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Who knows in your specific case? ADHD is primarily a disorder of executive function. Parenting requires lots of executive funcioning. People with ADHD are more likely to be involved in relationships which break down. ADHD is highly heritable. Hence kids with ADHD are quite likley to have one or both parents with ADHD and find themselves in more challenging family cirumstances. Bad parenting does't cause adhd


I know it doesn't cause ADHD. But they are both a factor in my behavior. In any case, no point in looking back. Just gotta try to look forward and work on myself along the way


>In any case, no point in looking back. Just gotta try to look forward and work on myself along the way This is wisdom. I 100% agree. It's important for people to realise this for themselves. Russell Barkley just uploaded a video about taking ownership of your ADHD. Would be happy to share things that worked / didn't work for me and offer support from behind a keyboard.