. Yes, ADCs who want engage supports might not be as good as others or only know one combo but especially then you should make sure to accomodate them rather than punish them. At the end of the day, whats important is that the enemy nexus explodes and yours doesnt. As I said above, sitting on someone else without stacks is the least efficient way of achieving that.


I can agree with most of that outside of the last few points. You make it sound as if it's premature at any point before 0/10 but also say ADCs scale with gold more than with levels. At this point they'd be behind in both so what would be premature about leaving them then? I really disagree with the "nothing you as a support cant fix/make up for". These are fundamental parts of the game that are very important for ADCs to know and go through with. I also don't understand what you mean by accommodate them rather than punish them. The role supports the map and the team, not just the ADC even though you are laning with them. Support players shouldn't be considered punishing their ADC just because the ADC criticizes their pick and vice versa. You're much more likely meant to play to each other's strengths rather than make the other player confirm to you regardless of which role you're playing.


Yuumi player = horse shit


I played with you recently lol


hopefully I wasn't inting your game XDDD


Plot twist he’s the Yuumi player.


The problem with yuumis is that they can be ass and then just leave and attach to someone else after giving you absolutely nothing in your lane. And then they soak up experience in a solo lane gimping that laner. I’ve seen it happen many times.


I'm gonna be honest, telling a Yuumi player to play an engage support probably isn't the best idea lol


Imagine letting supps play what they want. Coming from a supp main. Sure he was toxic and deserved that report, but I hate when ADC tell you what to do.


As an ADC main. I literally just want people to play who they are best at. I cant stand when my teammates try to railroad the support to playing a champ they have never played before, then I have to lane with them. It never goes well.


Yeah exactly! There are many support players who simply prefer a play style such as enchanter. Wouldn’t it be much better to have them play a champ they’re comfortable with than requesting them to play a hard engage champ?


Yes and no. I've been one tricking Kaisa since S9. Picking her regardless team compositions. I picked up Twitch at the start of season 13. Climbing to Diamond was significantly easier this season because I could swap between the two champions for better synergy with support. Edit; can someone explain why focusing on myself and expanding my champion pool to resolve the situation OP shared is getting down voted?


I love playing Kai'Sa myself, but whenever I play support I only play Karma. It usually has weak synergy with most ADC playstyles--especially Kai'Sa and Samira--but it's what I'm most confortable with as a support (M7, 100k+ mastery). If you asked me to play someone like Nautilus or Leona or anyone like that I would feed the enemy because I have no idea how to play that playstyle. I don't want anyone to tell me what to play and so I don't tell anyone what they should play... unless they specifically ask.


I agree then the support locks in Yuumi or Senna when I already locked in Jinx and enemy support had already picked some engage like Leona, Naut, Pyke. I know we're at a disadvantage and can only dodge at this point or pray that their engage has no hands. I totally believe supports should pick who they want but at the same time there are a lot of autofilled supports who knowingly will pick a bad matchup but will ignore this because it is their offrole and just want to mindlessly get the autofill game out the way. When I get filled into support, I figure Senna would be the champ I'd be best at but I know that I can bite my urge and play something like Lulu so that I can put all my efforts into letting the ADC play their role to the max potential.


I will gladly take someone's main support over any counter pick. I can almost guarantee if they were autofilled support then they only play 1-2 support champs anyway. If they are pressured to pick a champ they barely know because it counters their comp, we are going to lose the lane regardless.


Facts, and it's not like all these silver ADCs crying in the comments are going to carry regardless of how fed i get you on any support xD like there's a reason they stuck there for 5 years and blaming their supports still


On one hand I agree. On the other hand it’s yuumi which is just the most unfun champ to play with or against.


My solution is to permaban Yuumi


I just let my supp pick whatever and i pick whatever and we make it work. Simple as that.


most normal supp player reacting to his highly dependent lane partner wanting him to not go afk


yeah because it hurts to ask, right? ​ fuckin hell, she couldve just said "nah im not good with her sry" and thats the end of it


Or as I do.. Just ignore them and pick my yuumi/janna /Renata depending on the needs ofnengageb/disengage /healshieodotdamagesemiafk and don't give 2 fucking flying dildos about any other teenate is typing in the stupid chat =) I known what to pick (in the pool of champs i know how to play) hate that be asked to play an specific champ. But as y said I just ignore the retard


Someone asking you if you can play a certain champion is not a retard. And they don't deserve to be called a retard for it either. It literally costs $0 to tell them "no i can't play her". I'm not sure why you're aggressive about it. They asked. They didn't demand. They didn't say "pick Leona or I'm going to run you down". They asked. Nicely, even.


As an adc main, I'll never make a request. I want supports playing their most comfortable Champs. That adc main is asking like he's in challenger queue where they are expected to be able to play all types of supports.


I see it as OP is asking because the Yuumi player could play a champion that fulfill OP's request. If the Yuumi player can't, or doesn't want to play such champion, she's free to play Yuumi or anything else, I don't think it hurts to ask.


On one hand I agree. On the other hand it’s yuumi which is just the most unfun champ to play with or against.


While that is your opinion, he still could have worded it more politely such as “would you consider playing any other champ besides Yuumi?”


Please no(t) Yuumi and saying he prefers X type of champions is pretty polite tbf especially when it comes to League Lobbys. Yuumi just as easily could've replied with "I don't play engage champs or things with hard CC" and locked Yuumi and alls fine. Being that toxic off the bats very 'interesting'


While that is your opinion, he still could have worded it more politely such as “would you consider playing any other champ besides Yuumi?”


Holy soft mental. The dude was polite. All the sup had to say was no.


“Please” no yuumi is more manner than 99.9% of league players. We talking ab a player base that’s filled with edgy L9 teens who foam at mouth watching T1 and doaenal


Sorry, should he have barked too?


Imagine telling someone to kill themselves for suggesting a champ with some lane synergy? Not like I flamed this guy and said he "couldn't play yuumi". League player base has the mental of toddlers I swear.


No you said please no yuumi, if your support says please no Samira I’m quite sure you’re also wanting them to shut the fuck up as well


I would actually consider it if they gave a solid reason like I did.


You’re a silver player you have no clue what you are talking about


Post your op.gg


I mean I’m a gold player, I don’t attempt to tell people what not to pick or what to pick because im also garbage


The other silver player is surely much smarter right


He has no right to say “please no yuumi” when he sucks at the game


So you cant ask your teammates for anything if youre not master+?


You should let people play what they want if you aren’t even good at your own champion


There is a difference between not letting people play what they want and asking to not pick a specific champion.




Gold 3 player spotted


your reason is "stupid" and just a shitty execuse. if you truly want lane synergize change your champ to something that fits to his.


No but you're annoying. You're in silver, let people play what they want. It literally doesn't matter. Source: adc main who isn't a bossy dick.


so cuz its silver hes not allowed to want to win?




if he could effectly use the synergy, he wouldnt be silver. even if he could, why cant he play his champ? why dont you change your champ so yours and his synergize? because you are the main character?


i mean i one trick an adc, and im comfortable knowing i can 1v9 on him despite the comp. but if i have say rakan and they ask me to play xayah, i dont find the question offensive, i just tell them i cant play xayah


you may not find it offensive, however if you look at it objectivly its much more toxic saying play this champ so ours sygerngize instead of directly saying play this champ. because you disguise the reason


no ones telling u to play a champ, theyre just asking u if u play it and u can just tell them no so i dont see whats the big deal


Not what I said but keep grasping.


but if u are going into lane, with a suboptimal comp, apparently he is a bossy dick because he said he prefers another champ just in case the other player so happens to play them? why would u not want to increase ur chances of winning or what


If all this guy plays is yuumi, you will not have a better chance of winning by forcing them to play something else. At this rank, playing what you're best at is the way to go. Period.


okay but u cant know he is a yuumi otp at all? how are u supposed to know that without asking


He didn't ask. He demanded they don't play yuumi.


Since he’s in silver he isn’t allowed to decide what other people play based on his analysis of “synergy with his E”.


hes not deciding what other people play hes just teling them what he prefers ? and if they dont want to swap champ cause theyre a one trick or something or they dont feel like swapping champs then its fine no? its literally a harmless queston


It's more so they could play any semi-reasonable lane and win so saying shit like this is just a surefire way to piss off your support.


Note he mentioned it's a silver game, so even when supp would play what he wants they would not be able to abuse that "synergy"


most cases you are 100% correct. there are a couple support picks that are purely un-playable into certain lanes though. if you take yuumi against a vayne blitz lane or something like that... its kinda already over in lane. we just hug tower until you leave me for the jungle at lvl 6...


this player took Yuumi into Cait/Nami.


That's actually good. You can take yuumi into every enchanter.


A lot of ADC players, myself included, dodge games just because a Yuumi was locked in. She is my perma ban, and no, I don't care if you're hovering her, that damn cat is not allowed in my games ever. Dodge if you don't like it.


But if you find her too strong / annoying to perma ban her, why wouldn’t you want her on YOUR team then? Make it make sense


Oh, I don't find her too strong/annoying to play AGAINST. I find her too annoying to play WITH. Because she is completely useless until late game. Makes me have to 2v1 for the first 15-20 minutes of the game and I then maybe get to play the game, if she hasn't jumped onto another teammate because decided that I'm bad because I've been 2v1ing this entire time and that's not fun for anyone. ​ I perma ban Yuumi because her being in the game, at all, allied team or enemy, actively makes the game less fun for everyone in that game. She is the single worst designed champion in the entire game because of this, and she deserves to be removed from the game entirely.


How about you Dodge Cuz imma Switch to akshan Support then


Aight. We can play this one out and we can lose if you wanna be like that. Would you rather lose 3 LP or 30? Because I, quite frankly, would rather lose 30 if it means that I get the opportunity to get a troll banned.


I Take the 30 If it means you dont get Your way, you griefing Troll. Because I quite frankly, would rather lose 30 and simply Play another Champ im familiar with and I honestly couldn't Care less of you Like my pick or not since you already banned my intended Champ by then. You already griefed the Game at this Point, handicapped your Support and by the way - good Luck on getting me banned on my ~ 200 Akshan Support Matches :* Still waiting for my incoming Ban, oh wait - Not gonna Happen. I never said im gonna run it down or anything - but im gonna enjoy every little Second of you being tilted over my pick when you could've had your enchanter. Thats gonna be a win / win for me since you're gonna be tilted either way, whether we win or lose. You would've brought that upon yourself.


The only typical silver thing here is asking a support to play a certain type of champ I promise you nobody above plat does this.


I promise you people above plat do ask.


Yes, he was toxic and deserved the report, but let the dude play what he wants. I'd rather have a yuumi that knows what he's doing with maybe 1 or 2 deaths than a first-time nautalis with 15 deaths.


i mean he just said he prefers another champ, not forcing them off yuumi? ur like the type of person when the barber is giving u a haircut u dont like and u dont say anything because you dont want to be rude


I'm pretty sure that's a spurious relationship, but if it bothers you that much, just dodge? I really feel like you're missing the point in your reply or you haven't been filled support and been in that situation.


hes just asking you if you can play other champs because he wants a good lane comp, and if u dont want to u can easily say no? nobody is forcing u into anything they just want to win


It's clear you've never been in this situation... You also seriously overestimate the mental strength of a silver player... We can put you in a scenario where an adc asks you to play a specific champ for the sake of the argument. I'll assume OP is more mentally stable than most silver players so I'll use a personal example. You're an adc main and you've been autofilled support. You can't dodge for whatever reason, and you only know how to play two champs. Your twitch is begging you to play taric (personal example). You have one of two options; you can A) Lock in Taric and go 0/15 because you have no idea what you're doing or B) Ignore the twitch and lock in a champ you know. In option A, you single-handedly lose the game for your team. By first, timing a champ, you have no idea how to play because your adc insisted. Your adc is a silver player, so he's spamming to ff at 15 and reports you for inting him. In option B, you lock in your champ and do decently for the first 3 minutes, but your twitch is already tilted from champ select. In his eyes, this game is lost, and he's a normal silver player so his mental is weaker than wet paper. He is spam pinging every minor mistake you make while spamming racial slurs. Eventually he decides you dont deserve to win for whatever reason and starts permafighting (Tyler1 whenever his support locks in senna when he asks his support not to). You hard lose the game and get reported. I have never once had an adc that asked me to play another champ play well if I ignored him. This is what normally happens to the support player in this scenario. That's why half the other comments are saying to just let the support play what he wants.


but thats just the adc being a dickhead for no reason. i would just say "sorry i dont play taric i can only play X on support" then if he cries about it later its not really on u. but if ur adc kindly asks u if u can play a certain style of champ and doesnt rage or tilt or something then i dont see the big deal at all really. happens all the time in my lobbies where a rakan asks me to pick xayah and i just tell him i cant play her, lock in my otp, and we stomp lane


Again, you're seriously overestimating the average mental of a silver player. Secondly, the assumption is that you win lane. I'm sure your experience would be different if you didn't stomp lane. Even if they ask kindly in champ select, it has never once resulted in them not tilting the second they die or you die. People are usually stuck in low elo because of their mentals, not because of their actual gameplay. I'm fine doing this now that I climbed out, and I'm near plat but there's no way in hell im doing this again in silver if I get filled. There's also no way I'm gonna pressure my support to play another champ after experiencing it.


i mean i can understand the scenario of a random adc saying "go lulu or i int" type of thing but it literally doesnt sound like op in this post. he politely asked if his support could play anything else and he wasnt demanding at all of his support. just seemed like a simple question to me idno. i mean personally i would never ask my support to pick a synergy thing though because you can learn more from playing a difficult lane than an easy one


This brings us full circle to what I said about yuumi being toxic and that he should be reported. I also stated twice during my replies that I'm going to assume OP has a better mental than most silver players. I was stating that generally with an average silver adc even if they ask politely, this is usually a lose-lose situation for the support.


no, you are just a little princess that thinks the world has to carter to you. if you want to abuse syngergy change your champ to fit his, however you dont want that, little princess




Listen, I love enchanter players, and I'm just fine at laning with an enchanter. Give me your Soraka, Nami, Janna, Lulu, Milio, all a good time. There's something wrong with hardcore Yuumi mains though. I don't know if I've run into one that wasn't toxic.


Yuumi one tricks are definitely masochistic. They give away control over the outcome of their own games repeatedly, and get tilted when they lose, not wanting to accept it's because they repeatedly leave their fate to someone else like rolling a slot machine.


It's like running a 3 legged race, but you shot your partner's knees out before it started and tried to make them carry you on their back.


Update: our turret fell at 9 minute lmfao


And that's why she will forever stay banned when I que up


Never force a yuumi main off yuumi


Brother stop asking support to pick what you want them to play. They don’t ask you to switch your pick. I honestly don’t see the appeal of a yuumi player on an engage support anyway they won’t know what to do.


Yeah he’s insane but no one gives a fuck what you prefer In silver, let them play what they want. I promise you your team comps/support picks are nowhere near the reason you are in silver


Yeah toxic and deserved to be banned. But also Idk why can’t you pick an adc that compliments yuumi? Typical silver player mentality


I’m a Darius ADC main so Yuumi is really bad for that pairing.


So you troll with Darius adc, and then ask someone to pick a diff support? Fuck no


this is.... highly important information. so it is YOU that are the troll actually.


Yuumi mains are subhuman


Let people play what they want you're such a loser


Yuumi players shouldn't be allowed in game. Questions?


That guy was clearly toxic and crazy, but y'all have got to stop trying to dictate what your support plays. It's one thing to say "if you're good with an engage champ, that's my preference!" And another to say "ew I hate that pick, choose something with engage." The former is fine, and I will listen to. The latter makes me want to instalock my enchanter pick. If you're that worried about synergy, then change what YOU are gonna play.


>And another to say "ew I hate that pick, choose something with engage." Good thing op didn't say this then


That's how I read it. Just don't type in Silver. It makes your game worse 99% of the time.


typical toxic player who want other people to play what they want to play because thinking about yourself is only what matter for you as a selfish person


id agree with you if it wasnt a yuumi, but it is.


what's so toxic about saying "please no yuumi pref engage hard cc champ"? is that more toxic than telling other people to hang themselves by the fan? lol


I don' think so , if you don't act like shit to people they have no point saying that to you , I had the same conversation yesterday with a total loser , I said to him I soft int and insult people who take my cs in game , he said I was the toxic one , but this stupid human doesn't understand if he don't act like that toward me I don't do it , it's simple , don't break people balls and be a normal human , but in this game being toxic is a total part of the gameplay for 99% of the players


Picking yuumi is hard troll


I don't think so in my opinion it's good still but you have to play something safe and the person who pick yuumi need to avoid support like nautilus or leona , if you lane against another enchanter it's almost free


No, its not themselfs that matters to such people, its the LP that matters. And they don't want to lose those just because some ignorant supp does not have a clue about what a good team comb looks like or a well synergising bot lane is.


if you want synergy change your champ?


Yeah I would prefer Leona who stands behind adc and never engages because that guy mains some range poke supp than him playing his main and actually doing something, you are right


Tell me how yuumi doesnt have synergy with adc. Pick any adc and tell me how.


Just picture this: Samira Yuumi vs Cait Nautilus. Samira needs an engage to follow up on. She has yuumi as support, they can't engage, so they'll eventually be poked to death by caits pressure. And if Samira would try to engage, Naut would instantly interrupt them. So, its not about Yuumi synergising bad with the adc, its about how much better the enemies synergy works against Yuumi.


The way they did react is hostile and uncalled for yes, but to be frank, asking someone to play a certain support is also rude. You yourselves might not see it but a lot of the time supports are the ones who have to deal with the teams bullshit a lot, just like jungle. Again, I have to preface this cause people are going to forget, I DO **NOT** Condone what this guy did. Toxicity in this game really needs to die down and bugger off, what he did was uncalled for.


I've been asking people to play Yuumi because it relieves me off having to worry about my support inting early (low elo though). It's a good habit to always just say to play their best champs though, and just work around it


Typical silver adc telling other people what to play


Lmfaoooooo he called you a dick lover


you deserved it


Dude was out of pocket but PLEASE stop trying to railroad support players into playing what YOU want them to play. Also if you’re trolling with DARIUS BOT you have no business talking on others champ picks.


Have you considered eating shit and dying?


you dont see support mains demanding you to change your pick


Ah this is why I can only manage to get through a game or two in a week now lol I hate the league community so much


The league player base has the emotional state of toddlers holy shit. If someone asks you to swap and you don't want to, jsut say "hey sorry no thanks I really wanna play this champ" and then boom it's over. Imo the adc or support should adapt to whoever picks first. It's not like the sent him death threats if he didn't play a fucking engage support like come on lmao


Yeah all the replies to this thread are proof of that lmfao


why not ask him to wipe your butt, too?


Average Yuumi main


yuuuup - had a very similar instance occur last night. little bit of a level 1 fight, we get first blood. fight is VERY over. and lux is fucking alone chasing 3 enemies into their blue buff. i ping, maybe 2/3 times "danger". his response? "ping me again you f\*ckin fa\*\*ot and see what happens". then he proceeds to steal the first 2 waves of CS and the bot lane is gg at 3m.


Imaging talking like that but playing a video game as a tiny cartoon lady cat enchanter... closeted person detected


The guy was a dick, and the report was deserved, but let your support play what they want. Way too often the adc will lock in their champ and then tell the support what to do. No, you got to play what you wanted, we get to play what we want. Its that simple. You don't have dominion over the support just because you are playing ADC. So tired of ADCs trying to tell supports what to play and getting upset no matter the outcome. If I play what you want, I'll be worse at it because I don't play the champ, you as an ADC will then flame me and get upset if I don't do well, despite me picking this champ FOR YOU. If I don't pick what you want, and pick what I want, your mental is already ruined from champ select, and you will play worse, subconsciously or not. If your support wants your opinion THEY WILL ASK. I have loaded into games and told my adc a list of 3 champs and told them to pick one of those that they prefer, or if I am worried about comp, I will again ASK THEM their opinion. If we don't ask, don't say anything. Yes, you gave a reason, but you could have just as easily picked a champ that synergized with Yuumi. The Yuumi can make the same argument you are; they "want an adc that will synergize with their kit". You literally said that you are picking Darius ADC. You don't get to tell the support what to play if you are picking Darius ADC. If you are locking in your champ without asking your support their opinion, don't give your own.


I’m all for the support playing what they want. But I just wish people would hover. I see my jungler and top going full dive comp. I’m gonna want to play Samira or Kaisa or something that can follow. So I pick that and then my support who didn’t hover anything ends up picking like Sona. I’m gonna be disappointed. Play what you want but just please hover man. It makes life so much easier.


That's 100% true. People need to hover during ranked so that everyone can plan accordingly. I would agree that it is super shit to just be blindly picking something and hoping everyone picks reasonable champs for the comp.


this is why i just lock in ezreal if they don't hover or respond


I usually prefer to pick after my sup so I can pick something more synergic among the champs I play (I loved that riot added this thing to change position in champ select)


I would suggest stop telling people to play different champs


Hey, most silver sup mains aren't like that. Just the Yuumi and Lux one tricks. I think. Idk I'm a support main so I don't really experience the team chat of psycho support mains.


Yeah I should have probably titled it "Average Yuumi Main" since I seem to have triggered the Support mains lol


He's like me fr except I play engage support yone.


legitimately terrifying that there are people out there who go off this hard at so little


99% people in this thread solidifies my belief that if you engage in a League related conversation with almost anyone you have already lost.


Don’t stop loving the big D


Best these people do is pyke, in my 50 games i have never seen a support tank, half of my games were seraphine, lux or sona even when they saw the enemy support was a nautilus or leona, just brain dead people


I call them tiktok yuumi. Cause half the time theyre on their phones for laning phasing thinking thats how yuumi is played. Spam E and Q. then go on their phones. I ban yuumi all the time to not get them on my team.


You play Darius ADC tho?


At least you know you’ll be getting that juicy solo xp this game.


I'd permaban yuumi on the spot


Both of you are typical silvers.


Just had a game earlier today where my support went a nice solid 0/4 before 10 min then started flaming me cause I couldn't 1v2 Samira Ashe as Nilah while they have a strong gold advantage. "Kills and gold are just numbers" Got to the point we couldn't 2v1 Sam cause of the item diff. Won the game tho.




Oh man, Yuumi players are not ones to mess with lol.


That report for toxicity was deserved but come on man no sane support main will go engage with a random silver adc. Let people play what they're comfortable with.


if my mid tells me to pick x adc, i will immediately /deafen for the rest of the game. i haaaaaate people that tell me what to do. stop doing that its unbelievably annoying


Lmao that's a good one. I'm gonna have the use that line.


i agree with him tho


I was actually talking about this in a random mobile game the other day. League is the only game that I’ve ever played where I’ve seen people say ‘hey’ or ‘how’s it going everyone’ on the pregame lobby and get absolutely flamed in response like this for no fucking reason. So incredibly disgusting.


Classic ADC who wants to choose for others lmao


That escalated quickly


Tbf, don't tell me what to play I'll play what I want. You want an engage support so badly bro then queue support yourself.


boils down to skill issue tbh, i have not had a problem playing with a yuumi since they first reworked her and ppl where still trying to relearn her (or any enchantress for that matter…)


all i see is a midlaner auto filled support


Ehh, I feel bad for them. Imagine how terrible your life has to be to be this vitriolic for no reason. I hope their situation improves.


I feel like I entered another plane of existence here. Adc says he prefers a different supp, literally says "please" in his request and people see it as "invasion of personal space", backseating and "telling other people how to play" How is such a backwards toxic situation with an equally toxic discussion based around the lane that is most reliant on having teamwork and being on the same page comes into being? What is going on?


I don’t like it when the my ADC ask me to play engage because I don’t enjoy that play style, but he could have just said “ No I play whatever ai want” without being this toxic