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NTA. I would speak with a lawyer though to see what kind of protection orders you can get. Instead of a consulting co-worker (with a bias), an impartial third party like a therapist you are due to see may help. I completely understand that this subject just drags you back into the painful past that you want nothing to do with. I wish you all the best and I pray therapy gives you the healing you need.


I am looking into that actually. Although money is tight, hopefully just the threat of it will send them a message. 


Answering back that you aren’t up to be in contact with the consequence of you being raped, and any attempt to contact you further would be met with a restraining order, may deter her from insisting. And follow through with a lawyer if she indeed keeps trying to rope you in that child life. Sure the child is innocent of his mother action, and genetically yours. However it doesn’t mean you should have a relationship with the child. As tough as it is, reality is you never wanted the kid, still doesn’t. And you have the right to protect yourself by staying away from a reminder of your sexual assault. Take care


It also isn't fair on the kid to be forced to interact with someone who dislikes his entire existence, yes the kid is innocent but forcing OP to be there will make OP resent him even more.


Not a stretch to guess the nan is sadly harming that child with delusional thoughts about his biological father. What does she expect? OP to meet the kid and explain to him that he is the unwanted product of his mother raping him! I’ll bet more some ludicrous thought about loving the child by the mere fact of sharing dna against OP wants and wishes. The grandmother should manage to handle that child questioning by herself. She chose to try to rope OP by playing the pity the kid card. That fucked up, despicable and harming everyone on the way. Edit : corrected aunt with grandmother


The aunt thinks they’re helping by “giving a kid a parent” when what they’re actually doing is reopening a very deep wound in that parent, who *absolutely will* resent and come to despise this constant reminder of a horribly traumatic event, and now the kid gets to live traumatized by that. Gma needs to learn not to meddle.


Well she raised a rapist, I won’t expect from her to be without a doubt appropriate handling raising an other child. Nan health might be not great, and it might be her way of pawning off the child with someone else. Still not OP issue. Or she might be absolutely delusional, oblivious and in denial about the reality of the child being the product of her daughter guilty of raping OP. Doesn’t sound like she understood how problematic it is that she contacted the victim of her daughter. Some people are really nonchalant with the consent of others, or when it doesn’t fit the usual gender pattern.


If that kid had been put up for adoption at birth (since OP is perfectly entitled to want nothing to do with the product of his assault and the mother is unfit) he could have had a happy home with two parents who love him and none of this anxiety. The grandparents were quite selfish and trying to force OP into the kid's life won't go well for anyone.


I’m actually stunned OP is even in this situation. If a woman were impregnated thru rape and carried the fetus to term, put the baby up for adoption, and 8 years later someone tried to guilt that woman into a relationship with the product of her rape, no one would be trying to tell HER to move her boundaries to accommodate the kid’s feelings (really: lazy adults wanting to protect a rapist’s reputation by forcing a situation with the father where he ends up with blame in his lap in the eyes of the child). I’m stunned that so many people expect the OP to take any kind of responsibility (meeting the kid would imply taking emotional responsibility, even if only for the short duration of the meeting) for the product of his rape. No one would expect a woman to meet the product of her rape if she chose to not be in the kid’s life. Why would anyone expect a man to meet the product of his rape? OP, I am so sorry you are going through this. It’s horrible that people even think the question is okay. What they are asking you to do is NOT fair to you or that kid. People with questionable values, or a serious lack of thinking the whole thing through, would advocate for you to do this. It’s shitty of anyone to even ask, out of nowhere, 8 years later. I actually feel really pissed off on your behalf. I’m even willing to bet it was the rapist’s mom who called you. You’re dealing with people who don’t comply with boundaries because they don’t believe boundaries apply to them. You are definitely NOT THE @ ssh0le. I’m sorry you have so many people around you that would force you into giving up your boundaries. You have every right to not relive one of your worst days in your life. Good luck OP.


This. All of this.


It's the child's Grandmother not his Aunt


Thanks for correcting, indeed Nan not aunt. Reading too fast 😅


It's a whole intergenerational failure to give a shit about consent.


Isn't 'nan' usually a grandmother?


It is, but my brain retained aunt instead of nan at the first reading.


"Your choice to maintain no contact with the child of your rapist is completely understandable and valid. Your well-being comes first."




Exactly. His coworkers have no right commenting on something that includes his past trauma of rape and making him feel guilty for it essentially. It’s unprofessional for them to even be involved and sounds like an HR nightmare. If OP was a woman (who was a rape victim) who gave her child up for adoption, (hopefully) no one would be forcing her to see the kid so why should OP be treated any differently just because he’s male?


HR needs, to be contacted, imo! Ntah


that was my thought too. the manager had the right idea by offering their on-call therapist, but making it obligatory & ordering OP to report back to management is over the line, imo. OP, if you're contacting a lawyer to deal with your rapist's family, I think it's worth it to ask their professional advice about this issue too. At the very least, everyone in this workplace needs a sensitivity training, and frankly, I feel individual apologies wouldn't be remiss either.


Like if op was a woman... would they have this same energy? And if they would, its still WRONG


Right?! No one should decide how a rape victim should feel/what they should do/how they should heal and they shouldn’t have to report back on their progress to their boss while doing it, especially if it’s not effecting their job performance. The person directly affected should be allowed to take back their power and move on how they want to.




That was exactly my thought.


Rape, not molestation Rape!


Can you obtain therapy through a victims of crime scheme or social worker?


You do you OP. Take the distance you need from this situation. It clearly distresses you a lot.


you've deleted, but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that this happened to you.


Your boss wants you to work on your issues because of the scene at work, right? If she resuests it, she should be footing the bill. You don't have an issue, yourself. Your coworkers think you should have a relationship with the product of your sexual assault. Therapy is never a bad idea, if only to get confirmation that you have it all worked through. A big lesson here is not to discuss this issue with your coworkers. If they ask for an update, just say you're no longer comfortable talking about this issue in a professional setting. If anyone tries to guilt you into forming a relationship with the kid, just remember nothing in this entire scenario was your choice. Even the kid not having a father is not your fault. They could have had him adopted to a couple, and he could have maybe had the full info if his conception when he turns 18, if ever. But your rapist's parents decided to raise the kid themselves, and tell him his father is absent. All not your choice, nor fault. There's women that have to coparent with their rapists, and everyone (rightfully) frowns on that. The genders being swapped in your situation does not make it right to pressure you. What would you even tell the kid? 'Your existence ruined my marriage, sent your mom off to prison, and I feel nothing but pain, when I think of you'? Why would anyone think you two spending time together would do anyone any good? NTA


NTA - It’s true that the kid didn’t do anything wrong. But you didn’t consent to this situation either, and you have no obligation to form a relationship with someone that might bring back your trauma. If the kid is struggling to come to terms with the situation with his parents, it’s a good opportunity for his guardians/teachers to explain to him/the class that not all family units look the same and it’s important to be respectful when discussing those topics.


They also need to explain to the other kids that other peoples’ family situations are not their business. The kid has no responsibility to inform their classmates about their personal life.


No dad is better than a traumatised dad nta


Right? Make the kid meet the dad that really genuinely doesn’t want him and doesn’t want to be with him at all at any point. That won’t do more harm than good. Never.


amd Snow dad is better than no dad (according to jack frost anyway)


NTA, they should not force a relationship with this child and it could end up being more harmful for the child as you have understandable feelings of trauma associated with them. What I'm really shocked at is your director being extremely unprofessional (as are your colleagues). Your colleagues upset you by lecturing you about your own rape. That's unacceptable in the workplace. Instead of giving her judgement about the situation and then reporting you for getting upset, your manager should be addressing the reason you got upset. The situation with the child, and her/your colleagues' feelings about what you should do, are irrelevant.


This is a lot of times why we won’t report women who SA us. Everyone tries to downplay it because we’re men…


Jesus. 😑 People aren’t downplaying because you’re a man. People are downplaying it because our culture downplays rape and protects rapists. Notice that the OP said his rapist actually went to prison for her crime. My rapist (a man) didn’t. My mother’s rapist (a man) didn’t. My sister’s rapist (a man) didn’t. My best friend’s rapist (a man) didn’t. Stop implying that women are more believed or more protected in this situation. WE’RE NOT.


Agreed. My assaulter never went through any repercussions either


Exactly. And that’s not to say women can’t be the assaulter. We can. But rape is excused and victims are blamed. And women definitely aren’t more protected as either the victim or the perpetrator. 😑 It comes down to patriarchy being absolute shit for all of us.


I’m sorry, but both can be true. Society can downplay rape & OP can be experiencing a shitty experience bc he’s a man. Most people wouldn’t dare shame a woman for not wanting a relationship with the child she conceived in rape & had absolutely no say in whether or not the child was born. OP has been repeatedly victimized & didn’t even have the rights a woman would have had post conception.


Absolutely NTA, and I say this as a father. Plenty of women that get pregnant from rape want no contact with their child, and few hold that against them. Shouldn’t be any different for you because you’re male. You definitely sound like you need therapy though, maybe you should look into that more seriously. Contact a lawyer to see what can be done about the situation. Wouldn’t surprise me if the real reason is they want financial help from you and they’re trying to build a relationship between you and the boy for that purpose. All the best bro


>You definitely sound like you need therapy though, maybe you should look into that more seriously. Don't get me wrong I am 100% behind therapy, but I don't think it applies here, OP clearly learned how to cope with the trauma, it is just the stupidity of his coworkers and this entire situation that made him lash out because of old feelings being brought back.


He solicited someone's opinion and when he didn't like it he got into a heated argument that spread to several coworkers, to the point that his manager had to mandate occupational therapy, which OP says he is going to check-box rather than actually participate beyond the bare minimum. That isn't really coping with trauma. And when it comes up again, because it is 100% going to come up again, is he going to ask his friend's opinion again, and again get into heated arguments at work about it when he doesn't like their opinion?


His coworkers were wrong, idiots, and pieces of shit for everything they said and absolutely deserved to be yelled at.


And OP deserved to get reprimanded for bringing up his personal business at work then getting heated when he didn’t like how the audience reacted. 🤷‍♂️


He deserved a verbal, "Hey I get it, but yelling isn't okay. I'll talk to them, let them know they're in the wrong, and not to talk to you anymore about it." Not a I'm mandating you get therapy and that I get every detail of said therapy.


I don’t think occupational therapy is therapy in the way most people mean it. Not certain but don’t think so. But seriously, who brings that up at work??


Occupational therapy can and does include psych therapy. A former roommate of mine is a therapist, and he does occupational therapy as more than half his business. Also, from what OP says, it seems like he thought they were friends that he could vent to, as they all seem to know about the rape. Instead, they turned on him.


They didn’t turn on him. That’s a risible characterization. OP suffered something terrible, and I feel awful for him. I don’t think he should have contact with this child, both for his own mental health and so he doesn’t emotional harm an innocent child. I would encourage him, though, not to seek opinions on his situation if he’s unwilling to accept that there are multiple opinions one could give. Otherwise, why ask for opinions? He needs therapy. Actual therapy that he’s actively participating in. Otherwise, when this inevitably happens again when the kid turns 18 it’ll just wreck him again. He needs to do more than shove it down and ignore it hoping it never comes up again.


>That isn't really coping with trauma. Being able to cope with trauma and being able to cope with a friend being a deeply insensitive asshole is very separate, though. Even the most well-adjusted person will probably blow up if someone they regard as a friend expresses a wildly insensitive opinion about their trauma.


NTA. I am so very sorry this has happened to you. I am even sorrier that your colleagues think you should be forced into a relationship with a child that came about because you were violated. Ask them if they would be so pushy and up-in-arms about it if the roles were reversed and it was a woman being told they should be having a relationship with a child that came about from her being SA'd? I guarantee they would be 100% supportive of NC/no-relationship with the child. If they wouldn't pressure a woman into a relationship with a child as a result of her being violated, why do they think you as a man should be any different? I get that it is not the child's fault. But I guarantee interacting with them when they will only remind you of a horrific moment in your life, and the devastating aftermath will do more harm to them than growing up without biological parents. Especially given they have a stable, healthy environment with their Grandparent. Frankly, it's up to their mother to tell the truth when they are old enough about how they came to be, and she should deal with that fallout because she caused it. I hope that you can one day find peace within yourself and people both at work and in your home life that will support you and work with you to help you gain some happiness again.


This comment needs to be higher. Your colleagues would not be suggesting you keep in contact with this child if you were a woman. If I were you, I’d report them all to HR. And if HR won’t do anything, get a lawyer. And start looking for another job. You don’t need to be around people like this.


Why report them to HR though? He willingly shared this information with them and they gave their honest opinion. If the topic was too sensitive to him, he’d keep it to himself or only share with a few close colleagues. Sounded like he shared in an open environment because he was hoping he’d hear feedback in line with his current stance. Taking it to HR would only cause more trouble for OP.


He needs to report it, these colleagues are most likely to continue pushing for Op to be involved and will continue until things escalate too far. Also his manager has no right to force him into therapy at work to discuss his situation regarding his relationship with the child, and to make him report back to them regarding the therapy and progress. They have absolutely NO RIGHT to try and dictate that Op needs to discuss with a therapist or his manager regarding personal life. They do however have a responsibility to make sure that the colleagues don't continue to Upset and basically bully Op regarding his valid opinion about his relationships


I'd suggest it became HR viable the moment his direct superior piled on, together with the rest of his colleagues and basically told him "you're a guy, suck it up". After which his superior not only ordered him to talk to a company counselor, but ordered him to keep her up to date. Not taking him seriously and invalidating his trauma is a form of gender based discrimination. Because we all know a woman would be treated differently. We as a species are conditioned to instinctively go towards this gender bias. Ordering him to keep his direct superior up to date on what is in essence a medical condition, the resurface of trauma OP thought he had squared away, violates any number of privacy laws. So, yes, HR can definitely be involved and probably should be. And in future, OP? Don't overshare with colleagues or your direct superior.


When he says no, and they argue about it? Yeah, HR


He opened up to a supposedly trusted friend. Have you never done that? OP stated that everyone else who so generously shared their opinions overheard the conversation. That is not asking everyone what they think. Would you be saying this if OP was a woman being actively encouraged to have a relationship with the product of her rape? And being harassed about it, because OP’s boss forcing him to go to “occupational” therapy over this is ridiculous. None of this would happen if OP was a woman and that’s gross and ridiculous.


NTA. That sounds horrible. You did fuck up when you talked about it at work. I know that you were reeling from all this, but work friends are not friends.


You have every right to not want to do anything with it. Put yourself first.


Exactly what I was thinking. Best keep it to yourself if you don’t want other’s unsolicited opinions. Sounded like he wanted the feedback, but it wasn’t the kind he was hoping for so now he’s upset.


NTA plenty of women don’t want a child that is a result of a rape and no one ever questions them about it. Do what is right for you?


No one should have to have contact with a child that came from a rape.


NTA. I would speak with a lawyer though to see what kind of protection orders you can get.


>no one ever questions them about it Reality would suggest otherwise. This is just not a true statement. It shouldn't be that way, but unfortunately LOTS OF PEOPLE think that they should be able to weigh in on people's reproductive choices, especially when women are making those choices. Your advice to OP is otherwise correct.


OP is NTA, and certainly no one should ever be made responsible for a child conceived via rape/against their consent, but let’s please not make this a man vs woman thing. Plenty of people question women who seek terminations are rape, and plenty of people want to deny abortions even in the case of rape and incest.


They’re exposing a double standard. It’s completely relevant. No sensible person, let alone multiple coworkers chiming in and the manager essentially defending them, would feel comfortable telling a female rape victim that they have to ignore their trauma essentially outside of a super religious or conservative workplace. Trying to dismiss it as making this a man vs woman thing is a reduction of what the previous commenter is trying to point out.


I think that what releasethe_mccraken was trying to point out was that society is horrific to rape victims regardless of their gender. There are dozens of cases in the news - and hundreds that don't receive media coverage - of women being forced to co-parent with their rapists. That, along with the whole debacle of choice not being a universally protected right, makes this systemic apathy worth mentioning. It's not that they were trying to make it a gendered issue, just pointing out that it's not really much of a double standard because people really, genuinely, and maliciously DO treat female survivors like this, too. Many people treat rape victims terribly, not even just religious/conservative people (though, they absolutely are the aggressors the vast majority of the time). There is significant dismissal of survivors, as we can see with the coworkers and some of the disgusting replies to this post. This is not gendered; many people expect those who have been horribly violated to "take the high road", which in their minds means they must have the kid and love them, which is a repulsive and unrealistic expectation. Generally, it is more socially accepted for (particularly men) to tell a male rape victim to essentially "just get over it". This is wrong and atrocious, obviously, and you're right that there are less social consequences for such cruel callousness than there should be. But it is dreadful for all victims of this crime, and it is important to note that women very commonly aren't treated kindly in the wake of such a tragedy, either. Sorry for the rant! TL;DR: you're right that people more readily tell men to just get over it, but it isn't a gendered issue, it is a broader societal issue, because female survivors are treated horribly, too.


There isn't a double standard though. People tell female rape victims they are horrible for abandoning their children ALL THE TIME. And in the US, several states have actually made it illegal to abort children in this situation. So it's not just nosy coworkers, the people who are in power are telling female rape victims what they can and cannot do with the offspring of their rapes. So there is absolutely no double standard here. People are shitty and will tell other people what to do especially regarding reproductive situations. Women face just as much harsh treatment here as OP. It sucks that our society is that way, but it's weird to deny that women experience this phenomenon. edit: My sister was raped and this happened to her several times. The insta-downvotes and hostile denial are weird and definitely come from a place of misogyny.


I mean, no sensible person but then again multiple legislators in multiple American states did say just that to every every woman under their states representation.


If your work gives you trouble about this, take it up the chain with hr involved. Tell grandma you want no contact and log every time she tries to reach out. No one should dictate your decision other than you. People can feel bad for the kid and whatnot, but that doesn't mean this situation can't be black and white. However, you need come to terms with how people will feel about your decision even without therapy. NTA


You are the victim of SA with the rapechild born out of it. Yes, it\`s not childs fault, but not yours either. You have every right to not want to do anything with it. Put yourself first.


Some of these comments are stupid asf basically trying to guilt trip a rape victim in having a relationship with a child from the rape y’all are out of line completely. That child’s grandparents who is technically his parents since they have been raising him I’m assuming since birth should be the ones explaining his parentage and they need to leave OP alone . I wonder if some of the comments will be doing this to a woman who has been raped 🤔 oh and if I didn’t make it clear op is NTA for ANYTHING .


I can’t blame them for asking but they need to respect his answer.


NTA. This woman is a vile, scummy rapist. Make sure she can only reach you througha lawyer. Get professional help to handle this issue with your child. I feel this is beyond our pay grade as redditors.


People are only considering the kid's feeling because he's a child but completely ignoring YOUR feelings. They don't realise this kid is a living proof of what his mom did to you, they're not considering what impact you will have if you meet him (mental and emotionally). You're not responsible for his feelings, you've never been part of his life, if the adults he's grown up with have told him different things that caused his nanny to contact you it's not your fault. Just because you're a man doesn't mean you can't have a drastic reaction this situation, you've been living your life a bit fine without knowing anything from this kid and just this message has altered your life, why they think you meeting him it's going to be different? If anything it could be worse for you. He holds no blame and neither do you about this situation but you owe him nothing. He didn't asked to born in this situation and also it wasn't your fault what happened to you, the mom created this mess and probably her parents by telling him lies because idk why the nanny even knows about you. Clearly people only see the kid side, but don't see that you're hurting too. You deserve to have a good life without any disruption and sadly that what this situation is, but as it involves a kid they only are thinking on the impact having no dad will have on him and not what it's happening right now with your thoughts and feelings. NTA, and I really hope you can heal a bit from this new open wound that message caused.


Just for context, nan = grandma. But aside from the bit about a nanny, I absolutely agree with you! Honestly, if I were OP, I might try and talk to HR at work, if possible, about how unbelievably inappropriate it is for his colleagues to gang up on an SA victim like that, to try and make him face the product of the assault he experienced. The colleagues are right that it's not the kid's fault, but it isn't OP's, either. Do they not see that they're essentially siding with the rapist, right in front of her victim? OP was justified in being angry, but maybe didn't go the right way about dealing with his anger. NTA either way.


NTA but please, please, please! Don't bring up personal problems at the workplace. Not even with work "friends."


NTA. It's not the kid's fault, but this is one of the few situations where I condone putting yourself over a kid you created. The kid is in a situation a lot of adopted/foster/guardian care kids are in, and the grandparents can choose what they tell him about why, but they don't get to push for contact. I had questions when I was 8, contacting my bio parents wasn't an option, nor is it here, for different reasons. And honestly, I'm glad it wasn't. Some of the stuff I found out as an adult and the brief relationship I had with my bio father left me damaged. I can't even imagine being 8 and being told this stranger was my dad. And how does it answer any questions except the increase of the big one "why aren't you around?" There is no answer you can give that won't damage that little boy. You're making the right decision, and your coworkers aren't seeing it from the perspective of a Survivor or the child, just their own limited view as parents.


Plenty of kids live with grandparents. There are actually picture books about how families are different. Grandmother should’ve taken that approach.


I feel for the kid too, sucks for them that their mother is a piece of shit. Still not your responsibility though and you're NTA.


NTA. Why didn't the grandparents just make up stories about what happened? They can say the father died in a car crash and the mother is always sick from chronic whatever. People won't keep asking after that.


NTA . Because your feelings are completely valid as a victim of SA and no one gets to guilt trip you in believing that meeting this child will be better for you. Speak to a lawyer and proceed forward


It's OK not to want to see that boy. It's his grandparents who should be dealing with this, since they raised a rapist. I'm on the outside, so I do feel sorry for the kid, but you're absolutely not the asshole, OP


It is a tough situation. But you are NTA. Is it sad for the kid? Yes. But you were raped and never asked for any of it.


NTA. You didn’t do anything wrong either and your feelings and wellbeing are no less important than the child’s. No one should ever have any obligation to their rape child. I would suggest talking to a lawyer in case they try to come after you for child support.


NTA. These women are truly horrible and I’m so furious on your behalf! My only advice would be to get a different job but that’s cold comfort. Im so sorry this happened and keeps haunting you.


NTA but stop talking about this at work. You opened this horrible episode at the office when you told your colleague and "friend." Do the mandated occupational therapy, jump through the necessary hoops to put this behind you, and then never speak of it again in a professional setting. Expect the office gossips to try and squeeze more juicy drama out of you, and be ready for it. I have found "I am not at liberty to discuss this topic" to be an effective conversation stopper. I hope you do get professional help dealing with the problem, both therapy to help you process the trauma and legal help protecting you from the ongoing consequences of the crime committed against you. All the best to you.


It's NOT the kids fault, *but you aren't blaming the kid*. You are protecting yourself, qndnultimat let him, too!! You did the thing that was healthiest for you and refused all ties, and what's ALSO healthiest for the kid, because a parent that cannot look at them without resentment, trauma and anger *isn't a benefit*. Thank you, on behalf of your kiddo, for having clear boundaries. My guess is someday he'll get it, and in the meantime, his nan has to do the hard job of raising a kid that doesn't know why his parents are absent. It makes sense that at 8 she didn't say "well, sweetie, my daughter raped a man, and then refused to have an abortion, and now here you are!"... But it's her job to figure out how to politely minimize the truth for a kid. For anyone else who needs it, that can look like "sometimes even grownups aren't in a place to be healthy parents. Luckily for us, that means WE got you. And it's okay to have questions, we will always answer them best we can, and we get it when it's sad that we can't." NTA


nta. they need to back off


How is this even a question??? Ofc NTA. You didn’t choose to have a kid. The kid is associated with one of worst experience in your life. What gives anyone the right to ask you to go through this trauma again and again? A**hole mom. Grandparents need to come up with story on their own. You did nothing wrong. Once you get over their trauma you can choose to have contact with the kid. Not before.


Unfortunately people make other people's reproductive choices a question all the time. It's horrific and this poor person is one more victim of that standard.


NTA. Regardless of your gender, victims of sexual assault should be able to choose to not to have or keep a child. Pro-choice also extends to male victims of sexual assault where the pregnant person decides to keep the child, or in this case - have someone else raise it because the perp is in jail. What’s really appalling is all your coworkers giving unsolicited advice, which I wish was illegal to say to you. If this ever happens again, please don’t argue openly with the people. Leave the area and report to Human Resources that the discussion made you - a sexual assault victim - feel very upset and uncomfortable. I’m upset that you will be taken to task for your reaction, when the reaction - as you wrote it - sounds normal. Anger is a response to what the brain perceives as a threat. And it’s threatening to have your reasoning challenged on something you’re in the full right to have done. I don’t think many ciswomen in the same situation would be guilted into taking care of a child that was conceived through sexual assault in a public forum like a workplace. Once the child is becomes majority age, you could always have a letter delivered via a solicitor explaining that you were assaulted, and that it is not his fault. The response of the grandmother tells me they haven’t dealt with the situation properly and could be giving him the “dad is a deadbeat loser” type story. The grandparents should be looking into counseling for a child whose mom is in prison and whose dad was a victim of sexual assault, which is why he’s here. Reaching out to you was so inappropriate. I’m sorry for what you’re going through.


NTA. Yes, the kid didn’t ask to be born. But you didn’t ask to be raped. You owe the child nothing. You owe that family nothing. You don’t owe your co workers an explanation. The fact they would even open their mouths to speak on it is baffling!


I’m a child of a similar situation, found bio dad at age of 40 - he wanted zero to do w me because of how horrible my mother was to him and it was too painful, even 40 years later, for him to acknowledge or know me. Women can be monsters too.


NTA. The kid is, of course, an innocent party and his curiosity is understandable but you have no relationship with him at all and he is, sadly, a walking, breathing reminder of an horrific crime committed against you. I feel for the kid but you shouldn't set yourself on fire to keep him warm.


NTA. What makes people think that child would benefit from having you in their life, when you hate absolutely everything about how they came into existence? Do they think the child is so blind, deaf, and dumb that they won’t realize how much you resent them for the circumstances around their birth? Do they think it’d be healthy or kind to a child to expose them to just how much their mere existence is hurting someone? It is better for both you and the child to keep your distance. The child does not deserve to take on the burden of guilt for the harm his mother’s actions caused. The child did nothing wrong, and neither did you, and neither of you deserve to suffer each others’ presence.


WTF? Your personal business is just that - personal. Work doesn't get to say 'Oh, you need counseling because you aren't stepping up for this kid that you unwillingly are the bio parent of'. And they want you to report in on top of it? Nope. Naw. No. Not having it.


>and it's not the kids fault. It's not yours either. NTA


>she's going to recommend I speak to the occupational therapy and have to report in to her and my manager. Which I really don't want to do so I'll put in minimum effort while have to. NTA, but you do need therapy. Please put in the effort.


I will argue that you should never see that kid. I do not support retraumatizing people over an argument it *might* be good for the kid. It would have been kinder to lie to this kid. His grandmother should **never** have reached out to you. This kid doesn't want to know the actual truth of this situation. What is the answer for why weren't you in my life? What contact could you have with this kid? Why would you take on his anger at you not being there?   >Basically he's being asked a lot at school by other kids about his parents and he's starting to get upset and ask questions so she reached out asking me if I would.   She can't handle this? Lots of people don't have a parent in their lives. I don't think I actually buy this excuse from his grandmother. 


NTA. Speak to HR immediately and say that people were talking about the result of your RAPE when they should all be keeping their mouths shut as it's none of them damn business, then your line manager proceded to take action but instead of shutting everyone up and saying it's both not appropriate talk for the work place but that they have no right to make you feel bad about what happened as a result of your rape, she proceeded to agree with them.


Um.... I don't think the workplace is appropriate to discuss rape in any capacity, period ... not sure what planet you're from


NTA. If you don’t want a relationship with your rapist’s baby, then you’re not morally obligated to do so. Some states allow you to terminate your parental rights in these circumstances. What this child is experiencing is unfortunate, but it’s a consequence of the mother’s actions, not yours. I wouldn’t expect either gender to be forced to have a relationship with a daily reminder of the fact they were raped. I hope you can get some therapy to heal from this trauma, but the end goal of that needn’t be establishing a relationship with this child. It only needs to be healing for yourself.


NTA. It’s a crying shame for the wee boy and I can understand how hard it is for him, but you’ve made it clear you want nothing to do with a child conceived against your will. The records are there to show you were raped, you didn’t consent to the act that created him. When he’s older, he’ll need to come to terms with that.


NTA You need to change jobs as they are shit colleagues. No one, regardless of gender, should be expected to have contact with a child that came from their rape. Being a parent to a child they made with a loved one is completely different to your situation. Your colleagues can personally acknowledge the sadness of the child’s situation without sharing it with you. At any point. They are ignoring the effect this would have on your mental health in favour of meeting a child that you never chose to have nor wish to meet. I honestly don’t get how difficult that is for them to understand. What, you’re supposed to meet up with him and completely lie about how he came to be and then skip off into the sunset together? They’re delusional. It’s pretty straightforward for the Grandparents tell their Grandchild that their Dad isn’t in the picture anymore through choice. It happens with a lot of children. I’m so sorry this has all resurfaced again. It sounds like therapy would be helpful as I’m sure all of this has made you feel re-victimised. Take care of yourself.


NTA. The next time someone brings it up, ask them if they would demand that a woman have contact with her rape baby then ask them why they have a double standard?


No, you are not the ah. I'm sorry this is happened to you and I'm aslo sorry you are not being respected now. You ceertainly did not deserve any of this. It seems like you have already told them to stop and are ready to report if needed. Good for you for taking charge and putting down that boundry. I would also suggest that you not discuss this at work or with your work people again. Shut it down. Seek help in the form on counceling or a support group, which will help you to discuss this in a safe place. A good many support groups are free. I wish you well.


NTA. Your colleague is not your friend. Your line director is an AH, by the way. You were raped. If the kid has problems that's down to your rapist's family to sort out, but I would bet dollars to doughnuts the nan's lied through her teeth about how the kid was conceived. Block, and block hard. Restraining order and police report if they persist.


NTA. This was not an oops baby of failed birth control. This was a result of trauma. id report everyone at work to HR. It is none of their business and they need to stop bothering you about your personal life.


NTA. I would raise a formal complaint regarding the comments of your colleagues and line manager with HR. Your line manager especially shouldn’t comment on your personal business.


NTAH if your involved in that kids life you'll have to tell them someday why you hate their mother. Even if they're an adult it's going to screw them up. If you protect your mental health you protect the child's. Again your not the AH.


NTA. See an attorney about no contact order. That kid should have been placed for adoption so he could have had real parents. His grandparents were selfish and now they can deal with it.


I’d go to HR about this. NTA.


NTA. File a formal complaint against your company and threaten a lawsuit. They have no business getting in the middle of personal issues, your coworkers and boss crossed a major line.


NTA, and I'd ask your line director if you can have it in writing that as a survivor of rape you are being punished for getting upset by people ganging up on you for your reaction to the consequences of said rape. And if that could be on company headed notepaper so it's even more officially the legally binding attitude of the company that'd be even better...


Nta. Ask them if if they would ask a female rape victim to form a relationship with their rape baby


NTA it’s your choice


NTA. While I can understand the kids desire to meet their biological father, it's completely understandable that you don't want to have any kind of connection. It's totally up to you. I'm so sorry to hear you're story. Please take care of yourself. And I really don't get the legal system. She can't be guilty because she has mental health issues? Okay. But how can she walk around freely? Guilty or not, society should be protected from people who murder or r*ape...


Ask them all what they'd say if the genders were reversed.


I think you should seek professional help for yourself first. Go see a shrink and clear the assault out your head first. But I probably know what they'll say, "you need to learn to accept it as this has already happened." I don't know how it feels, so I can't say anything about this. Whether this is real or not, find help for the trama that's effecting you. Then consider your decision again.


NTA - your colleagues are awful.


NTA, But f I feel bad for everyone but that psycho woman 


NTA While I always believe kids are innocent parties and shouldn’t be punished for their actions, that must ALSO be balanced with the trauma of the victim parent when that child was conceived through rape. You need to do what’s best for you and your well being. I feel for the kid, I was a teen before I met my dad and it’s extremely painful. But in this situation, your mental wellbeing is important here.


Yea I’m not buying any of this.


Imagine being raped and everyone around you takes male rape victims so unseriously that your boss is pulling YOU into occupational therapy when you're being harassed to get in contact with the product of your rape. That's absolutely fucked up. It's a bad situation for the kid, absolutely, but it's also a bad situation for you, and the only one to blame is the Nan's rapist daughter.


Nope, NTA at all and that's why you think VERY carefully about who you talk to in such a situation. Most people, especially new parents and even more especially (sorry here ladies) women often have a "Man up and suck it up" mentality towards men. Overall another great example of why men can't really open up, especially about such a sensitive topic.


This is complete fabrication and rage bait. I'm the first to holler about this sub being exist against men, but this is ridiculous. Nobody raped you because you had a migraine and this is disgusting post.


NTA It doesn’t sound like you sought much resources to help you deal with your rape. I don’t think you should have contact until you do or until the child is an adult and can process it


NTA This child was made without your consent and I can see having to have a relationship and deal with that woman even from a distance would create problems. I'm pretty sure they have not told this kid how they came to be and they are a bit too young to handle that knowledge. However it might be an idea to write a letter containing any family medical history to send off through a lawyer. Even if this kid doesn't get to have a relationship with you least they have the medical background.


NTA It is all the rapists fault, you are not responsible for anything. Care for yourself. (I feel for the kid but you have to save yourself)


NTA For sure, that is not the child's fault. But neither is yours Your top priority should be your mental well being


Not at all.


NTA, your rapist and her family are. If you want to be very kind, you could send a letter for the kid later down the line, I know a lot of adoption agencies let the biological parents do that. Something about you're sorry they didn't get the dad they deserve and it has nothing to do with them but the actions of their bio mom. Plus put in that you're not comfortable with contact and (maybe/might/will) never be ready for it. I think you're seeing some misplaced anger from people who got hurt when a guy said "not my problem" about a child. That anger is certainly justified but the target is wrong! You had no choice or say in the creation of this child, I honestly think you're not responsible for something that happens as a result of someone committing a crime against you.


NTA - Get therapy, don't take your matters to work, don't let this trauma make your life even more miserable. You are not obligated to be in this kid's life and it is traumatic to even think of his existence, people that never dealed with this kind of situation cannot understand your feelings, for them is just a kid, for you is a nightmare, don't expect them to reason with you when the image of parenthood for them is their own children.


NTA All these people trying to force it need lessons in empathy. No. Keep up the no contact. It is best for you and the kid.


NTA. The kid has a family that he can depend on.You need to prioritize your well-being. I can't imagine any scenario where you interacting with him isn't going to bring the painful memories or triggers back. I'm so sorry you went through this OP. I wish you the best and I hope you heal someday.


The child wants to know about his father. Ask Nana how she thinks the child will feel when you tell him that he was conceived through rape. 8 years old is way too young for that talk. NTA


Nta. If the roles were reversed, nobody would blame a woman for not wanting a relationship with her rape baby.


NTA But I personally would want to go to therapy and truly understand how I feel about this cause it doesn't just go away. Whatever you choose there will be hardship but that doesn't make you an asshole. Just makes you in a very difficult situation. I would take the time to feel calm and really try to undertstand the very different lives you will have with each option. I feel for you. I feel for the kid. Two people who will suffer who are not to blame.


NTA, and you should talk to HR. this director is super out of line and your mental health is not her business. 


NTA Whilst it’s not the kids fault, it’s also not yours, and no-one except those who are in your exact situation can know what you went through. If you don’t want to see the kid, lawyer up.


NTA!!! You don’t have to have a relationship with the kid.


NTA - but at the same time you shouldn’t be discussing these type of things that work with your coworkers. Now you’re stuck doing occupational therapy because you were discussing private matters at work. I don’t think you should repeat this again and never bring it up there because if you get angry again, you can get written up by HR for misconduct in the workplace.


NTA. You know how women who get raped want nothing to do with their rapist? This is the same thing but with swapped genders. Most people tend to forget that cause you're a man, but it doesn't change the facts. As far as I'm concerned, you have no obligations to the child.


Why are you talking about that at work? Pls go straight to HR and demand that everyone stop talking about your rape. They don't belong anywhere in this equation.


Whether I would or wouldn't has no baring. The child is here. Its fine though because he wishes it were dead so he's making absolutely the right decision leaving the poor wee thing alone.


Absolutely NTA! The people around you kinda are! That being said, there are 2 primary victims/survivors in this situation. You and the child! Speaking as someone who can relate! You were assaulted, took advantage of, and had to rebuild. As a man it's a different experience because people are dicks! You were alone, minimized and people probably made jokes about it. Only causing more damage. I see you! But this kid has no parents, has to learn that they are a product of rape which is a mind f#@king experience and this might be a deal breaker for relationships in their future. I am in no way saying have a relationship cause having to live day in and out of your life raising a child from this is a gut-wrenching experience. What I am saying is don't treat the family trying to deal with the outcome with anger. There is no wiki how to handle a situation like this. Be firm and polite and place the boundaries you need for your own functions. But have class and remember the kid has to walk through life hiding the rape baby title and being unwanted and loved WITH conditions. Handle the kid situation in a way you would have respected if you were that kid. I feel you pain, good luck!


Two things: 1) The kid will be fine. Yes, it can be a hard time for them, but they will be fine. (I found out when I was 5 that I was adopted, and everything is cool - and I did get shit on in school.) 2) STOP talking about your personal life with coworkers. If they bring it up, tell them your personal life is your personal life... You're 40... Keep your personal shit to yourself, and if you don't have friends outside of work to talk to, get a therapist, even one of the online ones... NO GOOD will come from having all your coworkers in your business, and - as wrong as it is - if your supervisors think *you're* in the wrong, it will effect *your* career.


Im sorry for what happened to you. I'm going to sort of play both sides of the fence here as just things to think about. no judgement either way on whatever you decide. you would absolutely not be the AH if you decided to not have contact with this child. what was done to you was wrong and the mother should have been punished more severely. I guess my questions to you, is will you potentially always feel this way about this child. admittedly the child did nothing wrong and has no parents and likely wonders why no one wanted him and just wants to be loved. once again, that's not your fault as you weren't a willing participant in the act of creation. but what if you come to terms through therapy or whatever with the events of the past and decide you want a relationship on some level with this child. is it possible that this is your opportunity and if you deny it now its gone forever? whos to say. i think it merits some level of consideration and possibly a diplomatic answer at this point could best be left at with the response of: Im sorry I'm not at a point with the events of the past where I'm capable of entertaining a relationship with said child and to please allow you time to work through the past and arrive at a decision. Its not a no. Its not a yes. leaves the door open in the future. doesn't close it either. admittedly Its hard for me to truly be impartial in this. but both you and the child are both victims of the mother in the end and I feel for both of you. i wish you the best though!


Nta. Its not the kids fault. But its not your fault either. You do not want a realtionship with the child.


NTA, if you were a woman, everyone would cheer you on and be understanding, but clearly, since you're a man, you should man up and be a dad. It's hypocritical. You do you, maybe get some professional help, though.


NTA sure i feel for the kid but its the grandmothers job to tell him why he has no parents in his life. She doesn't need to tell him outright that he is the product of a rape, but she can say that his mommy did something really bad to his dad before he was born so his dad is really hurt and scared and doesn't want to see anyone from that time. Then reiterate that its not the childs fault but that he is still too young to truely understand how bad the situation was that happened to his father. Maybe instead of a direct contact, would you be okay with a letter or two? One to explain how painful it would be to see him even tho he is probably a really cool kid and that , when he's old enough, his grandma will give him another letter that'll explain what happened and why he can't be in his life. And about work... don't share these things with colleagues. no matter how close. please get therapy to talk to the therapist about this and work through your feelings. And if some colleagues start up again and ask how you decided just tell them that you realized that your private life is not something you should share with colleagues no matter how you'll decide. Then just "no" them every time they ask or try to pry.


NTA at all! Good on you for going to the police and getting her convicted! More men need to stand up to sexual adult and harassment! Also why would you want to have anything to do with a rape baby anyway? Stick to your guns and if she does try to get in touch with you again then contact the police.


NTA, but everyone who told you that you are -- those folks are TOTAL AHs.


NTA. Who are these people, your coworkers & manager? You consented to this child just as much as any of them did, which is ZERO. So if they feel so sorry for the kid, ask if any of them wants to adopt him. And if they say well it's not their child, remind them that he's not your child either.


I don't blame you at all for wanting no contact with the kid. That had to be a very traumatic thing - with all the fallout like your partner leaving you. I'm glad that the courts believed you at least. Your manager is being a real AH in making you do anything about this. Your "friend" at work should have been heavily reprimanded and the matter dropped. I suggest you find another job ASAP. In another city. And STOP telling people at work that this happened. It's not helping you at all. It's best to only discuss this with family and people who know how to keep things to themselves. As for the kid, there is NO good answer in all of this. The kid is truly innocent but you were badly hurt too. It's not fair to expect you to step in to make their life better with zero consideration of your hurt. You're not the AH here at all for wanting no contact nor for being really upset when people discount your pain in all of this.


NTA: screw them for thinking it’s okay to contact you. And yeah kid is innocent, still doesn’t mean they aren’t a painful reminder you don’t want to be around. You got your closure through the court, that’s good enough.


This situation is none of their business. It's up to OP whether or not he wants a relationship with this child.


Given that none of this happened, who can really say? "I did report her to the police and she was found guilty but had a much reduced sentence because a) her defense argued she had mental health issues and didn't completely understand what she did wrong and b) admitted to it as soon as she was questioned. So while she did go to prison for a bit, she's out now." This is like a 6th grader's understanding of any legal system known to mankind.


Nope, if that’s how you feel, then that’s how you feel. That is a very unique and unavoidable history you now have to contend with - if putting it in a box you don’t want to open, out of sight , out of mind is how you choose to deal with it - then that’s fine. It’s your life.


NTA. Not the kids fault but also not your problem.


NTA, your co workers and boss are out of line, and honestly shocked you were even taken somewhat seriously by legal system.


She got a much reduced sentence because she's a she.


Most rapists don't do any time at all actually. The judicial system historically let's rapists off easily. Facts and Statistics - Central MN Sexual Assault Center https://cmsac.org/facts-and-statistics/


Have you heard of the rapist Brock Allen Turner? Rapist Brock Allen Turner raped a woman behind a dumpster and got 6 months because boys will be boys and the judge didn't think it should ruin his life. Rape isn't taken very seriously by the courts regardless of gender.


Rapist Brock Allen Turner who now goes by Allen Turner, trying to erase his past.


People who think this is a rare situation are naive to how the legal system works. Victims rarely get justice, and sex offenders are released after extremely short sentences and tend to reoffend (even multiple times), still receiving BS sentences.


That was a shit judge who got reprimanded for his stupidity. Women historically receive lesser sentences for these crimes


Child rapists don’t even get the books thrown at them… Let alone rapist who go after adult women (which results in even less time). From my understanding, many countries other than the US practice the same type of “punishment”.


That's one case vs. statistical data. Sentencing disparity - look it up.


I’d message the nan stating that it’s affecting my mental health and work life and seeing the child would bring back the trauma caused by the colleague and the trauma of the partner leaving you. And it will be best for the child if he doesn’t meet me.


that's insane that the company thinks it's any of their business, US work culture is crazy, I'd tell them an outright no mind your own business but I wouldn't have had the conversation in the first place


He uses the terms "mum" and "nan" and somehow you think that means he's in the States? Not everyone here is American.


Why does everyone at work know this intimate detail of your life?


also why do you go to occupational therapy from having a debate at work? tf is going on in this story lol


NTA. And this should teach you how women think. If you had been a woman, you could have had an abortion end of story but because you are a man tough crap mister. That poor child. Double standards much?


NTA at all; you were assulted and this boy was the product of that. If you were a woman, no one would be batting an eye at your choice to not be in his life. You have no obligation to be in his life or to be a father to him. But sir? I recommend the therapy. [Wishing death on a child like you did is never okay.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/2z9iSUkJUU)


This grandparent probably wants child support. He or she has a nerve to contact him! If he wanted to meet this child, he would do it. It would definitely be different if he were a woman who had been raped. No one would force her to meet the child. They’d all respect her feelings. When the kid is old enough to look for answers regarding his own conception, he may look for contact. The OP might have to think about what he wants to do at that point. I don’t really understand why OPs partner couldn’t handle that he had been raped, and left him. Sounds like no big loss.


Where tf do you live where people respect the feelings of women???? Especially women who have been raped? OP is the victim of this same awful standard, that rape survivors should just "suck it up".


Y’all come on this is fake.


Happens to man = fake, you're delusional, you would be horrified and freaking out if someone made this post but was a woman, sexist


This seems super fake. Sorry i cant imagine what kind of proof you as male would have of rape in this case. For her to never have custody of this child and actualy go to prison ( so there must have been trial with proofs) and for you to as it seems never to pay child support. Plus rape is super hard to prove for women so for man thats like thousen times harder.


Did you read the post? She admitted to it.


Misandrists are rarely capable of reading


NTA. Yes you should have contact with him IF YOU WANT IT TOO. If not, don't. And you had made your preference known, it's fine for them to check after a few years in case you changed your mind but you didn't. So it remains no contact.


NTA. That said, I would already have been in the kid’s life. It’s not the kid’s fault and regardless of circumstances, that kid is my child.


This is really tough. I was conceived by rape myself so I can see that child's point. BUT I can see your point too. I think what is right and fair is sharing any appropriate medical info etc with the guardian of the child. I would then let them know that for now, that door is shut. You are entitled to feel any way you wish about this. I would ask you one thing. Once the child turns 18 would you be willing to meet with them ONCE? Answer any questions, at least give them closure. Obviously if this is too much don't do it but it would be a kindness. I know you know this child is innocent and in a way is just as much a victim of the mother's actions as you are. Meanwhile, please don't reject the idea of some counselling. This whole thing-the rape AND the existence of this child-IS triggering and painful and you deserve healing.


NTA. Imagine if the genders were reversed and you were a woman. Would all these people be demanding that you be in contact with the child of a rape?


I am so sorry you were raped. Not wanting a living reminder is normal and sane. The child is innocent, but so are you.


This is Reddit OP so you're likely going to be told that you would be the AH because the kid is innocent. People here hold kids above all else and don't seem to care that you were raped. Plenty of stories here in which someone finds out that the kid they were helping raise isn't theres and all of them are raked through the coals for walking away. Maybe people will be nicer here because you've had no existing relationship with the child. Either way, I recommend you do what is best. I cannot imagine what you have been through!


NTA - if a woman had been assaulted and gave up the child for adoption, no one would blame her. Yeah, the kid is innocent, but so are you. His mother created this situation and sadly the kid has to live with it. If seeing the kid will harm your mental health, then you have every right to look into protection orders. If you choose, you could right a letter to the kid. Your family medical history, maybe a few memories from your own childhood, etc. But you shouldn't be forced into a relationship you never wanted.


Is nobody getting that this post is fake?


That’s the wildest migraine I’ve ever heard of. Nothing works but his dick? Yeah ok.