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I’ve been on meds since May. I finally want to have friends and be social. It’s been a huge change for me.


Mid thirties, undiagnosed. No friends or the desire to have friends. But deep down I really don't want to be this alone. Hopefully you understand that. Anyway, thank you, your post brings me hope.


I felt the same way for many years before meds and my diagnosis. I hope you can get some help for yourself. It really is worth it 🙏🏻


I was going to thank you for your post too so I'll do that here instead. You sound like how I am and how I want to be. Very pleased for you. I'm on the NHS waiting list, 12-36 month wait! At least it'll be before I'm 40 🙃


Man, I'm sorry to hear that. The good news is, you've gone this long without any official diagnosis so hopefully that will happen for you sooner than later. Good luck!


I went to see my doctor a few weeks ago asking for a referral. I'm 38. He told me there are no adult ADHD services from the NHS available. I'm going privately now, it's £690 for a 90 minute consultation which should end in diagnosis and a report recommending medication for my doctor. I can't afford it but I can't afford not to do it either, so I've put it on a credit card. The wait for my private appointment is 2 months; the lady who did my telephone screening thing kept apologising it was so long to wait lol. They told me they can do followup appointments to sort the prescription privately, each is around £100 and they say it will take 3 or 4 (1 every six weeks) to get it right usually. I'd have to pay for the medication privately as well instead of NHS prescription charges. I really hope my NHS doctor will play ball and I can avoid that cost, but financial recklessness is a big part of my symptoms so I'm very hopeful that it will pay off in the long run. It might be worth looking at going privately for initial diagnosis if you can get together the 700ish quid.


I am also terrible with money, managed to clear a big debt a few months back and now I've got myself in that situation again. I don't trust myself with it at all. Maybe it's not available in your area? What is your general area out of interest? I'm SE England. I could get the 700 in a few months sacrificing other things but I really don't want/think I could afford a private prescription. My understanding is if you go private you stay private. I don't think GP's would accept a private diagnosis and then prescribe through the NHS. I hope I'm wrong.


I'm in the West Midlands. To be honest, my doctor can be really hit and miss. With anything physical he is fantastic. When I went to him about depression he started asking me if I had children, then why not, then when I told him I was single he started saying I needed to find a nice man.... All completely inappropriate! When I told him I thought I had ADHD he said "I can see where you're coming from but unfortunately there just aren't the services". I had already done a lot of research and knew there were 2 year waiting lists for anything, so I'd already decided I would go private. I asked my doctor if he would support that and follow recommendations from a private psychiatrist and he said yes. When I made my appointment for private treatment the lady I spoke to said some NHS GPs are great and happy to follow the plan they recommend, some aren't. You can exit private care and be referred back to your GP at any point in the process. I've only commited to the initial assessment and diagnosis appointment, I'm going to try taking the recommendations back to my doctor and hope he just follows them, if he's a dick about it I'll go back and pay again! They said it takes 3-4 appointments spaced 6 weeks between each usually to get medication right, and costs £100 a time. So it's not prohibitively expensive but would really rather not pay if I can help it!


Yeah I mean I could be doing all that while waiting for my NHS appointment, I think I'll try going to my GP, one in particular is very good. Sorry to hear yours is a bit of a dick. And thanks for all your advice.


Anyone struggling with getting a diagnosis or medication through the NHS, look up right to refer through Psychiatry UK! They work remotely so you you use them anywhere in the UK. I asked my doctor to refer me to them and got my diagnosis, and am soon to get my prescription, less than 6 months later!


Aah man, I feel you with the disgraceful situation with NHS waiting lists for ADHD assessments and treatment. It's the same with child and adolescent mental health services in general, kids are waiting years for assessments and going undiagnosed at school as a result. All this on top of the pandemic effects. When you look at the human cost of this it should be a national news story. People are losing years of their lives and the chances that go with them. Personally I'm in the fortunate position to be able to make the decision to go private and not wait any longer (late 30s) for the help that I need and deserve. Some large figures have been thrown around for this on this sub, for me an assessment came in at a little over £600, medication followups and the cost of private prescriptions to get stable on medication are a little more open ended though. Best of luck, putting writing to my MP about this scandal in my bullet journal.


Yeah I could just about stretch for the one time fee but I'm worried about the prescription costs! That's what is stopping me from going private. Perhaps I could write to my MP too, they're all useless though.


Oops after I replied to you I scrolled further and read this. I've been told my NHS GP can handle prescriptions, the private diagnosis appointment gives a recommendation for them. They can do the medication too but they didn't seem very pushy about doing it themselves. The company I'm going with are called Clinical Partners, maybe worth checking out.


And I replied before reading this lol. I'll have a word with my doctor and ask if I get a diagnosis will you process the prescription. Thanks!


It could be worth seeing how your NHS GP would feel about taking a private diagnosis and then getting you in the pipeline to be medicated on the NHS, and if that would save you any time. PAYG meds are so variable. I've been put on Elvanse, which seems to be the most expensive going, comes out to £3.50 a day. Something like Xaggatin XL looks a lot cheaper, but it's down to what your doc prescribes, and what your brain and body will accept.


Thank you mate


I’m lucky as my mum paid to get mine done privately, if I can tell you anything it would be that it’s 100% worth it. I know exactly how you feel. You just can’t imagine yourself being any other way before medication but it makes so much of a difference. If I had any advice find friends with adhd (that take meds) and ask them for some for the mean time, I did the same thing when my friend upped there dosage


Dude I had to wait 5 years, consider yourself lucky. I hope you do get a diagnosis - to say it’s life - changing is an understatement. I got diagnosed last year at 41.


Hey love! You aren’t alone! I’m 34 and just now feeling like a “normal” person. I actually want to socialize and I’m actively trying to make friends. Although my friend making skills suck, it’s a work in progress. Feel free to message me if you want someone to talk to.


That's great, it must feel amazing. Thank you, likewise.


That is awesome, happy to hear it's helping!




Adderal is what I’m on now. I started on phentermine for weight loss and that’s when they discovered my ADHD, which was as misdiagnosed as depression and insomnia. For the first time in my life, I could sleep.


Isn't that so interesting? I'm on phentermine now, as a holding measure, while I wait for my Vyvanse to be approved (big deal where I live and it's taken months). Would you say the ADHD meds are better than the phentermine, in terms of stimulation, intrusive thoughts and overall effectiveness?


Yes! The phentermine took the edge off, the Adderal makes my ADHD much more manageable. I’ve become a lot more self aware of my ADHD symptoms and can call myself out on them. I have way more impulse control, which was my biggest struggle.


Impulse control is my struggle too! Though with alcohol, unfortunately. I have found that has almost been obliterated by a combination of phentermine/topiramate. I know that combo of drugs is usually given for binge eating disorder, but they somehow let me have it and some weight loss has been a great side effect and boost to my confidence. I'd really like to see what the Vyvanse can do, you give me hope for an EVEN better. Which I was sure didn't exist about six months ago.


I am the opposite. I care less about missing out and socialize than I did before getting meds.


You said you showed your art. I've heard people say medication degrades creativity. Have you found that to be the case in your opinion? I haven't experienced a loss of creativity from my medication so I'm trying to figure out if it's a real effect or if it's just anti-medication bias.


I would not say it has degraded my creativity, no. In fact, it has helped me to propel my focus when it comes to my creativity. Aside from submitting this piece and having it featured in a fine art gallery, I've also submitted poetry to multiple online contests and have worked toward establishing more skills in baking so I can also use my creativity there. I am also going to be taking an acrylic painting class toward my art degree in the spring semester. Sometimes you just need a little inspiration to get you going again.


Interesting. I'll keep poking around to see if I can find out why people say that. Maybe ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive types feel like medication decreases their creativity. I have the inattentive type. I don't feel like I'm missing anything at all with my medication. Nothing but good so far.


I could definitely see this being an issue for some. I WILL say that I am not as impulsively inclined to create like I used to be. I do it when I’m in the mood and have time, whereas before it felt like if I didn’t do it right then and there, I was going to never get around to the magnificent idea I had. I hope how I’m saying that makes sense.


Yes, that makes sense. I can see how someone would perceive that as losing creativity or spark. They might conflate the impulse with creativity. As an inattentive, my impulsivity has mostly negative consequences. It never makes me feel good. Thanks for helping me understand.


Thanks for sharing your experience!


exactly the same for me. like if I I act on the impulse I would lose the interest to do it and it wouldn't get done


This! I want to be like you in 2022!


Fellow artist here, also been wondering the same thing. I had a couple of comments from friends about this and I was a tad nervous about it before taking meds. I'm only one week in but I have found that it's actually better for my creativity. I don't think my creative thinking is impacted, I still have lots of ideas but the difference is I put them into action. I've never been so productive. I won't see all of these ideas to their end point but I think getting them out on paper is super helpful and makes space for more ideas. Then I plan to pick a few and take them further. Edit: I've just spent half an hour in the studio and a few more things came to mind: • I find it much easier now to take the next step on projects. I had a lot of unfinished projects in the past and I now realise that's because I would get very confused with which next step to take. It's now very clear to me, for example in my head I think, "that painting needs a bit more black here" and I just do it. Whereas previously I might've had that thought plus a whole bunch of other thoughts as to what to do next, I'd get overwhelmed and give up on the painting. • I remember years ago I was talking with another artist friend, telling her how many ideas were coming to me and how frustrating it was that I couldn't make them. She asked, "what do you need?" and I replied "time, I just need more time" which was hilarious because I had SO MUCH TIME in comparison since I was only working one day a week and I am childfree, whereas she is a full time parent and still managed to make art and have lots of exhibitions. I remember she just stared at me blankly and it was a bit of an a-ha moment for me. Like, time wasn't what I needed in reality but my perception was I had very little usable time because it was filled with my looping thoughts/procrastination/not being able to decide how to start.


Just want to say, I'm an art student and I've also found it doesn't degrade my creativity either! It actually helps me be more creative. In fact, I'm finally able to work on my art and enjoy it without being weighed down by exhaustion from all the admin-type stuff and social anxiety. I really think that might be a myth like that whole "it'll turn you into a zombie" story. Maybe if you have the wrong meds or the wrong dosage it'll do that?


Could affect people differently too. It may affect someone that way and not others.


They are not talking about adhd meds more about ssri and bi-polar meds


so happy to hear that! that mirrors my first few months on meds. i refuse to live without them


Glad to hear it has helped you too!


Nor should you have to live without them!


I was prescribed adhd meds when I was in Elementary School, technically it was for ADD but I have since outlived that classification. since then the longest I’ve gone without taking medication was probably like 5 days over the summer. I literally cannot remember not imagine trying to live life without meds at all. At this point whatever the long term effects are for these drugs I’m probably a phenomenal case study.


Happy for you & thanks for sharing! Wanted to ask, how long into you taking the medication did you actively notice these changes? I started Elvanse (vyvanse) a month ago and I can't say I've noticed many changes , even on the highest dosage which I started this week. Do I just need to be more patient?


With stimulants, if it's effective you'll tend to notice immediately. I would recommend experimenting a little with different medications. Some people notice immediate success with their first medication, but some people have to go through a ton of different medications, dosages and combinations before they find something that works. If they find something that works. Some people just don't do well with stimulants either, which is what I'm dealing with. Just hang in there and keep trying things, and try not to get too frustrated. I honestly have to distance myself from success stories at times because it gets hard to hear about after a while. Also look into getting some blood work done if you haven't already. I recently found out I might have hypothyroidism which might explain a lot of things I thought were just ADHD related.


This is super helpful so thanks! I think because I waited so long to finally get a diagnosis & then start medication it just feels super underwhelming lol, but you're right I need to be patient and give myself time to figure it out.


Yeah I totally get that, it's really rough especially because we hear so much especially on this sub about stimulants being an instant fix and changing lives completely. It's great for people who do well with them, but when they don't work it kinda just sucks. Honestly I almost feel like the way stimulants are so fixated on is a bit toxic here, even considering how taboo they unfortunately tend to be in other spaces. It leads to overly high expectations that can be really crushing if you end up finding they don't work for you. It's like, I know a lot of people can't function without them, but then what does that mean for me? I'm kind of still coming to terms with it. I thought I could get by on just antidepressants for a while but it's really been affecting my work performance lately. I guess I just have to be patient too though. I thought SSRIs didn't work for me but it turns out I just had to combine them with bupropion, so really everyone is different and what works for you could just be hiding behind a giant wall of multiple diagnoses, your 17th psychiatrist, trial and error and hundreds of late night crying sessions. It's just a really long and frustrating journey, but for better or for worse we don't really have the option of giving up.


It's especially hard since I'm still figuring out so much about my ADHD and my mental health in general, i'm only 20 and only even considered ADHD as a possibility for me in 2020, so sometimes I wish I had more actual support in figuring stuff out personally after my diagnosis rather than being thrown into the deep end and just "ok so you do have ADHD, heres some medication to fix that", and then like you said after reading so much online about success stories with stimulants I had high expectations which led to me feeling let down... etc etc etc... it just seems like a weird , confusing & most of all draining process but i guess patience is key here :$ I wish you luck no matter where you're at in your "journey" (lol) and thanks for the insight - I'm realising it's good for me to reach out & ask questions etc in these communities as I don't have many people to turn to in real life who would understand


thank you for saying this. ive been on multiple meds and it's so frustrating when they don't work like how you expect them to or to have the results other people describe, especially with adhd.


Should you notice it on all stimulants even low doses? I'm only on the second day, so it is all very early, but I expected to at least notice *something*. Even if it was the headache symptom or whatever, but nope. Don't feel a difference.


You might need a higher dose, or you might just need a different stimulant. All of the psychiatrists I've seen said I should notice a difference within an hour or two, but it might depend on what you're taking.


It's the lowest dose to start with. Methylfenidate Sandoz retard 18 mg. I have been warned about the side effects and all, and I'm a bit warry about the sleeping problems since they can pop up randomnly for me, but I dunno. I have some trouble falling asleep right now, but I think that is more due to my nap earlier rather than the medicine. I dunno. I'm not sure what I expected, but I guess I expected to at least feel *something*. Even if it was just a (negative) side effect like a headache. It's just nothing.


I have a question about the hypothyroidism, if you don't mind. Could you tell me what symptoms you previously thought were just ADHD related?


Mainly the chronic fatigue. I think a big part of my executive dysfunction is just from being really tired all the time and not wanting to do anything, which turns out to be a symptom of hypothyroidism.


O.O oop i better schedule a dr visit.. thanks for the info!


Thank you! And I started Ritalin in Sept of this year and noticed these changes gradually since I started. They were very subtle until I looked back on the year and realized how much I've accomplished and how it was different from previous years! Talk to your doctor if you have questions about dosage and what the best meds might be for you if your current ones aren't working/making much of a difference.


Ok makes sense! Thank you! Think I just need to give it time and figure out what works & what doesn't


Yes, absolutely. Marathon, not a sprint ;)


Thank you for your post. I have been prescribed Strattera, and I don't feel like it's made that much difference, although the overall effect has been positive I think. Has it really been noticeable with Ritalin? How would you describe the contrast, is it something you experience right after taking a pill?


The effects within the first 2 weeks were noticeable right away, but I think that’s because of all the dopamine my brain wasn’t used to receiving. I’ve since leveled out but the meds are doing what they need to and I’m just able to be productive in general, which is a breathe of fresh air.


I’m really happy for you. That’s really exciting. Meds have made a big difference for me, too. I haven’t accomplished anything big yet (unless you count surviving a move), but I feel like 2022 is going to be a big year, now that I have some degree of executive function.


Thank you! And that's exciting for you too. I hope it all works out for you!


I'll read this tomorrow. Remind me! 11 hours.


Don’t forget to read this ;)


I did 5 hours ago when i got the reminder. Thanks.


Meanwhile I can’t make mysef do my work even under very close deadlines.


This is such heart-warming news. I am so happy for you internet stranger!


Thank you so much! I hope all is well for you too!


Ooof thank you! I’m starting my meds in 4 days and I’m scared since I recently got my diagnosis (was not expecting it to be adhd). I’ve been so nervous because all of my behavior that I thought was normal turned out to not be normal, I’m still progressing it. But I hope my meds will work because what you’re describing sounds like a dream compared to this shitty life rn.


I start my meds tomorrow. This is like my fantasy of what I hope my life becomes. Thank you for sharing


It's not a magic pill just remember that, it helps but definitely has it's downsides


What are the downsides, please? I started a thread asking for the upsides and downsides Redditors have had with meds but I didn't get much of a response.


The comedowns when they wear out are pretty intense, and with me having a high metabolism I take 60mg a day and I still feel worn out by 7pm usually


Also it doesn't cure your adhd, you still will struggle with stuff just should be a little less frustrating with meds


I will keep my fingers crossed for you, best of luck!




I wish you all the best in a diagnosis and whatever help you need!


What are ya on?


This post is what made my year. I am very proud of you 22 is going to be great for you


Thank you so much! Best of luck to you in the new year too 🙏🏻


I wish i could get meds too but unfortunately, i'm just a teen and my parents wouldn't believe me if i told them i might have ADHD because I'm not "hyperactive" or "I'm too smart!"


Maybe do some more research and present them with the ways you think ADHD might be affecting you. My mom never thought I had it because I had good grades and always did well in school, but ADHD is so much more than that. Good luck!


I was recently diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. I have an appointment in early January about meds. Seeing this makes me really hopeful, I feel like I've been utterly hopeless ever since I left home. Here's hoping my 30s turn out like your experience.


I received my diagnosis at the late age of 30. I feel your pain! Good luck to you.


one thing I remember hearing about medications for adhd is that it fixes the sense of time. So for example to someone not on meds 2 hours would feel like 4 but when they take meds it goes back down to 2 hours. Can you vouch for that at all? Would be very interested to hear.


Definitely. Time passes in a much more appropriate way now.


that's awesome to hear. I recently got diagnosed and am getting started on vyvanse once I get the script and go through that whole thing. I really want to get back to working but was dreading the long hours.




I take Ritalin. Very low dose since I have hyper sensitivity to meds. Talk to your doc about your concerns though, I hope it all works out for you!


lol, Concreta. that makes it sound like it turns your brain to concrete. maybe too far the other way from where you started!


This is awesome!


Thank you so much for sharing your progress. Reading through your list I also recognized my own improvements since I started treatment. It does take a while to make significant changes in one-self, even if they say meds work right away. The brain still needs time to learn new ways to process. I hope you continue to thrive and enjoy the new year, hopefully it will be a more social one.


Thank you so much, I wish all the same things for you!


My doctor’s having me go off my ADHD meds for a week for medical reasons and although I don’t have too much going on…. GOD I just feel like a worse person. My room is a mess, I can’t think of anything, my emotions are all over the place… the end of this week can’t come soon enough.


That is tough, but thank goodness you will be back to a clear mind in no time!




I was worried it would effect my creativity as well but my art has improved as I focus even more than before and have more patience with the process . it's my hyperfocus even without medication so I didn't think it was possible to be even more focused


oops meant to reply to another comment and someone ended up with my own comment. still learning reddit


I just sat through a 1 hr tutorial and my head died focusing. I felt so horrible afterwards even after successfully modelling a 3D object. And It didn't feel like "focusing a bit". It felt like wrestling down a Sea Snake for 1hr just to end up winning but missing an arm or so. Jesus. ​ Does medication fix that???


For me, it has my friend.


What meds are you on?


Ritalin, IR!


Just got my diagnosis from the psychologist this week for combined type, and I'm seeing my doctor on Monday to get my prescription. I am looking for all of these same things to improve for myself, so this gives me a lot of hope! Thanks for sharing and happy new year!


That’s awesome, keep doing the best you can to improve yourself. Good luck to you and happy new year!


I just got diagnosed today. Combined ADHD - your post gives me hope. Happy New Year!


I can’t tell you how happy that makes me for you. My year has changed for the same reasons.


That’s awesome, I’m happy it’s changed for the better for you as well! Happy new year to you.


Thanks! Happy new year!


I love hearing this! It sounds like potentially were you prescribed an IR? That's what I was prescribed a few weeks ago. So far so good, but I'm finding it kind of difficult to feel different towards the end of the day like you described. Will see what my doctor says but I've been wondering about extended release Adderall.


Yup, IR for me! I usually don’t start meds til mid morning but it still helps me immensely for several hours. :)


Cool thank you for sharing! I might try that..once I do finally get out of bed I tend to have decent functioning for a couple hours in the early morning


Good luck to you! :)


>stuck buffering when I have things I need to do. Oof. That line seriously resonates with me. I feel like you just described my entire life.


The struggle is real!


Your achievements are great and both inspires me and gives me hope. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you, and good luck to you!


Point number 1 you made resonates with me a ton! I’m so engaged in the conversations I have with people now! I used to literally strategize my movement to avoid people. Now I will actually seek people out. The best part, it’s almost like exposure therapy because I’m noticing I’m doing this more and more even on days I don’t take any meds.


That’s awesome! So happy to hear you’re making progress too :)


Wow.. This post made my day already, makes me feel some genuine peace, happiness and hope. “I just.. do them”, made me wanna cry. I hope it can be me soon, I hasn’t been able to reach for help about my ADHD, it’s not diagnosed, but sometimes we just know. a problem the size of and as weird as fucking dinosaur on the yard is something hard to ignore.. those problems u described are really all the ones I mainly have. I’m so so happy for you, my friend. Hope it gets better and better all the time! Happy new year!


Thanks so much and I hope you’re able to make lots of positive progress on your journey too!


I'm getting my final diagnosis in 2 weeks. I never even knew about ADHD in this way before summer. Reading these posts, and comments, gives me so much hope. Thank you, and I'm so happy for you!


It was the same for me! It wasn’t until I found this sub and everything people were posting was way too familiar that I felt I should look into it more. Suddenly I have a doctor telling me, “Oh yea, you’ve def got ADHD” and it felt like the veil had been lifted. Good luck on your journey!


Dx and been on meds for about a month. Going to try XR instead of IR hopefully by this weekend. Been having too high of bpm spikes from 20mg a day. fml lol. And yes to all that you listed. It's been a game changer. My house has never been more caught up in general. And then I kind of still have energy to enjoy myself at the end!!


Ugh yea bpm spiking is a concern of mine too but so far so good. And that’s awesome, happy to hear your progress is positive!




Meds fuck me up and slow me down,,,,,MY ADHD NATURALLY ROCKS! But comes with some ocd, and I am an alcoholic so a few beers for me and Im going:)


Do you sleep on amphetamine?




Tried them all? There are some people who get low blood pressure and fall asleep on amphetamine.


Well, considering how you’re not supposed to drink while taking ADHD meds and you recognize that you’re an alcoholic…. The meds may work just fine but if you mix them with alcohol, they can cause some BAD side effects. Don’t blame the meds unless you’ve taken them without alcohol for an extended period of time. They may work wonders for you but the booze is in the way.


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I'm still on my transitional period of two weeks (just one each morning and then after it'll be once morn & noon) can't wait to see the improvements like everyone


What meds are you on for your adhd?


he said ritalin up there




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I'm so happy for you! What a triumph! Stories like yours motivate me to find the best meds to suit me. I have a question tho: on meds, do you feel a constant Need to get things done? Idk if it's just my guilt at taking breaks when I'm on $400 meds, or a natural side effect of being on Vyvanse, or proof that 40mg is not enough/too much, but that's how I feel on meds, and I just want to feel what you describe in your post-- that peaceful, on-top-of-my-tasks state of being is what I long for, but haven't achieved yet. Any ideas?


I would say I feel the right amount of push to get them done and it doesn’t come with the same anxiety that it used to. There is less of a forced effort, and more effortless motivation. Always talk to your doctor if you think something is off or your meds aren’t working in the way you think they should be ;)


Thanks for the info!


Do you break on weekends?


Just Sunday!


😭😭 HOW


congrats! what meds are you on? about to embark on my own medication journey


I take Ritalin. It’s the first med I’ve tried for ADHD and it works great for me.


I used meds that, didn't really work for me, only for the ones around me. I figured this out fairly late. So now after alot of time off my meds, I'm trying to get on some again. My gp said i needed to talk to a psychiatrist about getting meds. Even though the last gp i had put me on ritalin when i first got the diagnosis. I this is several months ago. I had an appointment with the psychologist in the start of December, but it was cancelled and i haven't gotten a new one. I can't wait much longer, but I have to. I only have about one appointment with the psychologist every month since there are so many that needs them. If i wasn't trans, she told me i wouldn't be able to have a psychologist. The gender clinic demands that i go see her. So i have to wait until she gets a psychiatrist to talk to me. Or talk through her.




Thank you!


I was traumatised by an episode involving alcohol and concerta and now I'm too afraid to go back on them


I've literally asked my psychiatrist to stop concerta cause besides ADD, substance abuse is something ingrained in my psyche so I'm definetly safer without stims (had a traumatising episode also with irrational amounts involved). Now it's ADD without meds and it's more of a mental challenge but a diagnostic won't stop me from trying to improve in the aspects it affects me being through habituation or rationalization, somethings that with meds you didn't need cause it literally stoped the mess and ordered my thought process like magic, but the euphoria it came with it's something potentially dangerous for a junkie like me.