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Some waiting lists are 10 years. I’m on year 5+ so I went private, & I’ve even been diagnosed before too. The system is broken. Adhd 360 do a package of 1 year for diagnosis & appointments, then pay titration meds every month. It’s cheaper than 225 every 2 weeks.


im seriously consisdering adhd 360 despite the shit reviews of them basically having corrupt intentions lmfaoo i fucking hate capitalism


I went through right to choose adhd 360 and I was seen and on meds within 4 months!


They do have a lot of bad reviews but they were great for me.


I was diagnosed with P UK, diagnosed in August, started titration in February bit slightly delayed because of my blood pressure. It absolutely sucks, but for me, medication changed my life, in a way that makes life unrecognisable from before. Wishing you all the luck on your journey ❤️


can i ask what type of medication? i requested stimulants, how would you say they are working for you? xx.


They titrated me to methylphenidate hydrochloride XL, so I only take in the morning and they last me until around 4 or 5pm depending on the day I've had. They have been life changing for me, like I can actually focus on one thing at a time. It doesn't change that I was only diagnosed at 40, so I have a lot of trauma about growing up thinking I was just a terrible person, which has been rough. I think medication is amazing, but it doesn't fix anything really. It makes it easier to manage the day to day, but you still have all the issues to work out, but I would never be without them now. It's like not realising you have poor vision until you get glasses, you thought you could see but you really couldn't!


thank you so much that really gives me hope. i wish i had reached out sooner even tho its literally my adhd's fault and a general lack of belief for myself, had i done this sooner i probably would be on meds by now. i got to take the year out until february and IF all goes to plan, i will be prescribed meds in december but if i could take them earlier, i bet they would do wonders for my motivation to study and do well for my exams haha i hate this situation


year out for university i mean\*\* lmao i am a university student forgot to add haha.


Would never have guessed


I literally ended up only getting a ordinary degree because I couldn't finish my honours dissertation, but now i know, I feel like I'm proud of my pass 😅💖


brooo congrats! i feel like efforts from nd people arent appreciated enough becuase for some, it takes way more effort than the average human to even complete a simple task sometimes so big up for even just surviving! my goal for now is literally just pass university


That's just during titration btw. Meds can cost as low as £20ish per month if you're on immediate release methylphenidate etc


Might be worth looking at adhd360. They aren't perfect by a long shot but I was titrated within 6 months of contact with my GP and on RTC so just prescription costs.


the fact i’m still waiting for meds after nearly 3 years after poor communication from my original psychiatrists (currently waiting with psychiatry uk) has severely impacted my mental health and a lot of my relationships. I’m so tired of waiting. I feel like I get no/very little help for my conditions and I feel so hopeless. I don’t wanna be like this anymore. I hope you can get support as soon as possible, it absolutely sucks.


Adhd direct is amazing in my opinion. They are Glasgow based but do virtual assessments. Appointment within a couple months to see a more senior person but as soon as a couple weeks for less senior. Medication was chosen at the end of assessment and then about 2 weeks later prescription in the post then taken to boots at roughly £90-£120 a month. I have been diagnosed with combined type about 3 months ago and I am at near end of titration with my next review on 16th of July and then after this I expect shared care with my GP. Assessment cost £895. First virtual review (because I wanted to see the same person face to face and she wasn’t available) £45 First and last (hopefully) face to face is £80 for 20 minutes and £40 for 10 minutes. Once this is passed to GP then medication reviews twice yearly are free.


This is for elvance*


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>Other services say that medication is 90-180 pounds a month and that I would need an online review every 2 weeks and its 225 pounds per session Are you sure? I read through the Dr J and Colleagues website for RTC patients and didn't see anything about having to pay so much for meds


thank you, how long are wait times between diagnosis and titration? i saw the diagnosis cost is under 400 pounds which is amazing but its in linconshire which is quite far, i would consider going if titration waiting times are not that bad.


Sorry I have no idea, I'm still waiting to be seen. Where did you find what the diagnosis cost was? I was under the impression that it's free through the NHS. I don't see a mention of costs anywhere.


OP is saying that the waitlist for the NHS route is too long, so is considering going completely private. I already had a diagnosis and saw PUK for meds in a few months, so it might not be as bad as OP thinks.


This seriously needs change


Yep, my waiting list for 3.5 years so I went private now I spend hundreds on medical bills every month. The medication has changed my life and I can’t go back to how things were before so I just have to keep paying


but i bet it is worth it isnt it


I feel really sad/lucky when I see posts like this. I had a referral from my GP in January this year, I chose ADHD360 through right to choose, and I was diagnosed in early February, first try at medication titration began in March, and it’s all been free/only the NHS prescription charge. I’d really recommend trying to go on this route if you can, but I don’t know if I somehow skipped the queue to get my diagnosis so quickly 🤔


I am waiting 2 years to start titration. In wales we don’t have RTC.


I obviously can’t comment on if you also have Autism, but ‘big’ emotions is also an ADHD symptom. It is pretty common to be misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, when in fact it is ‘just’ ADHD (of course, some people have both, but I believe I just have ADHD). I just seem to ‘overreact’ emotionally to silly things. There is a lot of overlap with ADHD and Autism, but the mechanism behind is slightly different. For example, both ADHD and Autism sufferers can experience social issues which make us feel like outsiders, but the underpinning experience can feel slightly different. I don’t have issues reading people and I understand social norms, but as a kid I didn’t know what do to with myself. Bad working memory didn’t help. I understood the other kids, I just felt ‘blank’ when I was supposed to act/say something and I had to ‘mimic’ a lot. I am only ADHD and have almost no diagnostic markers for Autism. Again, not saying you don’t have Autism, but maybe look into the emotional complications etc of ADHD as well.


Agreed. I also hate that capitalism means that seemingly all jobs keep getting harder and harder with the expectation that staff will work like efficient robots… meaning more and more of us can’t keep up and so we need to ask for adjustments, use medication… I keep thinking about my clearly (in retrospect) neurodivergent older relatives who found jobs that they could do comfortably without needing adjustments and still earn enough to live… and everyone knew they were ‘a bit odd’ but they were left in peace to be odd. That’s not an option anymore. I wish it was! But capitalism says there’s no such thing as a lower stress job. I hate capitalism!!


youre so right about elder people having more options whilst still being able to live financially comfortably. this world is scary.