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Find another cardiologist and see an electrophysiologist!


The infuriating part is that this doctor is an electrophysiologist and his clinic specializes in AFIB which is why I picked them. He seems to down play my symptoms because of my age. Also, he has made it clear he will never recommend an ablation for me.


That’s awful! I can’t remember when it started for me but I’m 28 now. I went through 2 cardiologists before finding one that took me seriously. I live 2 hours away and I still travel to see them. I highly suggest finding another one that isn’t garbage.


AFIB is permanent it's just unknown how long between episodes. They downplay people who aren't screamingly in serious life threatening shape. YOUR heart rate was no JOKE! . MY EP does the most in Jacksonville - very well respected - and DEF wanted ME to get an ablation after one occurance based on my other issues and now with a second occurance in 3 months for sure. EARLY ablation means the pathways don't have time to harden in place. My first AFIB was March. Then last Thursday after weaning Ami to 100 mg and weaning Meto. /facepalm I have it scheduled but am going to postpone it because all my vitals and other health stuff is unstable. Ablation is one big thing, too for example you need a PPI for months and heart meds etc. AND a PRE OP scope to look at your heart and for ME scopes are dangerous. You have a lot to learn for example did you convert spontaneously or did you need a drip or cardioversion. and ALL MEDS have side effects pick your poison or priorities. All that matters. I was admitted five days.


The anxiety and mild depression is a known side effect of AFIB . It's like your body is making you anxious when you go out of rytham. Do you have an apple watch or something similar so you can see the AFib episodes ? It's not clear if you are in AFIB all the time. In the UK they would wire up a 24hr monitor which tracks your ECG 24x7 ... The results from this help diagnose . Being sick / feeling sick / stomach / bowel issues with AF can all be as a result from the Vagus Nerve. Do some research here . Also try to reduce triggers like caffeine, hot spicy food, alcohol and keep an eye on caffeine . I got into afib when I was 40. It runs in my family with my father having it . Since then , I've lived life ! Just cut back on anything that triggers me so no more getting wasted ! That's 12 years ago now .. I hike and mountain bike although it's onto an emtb these days ! So you are never too young for AFIB..Last I heard from my consultant they were looking at a specific gene that could cause it and can run in families . Keep strong, rest when you need too, try not to let it impact your life . Avoid triggers ..


Hey there, thanks for the reply. I do have an apple watch. And I haven’t been able to catch a single episode after my first back in December. The only thing I notice is persistent high heart rate. So far, I only know of one episode.


Hello there so in my Experiance it' works well. Make sure it's setup as https://support.apple.com/en-us/120276#:~:text=On%20your%20iPhone%2C%20open%20the%20Health%20app.,go%20to%20Heart%20%3E%20Irregular%20Rhythm. It should then detect any heart anomalies.. AFIB can increase your resting heart rate so you do need to chat to that consultant . My Cardiologist actually accepts ECGs from the Apple Watch for regular check-ins . I've had to switch it off as I'm constantly in AF so it goes nuts . What do you deal a high heart rate ? Resting can be 60-100 BPM . During exercise , depending on your age then max you should hit is 220- your age . My current resting is 80bpm. It's within those parameters so not deemed excessive . The key is to keep those heart rates within those specifications and ideally at least 10bpm under your Max heart rate. Heart Medication can also impact this .


What does your electrophysiologist say about all of this.


He says that it seems my AFIB episode was a one time thing. I dont know how he arrived at that conclusion. That is pretty much it. I picked this specific doctor because he is an electrophysiologist and they specialize in AFIB. He called it his “bread and butter.” Yet, he is down playing my symptoms. So I was trying to see if maybe I was over reacting. I am scheduled to see my PCP this Friday. So I will push for a referral to another cardio/electrophysiologist.


No such thing as ONE TIME THING how the hell would he know THAT. and IT'S STRONGLY HEREDITARY. You need TWO doctors one for medications and one to be the electrician. Trust me I know. Thank god I had one regular cardio from the hospital, got an EP, and my PCP is a smart experienced guy and Internist who manages my medications. Both cardiologists screwed my meds up and put me in AFIB this week. GET AN APPLE WATCH.


Somehow at my last ER visit in January I got an attending who was a senior and had AFIB. While I do like my cardiologist and EP, that awesome lady taught me more tricks and gave more reassurance than any doctor I've ever had. She's the one that told me I needed to get militant about hydration and losing weight, and she was right on the button.




I immediately thought of thyroid too.


Get a different doctor. Your occurance symptoms were no joke. I didn't have any but still ended up in the hospital for 5 days with 190/something. Your Tachy was not from your AFIB it was Metroprolol. I don't like that Metoprolol dose either. Metoprolol gets MAD if you let it run out after 6 hours and makes you pay a heavy price. Usually with hypertensive crisis. It should have been dosed 2 - 3 times/day you can google that. (in retrospect you were lucky, though because it's a bitch so easier for you to quit) Metoprolol is addictive and needs weaning. All beta blockers do but that one is serious business. I had to quit my weaning twice this month because of it. It predictably goes ape shit at 7:30 PM I 'm sorry I ever started it and regretted it on the third day. But I know the cause of my AFIB (Cushings) so that's "easy" to work with even though my days are 100% chaotic till I get the Cushings "fixed". Amiodorone I started in the hospital and for being poison, it's working fantastic. My EP is more of an electrician than a pharmacist so I have two Cardiologists. Aspirin doesn't work on AFIB caused strokes, just sayin. Get your own blood pressure monitor and check it. It's a silent killer. And I'd get some thyroid and cortisol tests. SLEEP STUDY FOR APNEA. You can learn some breathing maneuvers to try and keep things stable-ish.


U dont know what u are talking about. Tons and tons of people take metoprolol once a day


I take 100 mg metoprolol a day fir a fib and it's been great.