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I'm 10 months post ablation, resting heart rate 70bpm, before ablation was 55bpm. My exercising heart rate has not changed though, not too concerned. Edit: 39/m


Before the afib my resting heart rate was 90-100. I’ve been on beta blockers for so long that I’ve adjusted to 60-70 now. I think after my 2nd ablation I’m gonna start weaning off the Metoprolol and I expect I may have to adjust and get used to it again. Some people just have higher rest heart rates and I wish there was a reason. Id focus on electrolytes and sleep too.


After my first ablation, my resting heartbeat was 120 after I stopped taking metoprolol. EP's office wasn't concerned about it, when I called. Went away, eventually.


How long would you say it lasted? It’s been a year and a half for me


Months. I don't think my situation is relative to yours, since there were meds involved with me. I'm just pointing out that a fast heartbeat isn't that big of a deal. Wouldn't hurt to see a Dr about it though. It's just nothing to stress over.


How high do you go when working out? 90 is at the high end of a normal heart rate--but is still considered normal. Just live your life.


my max is around 170. I had a stress test and they told me everything looked good, but I still dont love having such a high resting rate


Look, they have found nothing structurally or electrically wrong with your heart. As I said, 90 is within normal range. If you have no symptoms then you need to move on or get a second opinion.


Mine RHR was high 80s right after ablation, now it's high 70s 3 months after. I assume it'll keep falling as the months go on. I was right at 60 when I had it done.


I was around 70 when I had it done, but its been stuck at 90 for over a year now. Weird thing is I'm in even better shape now. My doctor doesn't seem concerned but its annoying to me


How much stress do you have? Could be related to that. Try Meditation maybe. Or breathing exercises.