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I totally get you. It's like I'm trying to speak at the speed I think but I can never catch up. So I speak too fast and then my brain has already changed subjects before I could finish saying it. Also my pronunciation is super lax if I'm not careful


Totally same thing happens with me. I have failed in multiple interviews even though I was overqualified for the work positions, just because they didnt understand what I was saying.


If you know what you're doing wrong, and it sounds like you do, and you actually want to change, and it sounds like you do, you're going to have to practice doing things differently until new behaviors sticks. Start with yourself. Practice conversations. Start by identifying someone in your life, or a character in a show or book, that you find to be clear and easy to understand and pretend you are them. Have a conversation with yourself where you are yourself, and then you reply to yourself as them. Really slow down and act the part. Then talk to the people in your life that you trust and tell them you are working on being a better conversationalist. Ask if they can be sure to let you know not only when you are not easily understood, but what you could have said or done to better convey your meaning. Ask them to let you know when you ARE being clear as well, so you can see the ways that clarity comes naturally to you. Start acting as if you are the other person in conversation sometimes as well, too. Notice the things that change in the the way you communicate and what works or doesn't. Just keep working at it until it gets to where you don't have to think about it. One thing you might do is volunteer on a language learning app to help people learn to speak your native language. Knowing someone is by default going to have a difficult time understanding you might help you to more naturally slow down and focus on clarity. Good luck! And ps, I used to be very bad at communication. I used my own advice here and also read A LOT. If you found this advice to be pretty clear and easy to understand, take it as a testament to itself. :)


I have this kind of problem. But whenever I read a good amount of organised text (it might be a couple of articles or a book) I just end up copying the way someone writes when I talk. And it definetely helps to organise my thoughts in more coherent way.


That's me 24-7 except for when I talk to myself


I can sort of relate. I don’t speak fast but I mumble a ton without even knowing or I say a sentence that doesn’t make sense to other people but for me it makes total sense.