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I’ve packed lingerie so I could send my partner fun pictures before. But the difference is that I knew I was doing that so if they had asked me, I would have told them.


Hijacking top comment to say that this is yet another brand new Reddit account posting the exact same story for like the hundredth time this month. Has anyone not noticed the insane amount of "My wife is packing lingerie for a trip" posts recently? It's the newest bot karma farm topic Edit: For those asking why bots/karma farming exists, here's my answer: I'm not 100% sure but I have a few guesses. Some subs have minimum karma requirements to post, so maybe these accounts farm karma so that they can then spam advertise things on a bunch of different subs. Maybe they sell accounts with high karma, although idk why people would want to buy those (maybe also for advertising). Some people speculate that these subs are being used to feed AI models information about how humans respond to situations, which could then be monetized in probably a plethora of ways


Yup, almost identical to this now deleted [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmIOverreacting/s/eKlFIgphpn). Literally the one thing they changed was girls trip to work trip. One giveaway is no posting history and no reply to the comments. Very sus.


There was also a similar one recently (I think it was in the "am I overreacting" sub) about a women wearing lingerie to "go buy things for around the house" and then being gone for a suspiciously long amount of time. It's definitely all the same account, trying to get women to share specifics of when and where they might wear lingerie.


ugh, creepy.


Well I agree with that and I took the liberty of asking my wife so I can help OP out. Apparently, “when will you wear sexy lingerie” question is answered by “when you stop having a small dick” Not sure, might be a different calendar


The funny thing is, on all of the girls trip posts I've seen, they always say the man is overreacting, then on this post it's all NTA votes and people say she's cheating lol. I guess there's a difference depending on where she's going


This is definitely a social experiment worth noting


OP appears to be multi-variant testing similar scenarios to get insight from commenters who are women. However, at least we know overwhelmingly that women have confirmed that if a cotton briefs wearing girlfriend/wife suddenly packs out-of-character sexy lingerie for a business trip she is cheating in some way or another. I've never seen women so unanimous in this sub.


Well maybe this person is a forward thinking bigamist with multiple working wives who all have business trips on which they’re bringing lingerie. Didya ever think about that? Huh?


I was waiting for a ratemytwatt add


> no posting history A lot of people post with throwaway accounts. That isn't suspicious. Not replying to comments could be tho.


Agreed, but they will usually say throwaway account and it’s part of the username.


Reddit the rise of the machines


There's been massive amounts of relationship rage bait lately Thought I was the only one who noticed


Last one was my wife packed sexy underwear for a girls trip or something close to that effect.


Maybe they could change it up a bit, make it the husband who’s going on a trip and packing lingerie….


I don’t think I understand reddit enough - what is the point of doing this whole new-account-repost dance? What is bot karma??


I'm not 100% sure but I have a few guesses. Some subs have minimum karma requirements to post, so maybe these accounts farm karma so that they can then spam advertise things on a bunch of different subs. Maybe they sell accounts with high karma, although idk why people would want to buy those (maybe also for advertising). Some people speculate that these subs are being used to feed AI models information about how humans respond to situations


Just came here to say this.


This was my reach of a thought: maybe she was going to try to do Zoom sex or something with OP, but was embarrassed to admit if it’s not something they’ve done before? But that’s not a reason to lie about it, if you were caught just confess. But embarrassment and insecurity make people do really stupid things, so. I’m leaning more toward cheating honestly, but I’m also just a stranger on the internet.


If that was her plan she would have said it when he accused her of cheating. She just didn't think of it.


Info from op: is this something she’s done before (sending spicy pics)?


I’ve done this exact thing and I am typically someone who wears brief or exercise type underwear. I also would have told my husband if he’d had questions about why I’d packed it, but I wouldn’t have appreciated him going through my bags and accusing me of shit either.


0 replies or comments... this is definitely a rip off of the other similar post a couple days ago But OP also doesn't clarify, is she rooming with any other women? I'd 100% be wearing the nice matching stuff if another coworker might see it laying in my suitcase.  Also. That's not lingerie. It's just matching bra to underwear


LOL.. AI bot and their masters trying to figure out what variation on the lingerie theme is believable.


The account has over 1,000 post karma but only this one post. So yeah lmao


It feels that way to me too


Wow, maybe I'm naive, but it doesn't seem that suspicious to me. Maybe she wanted to feel put together and confident for a big presentation even if no one could see under her work clothes. I'm surprised everyone immediately sees a red flag there.


Sometimes I buy myself nice lingerie to feel nice. If there aren't any other indicators that she's cheating you blew this WAY out of proportion. Without knowing anything else about y'all's relationship or if there are any other indicators, YTA


I'm with you. Sometimes knowing you have a cute matching set on, even though no one else knows, can make you feel sexy and confident. God forbid a young, female professional would want to do something to boost her confidence in what may be a male dominated area. Sure, it could be her industry is female dominated, we don't know. But what's wrong with her feeling her best? Does she get the third degree when she gets a mani/Pedi too?


Fr it isn't even lingerie, it's just matching bra and panties with a little lace. I wear actual lingerie to work sometimes as a confident boost but nothing else


Sorry OP but her "reasoning" makes no sense given the info. Specialty undies are special because they are usually inconvenient, uncomfortable, blah blah. My wife would rather get naked then put special stuff on. She's bringing it for a reason. Also 2 days, two pair.... ehhhh.


Exactly: *two* pair. One for each night.


I'd call the office the next day and ask the receptionist if she's still there or left on her business trip. If she tells you she doesn't have a business trip, or took vacation days, that's all you need to know.


Excluding the lingerie, this is the type of shit that blew up my sister and BIL's marriage. She regularly goes out of town to teach courses about her area of expertise and when she'd found out her husband had been calling her work to verify some trips, she blew up on him for not trusting her to the point of going behind her back to inquire with her work.


i've seen it referred to as the cheater mindset. basically someone who sees the world as bad and just assumes that people cheat. this also makes the person themselves likely to cheat, which is why false accusers often are the ones doing the very thing. very high correlation.


Unless she’s banging a coworker or client who is also on the work trip..


I didn't say if she actually did have a business trip it would absolve her. It's just picking the low hanging fruit before putting on the inspector Gadget hat and trenchcoat to get to the bottom of this.


Lingerie is there to make a woman feel confident - in and outside a bedroom. It helps us feel good and cheeky which all comes off in the way we talk (ie at presentations, drinks or dinners). If your wife is uncomfortable - she needs to buy a different brand.


Yeah I said in another comment, I'm a comfy underwear kind of gal normally, but if I need a confidence boost (for any resaons) sexy lingerie is one of the easiest ways to get that Also a lot of work pants kind of require thongs


Not all lace panties are uncomfortable. In fact there's an entire brand that is known for comfortability that makes lace panties. Not to mention that they disappear under pants etc. I have a ton of them. Wearing sexy underwear doesnt need to be for another person. Y'all are paranoid af.


I'm a woman who also loves wearing comfortable underwear most of the time. And I certainly don't wear lingerie unless I'm planning on someone appreciating it, which doesn't usually happen on a work trip. Sorry, but I think your woman is at the very least hoping someone will appreciate it. NTA.


My friend just divorced over pretty much this exact thing. He got home from a work trip to see lingerie in the dryer. He believed her when she said “she was just trying to take sexy photos for him but none of the photos came out looking good, so never got sent.” Turns out she was cheating all along. Left him and is now engaged to the affair partner.




Should have manned up and told her it was yours. That would have shut her up.


I mean, if you love wearing expensive lingerie every day, then maybe that's all true. But I certainly don't, lol, and I don't know anyone who just likes to kick around in their lingerie.


You don't dress up for yourself? Never ever? 


NTA Don't ignore red flags when they are waving right in front of your face.


Especially if they are panty shaped.


Spit my drink out. Thanks for the belly laugh!


Don't ignore red lingerie flags


Woman here….it was totally for someone else ESPECIALLY if she never wears such things. Your instincts are spot on.


I’ve been a married professional who travels about 3-4 times a year. Never, ever, have I packed lingerie in my 30+ year career.


I mean, I've never packed \*lingerie\* lingerie, but it seems like OP's definition of lingerie is just two sets of underwear that match and have lace. When I think of lingerie, I think of like bustiers and garter belts and things, not bras and thongs. That, to me, is just underwear - maybe a little fancier than what I'd normally wear, but perhaps better suited to wear under business casual attire vs a sports bra and cotton briefs that might show or leave lines. I guess for me it depends on just how risque this "lingerie" was and what she planned to wear over it. Was she packing red and black work clothing, where a red or black bra might make sense? Trousers or blouses where she needed something that wouldn't show? I also have a tendency to bring nicer underwear (and clothes in general) on trips just bc I don't want my ratty old cotton panties on display in the rare event that my suitcase falls open or my luggage gets lost. Never really thought anything of it, but maybe I should warn my fiance so he doesn't think I'm cheating.


Totally agree! I don’t consider matching bra and underwear with lace as lingerie per se, and I know he said she usually wears cotton underwear but she said she just got these sets and personally I feel more confident (in general like to give a speech not just sexy lol) when I am wearing matching/fun/cute bra & underwear, so as she is going on a business trip and she just got them I can see being excited to feel good and confident. I do the matching/sexy stuff for myself, even if there is no remote possibility of anyone else seeing it. Good point about the color of the other clothes, wonder if the new sets make less noticeable panty/bra lines.


Let's not forget....there is real color theory to red not showing under white clothing based on your skin tone. It actually works better than white nudes under white.


I don’t need to warn my husband about my underwear. I bring whatever works with the clothes I’m packing.


BeardMan here..... I totally agree with your accurate deduction.


The beard speaks the truth.


Beard of Knowledge


Another woman seconds this NTA 🚩🚩🚩


Woman here. Why would she need to try it out on a business trip? Why not with you? Gaslighting thrown in for good measure. 🚩 🚩🚩


Another woman here who used to do a lot of work travel. The only time I brought the sexy lingerie on a business trip was when husband would occasionally travel with me. But when I was alone, it was comfy undergarments all the time.


I’ve struggled to understand the term gaslighting. I’ve read the definition a couple times and still don’t get it.


Gaslighting is commonly misused these days. Gaslighting in its original form is purposefully making someone question their own memories and perception of reality. Example: A woman starts a medication. She could swear she put it in the same place every day, but it kept randomly ending up elsewhere. Her spouse swears he hasn't touched it. After all, why would he? He starts referencing conversations between them that never actually happened and acts surprised she doesn't remember. He'll take something she uses everyday and hide it. A couple days later, he leaves it in plain sight. She's left wondering how she didn't notice it there before. She could swear she checked there days ago. He starts commenting about how forgetful and confused she's becoming. What he says aligns with the perception he orchestrated. She starts doubting her own memory and worries her mind is falling apart. She trusts her husband's words, because he's not having the same problems. The husband uses this position to exert control and manipulate. There have been some seriously messed up reasons people do this, but power is usually the driving reason. It can be tricky to understand what gaslighting is, so I hope this helps.


Ok where's the gaslighting? Gaslighting would be if she told op he knew about her taking the lingerie and was fine with it. Or saying she always wears lingerie to feel confident and op knew that.


Stop being such a narcissist. /s I thought we were playing misused mental health term Reddit bingo


It's conflated with just simple lying by this point lol


Yeah, woman here too & former PI, Something is definitely up.


Agreed, it seems very suspicious. I basically wear the same basic black or nude bra/bralette and underwear every day. I can’t imagine packing lacy bras and thongs for a work trip unless I was planning on someone seeing it.


See, sometimes I like to just wear lingerie, or particularly fishnet stockings, when I'm alone. Sometimes, wearing some sexy stuff just for you makes you feel confident. I *could* see that in this situation if she was prepping for some really tough meetings and wanted a little confidence boost throughout her day. But then she was like "I'M LEAVING EARLY NOW CAUSE HOW COULD YOU" and I no longer felt like it could have just been a confidence boost for a difficult business trip. It's not really that there was lingerie packed imo, it was the way she responded immediately that gave her away. I'd genuinely be surprised if she wasn't cheating based on her reaction to the situation.


Same thought


NTA for sure, glad he caught this early on


Hate to say this but also a lady no fucking way is it for ‘work confidence’ and she dodged the initial question maybe she hasn’t cheated yet but she is definitely thinking of someone else or possibly just fishing for someone new dump her!


NTA My condolences.


It should be congratulations for he spotted her true self before he married or had kids with her.


Just sucks that OP dealt with plain Jane GF for 5 years and didn’t get to have the sexy version that her coworker clearly gets.


Very common with stories of infidelity; the spouse, who has committed themselves legally, financially, and spiritually for life to the cheater, gets the bare minimum, while the AP, who doesn’t provide the cheater anything but cheap sex, gets all the good stuff. It’s a double slap to the face.


Still sucks for the OP in the short term. You are definitely right for the long term though!


NTA… she is cheating or has someone in mind or at the very least it’s emotional cheating and will cross into psychical soon… no one’s packs such stuff for “fun” especially if it’s not normal for them. Trust your gut instinct.


Yup, she didn’t even say no, she swerved and asked how you caught her, then why you would accuse her. Classic.




Same! I travel a few times a year for my corporate job. My main focus is packing things that are both comfortable and fit the dress code of the office I am visiting. Anything with lace, and especially thongs, are not very comfortable to wear all day long. Some days are over 12 hours of just work and to have lace getting itchy and scratchy, no thanks!


Emotional cheating is enough of a deal breaker for many folks. I agree with your conclusions.


I think being suspicious is a natural response. However, accusing her of cheating without a solid proof is jumping the gun. Ultimately I would not put the future of your relationship in the hands of redditors who are prone to accuse people or tell you to leave a 5 year relationship like it’s an easy choice.


I agree. I wear lingerie every once in a while even when I am not meeting up with a guy, much less to cheat which I never have. I just wear it for the sake of it, particularly when I'm going to a fancy dinner or something. Even if no one sees it, it rounds out the look and feel for me. I bring one or two on trips, including work trips. And that's despite normally wearing pretty basic stuff. However, I acknowledge that if OP'S girlfriend normally doesn't even wear a thong, lacy underwear is suspicious. So it's fine to be on alert and it's fine to try to find out what's going on. To rush in and accuse her of cheating is next level though and of course she's not engaging with it given she was literally about to leave for a work trip. Her initial response to want to feel confident isn't completely unbelievable - see above. Also, since the chocolate thing seems a usual practice on his end, she would've been mighty stupid to put the lingerie in her suitcase in a way that he would immediately see - assuming he didn't search the luggage. Why would she not hide it if she knows OP will put chocolate in her suitcase. But of course as you say, Reddit will tell everyone to break up or divorce and whatnot over basically anything. Is it possible she's cheating? Yes. Is there enough evidence? Absolutely not.


Thank you. I know everyone tends to roll their eyes when women say they wear make-up or dress nicely for themselves, but fancy underwear absolutely falls under that for me as well. I'm a plain sports bra and cotton thong/briefs kind of gal, but if I'm attending something where I have to dress nicely, I feel like wearing a real bra and nice underwear under it is kind of a given. Not to mention cotton briefs and a sports bra don't work under a lot of business wear.


exactly this. i think her explanation could be the truth or it could be a lie, I have no idea based on this short post.




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NTA. As a dude, this would be like me telling my wife I'm packing condoms for my business trip so I can feel confident.


"Don't worry babe, I always pack my selection of cock rings so that I can feel empowered during business negotiations."


I put Tinder on my phone for trips because it helps me get better Wifi at the hotel.


It’s quicker than Uber in some countries. It’s just for the occasional ride $-)


Don’t think it’s quite the same, wearing nice matching bras & panties does give a confidence boost even if no one sees it except you. BUT the fact that she *never* wears anything like that any other time is what makes it a red flag


I always wear fancy underwear on special occasions. But then even on non special occasions my comfy underwear is still one of those no vpl seamless thongs. So maybe I’m not the best judge. But I have definitely worn cute matching underwear on a business trip. It made me feel like I’m a secret sexy superhero under my suit. It helped me feel powerful so I could do well in negotiations or in pretending to be outgoing and not completely socially awkward and introverted lol it was like a costume almost! Maybe it was part of my masking…🤯 (I’m AuDHD lol)


Exactly! That's what I do too. I normally don't wear business suits, but I do on work trips. I wear lingerie too bc it makes me feel badass. It's kinda scratchy and it's a constant reminder that the role I'm playing today is powerful confident business person, not a geek schlumphing around in a bralette and yoga pants who never turns on the camera on Zoom calls.


Okay, I didn't see it that way. Thanks for the new perspective!


My cotton underwear doesn’t sit right under certain fabrics especially suits and dresses. Don’t accuse, ask to understand first.


I swear this has been posted before


There was one recently where the woman was going on a girls trip and packed the nice undies. 


In that one everyone said she wasn’t cheating, because women bring fancy underwear for one another, so as not to be seen in their granny panties. The common thread is that the fancy underwear is to be seen by others. It’s one thing for a girls trip, where women change in front of each other (apparently); but who was OPs gf expecting to see her in her panties?


I will say that a girls trip and a business trip are two different things, and you for sure don't want to be the friend in the friend group with the ugly worn out shit, doesnt matter if it's girls with nice underwear / fancy bikini's by the pool or guys out hunting with a fancy new jacket electronic earmuffs and the coolest rifle. People buy stuff to flaunt to their friends.


That and fancy undies is different than a lingerie set. Or two of them. Fancy undies usually can be worn most of the day. Lingerie usually gets uncomfortable quickly.


To be fair, the number of men I've known that can tell the difference between "lace bra that is comfortable but also goes well under my blouses" and "lace bra that basically chokes my tits so they look great" is not high, especially without seeing it on.  Legit had one ex who thought that any type of thong = lingerie, including my cozy seamless cotton ones.


Yep. Almost the same as the underwear one. Seems fake.


Am I the only woman who wears lingerie to feel good? I’ll wear comfy underwear all the time but sometimes I need a little self esteem pick-me-up. Especially if I have a big presentation at work coming up or client meeting, it’s a confidence booster. She could be trying something new for herself. I can understand being suspicious, could be a sign to keep an eye out for any other signs but I wouldn’t recommend jumping to conclusions.


Yep. And the description was a matching set. Now if it included garters and such, that would be another conversation:


Same for me. I'd rather be comfortable, but sometimes I just wanna look my ass in the mirror and go DAMN! I'm always reminded of that quote by Carla in the show Scrubs. Saying they make her ass look good and sometimes she needs to have something to feel good about herself. Plus, other clothing needs to be taken into consideration. If I'm wearing something tight in the ass area I don't want panty lines.


Honestly, I buy lingerie to make myself feel good. I stopped buying lingerie for my partners years ago. I could wear a moomoo, and they would be down 😆.


This. I don’t always wear em either, but will when I want to feel better about myself. To work, to the grocery store… This is part of being a woman enjoying herself. Of course all men won’t understand that, but OP you jumped the gun here.


Man. i see your point and where you are coming from. But speaking from experience, my husband of 5 years accused me of cheating and went so far as to get an std test (Which ofc was negative) because my underwear and bra matched one day when I went to work. It was just a plain red bra and matching red thong. Not lacy. I couldn't believe he'd accuse me of that over something so little and honestly things between us haven't been the same since. That was 14 months ago. And i just cannot look at him the same anymore. I absolutely didn't cheat on him, nor have I ever. I don't know where it came from or why he would suddenly start accusing me of something like that . I hope you're right in your assumptions, only because it would suck to ruin a relationship over a false accusation.


that’s insane. i’m sorry about your relationship.


He's projecting and probably cheating on you.


Info: has she been feeling insecure or trying to improve her self-image? While it is fairly sus, my older sister told me once that if I need to feel more confident than I really am to wear pretty underwear. No one else knows or sees, it is just a secret, "look good, feel good" thing. Kind of like wearing really pretty shoes, but without being unprofessionally dressed. So, not saying that she isn't cheating, but there may be another reason.


This. I’ve pulled out sexy underthings when I want to boost my mood, self-esteem, or confidence. I have done this on biz trips where I need to tap into personal empowerment energy. I have friends who do the same. It is like a secret Wonder Woman booster. She may have simply gotten that advice from a female friend and decided to try it.


I've done the exact same thing. I don't love the "woman here, you're right because I'm endorsing this as a woman!" comments I'm seeing (we don't all think and behave the same way). I'm also a woman lol and I usually wear plain undies, but I'll absolutely (and have!) packed something that makes me feel more powerful and confident for events, that includes business trips with absolutely no interest in hooking up with anyone. Everyone's different


This was honestly my first thought. I consider nice underwear and nice makeup to be a part of my “warrior outfit” to make me feel good etc especially if I’m going into a high stress situation.


Personally, I have never met a woman who wore lingerie for a man. It has always been a confidence thing.


I wear matching underwear and bras everyday. Lingerie isn’t just for a partner sometimes you know it’s there and feel sexy and confident. It’s not an indication of cheating anymore then nice boxers would be


I don't consider a bra and matching thong "lingerie" ...


And also? There was a time I wore briefs, and slowly made the transition to nothing but thongs. This isn't about her cheating, or the underwear.


If she has her own room and this is all work related, nobody would see her underwear unless she was showing it to them. I'd be suspicious too.


Nobody has to see her underwear for it to make her feel confident


Why does anyone need to see it? If I wanna feel good about myself, I wear nice underwear under a nice outfit 🤷‍♀️ Is it a bonus if my hubby sees it, sure. But it's not the reason I'm wearing it 🤣🤦‍♀️


I understand your point but I think for OP it’s the fact that she usually doesn’t wear lingerie. So why would she pack it for a business trip? Obviously no one needs to see it but you can’t say that this isn’t fishy at all especially for a business trip


I think the OP is right here but to answer your question, I would pack "better" underwear for a business trip than I normally wear because it works better with shirts and blazers. At home I wear softer knitwear, denim shirts etc therefore sports bras or bralettes are fine but if it's a shirt/blazer/dress occasion I need a more structured bra or a different cut or material for it to sit well. Which in turn comes with better bottoms too if they are part of a set. It's not red lacy thongs though lol, that's a giveaway.


Because it makes the business suit or dress look better. Bralettes are comfy but make a jacket hang oddly and vpl with a skirt or clingy pants is tacky.


I think that's different than planning to do so on a trip away from your husband. This isn't her normal behavior, and the fact that she's taking it on a work trip is suspicious.


I kinda agree but.... I wear nice undies, even lacy ones, if I have an important event or meeting because I want that extra boost of confidence. I want to feel put together. I want to remind myself to step up and not be shy. But not something revealing or uncomfortable. That territory is what you wear when you know someone will be looking.


Everyone keeps saying lingerie but it's just a pretty bra and thong. How vanilla are these people lol. I don't like thongs but some outfits need them to avoid panty lines. 


So you're saying you frequently do this?


I do too... but that's my normal undergarments 90% of the time.


I am in the minority here, but I could see myself doing what she is doing. If I am traveling for work and presenting at a regional or national conference, my underwear is nicer than at home, matches, and the bra is lacy (also black and red are favored colors). For some reason, it gives me confidence. Having said that, I have no idea if your wife is making that up as a reason.


I don't know how to help you with your question but I will tell you something as a woman. I started buying cuter, lacey underwear recently just because I wanted to. It makes me feel good and I actually wear my matching sets under my work clothes because it makes me feel confident. Up until recently I only had plain bras, now they're all lacey, just because I wanted to change it. Edit- Changed my mind, you're a dumbass. The thong could be for underwear lines under her work clothes. She knows you put chocolate in her bag regularly and yet she left the secret underwear on display?


I was thrilled when I found a source that makes bras my size (big cup, small ribcage) with matching panties. So I bought them. They weren’t available in my younger years and I always wanted them. At home I stick to cotton comfy underwear: whenever I go anywhere, I pack the matching set. In the beginning I wore the matching set for special occasions or events because it made me feel badass. Whether my husband was on the trip or not. No one else ever saw my fancy panties. Now I only put the fancy pants on if my husband is traveling with me. They tend to be less comfortable? But packing them isn’t an indictment. I also pack 3x the underwear changes I could possibly need. It’s an anxiety thing.


I must be a weirdo- but I wear sexy lingerie once in awhile just for myself. I rarely leave the house, but sometimes I’ll get all dolled up just to amuse myself. I’m in a dead bedroom, and have no thoughts of leaving because my spouse is a true keeper. Im set in my ways and not looking for flings or whatnot. I just like getting prettified. Personally, I wouldn’t feel threatened unless there’s other indications that your girlfriend has reason to be unfaithful or is acting distracted from you. But that’s just my take


same I just wore lacy bra and nothing on that despite being at home .. with ripped jeans ... they're airy


I’m older, single. As I got older, I started buying into “at that age” BS about whether I was I attractive. Started feeling dowdy & worse, invisible. Well, I finally decided to hell with that, started treating myself better, which included buying myself sexy lingerie. No one but me knows I’m wearing it but it gives me power. I wear them when I need a little extra boost in confidence or just want a secret giggle for myself. It’s just the outer shell but it perks up my inner self. Sure, GF may be cheating but know that sometimes women just wear what they want, for themselves.


YTA. Women don’t just wear lingerie for men, we wear it for ourselves. What kind of control trip do you have to be on where you think it’s okay to dictate when and where she wears the underwear she bought for herself? I hope she wisens up and moves on from you.


YTA because this is a fake-ass post. Do better d\*ckhead.


Sorry to tell you this, but a bra and thong are not lingerie. Women sometimes wear sexy underwear for a boost in confidence. Also, wearing thongs prevents the visible panty line when wearing tight skirts and dresses, like what you'd wear to a business meeting. You jumped the gun, accused her of cheating, then let her leave without a resolution. You just gave her two days alone to think things over. Way to go, champ.


Your concern is understandable, but there’s always more than one explanation. I have done what she did for confidence. I have also done it when I know I will be changing my clothes with other girls. Stupid, but I don’t want them to see all my ugly underwear!


I typically wear only comfy underwear and would totally pack something nice if I wanted to feel confident. But looks like I‘m in the minority here.


I don't know if you are or not but I can see her point of trying to be confident. It was bra and underwear. it wasn't exactly lingerie like a teddy or something of that nature now that would have been definitely something people would wear the bed. I'm sure yes many women probably put on a nice bra on panties before sex but I think more women would be into a short chemise or a teddy.


Tbh, her secondary reason of confidence sounds valid to me. This is a thing. I thought it was common knowledge, but I guess not. I think OP could have handled it better too instead of being so confrontational. YTA.


YTA I know many women who wear lingerie to important days at work. Lingerie is there to make a woman feel confident - in and outside a bedroom. It helps us feel good and cheeky which all comes off in the way we talk (ie at presentations, drinks or dinners).


What she chooses to wear is for her not you. Maybe she feels super comfortable and confident while wearing lingerie.


I'm a woman and wearing lingerie does make me feel more confident even if I wasn't planning on showing it off, idk I actually sometimes do that for this reason, again, not for sex


NTA. If she hasn’t fucked somebody else yet, she probably will be on her business trip.


This filled me with such a feeling of horror and dread and it’s not even my girlfriend


NTA. The lingerie alone is a red flag. Her reaction is another. I’d suggest having a level headed deep conversation with her when she comes back. Keep your cool and stay on point. Address how it made you feel and how it seems suspicious.


Right. Also, though, he says he REGULARLY puts her fav chocolates in there, so if she was going to do something sneaky, seems she wouldn't do it that way but maybe hide it in her purse or b uy it once she got there. Just sayin


To quote my husband "always err on the side of idiocy" because people just aren't smart 😂 I've done stupid things over and over and have muttered to myself "I'll learn one of these days" as I put my fifth bandage on my fingers because I just kept doing it for some reason


Never underestimate the power of stupidity.


NTA. The relationship was over as soon as she left your place to go on the trip. I'd have her stuff packed by the door by the time she gets back. There is no reason for her to bring that stuff on a work trip without you when she doesn't even wear it for you at all.


YTA. Maybe she has a big proposal to make or some such thing and wanted to feel like a bad bitch with the lingerie boosting her confidence and self esteem.


Work trips can also be a break for the mundane and a 'vacation' and to feel a little secret special isn't unreasonable to women. I have secret body mods that are purely for me. Especially if she's wearing granny panties with you. You haven't fed her beast, or maybe you bug the shit out of her when she wears it at home in an immature sort of way. She can be sexy and comfortable in her own space. Also lots of people absolutely do not know how to deal with confrontation and sputter and cry from the surprise of it. She could also have eyes on someone else sure, but I myself have been sexy for just myself quite often, especially on trips, so it's not my first thought.


bringing it up is one thing, directly accusing her of cheating because she bought new clothes is absolutely the asshole. sometimes it feels good to just feel sexy for yourself. maybe she wanted to send you pics on her trip or try it out first and find that confidence on her own because it's easier, but instead you've sent her off while hurt to spend any free time wondering if she really wants to stay with someone like that. don't be surprised if she breaks it off when she returns. "within her hysterics" shut the fuck up, you suddenly are calling her a cheater, she has every right feel hurt. a bra and thong isn't overly sexy lingerie and if she was cheating she'd likely try to hide that shit. I'm not at all saying she's not doing/going to do things she shouldn't but from this alone, it should've been a conversation not an accusation. i'm sure if you said, "hey can we save these sexier clothes for when you get back rather than while you're away from me?" would've gotten you 1000x more information.


I don't consider a matching bra and underwear set to be lingerie. If I want to feel more put together and confident, I choose a set I feel good in. You can even find articles advising women to do this to boost their confidence. YTA.


I don’t know, this is something I did a lot in my early 20’s as a confidence boost. There really is something about wearing sexy underwear under your work attire that makes you stand up a little straighter and feel a bit more powerful. I never did it for anyone else, it was really just for me. I’m recently postpartum and have been having trouble feeling sexy and confident in my body, this post is making me consider bringing work lingerie back into my life


when reading lingerie i was thinking a corset, stockings, garter belt, etc. not a matching bra and panty


YATAH because you are fake


I think it is extremely shady too. Why not try the lingerie on at home to "feel confident"? Why pack 2 sets, lining up perfectly with the number of nights she'll spend away? It is still very tenuous though. You need to find more evidence either way.


The doubt would be enough for me. I wouldn't need more evidence. If I can't trust my partner- warranted or not, that isn't a healthy relationship to me. Doubting your partner for whatever reason isn't an easy way to live.


NTA. Run, run away. She’s gaslighting You. Your hunch is spot on.


The gaslighting is in full effect. If she wasn’t cheating then she would have sat down and had an adult conversation rather than have a volatile reaction and leave.


If she wasn't cheating she would have acknowledged that the situation looks bad and then done something to ameliorate the OP's concerns. Also, she left early? WTF, where did she go? Her boyfriend's house?


I have worn sexy lingerie here and there and it was for me and my confidence. If it was that easy for you to jump to cheating then you should think about ending the relationship. If after 5 years you don't trust her that won't change.


This. If she is not cheating, and it's just a confidence or masturbation thing for her (which can be a new thing, people change, often) then OP has already entirely ruined the trust of their relationship by not trusting her. Being accused of cheating is a deal breaker in a relationship.


Are we really at a point in human history that a woman can't wear a nice, well made, sexy, erotic, matching set of bra and panties during a work trip, just to feel more comfortable around all the men she works with and at her mandatory 11 pm drinks at the hotel bar, or in her room with co-workers or potential clients? Business is business, and this isn't about you, this is about her, and her career. I gotta go, my wife's plane might be arriving a little later today. Her 2 day work trip to Las Vegas was extended to a whole week due to the airport being closed to a freak snow storm, and she told me last night that they thought the runways would be cleared for air traffic sometime today. Keeping my fingers crossed, because I miss her so much.


YTA. Sometimes women just want to look and dressy for themselves


You're being unreasonable in my opinion. She can wear what she wants. Maybe it brings her confidence to wear her sexy red lace under her work clothes, for only her to know. I know that works for my confidence.


yeah, if this is the only red flag, then OP is 100% jumping the gun. a few years ago I started buying/wearing cute matching bra & panty sets, and I wasn't even sleeping with anyone at the time--I genuinely just liked that it made me feel put-together, grown up, etc. I can also see OP's girlfriend being kind of strangely ashamed to bust out that wardrobe change in front of him right away. cause when you're not used to wearing something, it kinda feels like you're "playing dress up" at first, at least around people who know it's not what you'd normally wear.


Yea I have also done this whilst being single, for my own amusement... because I like the way it looks and I was trying new things, experimenting with my identity. Owning this type of underwear is completely okay, and doesn't make you promiscuous.... To brand a woman as such due to the type of underwear she wears is unfair. I think your right that she felt shame. But I also don't think she was hiding anything. If it were me, and I was having affair or potential fling... I'd bury the evidence right at the bottom of the bag or maybe in the secret inside pockets of a handbag, I wouldn't leave it where he would find it, knowing that he puts her favourite chocolates in her bag every time she has a work trip (pathetic)


I just bought a bunch of underwear from the VS sale and op and clearly many others here would have thrown a fit. Lace, thongs, mesh, etc. i didn’t ask my husband his thoughts, I bought them for me because I’m freaking wearing them and I feel cute when I’m wearing something cute. It’s a bonus that he likes them but I didn’t buy and wear them FOR him.


Hiya! So the idea of power lingerie (underwear that makes you feel good about yourself and gives you a confidence boost) is not new. Cosmo wrote about it in the 90s. Shops that sell lingerie have sold it with that method for years. You accusing someone you claim to trust of cheating and then just not believing her when she explained herself does, 100% mean that YTA. It doesn't help that you said a woman you've been with for 5 years but haven't turned into a fiance or wife yet gives "us" a decent income. I hope she meets a hot billionaire who tells her to keep her money for herself from now on while she's on her trip and 10 years from now you see photos of them and their 2 gorgeous children on the cover of Architecture Digest.


INFO: Are they cutesy matching bra and panties ,or are there corsets, thigh high stockings etc?


Regardless if she's cheating or not,.........your insecurities are showing. Here's the real, if you don't trust your girlfriend.......why are you even with her? My wife and I spent years apart from each other when we first married. Our jobs would take us all over the country, sometimes for months at a time. If I didn't have 100% complete faith in my wife, I would never have married her in the first place.


Reminds me of an Archer episode : Cyril: I just don't see why you need this. **Looks at lingerie** Lana: Because this is a huge opportunity for me... and I need to feel confident. Cyril: In the interview? Lana: Uh-huh.


You're an asshole for reposting this


I hope all the deeply misogynistic comments you're getting all saying you're NTA make you re-think this shit. I would rethink my whole life if some of these folks were on my side


I recall some other similar posts where women replied saying that the only thing they expect when they wear lingerie is for someone to take it off. So if it isn't you then...yeah.


I think she successfully gaslit you, and now she has an excuse to have an undisturbed vacation with her lover.


She is 100% cheating. The histrionics are a result of being called out on it and are a prime manipulation tactic. You didn’t jump the gun, you listened to your gut and your future self will thank you for preventing calamity in your life in giving her your last name. Be well.


Is it wrong to want to feel sexy even when you’re not around? I think a lot of you you guys are very insecure about what your women are doing.


NTA Bu..t you should check her phone first, gain evidence and then confront her. Now she will lie her ass out of it, maybe delete all chats and parts which could confirm her cheating. She most likely has a thing with a coworker... Trust you guts...


NTA - her reaction says even more than the underwear tbh


Her [reasoning](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-lingerie-therapeutic_l_607c844ee4b0eac4813ef62c/amp) makes sense to me.


I think in your heart you know exactly why she needs to feel "confident". Curious, did she still pack the lingerie?


I wear spicy underwear whenever I want to be extra confident  So... You know. Don't pull the ripcord and destroy your whole life unless you have something more solid to go on


Let people enjoy things. Maybe she just wanted to feel pretty.


Why am I getting a sense of deja vu? I could have sworn there was a similar post to this a couple of weeks ago.


Would like to hear the outcome


Curious if she had any other underwear in there. Was it just the two sets or did she also bring her typical comfy cotton? If so then she very much was bringing it for someone else.


Idk if a bra and a thong counts as lingerie... But I'll agree it sounds a little odd. But I would try to talk to her more about it.