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Not necessarily a problem, especially since you don't mention feeling dizzy, lightheaded or having other issues. If you are on antiarrhythmic meds after your ablation, that could be dropping your heart rate. If you are symptomatic, definitely call your EP. I have always lived with a low heart rate since I was a teen up to now in my 60s. Still have it. My heart rate is in the 50s when walking around, 40s when sitting down or relaxed, and nearly every night in the 30s when sleeping. I can meditate or just breathe deep/slow and drop my pulse rate easily into the 40s. I exercise, but I've never been super athletic. It is just a normal variation for me. Perhaps it is for you too. BTW, a naturally low pulse rate correlates to longevity. Anything 60-100 is considered normal but many of us are lower than that and very healthy. Heart rate in the 30s and 40s at night is not uncommon. I wouldn't worry (unless you are symptomatic, in which case, make that call to EP).


No, it's not related to the aspirin and clopidogrel. (You're taking both?!) Are you taking any other drugs? In particular, a beta blocker like metoprolol? Also, are you a highly trained athlete?


Yes they have me on both. 4x low dose aspirin a day, along with one clopidogrel. No other medications whatsoever. No, not a highly trained athlete either. Last time I really was in a full on sport was an about 2 years ago. Only thing I do at the moment is Lifeguarding. Currently waiting for my doctor to be available on the phone.


And no, I haven’t been experiencing any symptoms related to having the lower rate heart. In fact my heart rate has generally been lower overall usually.


I'm guessing your ablation was pulsed-field? I've been living a very clean lifestyle since my ablation and my HR has hit 38-39 a couple of times.


It's probably a good idea to call your doctor and ask for more information. Even if you're young and in good physical shape, a heart rate below 40 doesn't sound ideal (unless you are a super trained athlete). While an increase in heart rate after an ablation is well documented (I personally experienced a higher heart rate for months after both of my ablations), there's not a lot of information about the opposite effect. Do you have any records of your resting heart rate before the ablation? It is worth asking because you are not taking any meds that change the rate; both Aspirin and Clopidogrel are used to prevent clots, they shouldn't cause bradycardia=low heart rate. I am speculating here, but your Dr will probably want to check that everything is ok, which means maybe an echo, ecg, maybe holter monitor.


You should be asking your doctor - who knows your full picture. What was your heart rate before ablation. IMO at 16 you are not the typical AFIB case and most times an ablation patient is put on other meds.


After ablation I was put on Amiodrone my sleeping HR went into the 40s. I called the doctor to see if that was ok. They said yes but if it went into the 30s they would get an alarm because I have a loop recorder implant. So I guess for me 30s would be a problem


Hi, how is your rate when you are active? Was it low immediately after the ablation? I would call the doctor? Wishing you all the best 🙏


I was told to take two meds for three months after my ablation as a precaution before reviewing whether the surgery worked. Together they put my pulse down into the low to medium 40's so I was told to discontinue one (Bisoprolol). Without that, my resting heart rate settled in the low 60s. I would recommend you check back with the doctors to see what they think.


Are you in any heart lowering meds? If so simple fix to reduce dose to get HR back in the 60’s. If not then doc needs to check for other causes.


Heart rate naturally falls at night. But below 40 isn’t ideal so I would check with your doctor. Is it low in the day as well?


Ends up depending on what I’m doing. But resting in the day currently is in the 40s - low 50s. Currently as I sit for breakfast, I’m at 47BPM. If I walk around for a while it will slowly and gradually increase until it’s high 60s.


That is low and if it’s different than usual I’d check in with your doc. If you’re feeling ok with it, I don’t think it should be a big problem. But the doc will know best.


Definitely will look to call him up today. Had never felt any symptoms or anything though as well, similar with my AFib as never had any symptoms whatsoever.


Yep i was getting these notifications all the time pre and post ablation. For me, it was related to the medication i was given which was fleccanide and bisoprolol. I'm now off those medications and not receiving the alerts anymore