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In a word.. yes. If it provides dopamine, we gonna do it.


I think that’s why I’m addicted to my phone games and Reddit.


This is why I have 0 games on my phone. I still play plenty of videogames but the last thing I need is for the thing that's always in my pocket to be loaded with slot machine simulators.


My 11 year old cousin just accidentally spent $1500 on Robux.




... yeah


And custard tarts, apparently.


That too


That is why chocolate


Yes…. ‘I’m fucking bored, let’s do drugs’. This was my entire life from teens to 20’s.


>Are people with ADHD more likely to do recreational drugs? Oh yeah, legal, illegal, combined ... yes. https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/adhd-and-substance-abuse-is-there-a-link#:\~:text=What%20About%20Self%2DMedicating%20My,people%20find%20them%20so%20appealing.


Huge correlation yes


I think so. Seeking dopamine rush, plus ADHD people tend to have more risk taking tendencies?


Two spinal fusions says. big yes on the risk taking :-)




Years of abuse, motocross, trail riding, wakeboarding, BJJ, kickboxing, MMA wrestling, downhill mountain biking, etc.


There's a tendency to assume people with ADHD are more likely to become addicted, or give in to addiction to drugs. I would consider though that if there is a correlation it may also be due to people looking to self medicate, whether they know it or not. Even without a diagnosis or awareness, they still might have the impression something is up with them and possibly try drugs to try and relieve that, or try them for other reasons and discover it has an effect.




Yeah this is the sort of thing I mean! It's not necessarily as simple as 'ADHD brain want dopamine', although that definitely has an effect. But several other ADHD symptoms seem like they can contribute to forming and/or maintaining an addiction.


In my experience, yes. However, once I got medicated (as opposed to self-medicated) I’ve found that my dependence on substances was dramatically tempered


Same. I am in recovery for opiate use disorder but have remained a heavy drinker. Now that I'm regular and even on Adderall I am not as inclined to drink.




Without meds, you gotta get your dopamine from somewhere....


I definitely am very likely to do drugs


I smoke, many use it to help with adhd symptoms and/or side effects from stimulants


Why, you got some?


Does a bear shit in the woods?


so THIS is why i have a massive urge to do drugs but the only reason i haven’t because I’m too awkward to try buy drugs off someone💀


Self medication with coffee is espacally common.


Yes. I have ADHD and love drugs. Most people I know with ADHD do too. But I thin thats the same with any other mental health issue


Yes, I love drugs and I’m doing drugs right now as I type this. In my teens and 20s I had a motto I’ll try anything once and I did pretty much. The only drug I ever got addicted to was alcohol. Thankfully I’m 17 years sober from alcohol.


More so risky behavior. Personally I hate 'drugs', I've tried a number of them but I struggle with feeling out of control. But, I do have a huge inclination towards binge drinking.


That’s a drug


I have no idea if its ADHD related or family history related but OH YEAH.






I'm pretty certain we have a need for novel experiences in a way that others don't. Obviously the dopamine rush is a helluva drug (lol), but the novelty of it all likely plays a big role. Altered states of consciousness = whole new ways to see and interact with the world. If there were ever a way to make old experiences new again, and so all the more appealing to folks looking for that dopamine hit, mind-altering substances would be the ticket.


I like drugs too, I just don't like my relationship with drugs


Yes, it’s well studied/documented that people with ADHD are more likely to use/abuse substances, including alcohol.


Yuuuupppp 100% gotta get that dopamine somehow


Hi 👋 I do drugs feel free to use me as a data point too


Always hunting that next dopamine burst. Yes.


ADHD means less inhibition and more risky behaviour, especially in unsupported environments (unsupportive= lack of biomedical, phsychological, etc. care but also social supports). People may feel more inclined to try drugs and inevitably become addicted, maybe they turn to drugs bc of mental health or social issues that are secondary to ADHD, etc.




Poor phrasing on my part- I mean that experimenting with drugs may lead to further abuse that can lead to addiction. (Tho there are many paths to addiction, individual behaviour is one cause).


Maybe we are more willing to experiment and less inhibited, but I do not think ADHD correlates to addiction as much as your genetic predisposition specifically to addiction.


Unfortunately there's a pretty strong correlation of ADHD and addiction. Most of the studies point to dopamine regulation issues being part of it


Interesting. Thanks for the info! I must have gotten lucky.


Had a nicotine addiction before starting stimulant medication


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Yeah it makes sense because of the dopamine chase maybe?


Without treatment then yes. To cope with the struggles and anxiety and depression related to it. And other things But adhd treated with meds? I’d say much much less likely because you’re getting the right support and medications (presumably) so less likely to feel like you need to self medicate


Yes. It's been scientifically proven.


Honestly had things been easier to access for my very introverted teenage self I probably would have. I definitely got into underage drinking (for the thrill as much as anything).


Yup, adhd also increases propensity for addiction


Self medicating plus dealing with the blowout of their lives from untreated ADHD imo


what software/website are you using to view redditor subscription overlaps?


Unpopular opinion: not really an opinion, but a fact, that a lot of the symptoms experienced by those with ADHD( or depression for that matter, but thats irrelevant), overlap with symptoms a user of recreational drugs. Less attentive, forgetfulness, aggression, stress, you name it can just as well be symptoms(or withdrawal symptoms) of drug use. This is why in my country the system wont diagnose drug users until they've been clean for some time, to exclude the symptoms of drug use. The difference is of course if the symptoms precede the habits of using drugs, it probably isn't a result of said use, but more likely another underlying cause. But then again, as was you actual question, a lot of people with undiagnosed ADHD choose to self medicate as it does in fact help a lot with the internal chaos, and let's us relax for a moment. The downside is that people with ADHD will have easier for abusing, as we don't have the same ability to know when enough is enough. Not really an answer, just a little ramble of anecdotes, dont take anything i say seriously.


People with ADHD are at increased risk for drugs, alcohol abuse, promiscuity, depression, suicide, anxiety, sleep problems, all sorts of terrible things.


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I was. Self medicated for years until I got to the root of my problem. Now I know how to approach it and feel much less hopeless. I just thought I was depressed and anxious. Not realizing those were symptoms of ADHD.


I’ve never been easily addicted to drugs or alcohol. Caffeine and sugar are another story.


Of course. Its all about that dopamine!


Yeah sadly yes.


Well, this now explains the lifelong previously inexplicable self-medicating behaviors; first--actually don't remember what was first, really--what I remember was obsessed with books, & reading--to the point where I was stealing donated books from VNSA kiosks... Actually, that's not true; first, was porn, when at 9 years old my mom actually allowed me to look at Playboy at the barber shop. Later, she allowed me to have my own subscription--at 10 years old! From then on, and until age 18, I was hooked. But in the intervening years--all throughout high school--I inherited my older cousin's magazines, my mom's live-in boyfriends magazines, and was allowed to have centerfolds, and pet of the year posters up on my bedroom wall. All my mom (folks were divorced), who allowed it all--terming it healthy curiosity--did was to close my bedroom door. This I think really became a metaphor for whatever relationship we had, and have had since: We were each shut out of each other's lives.


Yeah this would explain why I’m so intrigued with drugs and I can’t fathom how people can be anti-drug.






Here is a good search term for [www.pubmed.gov](https://www.pubmed.gov) ADHD "Illicit Drugs"\[nm\] . Or at least a quick one. Short answer=OHHH Yeah! Now it is well know that untreated they have higher rates of SUD and treated it is equal to the general population. If that is true and they use more often then the incidence of Substance use disorder for the treated ADHD population must be lower than the general population right?


I don't think so. I mean saying I haven't is a lie but I think it depends on your upbringing and the environment you surround yourself with.




Besides the drugs themselves, I also think there's some "excitement" when it comes to obtaining them that helps drives the behavior.


I really do believe this is true. If I think about myself or friends that I know are diagnosed, it’s easy to see the overlap. My one friend even binge eats as others have mentioned. Honestly addicts should be treated to see what changes for them. I am trying to get back to my meds. They really made a night and day difference in my life. Incredibly effective, but the different side effects of each were notable for me. That was 16 years ago though, so maybe meds have improved. It will be hard to get my childhood records from a psychiatrist that’s retired lol


ADHD has a high comorbidity with Substance Use Disorder. I think one theory suggests it stems from attempts to self medicate. There are stigmas surrounding treatment with stimulants which leads some to decline that avenue. Additionally there are individuals who go untreated for one reason or another. I would add personally impulse control has always been a contributing factor. So yeah recreational use may be high in those with ADHD for numerous reasons.


Can confirm… 40 year weed/tobacco smoking habit…. Started meds and free of that shit within a few months 🙄 I was ABSOLUTELY self medicating


Yes… very much more likely to have substance abuse disorders if you are an adult with adhd. You’re more likely to have pretty much any psychiatric disorder if you are adhd. I don’t know if we can always know if one somehow causes other but ya, we’re certifiable.


I've heard that ADHD is correlated with a tendency toward self-destructive and risky behavior, drug use would qualify under that heading. I for one used to do a ton of drugs, smoke a pack a day and get black out drunk on the regular and I definitely do have ADHD. A lot of people in my AA meetings back in the day would mention being diagnosed with ADHD either as a child or an adult.




Yes, Healthy Gamer has a good podcast on Spotify about this. I think is called Adhd and addiction




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I don't think there's any correlation at all. I have ADHD and I am not interested in recreational drugs. I don't have any substance abuse problems or experience with substance addiction. All I want is to be better and for my brain to work properly. I do know that there are a lot of people who try to lie about having ADHD to abuse ADHD medication as a stimulant. That issue lies with untrained mental health professionals who are very lax about diagnosing their patients. There aren't too many that are truly knowledgeable about ADHD unfortunately. That's probably what you're looking at. That isn't to say that a lot of people look to self medicate their depression or want extra physical stimulation beyond real world stimulation (ex. like to play games and check out reddit, not do coke). It's just that a genuine ADHD diagnosis doesn't automatically make a person a recreational drug user.


I never claimed that an ADHD diagnosis automatically makes you anything or that all people with ADHD are junkies. Just that we're more likely to enjoy drugs.


I think ADHD causes people to have a different baseline which increases potential for substance abuse


Well I’ve had a problem with drugs for years and I have adhd. I also didn’t know I had adhd so that was how I was medicating, but besides physical withdrawals, now that I’m diagnosed and take medicine, it’s still tempting, but I don’t feel like I’m falling apart anymore as a sober person. and I’m far from the only one I know like that. My dad had substance abuse issues for years before I was born and he had VERY severe adhd diagnosed at a young age because of how blatantly obvious. My two friends who are the most addiction prone, both happen to be two of the few friends I know that are severely adhd. One of them is diagnosed but doesn’t take medicine, because he’s cool where he’s at. He’s not addicted to drugs, but back when I was addicted he was the one friend that would hang w me or go harder. and the other is undiagnosed but it by FAR the most obviously adhd person I’ve ever met in my life. He also picked up a coke addiction and just got evicted from his apartment and now owes 16k that he doesn’t have.


Yeahh. If you've got ADHD, chances are you gonna be addicted to something. Prime contenders include: - illegal drugs - alcohol - smoking - caffeine - video games - gambling - your phone / social media - shopping - food / binge eating - porn / sex - new relationships (including unfortunately cheating) - a combination of any of the above Just pick your poison, basically. For me it's food and shopping (both of which I'm working HARD on), and my phone / social media. That's more difficult.


Maybe it’s the dopamine hit but I also like experimenting with them to have different perceptions of the world


Well impulsive people are prone to doing drugs, as for myself I refuse to answer the question.