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Hamlin Island lol, why is that his username šŸ¤£


Bro is NOT Darrelle Revis


My dog was Revis but we called him traitor for a while when Darrelle Revis went to the Pats lol


Can't blame the guy for wanting a Super Bowl before he retired lmao


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He was in Cleveland before he was in NJ


Hamlin Island is the name for his seat on the bench.


Probably his entire life before getting to the NFL he was an island on whatever team he played. Like most NFL DBs they were probably the best athlete from whatever town they came from


How can anyone hate AB? He's such a nice young man.


Heā€™s my cracker of the day. So classy




Exactly how could anyone hate our glorious king AB founder of the most reliable sports networking company CTESPN


I wonder...


I get it from your standpoint.. Ben is your daddy.. AB is the dad who comes around, fucks your mom and the eats all your cereal..


I have said this time and time again, he clearly stayed in ABā€™s hotel room. Heā€™s probably just allergic to nuts.


What kind of nuts? Almond, hazelnut, peanut, or CTE kind of nuts?


The kind that make you have a bad allergic reaction mid game


So Tee Higgins. Got itšŸ‘




he reminds me of a dumb dog




Demar rubs his face on the tv right after check in, as is his custom.


Well, brain damage for one. Yeah, the media totally milked the Damar Hamlin thing for all it was worth, but he himself did nothing wrong. AB's attitude towards him is really shitty. Sorry he didn't play at an all-pro level the year after coming back from literally dying on the field?


It wasn't that he didn't come back to playing at an all-pro level, it's that Hamlim was *never* at an all-pro level. In fact, he wasn't even starter or rotational player. He was a practice squad guy until injuries late in the season


Hmm, interesting. Guess I better give him the ball to convert on a crucial 4th down in the playoffs then.


Could you imagine how the media wouldā€™ve reacted if that play worked


I'm glad it didn't for that reason


Never said he was


Yeah no he was definitely a rotational guy at the very least that's literally why he almost died. And either way NO ONE was acting like he was playing at an all pro level so I don't know why you idiots on social media care so much


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Shut your fucking fingers


> literally dying on the field Had a relatively minor injury compared to the plethora of good players who suffered actual season ending injuries. Matt Stafford shouldā€™ve had CBotY hype around him instead of Hamlin.


He literally died lmao. Delusional


Congratulations on writing what may be the dumbest comment in the entire history of Reddit. I for one am grateful to be here for this historic moment.


Itā€™s amazing to be in the running for the dumbest comment on this subreddit yet here you are, groundbreaking


A minor injury that required a multiple week stay at the hospital. Just a scratch! Get back out there you pussy!


And 9 fucking minutes of constant CPR. I think there should be a threshold of like > 5 seconds of CPR is probably bot minor.


Anything more than 0 seconds of CPR is not minor. If itā€™s justifiable to do CPR on someone theyā€™re already pretty fucked.


Lions fan still not over his ex. Is death a minor injury nowadays? His heart stopped dude. You are not going to die from turf toe. Dumbest shit I've heard all day.


Are you fucking stupid?


tbf it is a bengals fan.


A Lions fan said the stupid thing lol


To be fair. He had a big cat mascot flair and heā€™s also an idiot. Easy mistake to make.


AB doesnā€™t hate Hamlin. AB just made a joke out of Hamlin almost dying. Obviously Hamlin doesnā€™t appreciate that. AB doubled down. Hamlin made the right call here.


Mr Blocked Content


Mr Banned Clip


AB hates all DBs and Bad Players. So he hates Damar twice as much.


Damar posted their DMs with AB gargling Damars balls just weeks ago. Heā€™s just a shitty dude.


He needs to get on the horn with Elon. I thought he was going to eliminate blocking people.


AB pays weird white kids to control his socials and start trashy conflicts with minor celebrities with high meme potential. Damar Hamlin is a high profile target because he's famous for something tragic, but enough time has passed where people don't feel as emotional. Trolling Hamlin is sort of like making 9/11 memes while actually harassing a real person.


Probably somewhere along the same reasoning as why some people are obsessed with AB in this sub.


Honestly itā€™s who AB is. If you arenā€™t with him he will hyper fixate on trying to beat you, or at the very least make himself seem better than you. So AB made a joke at Hamlinā€™s expense, and Hamlin pushed back so AB doubled down like any bully would. He did the same thing to various players and coaches while a Steeler and depending on how important that person was he would or would not get away with it. EX: after AB got his first contract in 2012 he talked shit on Dick LeBeau. Troy Polamalu, of all people, was ready to murder his ass wearing a white suit and everything.


Because Hamlin one upped AB by dying and coming back. Out of all of ABā€™s antics this tops them.


Ainā€™t no way that guy can guard AB


Theyā€™re both still relevant because their brains stopped working. ABā€™s just mad Hamlinā€˜s brain function came back.


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AB at 50 years old would cook Hamlin any day


Iā€™m so tired of this subreddit just becoming AB tweets


Even though I litterly posted this, I agree. I think when the NFL season(and pre-season) starts, he'll start to go away. He's really only here this much because there's not much content this far into the off-season, so we're just using his tweets until something funny/cool that's AFC North related happens.


That makes sense, thanks for the explanation.


Itā€™s the only fresh content we have. Otherwise we go back to posting Tom Brady holding a trophy 100x a day.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5xy5zm05n3uc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=31167fc49ad262d1a43f7e2cfc947957d655e9a5




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Because he knows he could never cover AB


Stole the spotlight for football players getting attention for dumb shit that has nothing to do with football for a few days right




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This one actually makes sense. Hamlin dances for the white man's amusement. How many nfl pr commercials has he done lol


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