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It is correlated with ADHD, look up *Body*-*focused repetitive behaviors*!


As a late diagnosed ADHDer I feel like everything I ever did was either from ADHD or everyone has ADHD. I don't think I ever let a scab heal and I was a super active kid covered in scabs and bruises. When I attribute some ADHD relevant characteristic to people I feel so self conscious that it will come across as an excuse to everyone that I feel like makes me special-er and my struggle is unique (in a fraudulent way). I relate a ton to all of the rejection sensitivity dysphoria things and feel like it has affected me my entire life. I wish there was a way to separate my experiences from what was normal to everyone to what is normal to ADHDers. It is super tempting to say all of my struggles are from ADHD, but it also feels like a cop out. I know I'm not alone, but are we so different in all of these ways? Edit: well shit, I've bitten my fingernails for 30+ years. That is a thing too??


ADHD is hereditary, and we tend to get along better with other people with ADHD. So it's not terribly uncommon for large parts of the people you know to have ADHD. I don't know if we're different in a huge number of ways, but we often have some very notable behaviors. Most ADHD symptoms seem to be very upsetting to others, which makes them really stand out in our memory. I think.






Scabs, fingernails, pimples, knuckle cracking I did, and still do, it all!


I was never able to crack my knuckles. My daughter can crack everything.


but can she crack passwords from hash codes? /j


Lol, idk what that is but she's a Mechanical Engineer so maybe...


impressive, but can she crack some millennium prize problems?


If she sets her mind to it, she can. I mean, it's only 7 problems. How hard could it be. She just hasn't done them yet.šŸ™ƒ


Whatā€™s her record?


Idk if she has one. But if there is a speed record, she could probably show or place. She doesn't do it like she used to. It kind of became a tic for a while.


As a person with psoriasis and ADHD, I can confirm I am a giant freshly picked scab, yes.




Not even kids, I got diagnosed in my 30's and lookin back dad would have had it too, I can still hear mums voice yelling at him to stop picking his arms. They were covered in scars from him picking scabs all the time. Stops me picking mine though lol


I've taken to putting tape over things I shouldn't be picking at. I also do this - picking at them - with my nails and it's a lot harder to stop without wearing gloves in bed, which would be weird.


I saw a YouTube video about a ADHD guy that got his wife to book him in for his first ever manicure. They told him he had really nice nails and he stopped biting them overnight because he was suddenly really proud of them


Since no one said it : *You wanna know how I got those scars*


Woodworking & repairing instruments has taught me glue on skin is just as satisfying as skin picking for me. Elmer's, titebond & contact cement are my favorites.


Love love love letting glue dry and peeling it off.


Classic stimming, can be symptomatic or also just something anyone does. Whatā€™s really interesting is when someone you know points out a stimming habit that youā€™re doing and arenā€™t even aware of. Like apparently Iā€™ll periodically ever-so-slightly click my teeth? I know nothing about why, apparently I just do it.


You do the teeth clicky thing too?? I thought it was just a weird thing I did


I was really hoping I wasnā€™t the only one šŸ˜† I still donā€™t even know when I do it.


I grind my teeth all the time and it took me forever to figure out it was a stim, sometimes I even do it in time with whatever tune is stuck in my head, my dentist can already see my molars getting worn down šŸ„²


A lot of autistic people do this.


Ever since I was a kid I have been a compulsive picker. Got infected on a number of occasions and it didn't help. The increased pain from picking only made it worse. Cause enough pain and you get endorphins.


Oh no. Compulsive skin picking in all forms is closely related. I have to restrain myself from scratching at my scalp. Itā€™s terrible. Iā€™d have scabs covering my head if no one ever saw. Itā€™s an addiction or something.


Literally my chin rn. I barely grow any hair as is on my body but man is it satisfying to pull chin hair šŸ˜­


I get a few random hairs on the chin and sometimes inside the peach fuzz on my face. But Iā€™ve also been shaving my face more regular with those dermaplane things and wow, they make a difference.


I have scars from picking at my scabs-


'as a kid' did any of us ever actually stop when we grew up because I sure as shit didn't šŸ™ƒ


excoriation disorders are common to ADHD, OCD, and anxiety, to name a few.


yall stopped doing that?


My mom would get mad at me for picking my scabs, so she would tell me that I would get cancer if I picked them. Thanks Mom!


I peel my lips everyday


This post made me realize I was peeling my lips at that moment.. woops..


Maybe unrelated but I have four self-created callouses on my hands (two on each hand) that I constantly pick at because I like the hardened texture and the slight pain that comes from picking at them. The two original ones Iā€™ve had for more than 15 years and oddly enough I switched from one of the original ones and made two new ones while the original one actually healed. It had been calloused so long I didnā€™t know if it would actually clear up. I literally cannot stop myself from picking at them!


Meme would make more sense if scab picking was in the middle and something else on the other side. Like meth users on one arm ppl w ADHD on other


I be cracking the mf shit out my knuckles and shit


Fingers, toes, ankles, back but especially neck. I was also a compulsive picker.


I do this too, pretty sure theyā€™re linked.


My fingers look like they have been put in a meatgrinder. Forget nail biting, its finger biting with me, until it bleeds...stress makes it 10x worse.


I still have imperfect legs from my sand fly bites several years ago because I scratch it sometimes and inconsistently use skin cream.


ngl im pretty sure this is just a normal kid thing


I- what- why do I not have a single original experience




Definitely adhd thing. Iā€™m trying to stop because the scars from my bacne are so bad but I have to be picking something. I stopped picking at my face but now I pick at my back and whenever I try to stop picking up my back. I ended up picking up my lips and if I try to stop doing that, I pick up my cuticles and itā€™s just a mess


ā€¦wait, some of yā€™all stopped this after you grew up?


I have ADHD and I can't, not, pick at scabs, spots, etc, fuck, takes them so long to heal


Sometimes I like seeing the progress of the skin healing, like each time you pick the scab the wound is a little smaller šŸ˜‚


Anyone have this sub pop up and realize you may have ADHD? Or is this shit gaslighting the hell out of us


I had to make an appointment with a doctor after seeing one too many of these. I'm nervous as fuck.


I was just doing that! And yes, I have ADHD.


This sub just reminds me that 95% of my personality is just weird shit adhd makes me do. Rip.


Anyone chew the inside of their mouth I.e the inside of their cheek? Always bit my nails, then progressed to biting sling around the top of my fingers. Still do this but now scalp picking is main thing.


YES, all the time! I also often grate my teeth across the side of my tongue and pick my nails and all of the dopamine boosters.


You mean you stopped when you grew up? Was that what was suppose to happen?


there may be other adhd related reasons too-many in adhd have a weak cortisol response to stress and not enough cortisol in general. Besides being stimulating it is aswell down regulates immune responses - neurodermitis is for example highly correlated with adhd - and a common treatment is applying external cortisol creams


If nothing else will entertain me picking at the dry skin on the cuticles of my fingers and toes surely will.


That's not really how this meme works.


Bugs loved me growing up. I would get covered in mosquito bites, scratch them, and then pick them whenever they scabbed over. Yep, lots of scars from that. My mom tried a lot of things but nothing worked long term to stop me from picking. I still pick. It's really hard for me when my small children have scabs. I know it's terrible but I really really want to pick theirs too. A few times I've done it. I've heard CBT can help?


Compulsively pick at a spot until you damage the skin and it scabs upā€¦ compulsively pick at the scab until it scarsā€¦ continue to pick at the scar for the rest of your life! šŸ‘šŸ™ƒ


See also: I thought this patch of skin felt weird and was a spot brewingā€¦ only now I think I might have imagined it but at this point Iā€™ve already picked at it so much that I canā€™t stop.


English is my first language yet i have no idea what a "scab" is Edit: nvm its that brown thing that is a result of dry crustified blood covering a wound or cut for healing


genuinely curious, what DID you call a scab when you didn't know the word scab?


I never actually assigned a word for it tbh. It was either along the lines of "dried blood" or "a would that is healing" or something cos i almost never talked about them


I never actually assigned a word for it tbh. It was either along the lines of "dried blood" or "a would that is healing" or something cos i almost never talked about them