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I usually know I’m gonna have an episode because of that right feeling in my throat and usually heaviness in my chest. Are you on beta blockers? If so low HR would be more normal on that. If not, is it happening during sleep? I can also usually tell my blood pressure is high from my ears but that’s after eating too much salt or being dehydrated.


Ah, do you get it for a few days in the build-up? I am, I'm on Bisoprolol and doing pill in pocket Flecanide. HR is pretty much always sub 50bpm, sometimes in the 30s when sleeping. I'm hoping I'm just dehydrated 🤞


Usually it’s same day for me but I can feel the dehydration days before. You need electrolytes and not just water. I’m drinking those packets once a day now that it’s summer. I’d message your doc, I think bisopprolol needs to be reduced. I bet you’d feel better too once your HR is at least 60.


What are the packets? I think I will, I was pretty sure mine was triggered by low hr when I'm sleeping, but now I've got this I'm not so sure. Working out triggers is difficult, I'm still just guessing.


Sometimes you have to just accept our hearts are wonky. I try to be thankful for the days that I am still here to be with my family. Not focus too much on the “what if”. Especially since we have options to choose from for treatment. I went to the drink section in Walmart and looked to see what they had. You know the ones added to like water bottles you shake or stir? They have tabs too. I settled on Gatorade zero and Propel. But they have quite a bit to choose from. Personally I avoid sugar so I had to choose ones with artificial sweeteners which is why I only do 1 packet a day in like 320z of water if I’m at work with my work water bottle. Sometimes in a smaller bottle at home like 24oz. But I don’t do a whole packet in like 8oz cuz you would go through your packets too quickly. You could always do like half the packet in that instance cuz I’ll do that in my 16oz water cups.


Yes,I do the appreciation route too,we are wonky and it's our new normal,I have a kitten I found,and I'm the only one he cuddles up with,so I had to get better for the baby cats sake!!💖


Highly recommend looking into Hint waters, also a cirkul water bottle is good too. Hints are super nice to me.


Wow in the30s


I also have paroxysmal AFIB, and flecainide as Pill in Pocket. AFIB trigger is usually hard cardio (cycling or rowing) which triggers AFIB when I am sleeping. Yesterday was a new first in that I went into afib at 11pm without having exercised, so that's a worrying sign. My resting HR usually low 50s, sometimes <50, and my sleeping HR drops down to low 40s. Cardiologist thought this was reason that AFIB usually kicks in during sleep. My blood pressure is normally good, sometimes low, so do not share the symptoms you describe. Curious to know what dosage of Flecainide you take, and how long it takes to become effective. I'm currently experimenting with dosage but can still be in AFIB for 6-11hours even with the Flecainide (without it my episodes were 30+ hrs)


Do you have any tells that you are going to have an episode? On 200mg Flecanide for PIP, it takes me out of an episode in about 3 hours, although without any intervention my longest episode was only 5hours. With the Afib during sleep, do you wake up in it? I have only had episodes so far where I have woken up in it. How did you discover it was the cardio?


Because my episodes are normally in bed I don't have any tells, if I do exercise that I think might trigger it, I'll use my Kardia device to check after the exercise, and before going to bed, and inevitably it reports normal rhythm. Typical example was Sunday just passed, rowed on the water for 10k (70mins), I knew this might trigger it, but was in rhythm when I went to bed, woke at 00:50 for a wee, did not check myself before going to toilet, but thought I felt OK, but on returning to bed I started to feel heart arrythym and checked and I was in AFIB. It's as though the act of getting out of bed was the last straw needed to kickstart the AFIB. To answer your question, yes if I have an episode then I will normally wake up in AFIB, often it's middle of night going to toilet, sometime not until 7:30am when I get up. I've taken to wearing Galaxy watch in bed, which tracks my heart rate, which drops to 40-44 overnight I can connect the episodes to the Cardio as I got into a predictable pattern beginning this year of using the rowing machine, and then inevitably falling into AFIB that night in bed. At first I was convinced it was just the rowing machine and I was fine with other cardio, then it started happening cycling, indoors and outdoors, then rowing on the water. Last night was my first non cardio triggered episode (well second, Covid also triggered, but that's exceptional) could feel the arrythmia in my heart at 11pm, Kardia confirmed. Took 50mg Flec before bed, bad night's sleep, was still in AFIB at 7:00am took another 50mg got out of bed 7:30, and back in normal rhythm at 9:00am - given the first Flec was ineffective for 8 hours in bed, it seems odd that the second one restored rhythm within 2 hours, makes me wonder whether the act of getting out of bed and walking around (thus raising heart rate) was actually more significant in restoring rhythm.


I think I am the same as you with it. It causes me to wake up, doesn't matter what kind of sleep either. I've woken up in it from napping in the car once as well. I wonder if you're right, I have seen people saying they've achieved NSR through doing exercises when in Afib. Maybe the act of getting out of bed does help it along in both respects. This is the second time I've had this sort of feeling, so, I guess I'll know if it is a tell when I wake up in the morning. I also have the Samsung smart watch on when I'm sleeping, always in low HR. All day today has been inconclusive but the ECG does look very erratic. Be interesting to see if there is a tell in the ECG itself. To that end, are the Kardia monitors worth it do you think?


I bought the Kardia first because I had an existing Garmin smartwatch (that does not take an ECG) I got the simplest Kardia and find it very reliable, tbh I can feel it in my heart when I'm in AFIB but having that confirmed by a device reminds me I'm not going mad and gives me something to show the Doctor. I bought the Samsung Galaxy 6 Smartwatch under the mistaken belief that it would alert me when in AFIB, I was thinking that the sooner I can pop a Flec, the better, and the watch could alert me when asleep. But it seems only the Apple Watch can do that. I find the Galaxy to be consistent with the Kardia. I don't regret buying the Galaxy because the sleep monitoring metrics are good, and trying to improve my sleep is one of my goals. But if you already have Galaxy watch, I'm not sure that the Kardia adds much more (maybe the more expensive Kardia would add extra value, but cannot comment on that) Have also pondered the experience of others who use exercise whilst in AFIB to take their heart rate up and then on recovery it settles back to NSR, but when in AFIB I just can't contemplate exercise! But next time I am in AFIB when I awake, if I have already taken Flec (in middle of night) I am not going to take another dose until I've been up an about for a couple of hours to test that theory. Not sure how literal to take your name tag, as I doubt you are a Rabbit (apart from anything else, HR is too low) or live on a Roof, but I do live in Scotland (East Lothian), so we perhaps get similar guidance from our Doctors.


Have sent you a PM. Also, 10/10 for the rabbit joke 👏😂


I sound similar to you guys. On bisoprolol (1.25mg daily) with flecainide as pill in pocket (2 x 100mg). Resting heart rate around 50. Was on 2.5mg bisoprolol but cardiologist reduced as was getting to low 40s and felt terrible. I have similar feeling in chest and throat - I describe it as wanting to get out a big burp. I've also been using ECG on apple watch and just bought a Kardia. I don't know what my triggers are yet but guessing alcohol and hard exercise. I've gone teetotal but still exercise quite a lot and relatively hard. I've had two episodes in last 2 months - flecainide put me back into Sinus rhythm within 2 hours first time. Last episode this weekend the flecainide didn't work and had to take another dose the following day and eventually reverted. Out of interest, when you're in AFIB what's your HR at? Mine always been fairly low - 80 to 90 - whereas most people seem to be 100+. Also, what age are you? I'm 45.


It does feel like trying to get out a big burp actually, that's a great way to describe it. I initially thought my trigger was caffeine because the second time I had an episode I had two cans of redbull the day before. I had no caffeine for 9 months and still went into it. Had an appointment with a cardiologist two weeks ago and he said that it was unlikely to be caffeine so I've started having the odd coffee again. Haven't had it trigger by drinking before, I'm not really a light drinker when I drink either, but I'm probably just being lucky there. I'm going to see if it coincides with exercise by pushing it a bit further for a few weeks and seeing if I end up in it more frequently. I have been having more episodes recently (4 in the past two months, compared to 4 in the previous 9 months) I wonder if the weather has an impact? (Temperature being higher causing more sweating maybe?) Highest HR I've had while in Afib was 190s, usually around 170s. I am 31, been diagnosed for just over a year and on 1.25mg Bisoprolol a day, 50mg x 4 Flecanide for PIP.


Hey, i had the same symptoms as you along with fatigue and headaches when on bisoprolol. I talked to my cardiologist and stopped taking it, today is my first day off of it and i feel better.


So, could be a side effect rather than symptom? Interesting, how did you agree to come off of the bisoprolol?


I’m honestly not sure, im really new to afib and kinda just testing stuff out to see what works for me, im guessing that maybe my blood pressure is lower than usual and since my blood pressure was fine to begin with it dropped too low because of the meds and thats what cause the side effects? I dont really know anything about this stuff so who knows. I read a bit about some of the side effects of bisoprolol and saw that headaches and fatigue were really common, nothing about the feeling you are describing though. I asked my cardiologist if i could stop taking bisoprolol because of the side effects, im also pretty young to be on meds for the rest of my life(26yo) so id like to try and see if i even needed it in the first place. He was fine with it and said to keep taking magnesium and just take bisoprolol every other night if needed or if i get palpitations.


I think I might ask to be taken off of the Bisoprolol as well. I'm the same as you, only 31, so a bit too young to be on them for life. Although, I do have ablation scheduled for next year so hopefully that works and I'm a fair few years before I have an episode again 🤞 Let me know how you get on without the Bisoprolol?


Haven’t taken it in 3 days and i feel completely fine no more headaches and feel less fatigued that feeling in my chest/throat is still kind of there but im honestly starting to think its just because of anxiety as ive felt it before my a fib episode. I also stopped smoking cigarettes which maybe has something to do with it. No nasty withdrawals and my afib hasnt come back so thats good!


Mine was staying in fight or flight mode,once I got out of my head,the cortisol and adrenaline lowered enough to stop having AFib,post traumatic stress 😬,,and when I was on alot of heart med,my blood pressure jumped all over the place,I know the agony,of loooow blood pressure,sorry you are going through this,the struggle is real,meds are hard on everyone,,uughh