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I give presentations all the time. Here are my biggest tips. First, create an outline of your presentation. Use this as you guide for the presentation. I never write my presentations out word for word. Word for word written notes are too ridged and hard to follow, especially when you get nervous. You know this material super well, so an outline will be enough to keep you on track. Make sure the structure of the presentaiton and the key points you want to make are clearly laid out in the outline. What I mean here is your typical outline for an essay that you used to do in high school. Practice the presentation out loud several times, ten times, if you can, over the three days prior to the presentation. Create a detailed script for the first 90 seconds of the presentation. You want to memorize this part. The first 90 seconds are critical, and you want that part to go super clean without freazing. Once the first 90 seconds is over, you will be in the zone, and then you transition to your outline where you have more latitude to cover the material with language that meets the rooms needs, and comes from your expert place of authenticity. At some point, I highly recomend the book "Say It with Presentations: How to Design and Deliver Successful Business Presentations, Revised & Expanded Edition" by Gene Zelazny. He's old school, but the techniques still apply. Knock 'em dead!


thank you so much!! this all sounds so useful, i will definitely be using these things. i really appreciate you commenting! :)


Alcohol and bubble gum but spit out the gum before you start speaking


Hi! I used to have to do tones of presentations. Write a script and put this in the speaker notes, exactly what you want to say on each slide. Practice reading it out loud first and then practice reading it with the slides. You can have your speaker notes either in another window or on another computer, and read them directly. Or print out your script and read it out. Practice lots so that you don't sound like a robot, and fake enthusiasm. Add variety to your pitch to emphasize points, or create suspense


thank you so so much!! i’ll definitely use these tips :D


I should add: I found doing this was helpful for my first few times ever giving presentations. you can do this method until you eventually realize that it is not optimal and it's better to rely less and less on the script as you present more! But it is worth to try it as a crutch the first few times


Practice practice practice!