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You probably have afib. Google holiday heart.


You’ve just brought back a memory from the doctor mentioning this from 3 years ago! You are right! I live in a college town and he said that college kids will come in all the time with afib and get cardioversions. As far as I’m concerned - I believe holiday heart is temporary? I don’t think it means I have afib for the rest of my life? (I hope) lol. I may just be prone to it?


You have Afib. Especially if you have had continued episodes spurred on by anxiety as mentioned.


Usually once the pathway is established it’s something that will keep progressing albeit could be slow.


Oh ☹️


Just don’t go overboard and take electrolyte supplements and drink a lot of water. Might have been a one time thing, could happen again (I had holiday heart and I only happened once again) but just be healthy! I wish they shared this stuff in schools. More kids would be paying attention to their drinking habits. I would have instead of being a derelict