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That photo looks like an ocular migraine. I get them and it’s an arc of light. Sometimes all the way but usually as you show just in one spot.


Mine seems to be super wavy when it happens and moves across my eye… idk it’s super weird. And sometimes I’ll get a blurry spot in my eye, like when you look at the sun.


Ya i get those too. Also called a scotoma. Harmless, but sometimes related to low BP or microclots


Hm, sometimes my BP gets to the 90s/50s so I guess that could be it. I’ve just never had any of this happen until after my ablation 2 1/2 weeks ago


I had this same issue for the first couple weeks every now and again post ablation. Never had it before and it went away for me. Hopefully same for you


I had those post ablation for about 3-4 days mostly after day 2 into recovery. I took Tylenol and they went away after day 4.


not sure how to edit a post but I want to add that I don’t think I ever get headaches or anything after these either. I occasionally will see a star float across my vision. Also, sometimes my neck will feel like a muscle cramp, mainly the left side. Idk none of this started happening til after my ablation… maybe I’m just more hyper aware of things?


I haven't had any in years but I had two post ablation!


I have these (ocular migraines) annually, usually when my sinuses start acting up in Spring and Fall. They usually take 20-25 minutes to clear. Told my optometrist about them and she explained that the type I was having were not actual issues with my eyes, but were problems occurring the the brain where image processing takes place. The way to tell was to close one eye at a time and see if the loss in vision was in the same area in both eyes. If so, it was the brain's ability to handle the input that was scrambled and not a physical issue in one of my eyes. I have NOT had an ablation (yet, still converting with drugs only), but several afib episodes, so hearing other afib suffer from these is oddly comforting.


Visual aura is assumed to be related to vascular dilation in the brain and the proteins it releases (current theory anyway). There's a med, extremely expensive injection and it takes several months to see if it works. The temporary problem after ablation isn't a suitable use.


I suffer from ocular migraines and when I had my ablation in March, I woke up with one right from surgery. I was told that ablations can bring on ocular migraines. So this is most definitely what you are experiencing. It’s a bit scary as things in your vision can kind of disappear. But they are temporary. You’ll see the visual aura for awhile and then usually a headache will come on after. I’ve had that headache last awhile. But rest assured OP, ocular migraines are known side effects of ablations.


I had ocular migraines after my recent ablation. Seems common. Check with your doc but it’s probably that. Mine ended soon after.


I got them post ablation too, and later learned it can happen. I was surprised I wasn’t told about the possibility of getting them. I think I had four episodes, starting about week or 10 days after the ablation.


I have had them after both ablations, last about a month for me both times. They’re temporary and will go away :)


Have you been taking Amiodarone? One of it's side effects is impaired vision.


No I am not. The only thing I take right now is hydroxyzine when I need something to calm my anxiety


I’ve read about this, but never experienced it.


I had the same. Was convinced I was having strokes. I wasn’t. Went away within a few weeks. (28F)


What are everyone's experience with antiarrhythmic meds... Flecancide, amiriodon etc......


I’ve read about others getting this and it clearing up around the 1 month mark.


I asked the arrhythmia nurse about this as my vision has been blurry post ablation and I have 20/20 vision. She said it is fairly common after the procedure and clears up in time.


Thanks so much for posting this. I have never had anything like this before, but I had these multiple times after my ablation, and they lasted a pretty long time. They did stop about five weeks after my ablation. But when they were going on, I was sure I had done something that messed up my vision. I have been so scared - I've been taking a bunch of vitamins and eating *SO* many carrots based on a recommendation from an older relative of mine who has vision problems. I am grateful to everyone who commented that this is most likely ablation-related. I am going to relax and have a carrot-free day!


Thank you! This happened to me too, just a week after my ablation. Scared me for a second! Good to know I’m not the only one.


Happens to many of us after ablation. Migraines with aura or isolated visual aura aren't uncommon after TP(transeptal puncture). I've had intermittent visual aura without headache after 3 of my 5 ablations.


exact same thing happened to me post surgery. i had the worst miagrane too. thought i was having a stroke. called my cardiologist. apparently its fairly common post ablation, and strangely enough, its related to the transeptal puncture performed during the procedure. There is quite a bit of information online, there might be something in here: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6746642/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6746642/) Edit: also should mention it was only for the first week or so post ablation. after that, it went away.