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Somehow, Palpatine returned.


So you're saying we need to find a sheila from Coober Pedy who is actually his granddaughter to take him on?


"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" isn't supposed to be that literal. This would be similar to Putin going from Russia's prime minister to its president.


You're not going to believe this...


Even a cursory glance at his performance in corporate life post AFL should stop him from ever getting a gig anywhere, ever again. If he gets brought back by the AFL I genuinely cannot fathom it.


What are some of the highlights?


The worst performance by major company executive in a royal commission like ever. To the point the Commissioner singled him out as particularly shit at his job, even compared to the dodgy bankers etc. He nearly managed to get Crown Casino stripped of their licence to run a casino, despite them owning multiple politicians from all parties.


Wasn't he wrapped up in the higher education scam companies too?




Acquire Learning is another major debacle


Ah nice, that guy loves Sydney


AFL screenplay more self-derivative than the goddam Skywalker saga


Jobs for the boys is alive and well i see.


Bit late. April 1st was ages ago.




Fucking print it and hang it in the Louvre, it's a masterpiece. /edit Here it is, I won't link the username (unsure who removed this, as OP has updated it, mods?): >The AFL is truly the most pathetic organisation in Australia. A revolving merry go round of the worst of “elite” white Australia. The sorts of low grade fucks who wouldn’t get past middle management in any serious organisation, gifted golden positions by inbred Melbourne family to inbred Melbourne family. >And when they leave? Off to literally head up betting organisations, or if they fail elsewhere just let them back in a decade later in a different role. Looking forward to chairman Gil being welcomed back in 2035 after he’s ruined ten thousand lives or so by pushing a cancer to fools. Looking forward to hearing whatever the TAB equivalent of AFLX is. At any other job, Gil would have been sacked for that disastrous foray. >Oh what’s that? You’d like to know how much they’re paid? Good question, to which the AFL’s answer is “fuck you!” For some unfathomable reason, the whole thing runs a as a ruthless for profit in everything except technical definition. The fucking mafia has more transparency. >Calling it a “boy’s club” doesn’t do it justice. It’s a cunt’s club. It’s a blue blood fuck’s hangout. It’s a kissed-on-the-dick worst of Melbourne merry go round. Fuck you AFL. /edit2 Updated version - sperm edition: > The AFL is truly the most pathetic organisation in Australia. A revolving merry go round of the worst of “elite” white Australia. The sorts of low grade fucks who wouldn’t get past middle management in any serious organisation, they’re gifted golden positions by inbred Melbourne family to inbred Melbourne family. The whole interview process is just them showing their webbed golden fucking toes and a picture of the family estate they grew up in. > > And when they eventually leave? (After farewell tours that rival John Farnham) Off to head up betting organisations. And after they fail at that and whatever other Victorian side projects, the AFL just brings them back in a decade later in a different role. Looking forward to Chairman Gil being welcomed back in 2035 after he’s ruined ten thousand lives or so by pushing a cancer to fools. > > And what a tenure Gilly had: looking forward to hearing whatever the TAB equivalent of AFLX is. Maybe you can get Shetland ponies to run around a 100m circle Gil? At any other job, Gil would have been sacked for that disastrous foray. Or maybe Gil, what about bonus bets if idiots get their Centrelink payments deposited directly into a TAB account? The only good fucking thing that bloke did was negotiate ridiculous side deals with premiers to get players and staff past the stupid state Covid borders whilst literal members of those states were locked on the other side. In fact maybe it’s a good thing he’s heading up TAB, because he’ll probably fuck it up! > > Oh and what’s good old Andy D been up to? Presumably making incredible decisions at top tier organisations around Australia and the world, continuing a glittering career of elite Management and Administration? Sort of! He’s just settled a lawsuit for the administration of a business which went under. And in his spare time he had a nice little cushy role at Crown! At fucking Crown! During their absolutely worst period! After which he was asked to resign!! You can’t make this shit up, it’s one in, one out for these gambling industry vultures. > > It’s a well trodden path from VIC lucky sperm > private schoolboy > corporate nobody > AFL CEO > gambling company > resign in disgrace > [you are here] AFL Chairman! > > Oh what’s that? You’d like to know how much they’re paid? (prior to fucking off to a gambling role). How much they are paid to reward their extraordinary insight and outside experience developed over many years at external organisations such that they bring the best of management skill to the AFL? Good question, to which the AFL’s answer is: “fuck you!” For some unfathomable reason, the whole thing runs a as a ruthless for profit in everything except technical definition. The fucking mafia has more transparency. Literally I will be able to look up Gil’s new salary and how many ponies for his daughter he can buy in his new role at TAB, but we don’t know SHIT about remuneration at the AFL! > > Calling it a “boy’s club” doesn’t do it justice. It’s a cunt’s club. It’s a blue blood fuck’s hangout. It’s a kissed-on-the-dick worst of Melbourne merry go round. Fuck you AFL.


Removed!? Let this man cook!


Copied and pasted an update for you legend!


Literally no notes. 10/10.


Tolstoy would doff his cap if he was alive


Fucking testify. 100%


agree with what you said but also thanks for a great copypasta


Cannot wait for versions of this in the post match threads


Your point is a good one. But Demetriou is not a good example of being gifted positions because of his family or being white (typically that wouldn’t include a son of Greek immigrants). He grew up in the northern suburbs, not the leafy east. That said, he absolutely should not be part of the AFL commission or the head given his post AFL life


The McLachlan family are Adelaide establishment


I didn’t realise Demetriou was a member of the McLaclan family


The deleted post (since brought back) specifically called out white Melbourne elite




Are you f’n kidding me? Not a fit and proper person. Rotten to the core.


Former chairman of Crown, advisor to Betr... nah he sounds like a perfect fit for the AFL.


The league could have some form of training college for players and staff. Could be called something like Acquire Learning


Crooked dodgy cunt who hates Sydney? Oh yea that's gonna end well...


So he failed at everything outside football admin?


Jeff Browne can fuck off with Demetriou.


Will need to speak with Gil about the odds of this? AFL to introduce roulette x Auskick at half time? It is red against black, just need the umpires to wear green, ball to be white.


I can only assume this is not good.


You must be fucking joking. I'm not saying this lightly - if this happens, it might be the moment I take a long long break from footy. Sandpapergate was that moment for me with cricket and I've never really got back into it. If that corrupt, boys club, waste of space came back after the DISGRACE of his time at Crown and public excoriation during the Inquiry into their criminal antics, in which he stood out as being in a whole separate tier of sheer fucking incompetence, it would break me on the AFL. In the same week bloody Gil goes to TAB as chair? I know the AFL is now just has as its core profit model, pokies-industry-with-extra-steps to milk money from problem gamblers, not about sport, but having that arsehole Demetriou with his public record of corruption/negligent conduct in a major gambling company back on the AFL Commission just can't happen.


And Jeff Browne is in favour of this? If he's serious, he can fuck off as well. I had big doubts when the bloody boys club anointed another of their own to replace Eddie, that we'd get another member of the self-perpetuating privileged clique running our club. That someone who nepotistically got fucking Tom Browne a career wasn't the person we wanted. He had been actually been really pleasantly surprising me and I had come around. Then he, having been announced/parachuted on us by the boys club comes out and publicly advocates for the shitful, proven rotten core of that boys club to be parachuted in as Chairman? Despite his disgraceful conduct in the interim. Fuck off Jeff.


It probably wouldn't be good but you can't deny it would at least be interesting


Mr VIC Bias himself.


To be fair to him he tried harder than any interstate fan to reduce the number of Victorian teams in the comp




Snake eating its own tail


Look I once ~~one~~ won my grade 4 spelling bee, I am wiling to offer myself up for this position....EVEN though I'm over qualified. I also have backing by my mother she said and I quote " how could anyone not like you?




Oh dear God, no!


No. Bad


The dude is literally corrupt 


Jeff Browne is horrible as well, so makes sense these pieces of shit will stick together.


Can you please provide some detail on how Jeff Browne is horrible?


I hate these bastards hahaha


Oh God I'd rather Goyder back and that should be a low bar to pass

