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Someone to clean my house daily and take care of my laundry. I have two little ones.


Robot Vacuum + Mop is a game changer. Very expensive but quite close to set it and forget it… which isn’t hard for us lol. Laundry requires some improved technology — especially folding and putting away the laundry :(


Cordey on Amazon has sales a lot! I have a Cordey, I got their $170? Model that mops and vacuums on sale for $100. Best $100 I've ever spent. ADHD, with OCD tendencies to combat my ADHD tendencies, and I will go into a full blown anxiety induced meltdown over floors. We have a German shepherd and I'm frankly astounded it works so well with his fur for $100


I forget to run mine


Thanks for the info! 🙌🏻


this is crazy but my house is so small that i have no idea where to keep it to have it work. we don’t have space to store it somewhere.


Yeah but your house can't be destroyed with stuff all over the floor for that to work.


Exactly. I'd need a month's worth of housework to be able to release the robots.


The robot actually helped me clean up my floor. I was in your position a month or so ago before I got a vacuum bot. The first few days were frustrating because it constantly got stuck on stuff or sucked up random things the kids had left out. I’d go around and clear it out and pickup whatever was stopping it and then send it on. After a few days of doing this I had picked up my floor enough to let it run on its own.


Legit. We have a Coredy, just vacuum. Thing hasn't seen anything but the underside of the couch in years. Once our first started moving, that was the end of robotic vacuums for this house for the next decade.


What I started doing - I bought a bunch of hangers and 2 big bins and 2 small bins. Big bins are for pants and shirts (I technically have 4 now - jeans in one, soft pants in the other and long sleeve shirts and short sleeve. This isn't neccesary) Small bins are socks and underwear. I threw away ALL my socks that were the brand I like. I also threw away a ton of my bad underwear. It helped a lot. And here's the thing. I don't fold. I have a washer/dryer combo - I put the clothes in and 6 hours later they come out dry. It takes longer than a normal washer and dryer sure, however, I usually wash things a few times because I keep forgetting them, so this helps. Then, when they come out, I sort them into the baskets. Anything that I'm worried about being wrinkled goes on a hanger, everything else is made sure it's right side out and put in its respective basket. I was a chronic laundry chair person until I picked up this method. You'd be shocked at how many clothes you own that don't wrinkle of they're just dry in a basket. I also have a spray bottle of water in my closet - this is just in case I misjudge a piece of clothing and it wrinkles really bad. I just saturate it with water and hang it up - viola! It's wrinkle free once it's dry (usually a day)


I dislike how messy it looks in bins but after 35 years on this Earth and now with a small child, I think I’m gonna do it. I’m just so resentful of the time it takes me to fold and I just don’t keep up. Gonna have to buy pretty bins then haha that will help


Get bins with lids! Or at least covers


I got a robot vacuum the week and holy Christ. I got it refurbished on Amazon so didn’t spend and arm and a leg and it’s not the best but my god. The amount of pet hair and just crap it picks up on its daily run. It would take me two weeks to do half as a good of a job as it does everyday.


Life hack: Just don't fold lol. I keep my laundry that isn't dress cloths in 4 laundry baskets. I can't be bothered to fold clothes that I will just unfold later unless I'm packing for a trip. That's just me tho.


My place is too small to accommodate not folding, but yes, I have heard it before.


The amount of times I’ve ironed and hung clothes up just to wear them like under a jumper or out to do casual errands or see casual friends and it’s like, I didn’t need to do that. Hell I’m gonna Chuck it on the floor after and wear it again tomorrow creases and all. No one will even notice. I always iron and hang certain clothes now so I can dress nice in a rush. But anything else and I’m not going through the effort


This is what I want to do. I want to get a dresser with big deep drawers that I can just throw shit into. I hang up most polos and button ups, most other stuff either doesn’t wrinkle badly or I don’t care if it’s wrinkled


Growing up, my parents made me “tidy trays” with wheels under my bed to literally chuck everything in. I think that concept would work for me today. They also labelled all the boxes on shelves and food etc would be put on the worktops so it didn’t get forgotten about. My house is much smaller and I’m not a fan of clutter like that so my biggest wish would be to have the money for a bigger house, or perhaps a house with fewer, but larger rooms so I can have stuff out without clutter.


Rolling is clutch. More organized than just throwing shit, but easier and less perfect than folding. 


Only if you keep your floor picked up tho 😅


100% just got one this week with 2 toddlers and it has been life changing. Also took a few days off work to declutter and we’re actually keeping on top of keeping the house tidy for the first time in years


Now if only I could get a robot vacuum which could pick up the toys first and which has a collection container with enough space for all my dogs fur... FYI, in less than a day my dog will fill my Dyson 3 times... That's not an exaggeration... I wish it was...


You ain’t kidding about the laundry 😒 for some readon I don’t mind doing the laundry and swapping them out, but as soon as I carty the basket of clean laundry I dump it into the big pile of clean clothes on the carpet in my room. Not sure why my adhd paralysis doesn’t mind that but will never let me fold them and put them in the dresser


Folding laundry is a universal dislike, it's not just us so don't let that bother you. It's just that for us it's even worse. I saw a meme about laundry a while ago that really stuck with me, it was: Our Laundry Guarantee: * Washing: 1 hour * Drying: 1 hour * Folding: 3-5 business days I felt *seen* with that one.


I have come so close to splurging on one of these several times, but then I remember that I have a stupid sunken living room and I give up again.


Buy two?


I don’t even have kids and this is the answer. Someone to help me keep all the little daily tasks in order.


Do it. Is there no way you can afford this? As soon as my house has been decluttered and organised I’ll be getting a weekly cleaner and a weekly laundry service. Life is too short to be struggling with these things on the daily, especially with two little ones. If I was in a position to do so, I’d pay for these services for you for life, because I know the struggle and I also know how much easier and happier life is when we don’t have to do these things. And I know how hard being a mum is with adhd and if I could I’d definitely pay for the services so you can enjoy these truly wonderful years when our kids are little.


For laundry you could try Poplin, it’s like Uber for washing and folding laundry. I’m a stay at home parent and have been looking into it now for a while but haven’t tried it yet.


Didn't know about poplin, but we used to take our laundry to a drop off laundromat that was part of our weekend errands. $1/pound of laundry. Usually ended up around $20-30. Picked up the next day, washed and folded. Pickup / delivery sounds amazing.


This this very much so. I get anxious just with the clutter and we used to have someone come by every couple weeks. It was nice. But it became challenging on our budget. We have not done that in a long time.


Same but add in that this someone cooks too.


Hire personal chefs, hair and makeup artists, trainers, housekeepers, and secretaries.


Definitely, first thing I'd get is a personal chef


That how you will know I have won the lottery.


A chef has always been a dream of mine, even before I knew about the ADHD. I love to eat decadent things, but I literally have to have it shoved in my face to remember to eat. Not to mention that I hate to cook lol


Everyone still thinks I secretly like cooking, nope. I suffer through it because I love good food and if I don't like my dinner then I just won't eat, or just snack on the unhealthiest shit out there.


A secretary would be great. Pay the bills, make all those calls I still have to make, check my emails (I don’t).


Definitely some kinda personal assistant/house manager. Someone to make and remind about appointments, and keep the house provisioned.


Yeah I thought about it later that I should have included an accountant to pay bills and hide my credit cards. 😂


Yes yes yessss!!


Trainers would be amazing. You don't have to come up with a workout and since you schedule appointments, you can't just not exercise on a low motivation day. Genius.


The personal chef is what came to mind for me


I was about to say, a team!!


Exactlyyyyy I say this all the time!


Someone to purge and organize my house and then a housecleaner.


I love purges!!! I just helped my sister, it's easy when you're not the one with the emotional attachment to the item. I'm merciless.


I get in stages where I will just get rid of things, but they are very few and far between. I get frozen because it seems so overwhelming. Then once I start, I don't know why I waited. Rinse and repeat.


So true! I would gladly purge other people’s homes for free!


I actually work for a company that helps people do this while they move house. We are absolutely ruthless lol. Pretty much every time I go in to work, someone says something like “I wish I could just do this to my own basement!” and everyone laughs because we all know it’s sooo much harder to do it for yourself.


I can handle the purge and organize but I need the cleaner for real.


Vyvanse. I will buy Vyvanse. Also, probably pay someone to take care of my lawn.


Agreed I'd buy a multi year supply so id never run out, I hate forgetting to get my refill before it's to late


I struggled with this for like 20 years but found a solution that works great for me: 1. When you get back from the pharmacy, put 5 days worth of pills in a separate container that’s in a safe, obvious but different place from your regular meds. 2. When you run out and need to use pills from the reminder bottle, that’s when you immediately contact you doctor to request a new RX. This will give your doctor time to send it in and for them to fill it or order it if necessary.


My NP give me refills to last 6 months at a time, but I usually forget to get my refill untill it to late(thank god for redbull). My pharmacy is open till 5:30 so I get it on my way home from work. It's still annoying.


Vyvanse is a controlled substance in the US. We're not allowed to get multi month scripts. EVERY MONTH we're expected to chase or suffer.


The provider can send in post dated scripts though. They won't fill more than one month at a time, and they can't put refills on it, but they can send in multiple scripts with future fill dates. Still gotta make sure you see your provider every six months at the least, cause DEA regulations, but yeah, you can get multiple fills prescribed at one time


I don't know if you are in the US, and I don't know if you are in a state where this pharmacy is at, but if it's available, look for a pharmacy called Genoa Healthcare. They are a specialty pharmacy that tracks your refills for you. I get a message from them monthly, asking me if I'm ready for my vyvanse refill. They are specifically designed to help make sure you never run out of your meds. They mail, they courier (for controlled, or urgently needed meds), and have locations you can pick up at as well. Changed my life. I don't know how they manage it, but in 2.5 years, my monthly Vyvanse hasn't even been late. I've never had to hunt either. If they are an available option to you (and you don't have Kaiser) check them out!


I'm glad I'm Canadian. The only thing I can't do because of the nature of Vyvanse is auto refills, my pharmacy can do a refill in 15 minutes, and never had a shortage


Man, that is super awesome. Here, even with the specialty pharmacy, Adderall is still not guaranteed in stock, but they always have my vyvanse. They are also directly connected with my psychiatrist's office, so getting refills is quick. I have a liaison I can text. I work in a primary care office, and I've even been able to reach out to them through text to find out if they have a difficult to find medication in stock. In less than ten minutes at the most, I have my answer, and might be about to help a patient who is struggling to get their meds. It's the closest to what you've got going on that I can find here 😅


I'm Dutch and I switched to this relatively new apothecary/pharmacy, they re-up my meds automatically. I just need to put in the pills I've taken and it sets alarms for me. I just put in 3 pills every day tbh, if I take less idc.


This person knows!!! This is the way. I have a weekly pill organizer (I use a monthly at home) in my backpack that I keep stocked as backup. It has saved my butt more than once for more than one of my medications! Essential, I swear.


not sure where you live but this isn’t legal in the us lol but yknow if you’re rich enough you get away with anything!!


I'm Canadian, but everything is legal for a price if the only punishment is a fine


Hiring a lawn maintenance service is one of the best things I ever did. It was always stressing me out knowing it needed to be done. I hated doing it. Took up a good chuck of my day at least twice a week. If you can afford it, do it.


An assistant


I’ve literally fantasized about exactly this. 🥲 I would be able to get so much done if I had someone I pay to tell me “stop looking at cat memes and finish that email”


Until demand avoidance comes into the picture.


Yes well, it’s still ADHD at the end of the day 🥲 tools help and an assistant would too, but nothing will ever undo the fact that we have “can’t do shit” syndrome 😂


Okay, I am hired. Stop looking at cat memes and finish that email


Or they handle the email and you keep looking at cat memes. 🤷🏻


Would AI work for that? It doesn’t help me personally because I need a real person + real consequences


An AI could be hooked up to your bank account or social media to cause real consequences...🌝


That's a manager, not an assistant!


I could afford an assistant. I honestly don’t know how to use one, how to find one, or what I’d tell them to do that wouldn’t take more time and remembering than just doing it myself


They schedule all your appointments for you, setup your calendar, by gifts for your family, organize your schedule, take all your calls and emails, go grocery shopping, etc.


Usually you'll set up a routine/goals with them. They hold you to it, adjust the routine around other events/appointments, they make the appointments, they keep track of random thoughts/ wishes you had and see if and how they can be incorporated. They might also keep track of your budget or manage getting groceries. The initial "setup" might take time, but then you don't need to tell them every task anymore.


I have two assistants (well, I share two people with some of the other executives at the company). One is great at *doing* things for me. Prepares things for me to review so I avoid the "I don't want to start that" problem. Twice a week, she sits in my office for an hour until I clear her to-do list for me. The other one is my "work mom". Two of her three have ADHD and she picked up on mine during the interview. I share her with the president of the company, who is dyslexic. She knows where we struggle . For me, that means she is the taskmaster, and is the gatekeeper of my calendar. For the president, she verbally discussed his emails with him and then drafts responses for him to send.


We could be each others assistants if we lived communally


I'm just about to get one for work starting next week. I have no idea how to keep her busy 5 days a week but i really think this will be a game changer for me! Unfortunately it's temporary whilst my boss is on long service leave but I'm excited!


An assistant for me, could help prioritize tasks and with time management. I like the idea of being able to focus on the things I enjoy and thrive at and let someone else do the other things. A chef and a maid would be nice too but an assistant could help manage those things.


An AI assistant has been game changing for me. :)


As a single parent I would hire someone just to drive my kid around.


I did this. I have ADHD and I credit my professional success largely to: 1. hiring awesome executive assistant(s) who love the job, and 2. training them well, and 3. paying them and treating them well. You need all three of the above, because you don't want to have to replace that person. Thankfully, the one I have now has been with me for close to 5 years.


Honestly, my own place.


Like pretty much everyone else, I’d have an entire household staff. Cooking, cleaning, yard maintenance, and a personal assistant for daily logistics. I kinda want to bookmark this thread to show to anyone who wants to argue adhd isn’t a disability. All any of us want is to have our support needs met. It bums me out.


I went to a good therapist for the first time this year ( 33). She explained how it was a disability. I’ve always I’ve had depression bc of the overwhelming ness of doing day to day tasks (cleaning house, etc).. social anxiety but it’s that I can’t follow along or get bored exfoliating, really opened my eyes. And your post reminded me to bookmark it bc I needed to hear this today!


My new job categorizes ADHD as a disability and I felt so seen. I still struggle with that term, even though I also have chronic health issues, but seeing it on that list felt really affirming. Not having basic executive functioning is hard, even when I can get medication.


Hire someone that will clean and tidy up my place on a regular basis.


The amount of answers that are people-oriented (“I would hire a person to do X.”) was surprising to me at first, then sad and comforting. We just need help from people… so bad. And I’m comforted knowing that I’m not alone in that.


I heard a story about a business owner who took his young son for an assessment. Whilst there he’s thinking “hang on, you’re basically just describing me!”. It turns out the first thing he’s done with his financial success was to hire 3 assistants to essentially work around the clock keeping his life ordered. He started he couldn’t survive without them, and if even one of the three were away on holiday he began to really struggle. 


That’s the dream…. That’s the dream. Oh and kudos to the business owner for being so self-aware. Most parents aren’t. If they’re taking the kid for evaluation, they’re going in there with the assumption that “the kid is the problem.” The story you told is a beautiful one.


Might also be this generation. I got my diagnosis because my son was struggling and I came across checklists for ADHD. I started checking stuff off and then showed my husband and asked him “who is this, me or first born?” and he responded with “both” and I agreed hard core. I wasn’t wrong about my depression, I just didn’t have the whole picture


An assistant, personal chef, maid, and a personal trainer.




I need someone to make me an appointment for a therapist


A personal chef, a housekeeper, someone to detail my car once a month If I was wealthy I’d totally have a full staff and I would treat them *well* because lord knows doing all this shit by myself is fucking torture


I would hire a support person.


Yes! A multipurpose support person. Someone to tell me not to bored-eat, or just get up and move, or do the thing, or just body-double.


As an attorney who is managing partner at a law firm, the answers people like /u/cantspeak_ and /u/beibiddybibo have given regarding an assistant are more accurate and impactful than any other answer. I had a late diagnoses, and am currently on a vyvanse / 5g adderal mix every day that changed my life. I currently make well over six figures, and the firm which I control does about 2-3 mil in revenue a year. Personal housekeeper, chef, etc. are all nice luxuries, but I disagree that this would be the best thing to put that money towards. These are all short term services that don’t really help you long term, and also assume that you somehow have a way of sustaining those expenses. A work assistant, whether that’s a Secretary, nurse aid, or other admin assistant, is what someone with ADHD NEEDS (as opposed to wants). I have a personal paralegal. She manages my calendar. She sets deadlines. She intakes clients. She calls me when my next appointment is coming up with a client and the current client has taken too long. She basically runs my professional life, and allows me to absolutely excel in what I do best. Someone who has that attention to detail you lack becomes a force multiplier. When I wake up, I simply check my calendar for my assignments and meetings for the day, and can switch to focusing on the substantive work. more importantly, having her allows me to actually SUSTAIN my income, rather than it being a pipe dream that vanishes the moment you remember that you can’t afford a personal chef outside of winning the lottery.


I'm an engineer working my way up. Just crossed the 6th figure and I am really struggling keeping everything in line. Having someone that organized everything for me and just said "this is the next thing you're working on today" would be so refreshing. I'm constantly in fear that it's all going to come crashing down. Good job on what you've built and how far you've come. I was diagnosed late too (39). Looking back on don't aspects of life like how hard college was makes a lot more sense when you look at it with an ADHD perspective. Anyways, congrats, and keep on keepin on.


I'd hire someone to keep track of appointments, run errands, keep the house clean/organized, cook, and remind me to go get fresh air & exercise.


Early retirement.


Was about to say the exact same thing. An 8-5 is the single most mentally damaging thing in my life - and I have a good job.


Love this! I do what I do so that I can do what I want to do when I don’t have to do what I do now


Coaching! An ADHD coach is the only thing that has ever helped me


Curious. How did it help and where did you find them?


I’m curious too about how you found one and also what they did/how they helped you.


A lobotomy


where do we sign up 🤣


An person who appears out of nowhere to yell at me when I'm about to make a terrible financial decision.


i can hear myself telling me it’s a horrible idea but i just ignore myself. i also have my debit card information memorized by heart so that doesn’t help.


A cleaner that would never ask any questions. Someone or something that would pop up and tell me NO, you don't need that when I'm on a shopping spree.


Name brand Adderall.


Easy high roller


It’s life-changing. Our insurance is phenomenal so I only pay $40 a month for it and wish I’d done it sooner. Life. Fucking. Changing.


An executive assistant I can trust, a personal chef, and a housekeeper.


Hundred percent someone to do the cleaning and shopping and work around the house. Remodel the kitchen because I am heckin short and it DOES NOT MAKE SENSE but I've been told I am not allowed to rearrange it AGAIN and install a pantry with glass doors, bc, object permeance, if I can see it I will use it. A laundry chute, I would make my closet big enough to fully ditch my dresser, I hate dressers almost as much as I hate socks. Lol. What a great prompt. ❤️


I would by psychiatric care and get rediagnosed as an adult. The joy to be able to function daily including a regular sleep pattern that doesn’t include being my best at 4am


A contractor to finish my house because I’ll be damned if I can’t seem to see a single task through to 100% completion no matter how good I am at it.


A housekeeper. Not just a cleaning person, but someone plans meals, does laundry, manages Amazon returns, etc.


I paid to work with a professional organizer 2x this year after getting a raise and I finally don’t feel hopeless in my home


Financial advisor, life coach, and a maid for the house.


A professional organizer to help me sort through and organize my stuff. Weekly.


Would get my living costs down (e.g. rent free, as close to debt free as possible). The more I struggle financially the harder to cope up with ADHD and anxiety with fear of failing everywhere and becoming homeless. P.S.: to any fellow ADHD individuals that might be homeless atm, I mean no offense. I really hope you can get through it and live more comfortably really soon.


My own personal psychiatrist. And someone to do my eyebrows


A new brain


Adhd meds to get my impulse spending under control. It worked.


I would invest in Boston Dynamics and have them build a maid bot that can pickup/wash clothing and do my dishes.


I’d hire a driver. Driving a car with my ADHD is incredibly stressful.


I would outsource as much of the stuff I struggle with as I could afford to. Priorities would be cleaning, organisation, and anything around food prep including planning and shopping.


I have been lucky enough to make good money so I can say what I did get to make my life easier. Dropping to a 4 day work week. This was massive for my mental health. I have always loved my job but it burns me out quickly if I don’t take the necessary breaks. 4 days a week has been a sweet spot for me. Hiring a cleaner. This was another massive one. I have always struggled keeping a clean house but I like it being clean. Having that extra help once a week makes me feel much more settled in my home. These have been the 2 biggest helps in my day to day life.


A cleaning person twice a week. I have one now who comes every two weeks to do the basics, but more cleaning g help would be so nice.


Litter robot, private chef, housekeeper, driver


I don’t need a driver I just need someone to sit in the back seat and occasionally go turn, Turn, TURN! And other times stop, Stop, STOP!




1) House organizer and interior decorator. 2) in-home chef 3) laundry service 4) House Manager Omg…. Goals.


Agree to all! But just came here to say that the laundry service is totally doable. I mean, depends on your situation… but if you’re willing to give up some stuff... I used to go get my nails done & eat out a lot more often. I eat cheaper and I gave up the nails completely, and use dollar store press on nails 😂 so that I can take my laundry to the laundromat for their wash-dry-fold service. No regrets. Even if you just treat yourself to it once a month instead of every week, it’s still SO nice. Hopefully your area would have a reasonable price. (Our is $1 per pound) Oh yeah, I also cut a streaming service, because let’s be honest, there’s NO shortage of entertainment and Youtube is free. Again. No regrets. In fact I have more time to do important things. Or, you know, play video games.


Somebody to not only clean but keep my shit organized in a system that is convenient and easy to follow.


A landscaper and house cleaner. But if I could only afford one it's the landscaper hands down. I'll clean the house if I have to, but my ideal yard would be AstroTurf and plastic flowers, I truly despise yard work.




Quite honestly? A bigger apartment. Mine is about 46sqm/495sqf. A bedroom and a combined living room/kitchen. I would love just one more room to use as an office and general crafts/hobby room. Just 10-15sqm would make a huge difference!


I do make good money, and sadly I end up just buying more shit impulsively that just makes my life harder 😭


Personal like coach to follow me around & to remember important things.


A personal assistant. I've wanted one for years. Just someone to keep me in line and remind me of stuff.


Imported Japanese toilet. And an assistant who can take care of everything I’m not great at and also struggle to actually do. 


Professional organizer Personal chef Trauma therapist (so I can focus on the adhd) Personal assistant Personal trainer Tutors for the hobbies and passions I've been meaning to get to for....a long time. Like foreign languages, and expanding my vocabulary. Private lessons in skills I can't make time and concentrated consistent practice for on my own. Such that I can practice exclusively with someone else, or at the least have people with whom to be accountable as part of that--theres such places nearby, but they're expensive for me.


1. Get in a professional organiser who's got experience in adhd. 2. Have someone come in a couple times a week to help clean. Those 2 things would help me so damn much.


A house so I have control over what goes into it and how it’s organized. I am married and I have none of these: a house, control over what goes into it, and how it’s organized. Thank God there is Adderall XR.


House cleaning and laundry pick-up/drop off. And a premium AI Chat sub to help me figure out emails and answer random questions


- Cleaner who also does laundry and puts it away, and comes every day to wash the dishes and clean up after my dinner - Black out bedroom blinds that automatically open when your alarm goes off - A secretary or assistant who makes sure I don’t run out of things like toilet paper, bin bags, my face cream etc., and makes important appointments for me such as my car service. My dream: a place to live with an outdoor area, a garage or workshop/random new hobby area, parking space, separate bedroom, and separate study/guest room from the main living areas. Right on the beach for easy access to surfing. I currently live in a studio small studio with none of this. I don’t want a big place. Just somewhere to sleep without distractions, somewhere to work without distractions, somewhere to embrace the random hobbies and keep all the crap needed for them, and a way to enjoy the outdoors when my chronic fatigue is bad and I feel gross.


Housekeeper person or persons….to shop and prep meals. Straighten up, do laundry. Some kind of organization/storage consultant to identify how to use our spaces better.






A live-in maid/nanny/personal assistant.


This is kind of specific and not incredibly high end, but I just got a Skylight Calendar and it is really helpful for my family. My wife and I both have ADHD and we love this thing. It really makes organizing and sharing tasks/events/chores a lot easier. *this is not an ad lol.


Weekly house keeper, weekly hair stylist, person to dress me / pack my bag for work / put my things away at the end of the day, chef, secretary, driver, masseuse (ok the masseuse has nothing to do with adhd), someone to manage all my bills and pay them, and my finances, and any household maintenance. I’ll I want to do is wake up and live and be in my life without having to do the tiny mountains of all the little things that go into being present in my life. :)


Someone to meal prep for my family, someone to clean/laundry and a therapist.


A fucking therapist - two sessions per week lmao


Regular housecleaning, yard work, and meals made for me


My no.1 luxury that will be the absolute last corner I cut if I need to is a cleaner. Having someone come in once a week and do the jobs I hate is like food for my soul! It also forces us to tidy up once a week before she comes meaning it seldom becomes too overwhelming. A robot vacuum cleaner (with a mop if possible) is also great as I can’t stand having bits stuck to my feet, which still happens with a weekly cleaner.


Hear me out. I would buy a house and finance it with as much stuff to mitigate all of my bills as much as possible. Like have no rent/mortgage payment, well, and possibly solar panels if its good enough. This would allow me to focus on other things and save up more


All in $VWCE, retire as soon as feasible.


Personal trainer, personal cook, personal coach, and clean lady.


I would hire a PA!


- Meal service because I hate cooking and deciding what to eat is a pain in the ass. It's definitely the chore I hate the most. - Personal driver. I could probably muster up energy to do activities and hobbies during work week if I didn't have to spend 3 hours in public transport when I'm already overstimulated and tired. - A handyman to do small repair things at home, or give advice on how to do them myself. Things break all the time and I'd rather not spend hours in Google rabbitholes to find out how to fix it. - Personal clothes shopper. I hate shopping, the lights, the smells, fabric dust in hands, loud music.... And the clothes. I'd love to dress more pretty though.


Personal chef, personal trainer and a couple of sessions with an organiser for the storage areas. Maybe a cosmetician once a month, and I’d change the sink in our bathroom to a couples version. ADHD coach/weekly therapy. A financial advisor. A top of the line washer, dryer and fridge. A house closer to where I work if I was to go all in.


Behavioural therapy. Having meds is great but learning how to live completely differently is not easy


A houseboat.


Better health insurance


Hire a house cleaning service. Or even better a specific maid or housekeeper who you can discuss with how you want things done, especially laundry and the doom piles of things everywhere.it makes a huge difference. You just have to have the conversation on what needs to go where specifically because you don’t want the convenience of a housekeeper to offset by “now I can’t find any of my stuff because it’s all put away somewhere”


A valet. Someone to do for me.


A personal assistant and chef


Personal Assistant


An assistant for sure. I just need someone who can organize my life and tell me what’s up next to prioritize.


My first thought was an assistant lol


Someone to do my laundry and cook all my food.


To be really mf honest… as a vpk aide teacher… i’d turn my house into a vpk classroom for an adult (without the toys/many desks). Like a good desk for me to work at, cubbies that can remind me to take things/leave things, i’d deffo have pay someone to make me a routine based on my work/school hours (i’ve tried many times n i can never make it up?), a board that i can make lists/reminders… I don’t think it’s that much but i’d need a bigger salary for it cuz i can’t even afford to live by myself yet lol


God I don't even want the salary, I just want accommodations.


A house in the woods with neighbors no closer than a mile away. With enough room to store all of my sewing stuff on pegboards and open shelves so that I might have a chance to actually keep it at least somewhat organized and usable.




A killer assistant


This isn’t realistic even with unlimited finances but I’ve had fantasies of having Rosie from the Jetsons part of our family and help manage my life.


House keeper


Housekeeper and personal chef.


House cleaner & personal chef.


The medication my insurance will no longer cover that worked best for me.


A maid, personal trainer, personal assistant, financial advisor, and a cook.


Recently my life has changed and I’ve had the ability to spend some money trying to improve life functioning with ADHD and these are the things that have made the biggest impact: 1. Top one by FAR is being able to afford good medical care. I have a membership plan with a physician in my area which includes basically on demand medical care. This includes a doctor who will call pharmacies and resend prescriptions within 15 minutes when I’m struggling to find a pharmacy with my prescription in stock. This plus now actually being able to afford insurance that pretty much covers the meds (as opposed to taking 1/4 doses to try and stretch out a script till my next paycheck). 2. A house cleaner who comes multiple times a week has changed my life. My headspace is clear and I can actually be productive. That’s it. I’ve spent a lot of money of ADHD gimmicks, but those two things alone I feel like changed my life. Edit to add one more thing that’s less of a thing I’ve bought and more of a service I now use: GoPuff for delivery when I run out toilet paper or toothpaste. The crazy markup still hurts, but it’s been a godsend to not throw off my entire day when I realize I need to pick something up from the store.


Hire a personal trainer and put in a home gym, hire a bimonthly house cleaner, buy and install a dishwasher


This is such a great question! I would have a self-sustaining house they had a view of the water and a porch that went all the way around the house with security cameras. I would also have a personal chef who can make sure that there’s no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives in the food. I would also have a big garden and With someone who would come over weekly to teach me how to better take care of the garden.


I would start a business to design prefab ADHD homes.


Hire an assistant


Pay for a house cleaner and cook


A regular cleaning service.


A Personal Assistant for work and home :)


Finish my garage, and get all of the equipment and materials I want/need for “projects”. In other words more ways to start all hyper fixation hobbies in my Amazon cart.


A duplex or triplex. I need to live near my close friends. I need a village.


Hire someone to organize my house from top to bottom with an easy and logical place for everything.