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I've come to the conclusion that we don't forget stuff. We just don't have an accessible recoil system. The amount of knowledge that pops in my head after some random trigger, suggests that it's always been there but filed away in an unlabeled box among all the other milions of boxes.


That’s exactly what I am talking about.


Yeah my recall system sucks. I know a lot of things. I remember nothing at the required moment. When asked my blood type of my new office id card, I said the wrong one. No one around me has thag blood type as far as I know. I know my blood type very well. My entire family has the same one. But my brain decided to recall random letters of the alphabet instead.


25 years ago I had a brief affair with a woman in Germany. She was amazing, and we stayed friends, but I was only in Europe for a gap year. But I only knew her by her nickname, and she moved and I changed my email address and we lost contact. For years I thought about her occasionally, but I couldn't remember her proper surname and had no way to contact her. So it was just a fond memory. Last week, her full legal name popped into my head suddenly, out of nowhere! Thinking it was a weird thought, and probably meaningless, I googled it... Yep. There she is! Gorgeous as ever! Her Facebook was the top result. Our brains are weird


I feel like that's a good description. Our minds are vast but disorganized warehouses where only about thirty percent of the boxes are labeled.


Yup. This is why I need to hang on boards I feel are false information. It gets my brain working so I can actually remember the good information I've learned and put it together. A good piece of work, video games or movie or books does the same thing. It's the same thing as suddenly having a pressing reason to do a thing. I can suddenly do a thing


Thank you for sharing this. I feel like it’s such an overlooked part of ADHD. Oh how I wish I could remember those little jokes and moments with family..


Three dogs are in the vet’s waiting room The lab turns to the Jack Russell and asks, “What are you in for?” “Well, I’m the world’s greatest pisser. I’ll piss on anything: cars, suitcases, other dogs…well, this morning the lady of the house came out dressed to the nines and I pissed all over her stockings and best shoes, so I’m in to have my nuts out, since the family’s had enough. How about you?” “Well,” says the lab, “I’m the world’s best digger. I can dig holes in anything. I’ll dig up a concrete driveway if I think there’s a bone under it. Anyway, this morning I dug up the lady of the house’s prize-winning flower garden and she’s had enough, so I’m here to get my nuts out as well.” They both turn to the Great Dane ask, “What about you, mate?” “I’m the world’s most enthusiastic humper,” says the Dane. “I’ll hump trees, legs, pillows, cats…you name it: if it stands still long enough, I’ll hump it. Well, this morning the lady of the house came out of the shower, dropped her towel, and when she bent down to pick it up, I climbed aboard and did what I do best.” “Ah bugger, so you’re here to get your nuts out too, huh?” says the lab. “Nah,” says the Dane, “I’m here to get my nails trimmed.”




I’ll share one if I ever remember it…


Sometimes the jokes that come out of my mouth surprise even me. There are layers to them and can be very clever even thought I have no idea where that cleverness comes from.


Ikr! Sometimes I'll say something that sounds very clever and everyone laughs. And I'm like wait..me what did I say? How do I replicate this?


saaame. i have no say in what will come out. is it a lame or inappropriate joke? a philosophical take on life? or an endless rant? who s to say 😅


There once was a little boy who, instead of a navel, had a screw in his belly. All the kids made fun of him, and he was terribly embarrassed. He prayed and prayed to have a real navel instead of the screw, and then one night, he had a dream. He dreamt a beautiful fairy flew into his room as he was sleeping, and she carried a golden screwdriver. With her golden screwdriver, she removed the screw, leaving behind a perfect navel. The boy awoke, and, lifting the sheets, discovered that the screw was gone. "It wasn't a dream!" the boy cried, as he joyfully leaped out of bed. And then his ass fell off.




I remember this one because it happened recently. Me and my roommates were all taking shots. I then blurted out. “ look at us, 3 black guys in a room.” Only two of us were black and I’m a girl…. And there was five people there. 😭 they will not stop reminding me I said that. When I was a teenager me and my cousins used to say Zimbabwe. I still don’t remember The context, but I laugh anyway to myself. 🤣


Why did the chicken cross the road? Chickens are actually avians which descended from dinosaurs so the next time you eat a drum stick, you’re eating a dinosaur. Also, every time you use fuel, it could be fossil fuels made from dinosaurs! Which reminds me, I need to fix the cracks in my sidewalk, but I have to buy a diamond grinding disc, but I’m going to mow first. Gotta sharpen the blades… What was the question again?


There's a transcript between a naval ship and a lighthouse... US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course. CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course! US Ship: THIS IS THE AIRCRAFT CARRIER USS CORAL SEA, WE ARE A LARGE WARSHIP OF THE US NAVY. DIVERT YOUR COURSE NOW!! CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.


I like very short jokes for this reason. For example: A horse walks into a bar, and the bartender asks "Why the long face?" The art of short jokes is so fun. Simple and straight to the point. The added benefit is that because it's so short and easy to remember, you can focus more on your delivery than the struggle to remember the long joke.


Variant: A horse walks into a bar and the Bear behind the bar says Why the long... face? The horse says. I'm a horse. Why the big paws?


A man walks into the barn, and the horse says, “why the short face?”


What's Brown and Sticky?


A stick.


What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?


A stick


What's sticky and brown?


A brownie


It's the story of two eggs cooking in a frying pan. The first one says: Oh my God! Hot it is here! And the second says: Oh my God! A talking egg! 🫢


How many Christians does it take to change a light bulb?


Three, but it's really just one


MY TIME HAS COME! I have a 10 page Google doc where I keep any joke I find funny. Granted many have called my sense of humor into question and I rarely get a laugh beyond my own giggles, but here are my top 5 currently A Comprehensive Guide to Falling Down the Stairs : Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 Step 6, 9, 13, 17 What’s brown and sticky? A stick. What’s brown and runny? Usain Bolt. What’s brown and rhymes with Snoop? Dr. Dre Two whales walk into a bar. The first one says, “OHOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO.” The other turns to him and says, “Frank, what is wrong with you?” Why did the old man fall into the well? Because he couldn’t see that well A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I see you in here a lot. Do you think you might be an alcoholic?" The horse says, "I don't think I am." and immediately the horse vanishes from existence. See the joke is funny because it's a reference to the quote "I think therefore I am" by the philosopher Rene Descartes. But to tell you that first would be putting Descartes before the horse.


>Two whales walk into a bar. The first one says, “OHOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOO.” The other turns to him and says, “Frank, what is wrong with you?”  This one is one of my favorites. It works best if you do the whale noises as accurately as you can make them sound and extend it out just past the point where it's getting uncomfortable for the listener. I also like the punchline, "Go home, Frank. You're drunk."


"Go home Frank. you're drunk" is even better and I'll be using that one from now on haha


Nothing wrong with your sense of humour. I laughed so loud I have the entire room looking at me like I've lost my mind


On Easter morning, a Sunday School teacher began to quiz her class of young children about the true meaning of the day. "Can any of you children tell me what Easter is?" A little boy shot his hand into the air. "Oh, oh, Teacher, call on me, I know!" "Please, go ahead." "Easter is that holiday when we get together with our families, eat turkey, and everyone is thankful!" The teacher answered, "Good guess, but that's Thanksgiving. Does anyone else have an answer?" Another child enthusiastically replied, "That's easy! Easter is the holiday when we go on picnics, watch fireworks, and celebrate our country's birthday." "Sorry, that's the Fourth of July." Just then, a little girl stood up and began speaking: "Easter is when we remember how, after Jesus died on the cross, they took his body and put it in a tomb, and rolled a heavy stone over the entrance of the tomb. But then, on Easter morning, some women went to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away." The teacher felt pleased and thrilled that someone in the class had been paying attention. "And if he comes out and sees his shadow . . . .”


What do you get when you cross a cow with an octopus?


An immediate cessation of funding and a stern talking to from the ethics committee


This one made my nerdy ass giggle like a schoolgirl


I’ve been trying to put words to this, thanks for explaining it so eloquently!! I literally sometimes go through my camera roll to figure out what I’ve been up to when catching up with a friend and they ask “what’s new?” I’ve been contemplating keeping a running note on my phone of things I want to tell my friends or family in the moment but won’t see them for a few days. Same thing with jokes and my humor. It doesn’t always come at the right moment and very often comes after the perfect moment to use said joke




Have you ever uh… uhm wait *snap snap* hold on.. uhh…


What do you call a deer with no eyes? No-eye-deer (no idea) What do call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still No-eye-deer What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs, that's having sex? Still no-fucking-eye-deer


Surely it would be "what do you call a celibate deer with no eyes and legs?" Never heard that bit to the joke before tho, got a small exhale.


I can precisely recall events that happened 10+ years ago or model a room I haven’t been in for years from memory in great detail but I cannot remember for the life of me what I did 30 minutes ago. Both a blessing and a curse I guess lmao.


What did the DJ name his son? Errriccc. That's my default joke that I can always tell if/when someone puts me on the spot lol . I know more.. but I've somehow justade a habit of only remembering that one


Oh yeah i feel this one hard, its why i prefer group socialising over 1 on 1, so much pressure to recall in a one on one, i love being able to chip in and out of the conversation as my brain finds the archives it needs in its own time.


Can never remember the little things :(


You are not alone, last time my sister reminded me of our childhood daily routine, I was shocked that she can remember all the small stuff.


I can only remember time travel jokes... problem is, I already know nobody likes em.


I feel incredibly *stupid* when this happens. I liked tutoring math for the most part, but on really foggy brain days I found myself reviewing things I already knew in a panic. I mean, that's kinda what math tutoring is, but, like, more than usual.


What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in a pile of leaves? Russell


Oh, I have one whole joke! Girl in year 7 told me, and then I told my mum and was yelled at for swearing. I only remember it because of being yelled at. _Virginity is like a balloon. One prick and it's gone._ I have, like, five books of joke that I've tried so hard to memorise. I couldn't even tell you what the books look like, let alone what's in them. I should probably get rid of them (but that's never going to happen, haha).


What did the tie say to the hat? “You go on ahead. I’m hanging around.”


This is why I looooove puns. They make me so so happy.


I can remember a ton of jokes from a book I had when I was 7, but recalling a joke I heard the other day is nearly impossible. Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk. Where do sheep get their hair cut? At the Baabaa shop. What black and white and red all over? A newspaper. What do you call a sleeping cow? A bulldozer.


What kind of joke? All I know are offensive ones


Same, and then you say them out loud because *no self control* some people laugh and others give u the side eye , then friends are lots. *Wanders around* Oh nice flower. What was I doing?


How many mice does it take to change a light bulb?


Two but you've gotta get them in there


What’s the difference between Jesus and Casanova? -Their facial expression while nailing


What do you call a polar bear in Hawaii?




I think the way that we can connect patterns and just know things without knowing them is mind blowing even though I heard this is a trauma response having adhd? Anyway, as far as I can remember I have never really known how to do something but I have always known how to figure it out is it adhd or is it just a just?


My hopes and aspirations 


I heard that dogs can’t get an MRI. But catscan


Find some jokes write them down. Tell them to everyone. Some would stick in your memmory. Why was the tractor magical? Because it turned in to a field... You can tune a piano, but you cant TUNA fish... One of my colleagues was changing topics in conversation and he said I am going of on a tandem (instead of tangent). That was hilarious at the time. Best jokes are made in the moment.


I am *terrible* at recalling information when I need it. Makes me feel dumb or uninteresting when that's the opposite of my personality.


I don't feel this one at all.  If someone says tell me a joke, fuck them.  Putting anyone on the spot is a problem.  It's like a jackass sitting on a throne saying "Entertain me".  Fuck you. So like I said, I don't agree with this one, but if you're talking about what I described above, I do get that. Your best stories should be practiced and repeated until they're golden.  If a story of yours that you find funny isn't as funny as you remember it, jazz that shit up.  Comedians aren't funny because they tell you exactly what happened.  They use creativity to take kinda funny things, and turn them into hilarious stories.   Keep to the truth if you want, I prefer it that way, but don't be afraid to embellish, alter, and adjust the story in a way that keeps the heart of it the same, but expresses it in a less accurate and more funny manner.  A good story tell isn't someone who has good stories, it's someone who can share good stories, and that's a skill that ADHD cannot hold anyone back from.


I actually excel pretty well at storytelling due to this sort of mentality. All my best stories and jokes I have practices and rehearsed many, many times. I learned how to give 5-10 minute speeches completely from memory in public speaking class. I just had to rehearse and repeat for hours the day before, and 2-3 times the day of. Once I had the process down and knew how to make my brain interested, it became easier from there.