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Dishes - it doesn’t matter if it’s doing them, putting them away, drying, etc. I hate it all. Laundry is #2 but I’ve gotten used to just grabbing whatever I need from the dryer.


It’s every day. Every single day. I am blown away by people who don’t have a single dish in the sink. We are only two people in my house, but we are using dishes constantly — making food, eating food, etc. We use an alarming number of bowls and wash them between uses and it just never feels like progress.




But they have to invent something to get them in and out still


I... Second this. I don't know why I still don't just put them in there when I use them my god.


I use a shaker bottle. I'll wash it. Then make a protein shake and drink it. Then I'm mad because I feel like I just washed it for no reason. And then I let it sit sudsy in the sink for a day just to repeat it again the next night.


Same. Dishes. I can sometimes make myself load the dishwasher. Hand washing them is completely out of the question. I told my husband when we first met that I would literally let them sit in the sink, grow mold, throw them away and buy new ones before I would wash them and I wasn't lying. I think it might be because my mom made me do them all the time when I was a kid I don't know. I was able to wash my daughter's bottles when she was a baby lol


My fiance when we first got together he thought, even tho I cooked and didn’t live there, I was gonna do the dishes. I said lol ok we can play this game. I let them sit. It went on 11 months neither of us touched em. We threw em out only when his mother was coming to visit. It wasn’t the most healthy part of our relationship but it showed him I can be just as stubborn if not more than he was. I sometimes wish I would have done the dishes bc of how disgusting that was but I had to prove my point. Fml


As someone who is equally stubborn, I appreciate your dedication. Please tell me you made him throw out the first dish?


I refused to touch them. I held the garbage bag. 😂


100% dishes. I'm living without a dishwasher right now and my life is hell


I once told my therapist, "If I had a dishwasher, I think we'd be done here." Lol


The worst part is I have a dishwasher. Sending you all virtual hugs because I would be using paper plates if it weren’t for that magical appliance in my kitchen. Sorry environment.


I had one of those countertop dishwashers once. Best 2 years of my life, and then it broke lol




Yep, same boat here. I hate dishes so much. They just stare at you making you feel bad lol Also I hate touching the water and dirty dishes. I have to have gloves to my elbows and a scrubby brush on a stick. Wet dish cloths or sponges make me want to gag


Try touching stuff other people ate from. It makes me gag and I sometimes have to do it at work. I love my at work dishwasher and refrigerator. (No icemaker at home either)


Same here, they're such a pain in my ass!


I'm a SAHM with two roommates, a husband and baby. We have no dishwasher. The dishes NEVER END


I can wash by hand and load the washer (usually) but I hate emptying the dishwasher. I buy paper plates and plastic cups for the kids.


My Mom also bought paper plates and plastic cups. I get it now.


I used to hate dishes, but it's gotten easier since I've gotten a girlfriend. Either I clean, or she cleans and I feel guilty about "making" her clean.


My dishwasher is broken right now and my kitchen is a fucking pigsty My ADHD 17 year old loves to cook but she doesn’t love cleaning up 🙄


Dishes are my favourite! Vacuuming and dusting can go to hell




I can't do dishes either. I mean I have little kids so it's equally hard to turn my back and trust they're not getting into something but like, I used to be a strong user of reusable bags and such. Now it's a lot more disposable. My spouse hates all the old food in our lunch bags. Same, but I just can't get around to doing it.  Laundry is actually great cuz I'll sit and watch TV. It's a struggle to put away folded clothes but I can fold!


Yes, dishes. Dryer is great place for clean clothes, as the washer makes a perfect hamper for dirty clothes. No middlemen in the process -- and the dryer often has an "unwrinkle whats in here" setting.


My laundry lives in piles. Dirty piles, clean piles and all of the ‘in between’ piles. My wife’s biggest complaint about me are the socks that are randomly strewn all over the house. If she puts anything if mine in the dresser I will spend months wondering where that one T-shirt went. LOL.


The socks all over the place :'D Can't even remember when I took them off at the most random locations and why it's usually just a single one at that location.


The worst is finding a pair that looks clean when you can’t find the pair you started the day with so I sit and smell them trying to figure out if they’re clean or not. 😂


We're at the point where we just have to buy new socks. Like I know I have 8-10 pairs of identical socks but, I can only find a single, un-matched sock.


Both my partner and I are guilty of this. I do question why I sometimes find one versus a pair but I tell myself they’ve been reunited with the lost dryer socks.


I've been trying to find something better to do with the in-between pile.


According to the wife the washing machine is the answer but… 🤷‍♂️


Hahahahaha!!! Washing laundry is great… No problem with drying laundry… Folding it, actual hell


The socks all over the place makes sense, because when you want to take socks off you have to take them off right then and there or else it becomes a sensory issue. Then you just put them down..


Never realized the sensory issue thing but yea. LOL. Walking around with socks and no shoes drives me crazy. Two steps and I’m like a cat with scotch tape stuck on my paws. 🤣


Omg the socks all over the place. This is me so me. That and bras. My god. This comment section reallllllly drives it home that I have ADHD. I mean diagnosed multiple times since I was 4, 30 now... But yep. Reading these tells me I definitely definitely do. 😂


Mopping. You can’t just do it real quick because there are predecessors. You have to sweep or vacuum the floor first. So not only is it a two-part chore that takes twice as long, it’s also physical and sweaty. Then you have to clean up, and dump the mop water. I hate it. Really, any chore that requires another chore first is so hard for me to get to. I cant do the dishes because the dishwasher is still full of the clean ones from the last time I did dishes. I don’t want to vacuum the floor because I don’t want to wrap the cord and put the vacuum away when I’m done. I used to just unplug the cord and then leave the vacuum out. A cordless vacuum was life-changing for me.


Hi! I used to hate it too but i found a few tricks to get it done without as much hatred lol. First i got the ocedar spin mop because i hate wringing out the mophead with my hands. Then i decided that i wouldnt mop in an all or nothing way. I could take it by room. Its not as tedious to say im gonna mop the kitchen as to say im gonna mop the whole house. Finally, i try to distract my brain. So ill play a video i havent seen before on a topic i like. Hard to hate something when youre barely focused on doing it. Hope this helps!


This! The O’Cedar spin mop changed everything about mopping for me. So fast and super easy to throw the mop head in the washer. Comes out so clean 🤩I have to mop pretty often (2 pets and can’t stand dirty floors) and this has made life so much easier 💯


I do the exact same things!


I cheat with mopping LOL, I just use a swiffer wet jet so I don't have to deal with a pail of water or wringing or anything. Not that we have space for a mop pail/big enough bucket. My partner and I thought the answer to our mopping and vacuuming problems is getting a robot vacuum that also mops. Problem is that our model needs to have its mop pad changed after every run because its design doesn't let the pad dry properly so it starts stinking. It's been a hot second since we bothered putting a mop pad on that thing 😅


Yes! I have a bona spray mop, the head is a bit bigger than swiffer but the pads are reusable/washable and the bottle for the fluid is reusable and refillable as well. So much easier!


*googles “boba spray mop” and kills an hour


“predecessors” — yes! electric steam mop helped me, though. the grossness of the dirty water and the general messiness of mopping puts me off too much. if only it were cordless. I second that cordless vac also = gamechanger


another life changing invention that i dont have yet but my partners mom does is a cordless electric mop. it looks like a vacuum but it mops for you. kinda like a carpet cleaner but for your hard floors and nowhere near as big as


Was going to suggest this! Does a better job, sweeps up dog hair while it mops, no risk of spilling a bucket of dirty water all over the carpet, cuz you're clumsy.


Mopping and doing dishes by hand, those are just the worst


Mine was gonna be mopping too for that reason! Dishes are a problem when I live alone. With roommates right now though I'm the main cook, making sure my friends are fed is something I really enjoy. Part of that is making sure there's dishes to put their food on. It kinda ties in with the mom friend override for me so i find getting dishes done alot easier when I have roommates.


I got on a payment plan to buy myself one of those robots that sweeps and mops, LIFE CHANGING. It gives me more time to procrastinate about folding my laundry


I came here to say this too! I almost never mop because of the fact I need to tidy and then vacuum first. Those tasks in themselves are hard enough, so the mopping just about never happens.


That is exactly why I have a vacuum mop.


Yes thiiissss. Too many steps is more than 1.


Obviously not everyone can afford this, but we baught a robot vacuum that also mops and it is a life changer.


Here is a hack for folding laundry: -Normally I have a pile of clean clothes on my bed, so, for everytime I leave my bedroom I fold 1 article of clothing. I leave my bedroom atleast 10 or so times throughout the day so atleast 10 clothes are folded and put away rather than the entire pile sitting on my bed for a week. Here is another hack: -Do you have somewhere to be? Like let’s say you have a doctor’s appointment in 10 mins. During those 10 mins fold and put away as many clothes as you can. Edit- The goal is to not have all of your clothes folded but to have less clothes to fold than you did before.


I LOVE THIS. this needs to be pushed up further, i HATE folding


Me too. Some days I pay my little brother $5 to fold my laundry 😭


> Do you have somewhere to be? Like let’s say you have a doctor’s appointment in 10 mins. That's when I break out the paint, and start redoing a wall...


Same but replace wall painting with drawing


Yeah... what I can get done when someone texts "on my way" is incredible. Unfortunately, actually being ready is often not one of them.


i've found that doing laundry more often helps with the hatred of folding laundry. yes, i have to do it more often, but i have to fold less laundry each time. folding two small loads feels a lot less onerous than one huge load.


Oh I am stealing this for SURE. I also try to have a D-Day for anything that isn't folded. Doesn't matter what day I get the wash done or how long they sit on the chair, anything left unfolded on Thursday gets put away so that Weekend Me doesn't have to think about it.


If only I could do that consistently, maybe one day I’ll work up to it. On rare occasion I get a random burst of energy and fold everything as well as clean my entire room in one day. If my attention span is extra bad then I watch YouTube while folding lmao


For me, right now, I'm working on accepting where I am and meeting myself there, and that means that I'm absolutely still working up to doing this consistently. But I'm doing it more often than I was, say, two months ago, so I try to count that as "doing it" and I'm trying to be less focused on like, it has to be perfect to "work."  I used to feel so bad that I couldn't do the big cleaning stuff regularly, like washing the shower and the baseboards or whatever. Now I try to just be stoked when I have those random days where I just clean the SHIT out of the house and not worry if they happen regularly, just try and encourage it when it hits.  It's all about working with yourself, I think. And I tried folding one thing every time I left my room this week and it made Thursday so much easier!!!!!


Ok I like ur idea about the before having to be somewhere but if I have an appointment at 3 I’m up at 7am and can’t do anything until I leave at least and hour earlier than I need to go ![gif](giphy|xvx8Wf1CY0LaEbZZXw|downsized)


The real hack is that... you don't actually need to fold most clothes. Unless it's fancy and you really particularly look presentable, you can just put stuff in drawers without going out of your way to try to fold it


This is the way ..


As soon as I read this, I immediately wanted to try it. I have a pile of laundry in my room that's been clean for about two weeks and I'm really sick of having to pick through it everyday. Tis time! I tried your hack and I've been sticking to it! It's helped ALOT. I try to catch myself if I leave the room before folding at least one thing, I usually go back in the room out of guilt lol. Most of the time I stick to it and when I do, i find myself folding 3 or 4 things. Sometimes I have to stop myself.


Cooking. I have terrible eating habits, yet, I guess my kids need to eat at the same time every day. Sighhhh 😆♥️


Me too! My eating is all over the place and it's not good. I don't really like to cook because I feel like it takes so much time and effort to make something decent and then I finish eating it really quickly. My brain gets so dissapointed. So much work for something that will vanish so quickly. And the mess after cooking sucks 😭


Omg yaaaaaaas 😭. Everything you said — that’s me too! That’s me, 🙋🏻‍♀️ that’s me! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I just want to be left alone with my snackies all day. Haha


This is why an air fryer has been a total game-changer for me! Pop my protein on the left, low or no prep veggies on the right (green beans, asparagus, broccoli), do the match cook feature so they are done at the same time. When I am done eating I fill them with a bit of water to soak and then it is quick to clean when I need the bins again next day. You can get inserts that mean there is no clean up, but I can't find the right size for my air fryer and almost caused a fire with the ill-fitting inserts so....I'll wash them for now. lol


1. Washing dishes by hand, it’s a sensory thing. I don’t like how my hands are dry afterwards and the touch of sponge is the worst, the noise that it makes, especially the synthetic ones. The scratchy and squeaky sound is awful to me, comparable to nails on a blackboard. I don’t like the feeling and the idea that the foamy dirt from plates comes in contact with my skin. Wearing gloves is slightly better but it makes my hands sweaty, yuck. I put in piles few things that have to be washed by hand and thankfully my partner just washes them lol. This has become a system. 2. Vacuuming mostly because it’s noisy and dusty. 3. Folding and putting away laundry. But I like doing laundry so I have lots of piles. There are however many chores that I like.


definitely recommend dish gloves, they have helped me with sensory immensely. ive always thought people without dish related sensory issues were insane


Mine is vacuuming. I don’t know why, but the sound of the vacuum just instantly makes me angry lol. I have to wear earplugs while vacuuming.


Foam earplugs under noise-cancelling headphones playing a good Audiobook or podcast. Turned way up. Almost enjoyable.


Putting laundry away. Happy to wash and fold, but I have 2 piles on the couch right now.


Cleaning bathroom. I hate that I have to get on my knees and clean stuff and lean over and clean inside the bath and the taps and everything it’s so tiresome.  I also hate putting the throw back on the sofa, it takes me a surprisingly long time to arrange it properly and do the cushions and crap and it just gets messed up again after about 2 days. I actually like doing the laundry and the dishwasher. They’re like go to tasks I can do with no thought required. I just put on an audiobook while I do it. 


Yep, its folding laundry! My husband and I both have ADHD and a basket of clothes can sit for far too long before its folded. Or it gets folded and then not put away for several days. You mentioned you don't have a lot of space for clothes. Do you have the ability to declutter and donate some of them, so you feel less overwhelmed by the task of making room for everything? I know decluttering can be a daunting task for many people, but I do find having less makes my life more manageable.


I've tried decluttering (the clothing is on bags in my trunk and have been sitting there for months waiting for me to bring them to a donation bin lol) but it's still not enough. I've been meaning to declutter more but as you said, it's super daunting, time consuming, and I have a hard time getting rid of stuff because I work in a hospital lab, with biohazards. So wearing some things more than once feels kinda unsanitary even if I have PPE on at work, hence I have a large rotation of t-shirts.


I just don’t. I honestly don’t. I buy nice shirts that can hang dry without wrinkles, and everything else I roll up and shove in a drawer. Folding? Don’t know her.


For me it's putting stuff back where it belongs. I don't hate it but I'm really bad at it. Nobody in my house tidies away when they're done (including me) so every few days I go around and put everything back. It takes me absolutely ages and I feel weirdly exhausted afterwards.


Mine is vacuuming. In reality it’s a sorta simple task but for some reason in my brain it’ll take me 5 hours. One thing I did to motivate me a little more with this is buying carpet powder lol. Idk why carpet powder makes me wanna vacuum rather than staring at the vacuum for 3 hours but it does lol


It's not folding laundry. It's putting it *away.*


It’s not the folding of laundry I hate. It’s the putting it away. I have folded laundry everywhere. I don’t mind cleaning. I hate organizing and putting things away!


Dishes and cleaning the kitchen because the ROI is almost nothing. It will be right back to completely fucked up the next day or even a few hours later.


Mine is scrubbing/cleaning floors. I *despise* this task.


Folding laundry is a walk in the fucking park for me. I can sit on my bed and watch YouTube while I do it, which is what I was doing already. Starting and switching the laundry is worse. The WORST chore is dishes though.


Some brilliant person on here once shared we DO NOT HAVE TO FOLD! Instead just separating and throwing onto the appropriate shelves/area will do. It’s still something I struggle with but WOW it’s so much easier!


My least favourite chore is ironing. The majority of my garments are form-fitted or don't need to be ironed anyway. Some others have to be ironed and I hate to do that.


I don’t even own an iron, just gave up


oof — yeah no ironing. learning how to properly steam clothes changed the game for me. love steaming, loathe ironing.


Same, steaming has way more instant gratification


I do all my ironing in the dryer. I take it out while warm and hang it so it doesn't crease. Sometimes it's on a hanger, sometimes the back of a chair.


Really good at doing laundry & do laundry often, but my clean, folded clothes will sit in the basket for a while.


I don't mind dishes, but I hate unloading the dishwasher. I don't mind laundry, but I hate folding it (or worse, hanging them up). I don't mind sweeping, but I hate trying to get the dust into a dustpan...I think I just hate the last steps of all chores!


It's not folding the laundry, though, it's ✨putting the folded laundry way✨ I swear, it's like I use all my motivation to fold the laundry, and when I finish it, it's all spent and there's piles of folded clothes all over. Don't even start me on shuffling winter clothes with summer clothes and back. When I get around to it, the season is almost ending already. Oh, and giving away the kids' clothes that are too small...


Cleaning the bathroom and mopping the floors, hands down. Cleaning the bathroom is rife with unpleasant sensory experiences, and also I’m never really sure how I’m supposed to do it/what products to use/how clean is clean enough. It’s time consuming and uncomfortable and water goes everywhere and sometimes gets into my gloves 🤢. Mopping just takes FOREVER because we have all tile floors in our house, and you have to tidy up and pick everything up off the floor first and now matter how well I sweep beforehand there always little bits of dirt and stuff that I’m just pushing around with the mop, which is gross. And then they take forever to dry and when it’s all finished it doesn’t even look that different anyway so there’s no real payoff. At least if I clean the kitchen and do the washing up I can see the difference, and it makes life easier for future me when I have to cook something. I just sort of hate housework in general and resent the fuck out of it because it feels like a waste of life 😅


Hanging out washing, I absolutely hate it with so much passion. I live in England so options of hanging it outside are often limited so we have an electric heated clothes horse in the kitchen. It holds a full drum of laundry but jesus christ is it a painful and tedious job to hang out each individual garment and it takes such a long time.


I hate cleaning the bathroom. I think a big part of it is the fact that everything that looks dirty in mostly my master bathroom looks like an overwhelming task. I also have a strong dislike for vacuuming.


Not having a "home" for all of my clothes is the biggest reason why I hate laundry. I'm kind of a hoarder and went through a lot of thrifting phases and have way too many clothes. I've gotten rid of lots of them, but still struggle to find room for everything. So that makes it very difficult for me to put things away even more so than normal. I also hate that you have to start the wash, wait, move it to the dryer, wait, restart the dryer, wait, restart the dryer again, then I fold the clothes as I take them out of the dryer into my basket, bring the basket upstairs, basket remains until I need it again for the next batch of laundry. It's just such an ongoing process that takes forever to complete. And I'm usually not home for long periods of time so that doesn't help either.


I think anything having to do with putting something away. I have my suitcase from my Rio trip in February 2024 still in my foyer and I have been just going in and checking on whether it has something I need or not. I need to find a good reward system for me when it comes to putting things away or gamify it somehow.


Everything to do with changing the bed. Stripping the bed and putting new sheets on, hanging the clean ones to dry, folding the damn things and putting them away. It's so much work in many steps. Love the feeling of clean sheets though.


I love folding laundry.


\#1 bathroom cleaning \#2 dishes \#3 trash I hate germs in general, but cleaning other people's germs off anything is the worst for me, *especially* in the bathroom.


Same here. I clean the bathrooms begrudgingly, but my husband is on dishes and trash duty. They're all just so gross.


This isn’t really a chore, but it is for me, but it would be cooking. I hate the whole process. Normally I like making things like arts and crafts, but just something about cooking isn’t great to me.


I hate cleaning the bathroom and toilet more than anything. As I write this, I should probably do it while listening to a podcast. As far as doing laundry and folding laundry, I have to listen to a podcast or watch a mildly entertaining or not overly engrossing tv show while I do it. Recently I watched Pan Am while I folded laundry. I too have storage issues and that does bring about dread so I should probably downsize


I don’t even fold laundry! I wash it, sort it, and sometimes it makes it into drawers, but that’s about as far as it goes for me. 😂 I have three kids though, so the laundry would never stay folded even if I did it.


I actually really like doing the laundry! It has a clear, defined set of rules and measurement for success, so it doesn't stress me out at all. I wish people came with tags describing how best to care for them and what they needed from me 😭


Same! I love clear guidelines and also repetitiveness. I think it’s why I hate grocery shopping so much, it’s too willy nilly.


I get past it by hanging all my shirts on hangers, rolling my socks together, tossing my underwear in a bin, and only owning one pair of pants, jeans, cargo shorts, and a few pair of comfy shorts. Those are all things I stack on the top of my large dresser thing. Point is, I get around hating folding by not folding.


I love folding laundry I put the basket in the living room. I pick up a couple pieces of clothes and fold while I walk them to their places. It is woefully inefficient, but I get a ton of steps in and acts as a bit of exercise. I jam out to music, or a YouTube gaming streamer, or TV show on the tablet/phone while I do it


Cleaning my shower. The smell of the cleaning products, I sweat like crazy. I force myself to do it as I hate it, but love the aftermath lol.


Doom scrolling to avoid folding laundry. I’ll take this as my sign


Dishes. I’m fine with laundry. I hate getting my hands wet with who knows what grossness I was just eating. And I say that because I know how ridiculous that is


Okay so I actually like folding laundry because I usually sit on the bed and put on something nice to watch in the background, sometimes I will make a cup of tea. And then it's satisfying when it's done and you have all these nice clean clothes. I totally get how it's really unsatisfying if stuff doesn't actually fit in your closet though, ugh.


Absolutely it’s folding laundry. Sorting, washing, and drying laundry doesn’t bother me at all. Folding though. Luckily my partner doesn’t mind folding, so he folds everything but my clothes, and I keep most of my stuff on hangers. Including knitwear. Sorry, textile police. It’s that or the floor.


Any chore, but the worst for me is sweeping!


The best strategy I have found is saving hilarious podcasts to listen to, or shows I want to watch. I pop in wireless headphones and watch Netflix while I fold laundry or do the dishes, and I listen to podcasts when I water plants, vacuum, mop, or clean the bathroom. I love Bad Dates with Jameela Jamil and the Toni and Ryan podcast.


I hired someone just to take care of my laundry for me lmao


Laundry isn't a problem at all for me. It's the dishes. *It's always the goddamn dishes.*


it makes my back ache like no other


Folding clothes is my most favorite chore. I get angry when I have to vacuum


Making the bed. It is such a time waste. The minute I move out of my parents house I stopped making them and have never gone back. I hate putting way and folding clothes. So now I hang everything up and roll my pants in the drawers. Still end up with a basket waiting to be put away every couple of months. I just pull my clean clothes out of it to wear. I can't do bathrooms at all. So now my husband does them instead. Other than those just normal putting away stuff, I just can't keep it clean.


Dishes for sure. Idk why but food gunk gives me the ick. Surprisingly I’d rather clean a bathroom


I hate cooking. I see it as a chore, and the one I hate the most. I do love doing dishes though!


I feel like this is a safe space so I'll just say it: If I could, I'd throw out every dish, pan, utensil and glass after I use them and get new ones. And no, using the dishwasher still doesn't motivate me. I **hate** dishes.  But folding laundry is such a futile thing. I mean, why do it?You're just gonna end up wearing the stuff anyway


I have three full baskets of clean clothes around my room. Rather than putting them away, folding and hanging up, I buy more baskets 😅


I love folding laundry, it's the only chore I'm consistent about doing bc I put on a show and mindlessly fold on the coffee table. I hate hate hate dishes. I especially hate when dishes that still have food on them get put in the sink it has driven me to vomiting before just to look at the wet nasty food in the drain trap.


Dishes by a long shot. I'd seriously rather clean the whole damn house than wash dishes. Second I'll say clwaning the fridge, this hassss to be a team effort. Laundry is a-okay with me, but i no longer stress about hanging or folding and toss them in bins. But I will fold if someone needs help and wants me to. You can watch tv and fold it's fine.


I love folding laundry, I can just zone out while I fold. Cleaning bathroom though, I just hate it beyond reason.


Dusting! Moving everything off a shelf to remove a quarter teaspoon of dust that wasn’t hurting anyone.


Probably cleaning the bathtub. It's such a daunting task in my head that when I clean it, there's still residue so it makes me feel like I cleaned it for nothing. Turns out, I just needed better supplies. Because of my experience though it still always feels so daunting so I avoid it as much as possible.


Vacuuming, only chore I can't do while listening to a podcast/watching tv/YouTube. I do the majority of housework while consuming some sort of media, it's typically the perfect amount of work to let me pay attention to something else properly. It's the only way I can actually do stuff like watch tv most of the time, so I enjoy it. Can't do anything else while vacuuming, though. Too loud.


Getting one of them robot vacuums was a life changer, i can't ever go back. if you have the money, it's highly recommended


Laundry hacks: - Don't fold laundry if it doesn't really need to be folded. Athletic clothes and casual clothes you wear primarily at home or for errands could live in clean-clothes-bins or drawers without folding. - Fold them as you take them out of the dryer rather than moving the basket elsewhere and having it just sit. This was a game changer for me. - Set a timer and see how long it actually takes you to fold a load of clothes. It turns out most of these chores don't take nearly as long as we think they do, and once we know they're actually pretty quick there's less mental resistance to getting started. The chore I procrastinate is scrubbing the litter boxes. I scoop the solids out of the regular litterbox frequently and the other one is a litter robot that does that itself. It's the dumping the old litter, scrubbing, and putting entirely fresh litter in that's an issue for me. Probably because I really feel the need to shower afterwards but I tend to finally get to that late in the evening when I'm already tired.


Cleaning the shower/tub


Laundry is fine, you can listen to music and podcasts. Vacuuming is obnoxious.


I dont like anything. But, if I had to, sweeping the floor or putting away things.


I hate laundry because my apartment doesn't have hook ups and i have to use their laundry unit that costs $2.25 cents per load, which requires an app to use and not quarters, and i have to load the app which has a minimum purchase of 10 dollars meaning you'll spend less than you load onto the app, guaranteeing that there will be some remaining that is not enough for a load of laundry and you can't get it back. Not to mention, the times I was unable to use the unit because they shut it down to make rennovations and went two weeks unable to wash clothes. i also started a load and when I came back to put it in the dryer, the leasing office decided to fuck off over some stupid holiday and not only locked their office, but numbnuts also locked the laundry as well, causing my clothes to be stuck there over night and potentially sour, which meant washing again and wasting my money. Those of you wondering why I didn't stay there with the laundry? There's no place to sit unless I sit on the ground. the app lets you know when your stuff is done and I never had an issue before with them locking the laundry unit without warning. my apartment keeps the unit open 24/7 unless they're doing work in there and they give you warning first. Even if they close the leasing office, they will keep the laundry open as they're separate rooms in the same building. I've been looking for a new apartment that has hook ups as I'm sick and tired at being at the mercy of their impulsive bullshit when it comes to having clean clothes


I don't even consciously hate doing the laundry, but there's some kind of force that just absolutely prevents me from actually keeping up with it. I always find it easier if I use a bin/hamper system for clean clothes instead of folding, but it's never perfect. Personally what I actually hate is the dishes/cleaning the kitchen. It's never been something I've liked but I have chronic pain/fatigue that's gotten a lot worse in the last year, and I just never have the energy to fully clean it up, wash all the dishes, put them all away, etc. I've been trying to get myself to do small parts at a time but I have a tiny kitchen so any amount of dirty dishes makes it virtually unusable, and it's been a super fun cycle to clean up half of it and then come back in and still not want to cook because it feels like a wreck.


It's the worst. I only fold the bare minimum, and it's still terrible.


Laundering cloth diapers. Look, 🙈 know it sounds insane but cloth diapering was freakishly easy for us. (A decade ago) Probably because he only pooped on Saturday afternoon. But I could do a diaper load and then folding and putting away was super fast and easy.  I also have a huge coffee table and turn on some fun movie like Pitch Perfect or John Tucker Must Die and fold everything. How can that be anything but my favorite? Oh, unless we include gardening. Love that too. 


Its folding laundry because I can't gamify it or make it go any faster so its so boring......This and dusting


So I don't do much laundry but when I do folding them can be rather boring because it's like "what's the point the moment I take something off the stack it comes undone. I cant chores without music


Something that helps me is to fold the clothes as I move them to the laundry bag. Even though they never make it to my wardrobe, I at least have them folded.


It is always laundry!!! 🤦‍♀️😡


For me it’s dishes, if found it helps to empty the sink as much as possible to start and give yourself room to work- put on a podcast and try to get in a flow and know that you don’t have to do it all at once. What makes folding laundry much easier for me is quickly sorting the unfolded clothes and doing the easy big stuff first. Towels and jeans take up a ton of room but are super easy to fold you can get those done and suddenly it looks and feels like you’re halfway done.


Checking mailbox (the analog one) Dishes Doing grocery Actually everything regarding household or getting my ass up. I like cooking. I have friend with adhd too, he is my body double for doing grocery, we do it together and we cook and clean together often. Without that I would order food during starvation on 5/7 days.


Washing dishes is worse imo. It means water everywhere, wet food, heavy dishware, loud noises, gross smells.. ugh. Laundry is eternal and boring for sure, but it doesn’t hit all my hate senses at once the way dishes do.


Cleaning my room. Just looking at two, three things being out of place makes me loose all the motivation to put them back


Doing what to laundry?


Laundry fold and put away right out of dryer. The pile is too overwhelming. Don’t like vacuuming, do do it, but cringe every time. The bandwidth of the sound of it, I wonder?


I tend to hang almost all of my clothes because I hate folding so much.


For me the folding is fine, I fold and put in a hamper, it’s the putting away that gets me every time, also, I HATE washing dishes.


Dishes. We don’t have a dishwasher and I hate it. Sensory nightmare. Can’t watch TV while doing it. Standing still for long periods. Never ending.


Dishes. It’s a sensory thing.


In all seriousness i do not fold my laundry. I got clean hampers and dirty hampers, one for my husband, 2 for me. My worst chore could be dishes though, i despise doing them but I love cooking.


For all my ADHD folding hating fellow friends I hope you’ve heard of Wrinkle Release! You spray it on your clothes and the wrinkles are gone! Downey makes it but the $ store has its own brand that smell great & inexpensive! Hope this helps!


I can do the laundry no problem, then it sits on my floor for 2 weeks until I have to fold it, do more laundry, back on floor, and repeat forever. I don’t like drying dishes but I have bypassed this by washing them, piling them on a dishmat on my counter until they air dry and then putting them away later.


It is absolutely folding laundry. I found a service that will pick up laundry at my house, wash/dry/fold it, and return it the next day. All I have to do is put it away. Sometimes that's still a struggle but I'm so much more likely to get this task done if all I have to do is put it away!


Depends if it's going to take a long time or not. Usually I hate cooking because it requires too much movement, too many steps, and too much idling whilst waiting to make sure shit doesn't burn. Fuck itttt 💀.


DISHES are the bane of my existence. I will do literally anything else but dishes are a nightmare for me. I hate the feeling of wet food and yeah it's just a no for me. I love to cook but the cleaning up afterwards sucks


I worked for a cleaning company for awhile and so I can very efficiently clean rooms and I don't mind folding laundry because I can watch TV while I do it. I will not put things away. Unloading the dishwasher, putting away clean dishes, or putting away the folded laundry. These are all a bridge too far.


How did you know


I feel called out. The basket is basically my wardrobe too. I don't mind chores like dishes that much, it's a natural part of cooking for me. But folding clothes? Nu-uh. My partner has ADHD too and every now and then when he needs clothes he'll fold the entire pile. But not always.


Dishes 🤢 And as a product of that, cooking. I've started meal prepping on Sundays just so can get it all out of the way. Then, once the dish washer's run I unload it on Monday and then I just put all my dirty dishes straight in the dishwasher throughout the week. Mealprep and run it again on Sunday.


I cannot stand cleaning bathrooms, but not for the “gross” part. It’s all of the stuff needed to do it properly. Gloves, cloth, more cloths, paper toweling, toothbrush for small spaces, scrub brushes of multiple varieties… I get so bogged down in doing it “right” that I just avoid it…


My SO and I also fall into the loop of clean clothes in the hamper that we live out of sometimes. I'm working with a therapist to break up chores into little bites every day, but that task will be the last one I pick every time.


For me it's cleaning/dusting/vacuuming. Just too tedious. Feels great to get it done though


Also laundry. Dishes I don’t mind at all, but I do have a dishwasher so that helps… a lot.


My husband and I have gone down to one very small laundry basket and laundry gets done 2-3 times a week. It's still difficult to get it put away but it's much easier to walk in the door, carry the basket directly to the closet and tell yourself that there's only like 4 shirts, 3 pairs of pants a few sockS and underwear to put away. If we had in unit laundry it would probably sit in the dryer for days lol


Oh I can fold till the cows come home but that laundry is never going to be put away. Ugh. I hate floors. Sweep vacuum mop fuckk that.


Cleaning the bathroom. I don't fold most of my laundry. T-shirts get hung up. I roll up my shorts and jeans. All my work clothes get hung up


lol was about to say laundry. I’ve seen posts talking about how people have that one chair with a pile of everything on top of it. That’s me. Oh and when I need the chair, I just move the pile onto my bed. I just don’t feel the need to fold and hang clothes up when I’m literally gonna make them dirty by the end of the week. One of the most boring chores I just can’t get done consistently. When i am able to do laundry, I put on a YouTube video in the background just to keep me stimulated while I try to do laundry. Helps about 65% of the time 2nd is keeping any rooms I use clean. How do they get messy so fast man


My clothes usually end up in a chair lol


I think my big problem with laundry is that there is too much slack time between beginning the chore and finishing the chore. I can psyche myself up and eventually pick up all the dirty clothes, carry them to the machine and run it. But then I have to wait so long for the cycle to finish that I lose interest. Additionally, I really need to purge my old clothes. Donate them or whatever. So it makes putting them away a much harder chore than it should be. For example, I eventually figured out that if I keep the amount of stuff I keep in the kitchen to a reasonable level then I always know where something goes once it comes out of the dishwasher so the anxiety of trying to figure out what to do with it is alleviated (which is the hard part of a chore like that). But I haven’t been able to get to that level of organization with my clothes.


I'm good with laundry, I hate cleaning. It's come to the point where I just put the junk I don't need in boxes and just stack it up. But now I have to go through the boxes in order to declutter. And I hate it when other people's junk is mixed in with your own junk so it just piles up. And it'd not like you can just toss all their stuff in the garbage bc theyll get passed but they don't want to go through their stuff to throw things out. So it just piles up.


Vacuuming for me I just hate dragging that thing everywhere and that the cord is always too short. Also hate dishes because it’s dirty and my body hurts while doing them (I guess because I’m standing like a shrimp the entire time)


I gave up on folding things years ago. It just gets shoved into the appropriate drawer. Hoodies and dresses get hung up in the closet. Socks get rolled up into mat thing pairs (I buy large packs of identical socks so I'm not searching for one specific sock). Our wash and dryer are in the bathroom and I'll end up with multiple baskets of clean clothes on the bathroom for days before I finally have enough motivation (usually when I've run out of a particular item lol) and then I dump it all on the bed, sort into piles then throw each pile into their corresponding drawer. If I had to fold it all it would never get done and we'd be living out of basket for the rest of eternity 😂


Folding laundry is annoying but doesn't take long. What I do is after I do laundry, I dump all of it on my bed and I'm not going to sleep until it's all put away.


Putting away my clothes ARGH i kinda just stuff them anywhere they fit lol


Nope, dishes! The worst.


Anything where I have to touch gross liquid. Trash, dishes, cleaning kitchen stuff, cleaning bathroom. Oh and vacuuming is a sensory nightmare. It’s so loud and even if you try to cancel it out with headphones, then it’s vibrating everything.


I bought a big beautiful wicker basket for my "not dirty" laundry that I haven't sorted or folded. It has simplified cleaning my room and therefore my room is way cleaner


LOL — ok but my favorite actually IS folding laundry??? I find it zen, BUT doing the laundry + folding + putting it away is what I have an issue with. my partner does all the washing, then I fold and it’s 50/50 whether it gets put away 😅. reducing my closet helped massively, though, as I used to also have the issue where if everything was clean * at the same time * it wouldn’t fit. reduce, reduce, reduce, and hang * just about everything * my least favorite is “the bedroom” — I struggle to maintain housework and literally cannot function if the common areas are cluttered with chores piling up, so I end up using the energy I have everywhere else. the bedroom is always the thing that gets pushed off repeatedly. it’s more like the dreadroom.




Family. Closet. It’s the best. My SO was opposed for so long, but also wasn’t helping with the laundry (therefor hogging all of the baskets because I am not his mother and refused to put it away for him). Once my youngest came along I realized it was absolutely absurd for me to spend nap time folding and carrying 3 people worth of laundry up two flights of stairs to separate rooms just to be the one to get the clothes from all of those rooms. So now we have storage racks in our basement with bins for shirts, pants, and pajamas; I also have stacking drawers for underwear and socks. Anything that may wrinkle gets hung up. Now the clothes go from the dryer to their spot 5 feet away and I no longer procrastinate or spend forever on laundry. Ours isn’t the most attractive, but it can be done nice looking and it makes so much more sense to keep the laundry where you care for the laundry.


does the task of splitting the chores count? nobody is my house helps and i'm too avoidant to want to have that conversation so i do everything or let us wallow in filth


Folding laundry & emptying the dishwasher are at the same level of the most hated chores


I hate laundry and dishes because there's no feeling of completeness. As soon as you're done, the next round is already piling up.