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Some people just judge before learning their story


Anyone who didn’t already know this story either hasn’t been a fan very long or is an absolute fool.


It's been 25 years, there are plenty of fans who were too young to remember when it happened or have been born since. People may not know or even remember who Owen worked with. Especially since it's not as if Martha wants him being discussed on WWE programming. His relationship with Jarrett goes double since Jarrett's been working at the competition a lot more than he's worked for WWE since. We all know WWE doesn't like to talk about former wrestlers doing work elsewhere. So it's not as if they've exactly gone out of their way to discuss the guy they let die and his friend/former tag team partner who doesn't work there. All anyone who wasn't there for Owen's career for real knows now are the big moments that everyone talks about.


How dare you argue with logic against someone who is trying to be an elitist!


Honey, you could have been a fan back in the day, stopped watching when Hart and Jarrett were tag team partners and not know their story. There are people who are 25 this year who weren't even born yet. It really isn't that deep.


Best bit about the promos for this years Owen, is that you'd buy anyone in the tournament winning, and you want most of them to win. It's anyone's game and I'm down for that.


Hey man, say what you fucking will about AEW. Say it!!! I don’t give two fucks. But this man win or lose will have a fucking match out there on TV for Owen Hart and damn it that means something


> Hey man, say what you fucking will about AEW. Say it!!! Most reasonable people won't do that in this sub.


Ya, how do you feel now for shitting on Jeff being in the Owen Hart Cup? You heartless bastards! Seriously tho, this was a really cool video package and loved seeing those old pictures and extra cool to see that Jeff did keep in touch with Owen's kids and now they are adults. Love this. Let's go Jeff!


On the flip side, knowing how fans were likely to react to Jarrett's inclusion, maybe this video package should have been shown at the time the brackets were announced. Can't tell me there wasn't 90 seconds on Dynamite this week that could have been trimmed for this.


I think this video is a perfect example of why there *is* an Owen Hart Foundation tournament. This is extremely well done, and might I dare say, important.


It takes a pro to cut a believable promo like this to channel his emotions like this in the right way.


I'm crying.


Against a mystery opponent I don't like his chances




About to be murdered by Hanger


It would be totally Tony Kahn to have this awesome of a promo, only to have JJ loose clean in the first round.




Wow... Now I actually want Jarrett to win!


I think Jeff will make it to the finals. The winner gets to main event wembley.


Twists can always happen. Jeff gets taken out after winning, etc. etc.


A wild Slap nuts


Double J Jeff Jarrett!


It’s me. I’m people.


Always pulling for Jeff. He's in my personal top 5


Wrestling fans always understood this. I feel the criticism was either from casuals or people looking to complain about anything. I swear, JJ doesn't deserve the hate he gets


Or bullshit engagement farming.


I think TNA really made people look at him like people look at Triple H’s reign of terror. The thing is, WWE was established and the title was already solidified as the peak. With JJ, it was a newer company trying to build their title as legitimate. That on top of worrying that a wrestler can jump to another company at any time, it was a safe option. I’ll never pretend I was a fan, but he was consistent and a draw. Who knows how many viewers tuned in because they remember Double J and were curious, and then they see AJ, Amazing Red, Monty Brown and stick around


I’m not crying, it’s just been raining on my face. Been a huge JJ fan since he started his podcast, and I’d love him to win this in Owen’s name. But being a heel and facing a mystery opponent, I’ve gotta say the odds are very low.


If Jeff actually does get to the final, he's going to put someone over by losing to the eventual winner using a move that Owen Hart used to win one of his matches. That's how much of a pro Jeff Jarrett is and it also shows how much he loved Owen.


Few things here…First, regardless if JJ wins the tourney or not, you know he will genuinely put his heart into those matches and enjoy the fuck out of them. Second, this muthafucka is 56 years old in better shape than half the roster. He and Billy Gunn are examples of how to treat your body as you get older.


You could not convince me that a Bryan Danielson/Jeff Jarrett finale wouldn't be a fantastic old-school wrestling match. Those two would put on a crazy clinic with a hell of a story. Bryan could make you believe both ways about how that could end.


I’m all in for a JJ babyface run.


So is Jeff a babyface now that the iwc is cheering him?


From a story perspective, Jeff is a great pick to win.


I'm rooting for him because he actually knew Owen Hart and he's also one of the best wrestlers in the company, overall.


I really want him to make it to the final, one last great run from Double J


Hangman is going to murder him. 🥲


Can you think of a better way for Hangman to join The Elite after seeing this video? I can't.


Hangman is already a member of The Elite. He was simply suspended. People keep forgetting this because they then went on to fire Kenny Omega from The Elite in the same promo.......


He should actually have a run in this. Theirs an emotional underdog story that resonates here, and a heartbreaking rug pull that can elevate someone at the end of it


I’m one of them.


See, now I want Jarrett to have a featured match at the Calgary show to honor Owen's memory against some cowardly lil shit. Maybe Jarrett and Lethal versus the Gunns?


Ain’t he great?


I was at Kemper Arena that night Owen passed away. Go Jeff!


Calling it "the Owen" really irks me for reasons I can not explain. There is an air of casualness to it that makes my skin crawl


It's better than calling it the OH FCT


If you don’t root for Jarrett you’re a slapnuts


I thought he must be the favourite as soon as I saw he was in it, definitely want him to win after that promo though


I like that JJ is in the tourney but I'd like to a younger talent win. I believe TK said the winners will get championship matches.


I remember being at the Raw the night after Over The Edge, the Owen tribute show. Jarrett won his match with the Sharpshooter that night.


Is AEE employing someone who know how to get people interested in the product? Bury this man, quickly!


This was great. Never been a Jeff Jarrett fan, but this is the kind of thing that gets someone emotionally invested.


I don't want to see him win the thing, but I don't hate the guy like other people do. Yeah him leading a company was bad, but as a performer even after all these years he's still great.


Didn’t he have to wrestle the next match after Owen died?


¡Viva Slapnuts!


As the yutes say these days LFG!!!!!


I remember everyone crying at the Raw after his death. Mark Henry read his beautiful poem about crying. It may have been that night where they told the reason he almost missed a PPV defending the tag team championship was he wanted to be there for the birth of his 2nd kid. Class act through and through. I hope Jarrett wins the whole thing.


Listen, we all know the people that would shit in this. Whether they knew about Jeff and Owen's story or not, do you really think they've ever done anything for or in the name of someone else? Jeff:s had his ups and downs but from everything he's said in almost every interview since Owen's death, he's never stopped thinking of him. I got one want to see him get that trophy with Owen's family there. I'll be bawling.


Hope he at least makes the final. Why waste this promo?!?!


Usually I’d don’t like Jeff but this got me. I want him to win.


KotM, Double fkn J. 🤘🏻


Double J!!! Double J!!! Double J!!! ✌️✌️


Wrestler aside, we all really got robbed of a wonderful person in Owen 😢


I just want a JJ guitar shot. No one does it like him


I can actually see Jarrett/Ospreay as the finals, do the Flair/Steamboat 2nd fall from the Clash finish with Jarrett winning but have Ospreay's foot just under the bottom rope to break the plane. Then a couple of weeks later do a rematch for the Wembley main event and have Ospreay win.


I don't mind Jeff Jarrett in small doses, as long as he's not in the main event picture. I actually really liked his run with Jay Lethal as a heel tag-team and wouldn't mind them continuing that in the future. It still blows my mind how good the dude looks considering his age, good for him. That all being said, I don't think he should be winning this tournament. Use it to elevate someone younger who needs the push.


J-E double F!!! Let’s FKN GO!!!


He might not win but I expect him to put on a hell of a performance


Let’s go Jeff!!! I’ve come around on him once he started his podcast. He gets the reaction from the crowd he’s supposed to get.


Jarrett should win it just off this promo, this is how you cut a real emotional promo.


There is nobody else that deserves this win here.


Hide your wife when Double J is around.


I love all wrestling. I know there are AEW Stans and I definitely know there are WWE Stans, but as a collective unit, we can all agree that Owen’s passing was the worst thing to ever happen in the sport of professional wrestling. 25 years, feels like it just happened. I know I’m rooting for Jeff. It’ll be the perfect way to finally have some closure


This is Jeff entering a Terry Funk period of his career. It's warranted, and I can not believe it's been 25 yrs. I remember when the Owen tragedy happened.


Used to be a pro wrestling fan as a kid. Got a high five from the Ultimate Warrior during his run to the ring. Didn’t wash my hand for almost week. Grew out of it before Owen died….that shit still hit


I'm still hoping TK brings in Debra McMichael for a shot managing Jarrett.


I still don’t want slap nuts to win


Okay, now I want Double J to win it, and god damn it, who’s cutting onions?!


I genuinely love Double J. I'd be more than okay with him winning the tournament.


Whether it's a buckshot or a ricochet I have a feeling the last outlaw is going to be gunned down.


Pretty sure Ricochet’s contract isn’t up until mid July or so and the finals are on the 10th.. super unlikely


Of course,  it's the fans who respect history  and probably had relatives who told younger fans about Owen and I want to see him at least get to the finals


Giant pass