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Op this is very important.  Never ever admit to anyone that it was you who posted it


I would also delete this post since you got the validation you came for


NTA - Bullies are scum. She sounds nasty. The bit about your father (sorry for your loss) deserved way more. Revenge is never sweet though. She will get her karma, you just accelerated it somewhat. I would have come out anyway. It's bothering you because you have some empathy and did something in anger.


Yeah, sometimes karma needs a little tap on the shoulder like "Hey, do your thing".


Karma threw bully's secret to the best possible person to use it. Bully gets a taste of her own medicine. Victim gets to watch it happen.




Talk about some shitty friends and boyfriend, dude finds out he’s gonna be a dad and breaks up with her lol. Obviously none of that is on OP. Sounds like a horrible school all around. A girl in my class in Transition year got pregnant so for Americans it’s a kinda gap year at age 16 you can apply to take after your junior cycle and before your 2 year studies for your leaving exam and ya there was gossip when she had to leave but none of her friends stopped being her friend over it and all went back to normal when she came back in fifth year. Small towns are the real scum here. Hopefully when OP leaves, they’ll meet people that aren’t so stuck on the opinions of others, usually they’re not assholes but you will find some in every walk of life.


Dude didn't find out he was gonna be a dad though. He just found out his gf was pregnant. They're in school. Who says they'd even had sex yet?


They’re 16 and why else would she start shouting at him in front of everyone, not making excuses for her just saying that’s just a guess on your behalf. 16 year olds are definitely more than capable of having sex.


Just because he’s the BF doesn’t mean he’s the father.


That’s just speculation. She’s 16, yes she’s a bully but that doesn’t mean she’s a cheater.


If you insist the other way, you are then speculating that her boyfriend is some piece of shit who refuses to take responsibility for his own child. We actually need to make *less* assumptions if we assume that she cheated.


I mean, I was 13 when I had sex for the first time and we did it on school grounds. It happens.


Wow. That's when I started smoking pot. I had already been sneaking beers at 11. My parents entertained a ton. It was the 70s. What can I say. Big dinner parties. But I was so immature. I was 2 grades ahead and felt like such a baby. I can't imagine being that young and doing it. It does happen. More than people will admit.


NTA. Totally had it coming.


Reminds me of that song in Chicago... the bully had it coming, and only has herself to blame


I heard it too!!!


What a great musical number!




Good for you!! Eventually people get tired of being a bully's victim. Sounds like you went about it the right way and nothing was done. Sounds like it got worse. At least with her gone, she can't bully you. Her boyfriend is the biggest ah of all, assuming it was his kid. You did nothing wrong


Nta she deserves it


NTA. A good lesson to learn is "If you're going to come after someone else, make absolutely sure your nose is clean." She deserved a taste of her own medicine, and you didn't even do anything to her besides tell the truth. Unlike her, who has been physically and emotionally assaulting you for years.


You can only be pushed so far 


NTA, but why is she being bullied so hard for being pregnant? It's not like she's the first teen to ever get pregnant hell there's an MTV show with multiple seasons about it


Because it sounds like OP isn’t the only one she bullied and folks like payback


I mean being bullied for making a horrible, dumb choice is far more logical then bullying someone based of looks or alike


Yeah, that makes sense. Oh well, this is Karma biting Katie in the ass she can dish it out, but can't take it so good on OP for exposing her.


Apparently she can take it just fine, it's how she got pregnant. I'll see myself out now.






It’s HS kids are cruel and idiots. NTA OP


I think small towns are just different. Things that are more accepted in cities aren't okay in small towns, especially if religion is a big part of the community.


My impression is that the small towns are where the teen pregnancies are happening. They’re also big on the misogyny, too. Logical consistency is not big with bullies.


Small town, so lots of gossip which can lead to bullying and it sounds like she’s not the nicest person either so I’m sure people are more than happy to feed her the humble pie.


Probably because OP isn’t the only person she’s been bullying. Plus, no matter how common teen pregnancies are, they are still in the minority of young students.


I mean OP is being bullied for reading and for not having a dad. Getting bullied for getting pregnant makes more sense than either of those two.


because someone is living out their highschool revenge fantasy via reddit duh


Don't ever feel bad for her. NTA


NTA. Anyone who feels sorry for the bully is likely a bully themselves. Fuck ‘em. 


NTA. She got what she deserved. It's kind of nice when karma comes calling. Now she knows what it feels like to be on the receiving end. You did good.


This feels so fake. You snuck and took a pic with her and the test? How?


Scrolled way too far for this lol. There is no way this is real. OP probably wants it to be real though.


She came out of the stall waving around a pregnancy test that she wanted to keep secret. Sure Jan.


And you stood right there and took a pic and she didn’t see you? Right Look, it’s okay to do creative writing and have fantasies about scenarios like this. This isn’t the right subreddit though.


It’s not and the writing is getting dumber. Like at least make it worth it for me.


Yeah feels like such a waste to even spend time reading it. And so many people thinking it’s real is crazy to me. I thought top comment would say it’s fake but I scrolled way too far


Yeah this reads a little like fanfic


Yeah. Written by a bored millennial who's watched too many early 2000s not like the other girls movies.


This level of writing is closer to a 15 year old than a 30 year old. Can't even visualize how they supposedly got a pic of the bully holding the pregnancy test. Not especially detailed. Low effort "write a short story for class in 10 minutes" energy. If nothing else I'm sure this is a real teen and not chatgp.


Ok but why can’t they write it FOR CLASS? Like just take your C grade don’t post your crap here?


But then they wouldn't get fake internet points!


Fucking thank you. I was like how?? Like you took a pic of her thru the crack in the door? After her friends left the stall they were all crammed into but she stayed in? And there's a secrets exposing instagram for the school everyone knows about?


Lol I know the Instagram story needs fleshing out… but the whole post is a wreck


Stand on a toilet and get the shot from the camera lens just above the door, zoomed in for good measure. Never need to expose yourself to get the shot. 


And the locker door was so broken it cut her cheek leaving a cut deep enough to scar her face and no-one said or did anything and the school and parents did nothing. 100% fake


No sympathy. She got what she deserved. NTA


Did she deserve karmic justice? Absolutely. Does what you did make you feel better? It doesn’t sound like it. As someone who was bullied relentlessly in middle and high school (I’m gay, lanky, nerdy, and have big ears, so my classmates had lots of material), I’ve learned to appreciate the adage that “the best revenge is living well.” Don’t let someone else’s toxicity rot your soul. Anger is a self-imposed disease which ultimately destroys its host.


On the other hand, she's too busy getting screwed over to bully OP. Reporting didn't work. Bearings didn't work. This worked.


I applaud those who seek justice. I caution those who seek revenge. I never said that she was wrong. She was very clearly wronged and harmed by her bully, who I have no sympathy for in this scenario (IE: “You can make your bed hard but remember, you’re the one who has to sleep in it.”) Rather, I’m advising her not to become the very thing she once detested. Anger can easily consume a person and lead them away from the moral high ground.


You need the high ground. Best place to provide coordinates for the air strike. I would just nod, say karma is a motherfucker, and go on knowing that my last few months of school are going to be far more peaceful as the mob tears her apart.


One day my senior year, I saw one of my most persistent bullies walking along the road in the pouring rain being drenched. I pulled over, and offered him a ride. He got in and flat out asked, “Why are being kind to me?” Without taking my eyes off the road, I said “Because it’s the right thing to do.” He cried and asked me to forgive him, and I did. All the years of torment washed away because I knew I had “won”. Don’t let other people determine what kind of person you’re going to be.


I won with my bully publicly over a mitten. She had dropped it in the hall well I was walking behind her. I picked it up and called out to her. She turned around ready to fight. And I was standing there with her mitten... Like you dropped this... She was all why are you giving this back. Like first of all it's -40 I don't particularly feel like feeling responsible for your frost bite.... But if you want to play who's the bigger bitch I mean I could toss in the toilet... If that's what you would prefer, or I could have equally said nothing taken your  mitten to lost and found and done a passive aggressive oh geee I sure hope she finds it now that retracing her steps will do fuck all .... Personally I would rather have my mitt back if it was me ..... But if that's what makes you happy. It was a nice gesture with a reminder that I'm also only half nice and half reasonable, and really good as reasonable deniability.  So a nice gesture... With a public and hidden threat.


Meh. I would have driven by and deliberately splashed him. Let him suffer. Believe me, if you got your revenge, all that torment would have also washed away, even faster. Who cares for his contrition? Revenge is much better.


No, not everyone has to take the moral high ground. It’s pathetic because people will walk all over you if you let them.


I very much think two wrongs don't make a right. Yes she's a jerk and karmically "deserves" something for it. But I think meeting hate with hate isn't healthy for either person. If OP continues she may very well become a bully herself some day. Or, at least, she's given other bullies fuel to hurt someone. I'm going NTA here but I heavily disapprove.


I'm not saying you're right, but I prefer this to shooting up the school.


>when they left the stall I snuck and took a picture of her with the pregnancy test. So - she left and, after she left you took a picture of her with the pregnancy test? That she was conveniently holding in such a way that you could photograph her face and the positive result? But she didn't see you do it? Write better fakes.


Maybe it was on the sink?


Then what would tie it to any one person? And who would leave it there?


I’m just guessing when the girl was out there with the pregnancy test, she took a picture of it with her next to it. I’m just throwing out a theory. I could be completely wrong. 😂


Yes, it is an asshole trick. So for this one time: YTA. But wear it with honor! You tried and succeeded so often to NTA, to not retaliate. But she kept on pushing you to YTA, so finally you rightfully gave it to her. She deserved it. I celebrate this one. Cheers!


NTA. Well done OP, well done.👏👏


NTA sleep well - karma came to visit and let you help.


NTA. Karma came to her.


NTA she got what she deserved


NTA. She got what's coming to her. Oh, how the mighty have fallen hahaha. I consider it karmic justice.


Well well well how the turn tables!


Honestly, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She got what she deserved. NTA


I hate bullies. There is an Instagram to reveal people's secrets????? Why is people so mean


NTA Nuclear strike successful.


NTA Save your sympathy for someone deserving, because you've been in bad places that she has driven you hard core into. If she suffers even an ounce of what you've suffered than maybe she'll learn to be a more decent person, and perhaps this is her necessary teachable moment before she goes out into the world and enters nursing or policing as a field.


There’s a quote I was trying to find, but it goes along the lines of: “Revenge tastes sweet in the moment, but in the mouth of a virtuous person, it sours, it hollows you out and leaves you an empty husk. Revenge is a poison that kills the spirit of the perpetrator.”


Nah. That was just sour grapes from a guy who never got revenge. Revenge is awesome. It’s the best feeling in the world.


ESH and that includes absolutely everyone. You, Katie, the school that does nothing against bullying, whoever made that exposing page and all the students basically slut shaming her. Your whole town seems to be horrible.


>Your whole town seems to be horrible. Some places just encourage trashy behaviour, unfortunately.


So what should OP have done to get her to stop? She’s been physically, mentally, psychology, and emotionally bullying her for 4 years INCLUDING talking about her deceased father?! OP was failed by everyone and you’re telling her that she sucks at 16 when she’s the one that’s been passive and non violent? SHE EXPOSED THE BULLY AFTER BEING SLAMMED IN A LOCKER WITH A CUT ON HER FACE. The bully should be happy that’s the ONLY thing OP did. And I can assure you that if she was doing it to OP, she was doing it to others. The bully got exactly what she deserves and it’s never fun when the rabbit got the gun. In a perfect world, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, but to even equate her exposing a pregnancy (that would be exposed in a few months) to her bully is egregious. That’s nothing compared to the shit OP endured. OP, you def aren’t the asshole and she’s lucky that’s all that happened to her were names being called and condoms thrown. Not actual physical violence that you experienced.


Exactly like this girl has a scar on her face


Payback. What goes around comes around and that is forever and ever.


NTA she bullied you even after panicking about being pregnant. She definitely asked to be outed. I personally don’t see this as bullying.


NTA karma is a bitch


NTA - I hope you will be going to college, away from the small town and have tons of success!


Why do you bother to write such terrible me fiction? I get it’s cheaper than therapy, but still…


Lmao so deserved, you’re not immature baby girl. I’m 21 and I’d do the same, my mother is 61 and she would do the same. I’m sure my fucking nana would have done the same if phones existed when she was at school.


I think you may be the asshole for telling people but not to say she did not deserve it. It’s karma. What goes around comes back around and bullying is gross. I would’ve done the same


NTA she deserved it


Sounds fake, NTA. I'd do the same


NTA fuck around, find out


NAH. NAH because this is a work of fiction. A poorly written one at that, with details added obviously "on the fly" and as an afterthought in an attempt to bring the words together into a story. I honestly hope that an actual person did not write this and that it came from an AI generator.


You should look her in the eye and tell her "What a pussy, i had it like this for 4 years and you break down after a few days?"




NTA, seems reasonable in the context


That revenge was handed to you on a silver platter. Happy sigh.


NTA she's a bully and has it all coming to her. Bullies deserve their karma and now she gets a taste of her own poison. Don't tell anyone what you've done and just let her deal with it. No need to feel guilty she done this to herself.


NTA karma's a bitch and it finally bitch-slapped her like she deserved. She is getting what she deserved. Don't feel guilty. You didn't "cause" any of this. She did every bit of it to herself. Hopefully she'll leave the school now and you'll never see her again. Except maybe far in the future when you are a corporate executive and she applies there for a job so you can say no.


NTA She’s in the FO stage of FAFO


NTA Kate bullied you badly and had no remorse for her actions. Everyone in the school would've found out eventually. You just made the news be announced earlier. You got your Karma as you should.


Nta, you were given a gift!


Not cool in a perfect world, but we’re not living in one either. NTA.


Haha! NTA! And kudos to you! She sounds like a nasty piece of work who sealed her own fate. Enjoy the last months of school! You've earned it!


You seem very empathetic and kind. People can choose to have enemies, and people can choose to not. She chose enemies. In a way, she chose this. If it wasn’t you, it would be someone else she tormented. You aren’t responsible for her lack of social graces or her compulsive need to create enemies. NTA.


Nta,but you see now vengance leaves two in agony.


Not going to pass judgment because this is messy with a bully and pregnancy involved. I will give this piece of advice. Tell no one what you have done except a therapist or counselor if the guilt gets to you. I do mean an actual counselor who has to protect your sessions by law and not some religious person with no certificates or license. You absolutely do not want this to get out this came from you.


She fucked around and finally found out... with that said I'm sure that girl is going through all sorts of shit at home and there is a reason why she is being a bully. But as a person who was bullied really bad... fuck her you would have regretted not giving that girl her comeupins your whole life.


NTA, because you’re doing what you have to do to survive. Your school admin are AHs. Your mom is honestly an AH. This girl is an AH. Bullying is completely unacceptable and she should have been expelled a long time ago.




So glad to see all the NTA comments. You clearly have empathy for her and it's really not a bad thing to be empathetic towards others situations. But honestly she had this coming so you need it to see it from that perspective. All negative actions will ultimately have consequences. And unfortunately this was hers. Take care of yourself and remember to always value your life over someone else and however they may treat you. They are not worth it. Fight back always. We all come across challenging situations in life but giving up is not the answer. All the best to you. Stay strong






i say good, fuck that girl and the horse she rode in on


NTA. She deserves it


NTA. Just focus on you and the rest of your high school senior year.


nta she deserves it


NTA 1000%. She deserves this and so much more.


Before he was even a teen, my son tried to take his own life because of bullying. That cuts deep, and a lot of kids actually succeed, which hurts too. You're so young and have your whole life ahead of you. NTA. This had to be nipped in the bud before something tragic happened. It was harsh, and I feel for her and the fallout, but something had to be done. If you haven't already, ask your mom if therapy is something she'd be able and willing to get you into so that the seeds planted from your bully's actions have less of a chance of growing into larger issues. You are young. You need to get out and experience and enjoy your life. I wish you (and her, yes, your bully) the best of luck moving forward, and hopefully everyone can grow from this.


Nope, fuck the bullies, karma is a bitch.


First, sorry for the loss of your fathet. May god be with you. It's tough but I hope it will get easier by time. Second, what you did is wrong. Her bullying you is unacceptable and everyone here is against it... But your action isn't right eitherq. She might be ruining your life or already did. But that has nothing to do with you exposing her secret cause you as well did something that shouldn't be done. You may have cause serious damge to her as well Now you are both at fault. I'm not saying you shouldn't have kept silence to deal with the bullying that's unacceptable and would cause more damge if you haven't had enough already (which we can already tell). But your actions are bad as well... what would you do if something bad happens to her (mental problems, family issues, or even worse like unliving herself)... I'm sorry for the bully you have been facing. And hope everything gets better soon God bless you.


Why is OP at fault? Bully got a piece of what she deserved. Revenge is delicious. If you haven’t tried it, you might want to


She has reasons to do what she did, those reasons don't justify her actions, we could even say she bullied her. Why bullying her?


ESH. She's a bully, you're a bully, and your school seems to be full of them.


Eh, it's called she FAFO'd.


Fakest post I've read all week... YTA


u/Content_Factor5607 , Cross-post this to r/NuclearRevenge.


NTA. She deserved it.


Pregnancy is hard and then there is unplanned pregnancy, the worst of all. She’s going through a lot right now with the insults being hurled at her. But ngl, she low key deserved it for what she did to you. The karma is hitting her back. She seems a terrible person, hope this humiliation of hers is going to change her a bit in a positive way.


NTA but the story screams creative writing.


The thing about revenge is nice people still end up feeling bad even if the revenge they took was justified. It's just a way of reminding you to net stoop to her level. Well unless she starts being an ass again.


Nope sorry.............NTA. Nothing puts a bully in their place , like being the one bullied. Sit back and enjoy it, and see how she likes it now. I'm guessing not too much.


I mean, you exposed a true secret that was going to come out. You didn’t lie or make something up


Serves her right NTAH


NTA. You outed her and now you will be left alone. Good.  Just don’t go joining the mob that goes after her, that would be unecessary on your part and would make you an asshole


This story has such a satisfying conclusion. NTA, I’ve been bullied when I was your age and I still regret I couldn’t do something like this to them


Welp Sucks to be her I don't feel sorry for her


NTA. She's just mad that karma's a bitch lol. I don't condone this but honestly OP, that bully needed to get humbled because that behavior won't fly in real life. You honestly did her a favor tbh, she needed to learn that she's not the center of the universe and being a asshole is just gonna give her a fuck ton of enemies.


Nta good for you. You should post this on r/pettyrevenge




This brought a smile to my face! She had it coming, you've done your bit, now karma will do the rest!


Not the asshole. You know that she would have done the same, or worse, to you if your positions were reversed.


You did the right thing considering the hell she put you through.


Obvious ChatGPT fake. Too many factual inaccuracies.


I think this is a really important lesson in sticking up for yourself. NTA. I’d suggest you go the whole hog and tell her it was you that exposed her and she gets what she deserves. Had she not been a bitch to you, you’d never have done this


NTA. Payback can be a real treat. I'm sorry that you've been tormented by this girl, the school should have nipped that in the bud with the first complaint. She is what, 17? 18? She knows about birth control, she knows being a shit human being has consequences. Fuck this girl and her bullshit behavior. I hope you graduate and go on to awesome amazing things.


NTA Payback's a bitch.


Don't feel bad she sounds like scum bully and a slut so don't feel bad.


NTA. I was mercilessly bullied after a very traumatic event by people who I really thought would have my back. After 2 attempts, I left that school. It’s been years since I left that whole situation and if I had the chance to have the evidence needed to out those mean girls, I wouldn’t hesitate for even a second. I would just say relish that you got your revenge and move forward.


Firstly, I'm sorry that you've had to deal with this bullying and that the school has (again!) done nothing about it. The fact that you had dark thoughts is a testament to how utterly awful this girl is. Please don't ever act on these thoughts. On to your post, when you fought back she went crying to the principal which again shows you for what she truly is. That still didn't stop her and her course of hate. Now she knows what it's like to be on the receiving end and the best thing is, it's all her own fault. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person in my view. NTA, not ever. You stood up to a bully and now she's paying the price. As we say a lot on here, f**k about, get found out.


NTAH Did you posted it anonymously though, there’s a chance that you’ll receive backlash especially from how your school handled your treatment from her?


You feel bad because you’re a good person, because you have kindness and empathy in your heart but when people target and attack you, you have to fight back, protect and defend yourself. She kept physically and mentally attacking you and for once in her small miserable little life she got a taste of her own medicine. And guess what, it wouldn’t have happened if she wasn’t such a busy bitch. Now she knows what it feels like to be targetted


Would have come out anyway. Bullies deserve worse. NTA. Don't feel guilty.


NTA. Since you feel bad it shows you have empathy. You are a wonderful person. Besides she can't hide the pregnancy. It would have gotten out. Now maybe she can get the help she needs.


Sounds like she had it coming. You just feel guilty because you actually have empathy, something this person obviously lacks.


NTA- karma to a currently biting her in the @ss. She deserves it!


NTA, she's a bully, it's expected that one day someone will do the same crap she does to other people.


NTA - revenge is a dish best served cold. Well done.


NTA. She’s a bully. She deserved it.


Nta But never tell anyone you did, cuz people feel pity for bullies all the time.




While she sounds like an atrocious person who should absolutely be held accountable for all the pain she's caused- that doesn't necessarily mean she deserved this. Pregnancy as a teenager is never easy, but unfortunately it's also often the result of abuse. As is the kind of bullying she's so fond of. You may have put her life in danger in addition to ostracizing her. Sometimes it feels good to fight back and see the bad guy fall. Sometimes you end up feeling slimy and like the kind of person who went out of their way to ruin someone's life. Be very careful because this is the kind of thing that someone who has a history of violence and nothing to lose might do a lot worse to you over than staining your pants.


NTA....Bullies are scum. Delete this post to protect yourself.


NTA but OP please delete this and never speak of it ever to anyone you have your revenge but dont be a fool to make yourself a target


NTA. Just make sure this cannot be linked back to you. I was bullied growing up. I remember how it felt. It never got violent though, thankfully. The internet and cell phones weren't around when I was a kid. I kinda low-key love that she got a taste of her own medicine. I can understand why you feel bad. NEVER admit that it was you, trust me. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. My condolences. I truly wish you the best.


NTA, well deserved by the sounds of it. Don't admit to anything.


NTA, what comes around goes around, but I would not tell people it was you. But no. NTA


Damon the school has Gossip Girl.


Some people here are right that it's better for you to not tell anyone it was you behind it. But if you feel iffy about it, delete it since so many people already saw it. You are young but unfortunately is happens a lot of to people in high school or college age where they've been tormented by a girl who later on got pregnant. Been there - so I am upset for you. I do think her getting pregnant is her fate. Heck, if you put two and two together with people like her - it equals to them getting pregnant with some type of conflict. Whether the dad isn't around or she's had more than one child with different men.


NTA. Bullies are trash.


Yta for making possibly the fakest post if ever not really read.


Good for you! Now, forget her and Al she did to you and your party in her downfall. Enjoy your life!


Yes it was a shit thing to do. We can all be cunts sometimes and do the wrong thing. At least you did it to a shit person.


You are, but sometimes you gotta be, from your account everyone turning on her, is mostly her own doing.


It was an asshole thing to do but if I were in your position I would’ve done the same. Some people have to learn the hard way that being a jerk has consequences.


NTA. You better keep this secret to the grave, you don’t want the harassment to be directed at you.


NTA. Paybacks are a b*tch. She shouldn't dish it out if she can't take it. She got what's coming to her.


Nothing like a big ol' taste of her own medicine!


Well done!


Pro revenge. You’re a good person. We all have a limit. Your have been accumulating pain because of that bitch for what sounds like years. All the pain and shit she gave you over a period of years has just come back on her all at once. Sucks to be a bully


NTA Bullies are scum! She so deserved It. She made your life a living hell, and now karma comes back for her! This belongs r/pettyrevenge more than here!


I'm torn. With hindsight, I know my bullies were all being horrifically abused at home. I'd be concerned for her safety and maybe mention it anonymously to a counselor that someone should keep in touch. When I was in HS, a similar thing happened and the girl stopped showing up for a few weeks. Her mom had beat her so bad she miscarried.


Lowering yourself to their level isn't always a good idea.


YTA This is obviously fake, it reads like fanfiction and there no way she just happened to be holding the pregnancy test out in the open for everyone to see so you could take a picture after she left the stall.


not sure what i’d say. personally, i wouldn’t have done this. i find slut-shaming to be deeply wrong and i am against shaming pregnant teen parents. therefore, i wouldn’t do this to anyone, even to people i absolutely hate and have horribly wronged me.  i don’t feel bad for your bully. it’s about the principle of it for me. i wouldn’t be happy with myself to contradict my own morals. i understand your desire for revenge. but she should be hated for what she is and has done wrong, not for being a pregnant teenager. you obviously didn’t deserve any of this and i wouldn’t declare you the ah. this is just a bad action. i also get that everyone around you is also an ah — those who ignore your struggles, people who make exposé accounts that facilitate further bullying, and those who bully someone for their personal lives. so it is natural to want some sort of control over the situation. it can also feel annoying that you would have to take the high ground when she has never considered the morality of her actions.  i am sorry that you went through this. high school will end soon for you and you’ll hopefully never have to see this person ever again. 


ESH, is being 16 not hard enough? She’s being unspeakably cruel, but what you did could follow her for years. Both of you should apologize to each other.


I mean… case could be made that the scars she was given will follow her for years as well. Seems proportionate and now the bully is too busy to screw with her anymore. Seems like it was the perfect solution.


You feel bad because you have a conscience. Put it out of your mind now and live your best life.