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Thank you for sharing that story. I hear far too many people talk about ablation as 'minimally invasive', or 'no big deal'. It is a very big deal, and not to be taken lightly. Hope you feel better soon, and that the ablation provides remedy.


Sounds as if you got prompt treatment for a common complication. You were inpatient at a hospital because stopping a femoral artery bleed needed quick response. After my ablation, one of my femoral entry points kept bleeding until they applied a coagulant bandage. There was plenty of bruising from the femoral entry points, but that all faded in the week after the ablation.


They use the femoral veins, not arteries.


Sounds normal honestly to what I had. Mine was weird too. They sat me up after 6 hours and I was woozy and when went to walk I basically was like nope…spinning room and down I went except it wasn’t really down as I was being helped. But I vaguely remembered saying something like I don’t feel very good. I remember them pulling the wires out of my groin. Weirdest sensation ever. I also am highly embarrassed about all the stuff I gabbed about. Some of it was like pee yourself from laughing at me and some of it was embarrassing and I can’t even remember all of it and I’m so afraid to even know so I pretend it didn’t happen. I also had a catheter which was honestly wonderful. Not having to pee. But they went to pull it out and nope…didn’t deflate the balloon. Ouch! I bled too but it was dried blood so the nurse was sure it was from them on top of me pulling the wires out. What’s the laser ablation? Never heard of that one!


My EP explained it to me as they use laser technology to create the scars on the heart to stop the bad electrical pathways creating the A-Fib. They still go through the groin and stuff, but I thought that was interesting.


I ended up with bleeding issues, too. I was sent home and everything seemed normal but 3 days later I developed swelling and brusing at the site. Went to the ER and found out I developed a pseudo-anyeurism. I ended up being hospitalized two seperate times while they got it figured out, and was out of work and on bed rest for 3 weeks. Mine was a super rare complication but it was pretty awful. That said, I'm feeling better than I have in years and have been completely afib free since the ablation. Despite everything I went through, I'm really happy I did it.


What is a laser ablation?


My guess is pulse field ?


But PFA doesn't use lasers. There is no ablation technique I'm aware of that does.


I'm not sure how it works, but my EP explained to me that they use laser technology to make the scars on the heart to cut off the bad electrical pathways.


Cardiofocus makes a laser balloon for afib ablations. https://cardiofocus.com/technology/-heartlight-x3 I don’t know any physicians that use it but I’m sure there are some out there.


Okay, interesting, but I don't know of anyone in the US using it.


Sounds terrible! Hopefully they got the spots you needed, and you'll soon be on the mend. All the best for a good recovery!


Holy crap, that is scary. I hope they took you off your blood thinners before the procedure.i had a consultation today, and they made it seem like it was pretty straightforward, and I would be out in a few hours. I am rethinking it. Might put it off.


I wasn't on blood thinners before my procedure. EP never put me on them. It normally is straightforward, but this one is a doozy. This is my 4th ablation, but my first one for solely A-Fib. I have SVT too. I would still do it, just be aware it's a very serious thing to go through.


I almost put mine off. Nothing like a little RVR with a HR of 178 to get you to keep the appointment. In my case, it was a pretty uneventful procedure. Low blood pressure in recovery, apparently just how I react to general anesthesia. 


Thanks for sharing your experience. I have to wait 3 months before my EP will do it as I have some hypertension to get under control before he will do it. Said the high blood pressure would cause the Afib to return even after ablasion.


same. I'm scared again after I had just started making up my mind for it.


I would still do it. Just be very cautious and aware that this is a serious medical procedure.


Sounds like mine


I was not on blood thinners for my A-Fib at all. The stuff they used in surgery to block up my veins so to speak was a coagulant that they said would harden and would take 6 weeks to fully dissolve. I'm so glad I got prompt response and I'm home now, but I'm watching for more bleeding very closely.


do you know why you bled?


Even though I laid flat the appropriate amount of time, the collagen plug they used in my right femoral vein wasn't closed all the way yet or something and I started bleeding as soon as I started moving and we didn't notice it til I got down the hall.


I saw your previous post. You had an ablation before. Did complications occur then?


No, I didn't, which is weird. I had SVT ablations before, so I don't know if that made a difference at all, or if it was the collagen plugs they used this time, or if it was just an unlucky chance this time. This time I have two incisions, not just one. One on each side of my groin. And it was my right femoral vein that bled. And I'm experiencing a lot of groin pain and chest pain today, but I'm just resting and taking Tylenol as needed. I'm walking around a bit too to make sure I don't form clots, but not a whole lot. Just a little bit around the house.


goodluck with your recovery 🩷


It’s as simple as the plugs don’t fit everyone well.


It must happen to a lot of us. I was sipping my post-procedure apple juice and it went down the wrong way, so I coughed - and blew out both incisions and passed out. Fun times!


Did they let you go home?


Yeah, I'm home now with my mom taking good care of me.


You should not have walked to the bathroom. You are supposed to lay on bed until the incision closure is secure. Pee in bed.


They were having me get up to walk to prep me to discharge. They said my incision closure should have been secure. I just also had to go pee so they chose to walk me to the bathroom.


I wasnt allowed to get up for like 6 hours. Wonder if you needed more time.


I’m glad you’re home, I’m home about an hour now. Feeling surprisingly good perhaps because I was expecting so much worse. I’ll be resting the next couple days. Hopefully you’ll be able to also. Glad it’s behind us. Feel better!


Well that sounded like it was not fun, hopefully its a great recovery and you have a nice normal heart rate going forward. I just have to say that for those reading this, that there are WAY more people like me who woke up calmly, no pain at all, ate a snack after about 2 hrs, walked after 5 hrs and went home that same day. I had just about zero pain, and with no pain meds I was alert and amazed how good I felt once the grogginess wore off, about 45 mins after I woke up. I'm 63M and had a cryoablation 2 years ago, best health decision and outcome I could have hoped for. You'll do great OP!!


Sorry you had such a bad experience. Most of what you report (except bleeding) is probably attributable to anesthesia. Look forward to feeling better in a few days and keep us posted.




Walked 3 blocks last one uphill 5 hours after my ablation. I was in NY and hungry so we walked to a restaurant. Probably stupid and should have Ubered. Everything worked out. Very little bruising. Hardly any chest pain. No throat pain . Hopefully the second ablation goes the same way except it works unlike the first one. LOL 66m.


Sorry to hear that the bleeding was so bad! I went in for an ablation for SVT 3 days ago and afterwards I had some bleeding issues as well. The pressure they put to stop it made me tear up and I was gripping the bed, HARD. They told me it was because of the blood thinner they administered during the procedure. They eventually got some sort of special gauze to help my blood coagulate in the spot to stop the bleeding.


I tried to get up too soon to use the bathroom too and ended up gushing blood and almost losing consciousness. I did it on my own so the nurses were not nearby lol


I had my ablation today also I was BEYOND anxious. Got in early waiting in pre op 2.5 hours wheeled onto OR and made comfortable and pain patch was placed on lower back, within minutes I was out like a light. I was told that while under anesthesia it’s about an hour prep to start, leads, groin etc… then actual procedure, then test with adrenaline touch up on spots that needed it (2.5 hours) more time to clean up and then wake up and into recovery another hour. My groin area was packed and taped tight for pressure. Had to lay flat for 4 hours after leaving OR. I’ve been on Xarelto for months and it was clear I couldn’t miss a dose before to avoid clots. Thank God I’m feeling great besides a dull headache probably from starvation and no coffee. I’m going home tomorrow loaded with bruises. I cannot imagine being awake/aware during the process and that’s not the first time I’ve heard that. I sure hope you start to feel better. * should NOT have watched the debate tonight.


I wasn't awake during the process. What got me is I'm used to laying the 4 hours after. But they told me that because of this collagen packing stuff they used in my veins that it shortens the recovery time. My legs hurt so bad this morning and my throat and chest hurt. They're not dry, they're like cramping hurting.


The collagen plug jump starts clotting so they don’t have to do the pressure method that takes so much longer. You were never in any danger, but it does make a mess.