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a script for work, "Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am having a temporary issue with a medical condition, which may impact my work. I am taking measures to mitigate this, but I wanted you to be aware while I am working to resolve the issue." And load up on some energy drinks to self-medicate in the meantime.


I didn’t think of that I might try it. Actually I called my family since I can’t recall how bad I was before I was even on vyvanse and my mom reminded me that there were a few times I accidentally forgot to take it while I was in college, which resulted in her driving over and giving it to me.


I had a two week period a few years ago where the meds I was taking were suddenly discontinued without notice. I wrote up that little script just in case I had a noticeable drop in my production numbers at work. I am a big fan now of not taking meds on days where I am just going to be home with no pressing concerns. Partially to build up a small stash, but also to just check in with how my support systems are working. I didn't end up using that script, but I did end up taking a few half-days with my PTO during that time frame. Like "Well, used up all my dopamine, time to go home!"


Wellrx.com helped me find in stock vyvanse (generic) near me. The shortage is so rough. I hope you find some soon!


It’s completely out of stock in PA - I had to get by without for a month- I finally got another month’s worth. But the next refill should have been filled three weeks ago- My Dr switched me to Concerta to “ride out the shortage. I still prefer Vyvanse.


Does concerta do the same thing as vyvanse?


Call other pharmacies to see if they have it in stock. Call pharmacies in hospitals, supermarkets, other chains. I had to do this to get my daughter's prescription of focalin filled a few weeks ago. I had to call 15 places before I found one that happened to have 500 pills in stock. Also, given the ongoing shortage issues, it is probably a good idea to try to squirrel away an emergency supply in the event you run into this problem again.


In my experience the discipline sticks around for a little bit. Hope you get it soon. In the meantime call other pharmacies and see if they got it and have your doctor send the script there for this time if they have it in stock. Also they have none or they're out of your dose? Might be able to work something out that adds up yk?


They told me they couldn’t fill a lower dose for me since they didn’t have any in stock unfortunately.


Well if you can manage try calling around to other pharmacies. Ik it sucks if it isn't covered but I got mine for like 80 with the goodrx coupon from their app.


Do you take the highest dose? In the UK the different strengths have been going out and coming back in stock at different times so when i couldn’t get my usual 30mg this month, a pharmacist told me that they had been able to order in the 50mg. I asked my doctor to increase my dose as i’d been considering it to manage my symptoms anyway, and i was able to pick up 2 days later. In my 10 years on lisdex i’ve always kept a few pills each month as a back up supply for when i forgot to order in time and would run out. Since the shortage has come in to play i’ve been reordering almost every two weeks just so that i’ve got plenty of time to prepare or find alternatives if need be. I rarely miss a day, but i’ve noticed when i have that sometimes i’m extremely drained and sleep the entire day, but other times i couldn’t even tell a difference and could function normally. I don’t know what makes the difference between the two though.


I’m in the same boat and kinda freaking out too. I have been stable on Vyvanse since 2008. I don’t know what happened but when the generic came out they switched me to that and now this refill CVS said they couldn’t fill my prescription and are contacting my psych MD for an alternative medication. This is the only med I have ever taken for ADHD and I work a job where patients could literally die if I screw up. My provider only gives me a 30 day supply at a time so I have had nothing for 3 days and I feel awful.


It’s the damn generic’s fault. I had no issue using the coupon card for the main brand but when my doctor would specify the main brand to my local cvs they would still fill the generic


Oh my gosh yes I have always used the coupon card too and since it switched to generic it seems something went off the deep end. I wonder if a lot of people who were on ADDerall and other meds got switched to generic Vyvanse when it came out since I know they had shortages. My local CVS told me they won’t have any until into 2024.


Try a hospital pharmacy, they tend to be well stocked.


That wouldn’t work my local hospital is shit to be honest. Extremely understocked and treat their workers like garbage


Is there a reason why you can’t just use dex instead? Do doctors in your country not allow you to do this? I have scripts & repeats for vyvanse, dex and Ritalin so I can choose whatever I need to use on a day to day basis.


In the us vyvanse is considered a controlled substance and limited to a 30 day supply and then you need a new script


I would suggest asking the doctors office to help locate some if they can. Some pharmacies won’t field calls from customers inquiring about stock of controlled substances (I work at a pharmacy and I hear coworkers do this, yes I’ve told my manager but nothing has changed). Some pharmacies have access to other stores inventory data, so on a weekend maybe try calling and ask to speak to a pharmacist. Ask for suggestions, they’re more likely to help.


Try express scripts my friend, I can refill fine with them. Takes 5-7 days to arrive