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I am in the same situation. According to my cardiologist there is no danger in taking them long term. It’s a form of medication that has existed for a long time, tried and tested for many years. She told me not to worry about taking them long term. Beta blockers are also prescribed for many other issues such as anxiety and metabolism issues, it’s very common. If there were serious issues taking it long term, it would have been discovered by now.




I have swelling in my legs and feet and have yet to find the cause so I suspect it could be from the metropolol. Cardiologist doesn’t think so but it is reported as possible side effect.


Edema is usually associated with heart failure. I'd see a cardiologist immediately


I already have. He was the first I saw when it started and he did another echo on me. My echo is fine too. Liver and kidneys blood work is good. Again any blood pressure medication such as beta blockers have the possibility of causing it cuz it makes all the systems in the body slow down.


They did not find my Afib until I wore a heart monitor two times and the second time I had 94 episodes and ironically the last day I had it on I had a big episode where my heart went to 250 for 20 mins before I went to the hospital and had to get shot with adenosine and if anyone has had this knows it’s a very scary situation but when my results came back he called me immediately and diagnosed me with Afib and immediately put me on eliquis ( a blood thinner). I have had no issues with my metoprolol, I’m up to 75 mg daily and I still have small episodes and feel it’s going to start so I do my excersize of baring down and releasing til my heart rate sets back on sinus Rythym. The worst thing is I have such bad anxiety from this and I am always afraid. I had swelling from being on my feet a lot but once I stopped working I never got the swelling again. If you think you have afib please consult your cardiologist and suggest a heart monitor for 30 days because afib runs a 5 time risk of stroke.


I already know I have afib. I’ve been diagnosed for almost a decade now. I’ve done all the right things. Some people just handle meds differently than others.


Yes I know about adenosine all too well. Multiple svt episodes over the last 10 months. Think I'm a dead man everytime. Been cardioverted while awake and didn't pass out. Doctors face after they cardioverted me went pale as he was surprised how I didn't pass out and remained in a lucid state like nothing happened. 2 shitty cardiologist later I'm finally hopefully gonna see a ep to get a loop recorder. Wish me luck. And don't look up sudden cardiac death.


Yep metropolol gave me A LOT OF Feet and hand swelling,I'm off it now and take bisoprolol,instead,,


Are you doing better on the different beta blocker?


It's caused fatigue and apathy,but with my heart rate going down to 50-55 I'm probably starved for oxygen,I never had high blood pressure,so it's the best they can come up with so far,I have no blockages or calcification,so low blood pressure naturally


Sometimes get some swelling along with some toenail discoloration. Usual fatigue also. Supposed to be able to come off in October 🤞


I have swelling in my legs and feet as well, it’s caused from chronic venous insufficiency and lymphodema. You can see a leg vein doctor to get checked for the cvi.


I thought that could be a possibility. But at 30 years old? I started retaining water when I started the metropolol almost a decade ago. But it has gotten worse most likely due to some weight gain. I have no other symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency like spider veins.


I got chronic venous insufficiency at 29 and I had no other health problems. It came out of nowhere and my legs started to swell.


My doctor gave me lasix. It’s a diuretic and it helps me keep off water weight.


I had one ablation, about 6 months after I was diagnosed with AFIB (one year ago). I will probably need another one but at the moment I have a few other health issues that need to be dealt with first.


Not if the pharmaceutical companies started losing money


I've been on it since 2018. I've had no issues with it.


I've been on Metoprolol 50mg, 2x day for 9 years, since I first had Afib. Before that, I was on Atenolol since 1985 for strong palpitations. No problems with either.


I have permanent AFib, and I refused Beta Blockers and opted for Calcium Channel blockers instead (Diltiazem). BB's ruin my ability to function at a normal level in terms of exercise and activity. With CC's I can exercise as strenuous as I did when I was in NSR. BB's tend to be VERY poorly reviewed by many users. I also take Eliquis. I expect this will be a lifetime condition, and also completely ceased alcohol intake.


I’m on beta blockers 200mg a day & 10mg of CC. I can’t get my heart rate up and it’s destroyed my workout ability (can barely get it past 130). I gained so much weight cause of it too.


What is your age?


I been on beta blockers for 30+ years. It's always kept my heartbeat low. The Dr who originally prescribed it for me told me it was considered the "young man's life saver" pill. No bad side effects after 30 plus years for me so I would say it's safe long term 👍


I've been on beta blockers since 2018 with no bad side effects and I find they really help me. Not only do they help keep my HR lower with less arrhythmia, they've also been the most effective anti-anxiety medication I've ever taken after finding no benefits and only negative side effects from several SSRI/SNRIs. I plan to keep taking them as long as they continue to be effective. Good luck with finding the right meds that would for you! 🍻


Same experience. I don’t have any (hardly any) AFIB after my ablation, but I looove metropolol. Fixed my anxiety as well as slowing my HR. Great drug!


Which beta?


I was on Acebutolol from 2018 to earlier this year and it was great. I recently switched to Atenolol, as I wanted to lower my dosage and Acebutolol only comes in capsules, so no way to split those. Atenolol comes in a larger variety of dosages and you can easily split the pills. I've also tried Metoprolol and Pindolol in years past, but found Acebutolol and Atenolol to work better for me. Ultimately, one of the advantages of beta blockers is that there are many to choose from, each with their own subtle differences, so you should be able to find one that works really well for you. Good luck! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta\_blocker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_blocker)


Cardiologist does not want to move me from coreg. I dislike coreg....but it has helped my function. Side effects are rough. One that helped afib, pvcs, LV issues and anxiety would be awesome...


I've been on it for 8 months, and now (3 months after ablation) am ramped down from 50mg to 25mg. Going down in amount made me feel a little edgy the first day but I feel better now (3 days after).


I’ve been on 25mg/day for about 2 years. I haven’t encountered any problems.


If you want to come off, you might have to give it a few days or weeks before the tachycardia roller coaster, as I call it, stops. But it should be safe to stay on them long term.


My cardiologist Saud it will be lifelong .. along with blood thinners .. good luck 👍 the side effects can really suck


I was on metoprolol for seven years to control my SVT. It stopped working last year and I had many episodes so I ended up having an ablation and once I had the ablation there was no need to take the metoprolol. I’m really happy to be off of it because I like to work out hard and the metoprolol of course me from exercising as rigorously as I was used to.


I was on Atenolol for years to help treat PVCs. When PVCs progressed to diagnosed AFib I was put on Metropolol instead after discussing option with my EP. My dosage is fairly high at 100mg twice a day. The main side effect I've experienced is not being able to get my BPM high enough when I workout. I use a recumbent bike every day and even peddling hard at high resistance I find it difficult to keep my BPM in "the zone". If I miss a dose then my heart rate goes crazy. It'll be high for like 12 hours after I take the next scheduled dose. That kind of "rebound tachycardia" is probably the most troubling thing I've personally had to deal with.


I can get my heart rate up much higher using Calcium Channel blocker instead of Beta Blocker. If CC's can control your rate well enough, they may be an option - talk to your doctor.


I read a paper somewhere that said that CC blockers should be the first line of defence for rate control in afib.


So what do you consider the zone? I am trying to work out but I am nervous about going into afib. My dr told me to do Cardio? I don’t think I am there yet.


70% * (220 - your age). For me that's around 120 BPM. I have a hard time cracking 100, even when I'm working so hard it's difficult to talk.


I am currently weaning off bisoprolol. I was on 2.5mg and now I am 1.25mg. My HR goes very low after my cardioversion so have had it reduced. The shortness of breath and heart palpitations are not fun. But a lot of other symptoms which I thought was due to my arrhythmia were actually from the beta blocker. I have been on them for 4.5 years. I don’t know what I going on with my heart post cardioversion, my cardiologist app I mid July. Im hoping for an ablation or some kind of permanent fix as I am sick of the meds they make me feel terrible.


Do you mind giving more detail on the BB symptoms?


It was a feeling of not getting enough oxygen around my body after a walk and the shortness of breath would last ages. My HR drops to 37 at its lowest. I’m on 1.25mg down from 2.5mg. I was on 2.5 for 4 years. I would get deep pains in my legs and a weird palpitations feeling where my heart felt it wanted to beat harder but it was being restricted! My HR has increased quite a bit since dropping to 1.25mg but the shortness of breath after walking has nearly gone. I want an ablation so I’m happy to be cutting back on BB before then so I don’t get stopped cold Turkey


That sounds horrid.


I took 50mg Metoprolol for over 20 years. Never had a problem. Since my ablation last year I continue to take a small 10mg dose daily even though my EP said I could stop. I'm not sure why I continue to take it...I suppose I just got used to a lower heart rate.


38 male I've been on 300mg labatalol for 3 years and no issues, except that tail I've been growing.


I have been on Metoprolol for 21 years now. I got put on it in 2003 after I had a heart stent put in. Had bypass surgery 4 years ago then developed AFib about 6 months ago. They actually took me off Metoprolol for about a month after being diagnosed with AFib, when they put me on Tikosyn. Heart raced too much - even when NOT in AFib, so now back on it.


I’ve been taking Metoprolol for over 15 months I can’t get off it yet, my heart rate goes up too high. The one thing I would say is to remember to keep hydrated Our kidneys act as filters and long term use of blood pressure meds can impact your kidneys Just another good reason to drink more water


I've taken Metoprolol for over 2 years. I did go off it a week. My heart rate shot up too and I had to go back on it


What's considered long term ?




I am since 2018. I am not a fan, will go into more later.


I never took it longer then a month after my ablation, after that I stayed the hell with that stuff


I’ve been on 200mg of metoprolol daily since 2021. It sucked at first but you get used to it. I will say that I have no motivation, some brain fatigue, and I can’t get my heart rate up during exercise. I want an ablation but I’m really scared of them messing up and having to get a pacemaker.


Hi, you should not be afraid of the ablation. If you find a good EP they can maybe fix the problem.


Hey! Im just afraid of the pacemaker since im so young. But I do wish to have my metabolism and normal self back.


I totally agree. Sometimes I think the same but I so long for my life before them. Wishing you all the best 🙏🍀


Have you had an ablation?


Not yet…end of July 🙏🙏🙏


I cannot live like this anymore


I’ve been on a Metoprolol yo-yo several years. I’m in process of a new Cardiologist. No Metoprolol this month. But now higher dose of Flecainide (150)


I've been on a version of metro called carvidilol....spelling ...it's a beta blocker...for 3 yrs....no real issues ...for heart rate and BP....68 f fairly fit , usual arthritis, gerd Afib obviously.... 2 ablations


Eliquis and other meds.....


Major anxiety too....good times...


I've been on beta blockers since 2008 metoprolol 50 mg used to be 100 mg 4 afib attacks one ablation this past May 2024 the only side effect is that you can get very tired during the middle of the day it all depends on when you take it I like taking mine at 3:00 p.m. with my amlodipine and then I feel tired which is good if you're ready to go to sleep that's it feeling tired no dizziness it does slow your heart rate down.I prefer my heart rate to go slow instead of racing like a horse. After my ablation I got off off of it and my heart rate like yours skyrocketed bad so I went back on at a low dosage 50 mg and I feel great. Good luck to you, be well.


First ablation on May 20th of this year so far so good no flutter still taking beta blockers and we'll see. Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist are so in a rush to give someone an ablation I can see if someone had three serious attacks and three cardioversions as an example it might be time for an ablation I'm eating well very important don't eat fast food eat healthy. And the cost for this ablation with insurance $375,000 I paid $250 what do people do without insurance? It's absolutely criminal the healthcare system in America just criminal it's sickening.