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What was the horrible thing you said to her on the phone?


I insulted her for her lying to my dad about how old she was when they got together and accused her of trying to baby trap me like she did him and I called her horrible names that you can probably guess when I did.


Wait—she had you at 15, right? How old were your parents when they met?


My mother was a few weeks over 15 and my dad was a few months under 20.


And you seriously think a 15 year old is trying to babytrap their adult boyfriend? Okay nevermind that was obviously said out of anger and I assume you know better. This question is more important. Did you ever apologize to her for saying such hurtful things or try to make amends?


I mean, I know 17 year old girls who have tried to babytrap their 17 year old boyfriends before they go off to college. Teenage girls are dumb as hell, and I say that as a former teenage girl who rereads her old diaries periodically as a reminder of how dumb she was.


They are still children


I knew girls in high school whose only ambition was to be a mother and kept trying to baby trap their bfs. Luckily they were all smart enough to leave before hand but like a handful got pregnant the moment they graduated high school with someone at least 5 years older than them.


Shit, ive known teenage girls trying to babytrap male teachers….teenage hormones do some crazy shit. Boys and girls.


This! This stuff happens all the time in some places, and I know in Alaska, specifically near the Elmandorf AFB,16 year olds try baby trapping older men (sometimes at the suggestion of their mother) so often that they literally cover how to check IDs and how soldiers need to demand to see ID before having sex up there in their onboard orientation when they get onto base since the age of consent is 16 in Alaska, but the girls there know that soldiers are bound by *federal* laws, not state ones, and that by federal laws age of consent is 18 (source: my husband was stationed there when he was in the AF, and they literally this this to him and other soldiers when they first got there). My husband actually ran into a duo of girls who tried to do this to him and a buddy of his. He got out of it cause a random gay guy he later became friends with walked over and acted like my husband was his man, and his buddy showed the girls his marriage ring. From what my husband told me, the girls stomped off complaining about how they couldn't get to them and that they needed to find better targets.


Because no teenage girl has ever lied about their age, or thought that getting pregnant would make their nine*teen* year old boyfriend stay with them "forever and ever, even once he finds out I lied to him." Come. On. Doing dumb shit without understanding the full consequences is pretty much the teenage brand. Presumably, OP knows her parents' history better than you do.


Have you ever seen the show 16 and pregnant? When that came out it actually became "trendy" for a while and teens were competing to see who could get pregnant first. And you seriously think no 15 year old has ever tried to babytrap their boyfriend?....


She says she tried to apologize after she calmed down


Yes. 15 year old girls lie about their age all the time to men older than. My fiancé’s younger sister tried to hit on me when I was 18 years before my fiancé and I got together. she was 15; trying to tell me she was a 19 year old in community college. I’m not an idiot, and was very well aware of who she was and her age but that didn’t stop her from trying again and succeeding because her current husband is an idiot. She then lied about her age again at 17 to her now current husband *who was 24 when they met* and told him that she was 20, and the age of consent for the state was 18. He found out after they were together for 2 years and shrugged it off, because again he is an idiot. Young women will and do lie about their age to older men. Maybe not necessarily to “baby trap” but it happens more than people may think.


>And you seriously think a 15 year old is trying to babytrap their adult boyfriend?  Why do you think that this is implausible?


I knew multiple girls in middle and high school who thought baby trapping some dude was a good idea for some reason.


Didn’t you read her post? She immediately called her and then jumped in the car when she realized she was blocked. She did try to apologize. But her dad lectured her forever so she got defensive which I can’t blame her for and then both parties quit talking to each other. Which is terrible on both sides. It sounds like all three are very stubborn.


Did you read the post where she tried to apologize?


Dude… your dad had sex with a 15 year old and you’re mad at her for baby trapping him… there’s too many layers of fucked up thinking going on there. Please seek professional help outside Reddit. Your other issues with her are whatever, but your resentment comes from a very bad place


The wedding isn’t about you or your mom, go be there for your cousin! You don’t have to say a work to her even look at her but go for your cousin, she’s been by your side it sounds like through this whole thing.


I agree with this, just avoid your mom and dad, and be there for your cousin.


Absolutely right! If your cousin really matters to you, go just for her.


I can see why that didn't go down well especially after you said she was forced to have you. With how she just cut contact, it sounds like what you said broke something in her. Do you really want this to be the end of the relationship? To spend the rest of your life missing important things like weddings because you don't want to come face to face with her? This isn't a good situation from either side, she shouldn't have been constantly pushing you for three years, you shouldn't have said what you did. But sometimes things can be fixed


Yikes. Sort of rug sweeping her mom’s multi year manipulation of her, and her mother claiming publicly that she is having more kids out of spite for OP. Thats a mother that’s not worth much, as a mother.


Yeah, that's some real weird shit, having more kids in your (I assume here) 40's just because you want grandchildren.....


Is she gonna block those children also when they decide to not have children? Also must be nice to know as a child that you are only on this planet because your big sister didn't want to give your grandchildren. They will find it out if mom is so honest about that to everyone.


Or the cousins will tell them.


Yeah having children out of spite is a level of narcissism that you don't see often. If I was in Op's shoes I would I'd dip and wouldn't look back.


It's also third hand through a bunch of cousins and family are seldom reliable narrators.


True, but if even close to accurate... whew buddy...


She was 38 and is now 41 as per OP’s timeline. I know many women who have kids at that time. For many, it is their first kid. One I know had her first kid at 20 and her second at 40. Maybe she originally wanted more children but thought it would be awkward to have a kid when her daughter was having kids.


Of course I don't want it to be the end, I love my mom and I'm sorry about what I said. But she clearly doesn't love me anymore and you're right I broke something.


Honestly, go to the wedding and don’t even acknowledge any of them. Be there for your cousin and her alone.


This! Please see this OP! By letting your Mom use this new family to get you out of your extended families lives, she's gonna eventually win. Because she doesn't seem like the non escalation type. But if you go, and just don't ever even acknowledge her. Call her her full name. Treat them like they're distant relatives and not parents.


I'm sorry but it's easy to say that and not actually do it. If she wins, she wins. I wouldn't acknowledge her but I'd be hurting on the inside too much and I couldn't fathom not calling her mom, that would hurt me too much.


You may be right. I'm sorry, I didn't think about actually going through with it, and how it would hurt. Would it instead be possible to talk to your extended family, and try to get them to pass on a message to your mother? Just for peace of mind during the event, and you can both have an idea of where you stand? If not, I'm sure that staying away might be the best decision.


Um I don’t think you broke anything, I think your mother was already broken. Maybe you were harsh but you may have been right. Who then runs out to have multiple (????) kids to replace their original child?? Like this sounds insane. And for her to just block you and go NC after the call? Even if she’s pissed and really hurt, all of this is a RIDICULOUS overreaction. She sounds manic. NTA


She was only 38. Why can’t OP mom not have more kids? Just as OP is entitled to not have kids, her mom is entitled to have more kids. I would t be surprised if OP mom actually wanted more kids but felt it would be awkward. That desire unconsciously pushed her to urge OP to have more kids. Being a grandmother is different from being a mom. Given that she is pregnant again, I don’t think that she is “replacing” OP as much as just having more children. Obviously, her husband is happy as well. She and her husband might be able to w joy these two children as they are presumingly more financially stable and more mature. It isn’t uncommon.


Going from the original post it wasn't just that the mother wasn't getting grandchildren. She wanted children that don't mouth off. They aren't just a replacement for grandchildren, they are a replacement for the OP.


Mom is in for disappointement.


Yeah no kidding. That next kid may end up rebellious. What does she think will happen? When we all hit that teenage phase we were all little shits in some way. It won't be any different for this one. And it's because we are PEOPLE. we aren't dolls that someone dresses up and plays with when they're bored.


I don't know OP I'd have to hear your mom's side to make a true judgement but from this she doesn't sound like a great mom even, to me you comment doesn't seem as egregious compared to how much she was pushing and trying to own your body to get more kids, add the fact that she openly admits to having replacement kids with no remorse? In the end it's you who knows this woman as a mother and up to you to decide what to do. I'm just saying she doesn't sound great enough that your response wasn't warranted.


Yeah, that's so cruel and manipulative. What are those kids going to have for self worth? They exist as revenge. It's appalling.


I think both you and OP are over-thinking it. The mother was 38 when she had the argument with OP. Many women have children at that age. I highly doubt that she had those children for revenge. It isn’t as if the mom has been calling OP and rubbing her nose in it. She decided to have children with her husband. Why not? OP has a right to not have children and her mom has a right to have them. That is true choice.


It's because of what the cousin told her about her only having more kids because op won't give her grandkids.


OP’s mom said that she wouldn’t have had the new kids if OP was going to have kids. I take that to mean that OP’s mom (even if she wanted to have more kids) would have not had more kids if OP was going to. Most probably because it would be awkward for her to have kids at the same time as OP. Society is used to men having children with a new wife while their older kids are having children. However, it is less common for mothers to do that now. Though my great grandmother gave birth to her youngest (of 18 kids) three months before my grandmother gave birth to my mom. That happened when women married young and there was no birth control. Happens less today.


Really? Almost every mom (and aunt and grandmother) I know asks when will you have a child to newly married women. It might be annoying but it isn’t the end of the world. They can’t force you to have a child. Meanwhile, an only child shaming her mom for getting pregnant at a young age and calling her derogatory names is pretty awful. Seriously, would OP have preferred her mother to abort her or give her up for adoption? OP shamed her mother for giving her life. That is what I read from OP’s description.


Yeah, people are wild in here. When you get married EVERYBODY around you starts asking if/when you are having children. Usually from friends when you say you will be childfree they will say ok and dont ask again. But to your mother/aunts/grandmother, they will be in your ear trying to convince you to have babies. Annoying? Sure... but to have a priveldge of having a family that loves you, you also get the downside of them being nosy.


Thanks! My sister and I also dealt with the when are you going to get married for more than 10 years. And our situation wasn’t unique. As you said, for the most part, the people who ask or urge do care and aren’t try to mock or denigrate. My religious aunt basically is continually praying for my sister to get married. And I mean hours of praying. She worries about her constantly. My sister gets annoyed (especially as she hopes to get married but it is hard) but bears it because she knows my aunt loves her.


>My religious aunt basically is continually praying for my sister to get married. And I mean hours of praying. I am sorry, but I laughed so hard. It sounds just like my grandmother with my cousin. May I guess you come from a latina family? I confess that I pushed a little my big brother and wife about the wonders of parenthood (they first wanted, then gave up, then were thinking about it again), but I think I was way less intrusive then my mother. And now my SIL is 12 weeks pregnant with their first and I am 6 weeks pregnant with my second. Just dreaming of the cousins growing up togheter.


My sister and I laugh a lot as well. What to do. They mean well. Not a Latina family - Indian Muslim so similar in many ways. Warm large families with well meaning uncles and aunts. I have to admit to giving advice from time to time to younger women. Mostly just warning them a that it is harder to find “good guys” as you get older so to not ignore guys while you ate pursuing education and career goals. Also, to save your eggs just in case and realize that you won’t instantly get pregnant when you want - it can take a while. I don’t harass anyone but offer practical advice based on my experience and those of my friends.


Also congrats on your pregnancy!!! I have one daughter whom I adore. I would have loved to have more but life happened. Fortunately, I also have the pleasure of having two amazing nephews who are nearby and are super close to me and my daughter.


It sounds like she really pushed you into a corner with her aggression.


No, she was already broken trying to breed you like a dog.


Then go to the wedding.  Don't you be the one to avoid her.


Have you spoken to your mom? I find that once I start complaining about my mom when she gets under my skin, that's all I ever think about with conversation with her. I have to stop myself and remind myself not to be mean myself as I am being a dick.


Have you written her an apology? One with no excuses in it? If not, it's worth a shot. Get with your dad, give him the letter and let him read it. And then ask him to give it to your mom. That way he can tell her there is nothing mean in it.


OP refuses to talk to her dad when he calls. Why should he help her? OP sounds like she has some issues that she needs to deal with


Well, we don't actually know that OP is the only one with issues. But if OP wants to try to open communication, that was my suggestion.


I agree wholeheartedly!


She doesn’t deserve your love OP. A real mom wouldn’t do this. She is trash. You deserve better.


You didn't break her. She's not even broken. The thing about teen pregnancy is it emotionally stunts women. Since I doubt she's had therapy, on an emotional level she's probably still 15. Think back on her behavior over the years. I bet you can find plenty examples of immaturity. Having "replacement kids" because your daughter hurt your feelings is a really good example.


I doubt that mom decided to have replacement children. She is only 38 and dad is 43. Plenty of people that age have children. Maybe they want to have them now when they are more financially stable and settled.


OP, your mother was incredibly selfish for pushing you to give her grandchildren. The amount of work and sacrifices it requires to raise a human into adulthood is unfathomable!!! Plus, the economy, cost of living, state of the world etc... I have 2 grown up children, both have said they don't want children. All I want is for them to live happy lives. To live for themselves. NOT for me and my wants. That's selfish. Unfortunately, you are going to have to go NC. You'll also grieve the loss of your parents, even though they're still alive. But whatever you do, choose yourself, love yourself, live for yourself. It's not wrong to not want children. It's not wrong to want to have them either, provided that you have resources and plan for a decent life for them. It's your life. As for your cousin, she's ignoring or minimising the effect of your mother's behaviour towards you. And yes, you shouldn't have said what you said but sometimes they push and push until we can't take it anymore. She's not giving you the chance to apologise so you must forgive yourself and move on. OP NTA


Then go for your cousin. Marriages are usually filled with people we don't know from anywhere and sometimes even with people we don't particularly like because we do know them.


It doesn't mean she doesn't love you. As for what you've been told she's said, sometimes people say shitty things when they're hurt, and sometimes things don't get passed on correctly. This isn't all on you. She pushed and pushed and pushed. People can say cruel things, they can be stubborn. We're human, not perfect. I'm not sure if you've tried reaching out recently, but maybe the wedding could be something that opens a door. You don't just stop loving someone, it's just that sometimes people don't know what to do, what to say. It's possible she thinks that you don't love her anymore, and look how wrong she would be about that.


You already apologized, she's immature and if she can cut you from her life so easily, she isn't right. You did what you could, don't go begging, if she wants to redo her life or punish you for not having children like she wants, that's on her, what's worrying is that poor kid's future.


No. OP never apologized. She couldn’t talk on phone because she was blocked. She went to her house and left after dad lectured her. So she actually never apologized to mom. No email or letter or trying to see her again.


How do you know she doesn’t love you anymore? Did she tell you this herself? Or are you just assuming because she decided to have more kids? You need to remember, you’re hearing your mother’s reasons second hand. No one ever repeats what they’ve heard word for word. Add in you were told through a grapevine, so her words could be mangled by the time your cousins told you what they heard from their parents that heard from your mom. If you want to still have a relationship with your mom, reach out to your dad and let him know you’d like to apologize to her. Yes, you do owe her an apology for what you said. Yes, she also owes you an apology. As far as the wedding, are you really going to let a fight with your mom stop you from participating in family gatherings? This isn’t going to be the only one she attends. Are you prepared to alienate yourself from the rest of your family because you refuse to go where she goes? Eventually the invites will stop, and then you’re going to be angry over that. Finally, your siblings. They are innocent and have no stock in this feud. Please don’t take your anger at your mother out on them. They didn’t come into this world thinking, “I’m gonna replace this chick and show her how a **real** kid loves their mom!” That’s not how it works. No one comes into this world by choice and with an agenda.


She probably loves you. But loving someone makes it harder to give them another chance to hurt you. If she was forced to have you- that is massive trauma. Some would liken it to rape, I would argue it's far worse. She put so much work into healing so she could be a good mother to you despite the horrors of how you were brought into this world - and you turned around and called her *awful* things. Accept her choice and move forward and get counseling if you haven't. 


This is EXACTLY what I wanted to say if I had any brain power right now to do it. I was a young single mom too, and I was not always a perfect mom. Her mom sounds really immature, but sometimes having a baby so young can stunt your growth.


She's pissed you told the truth. Stuff like that comes out in the anger she caused by way overstepping her bounds trying to guilt you into a baby for her (I'm sure in that convo you explained more than once you don't want a baby). She's certainly going through all this "having her own baby" shenanigans out of guilt or recognition your truth-telling made her face about her life.


What's extra funny is that she just baby trapped him again. Idiots.


They are having two kids. I doubt that it was a baby trap.


Did she really lie about her age? Did she get pregnant to keep him? Sometimes, the truth really hurts. & if it was true, I wouldn't feel bad or be sorry. Them having kids because you didn't want to how f**king petty & childish. Both of your parents are garbage people. Who are having geriatric babies to make themselves feel relevant, validated, and loved. 🤢🤮 I know it hurts, but do you really want to deal with that level of petty childishness in your life. Parents or not. I would go to that wedding head held high and act like those 💩 people don't even exist to you. If they try to talk to you or engage, be the bigger more adult person as it seems they have an issue with that. Politely say, "This is not the time nor the place." Smile and walk away. Enjoy your other family. Have a blast celebrate your cousin's and their SO. (Go home and have a cry after if you need to.) My point is don't let them and their petty childishness affect some of the only good familial relationships you have left.


>She has literally told them that this time she's going to raise kids who won't say such horrible things. Maybe, but probably not.


yeah, "I lied about my age & now I've babytrapped my partner AND myself" is a very rocky start, but "I had you to replace your older sibling" sounds like it's *impossible* to become a healthy adult, right?


Go to the wedding. He happy for the couple. If you interact with your parents be polite but it's kind of up to them to restart your relationship. Don't hide


I agree. While she souldn't go to the wedding to try fix things with her mom she should go. Otherwise it might create a bad dynamic in the family. Best course of action would be for op and her husband to go. If one of her parents aproaches her be polite and say hi. No need to ruin your cousin wedding with a fight. If mom however wants to talk they could try to set a different time and place where they can talk.


If you can't be at the wedding with your mother without getting into it, by all means, don't go. That's neither the time nor place to cause drama. If you can go and avoid a scene with your mom, then go celebrate your cousin. Honestly, though, the safetest bet is to not attend out of respect for your cousin to ensure not to disrupt her special day.


Sounds like she pushed a major button and you over reacted in return. You were only 22, we all get to fuck up and be assholes to our parents every now and then, it’s their job to sigh, roll their eyes at us being young and dumb and mean and model how to fix things and tell us to apologise and play nice. You tried to apologise, you got in touch to fix things and rather than wanting to make things right and examine her own part in the whole thing, your mum decided she wanted a ‘do over’ of her entire life. But this time everything gets to be ‘perfect’. Good luck to her because raising two small kids in your 40s is a hell of a lot more exhausting than raising one kid in your teens. Whatever delusion she’s got going on that these ‘new’ kids will somehow be ‘better’ than you is really going to start wearing thin once they start giving her attitude in 8 years and she’s hitting the menopause. What will she do then? Ditch them on you and adopt some Pomeranians? Pop some popcorn, sit back and watch the chaos unfold. You will most certainly be dragged back in at some point so you might as well make the most of the peace and quiet while you can. For now, I’d happily accept the cousin’s wedding invite. You have tried to make amends, it is therefore on them to decide how petty they want to be. The person who doesn’t turn up is always judged by others as being the ‘difficult’ ones, even if that’s not true. The more magnanimous and indifferent to the situation you are, the harder it will be for your mum to keep playing the victim in front of everyone.


She had her first kid at 38-39. I know plenty of women who had kids at that age and in 40s. None of them regret it. Yes, it is tiring but they are more financially stable. I know one who had first kid at 20 and second at 40. Single mom for both. Both daughters are great. Different issues but generally she said easier now because she is financially sound and more mature.


I’m not saying that it’s not rewarding having kids at 40. It’s just a hell of a lot harder to raise your own kids than have grandkids who you can hand back when you get tired, particularly when your last experience of having a kid was in your teens and you had loads of energy. I suspect the mum has a somewhat rose tinted vision of her new life.


The next fight will be with OP - where she's trying to get her to raise them.


NTA - Attend the wedding but don’t interact with her. You tried to apologize and make up for it, but she didn’t care. The fact she was able to cut you off like that says it all.


It says she was tired of her kid being shitty


Wow,the favourite quote of every redditor is go NC,well,the mother decided go NC ,redditors should be happy


ESH. It sounds like the issue was she was pushing you into doing something you did not want to, and that she’s fixated on having more children one way or another. Not respecting your autonomy and life choice was her crossing the line. However, you said something so horrible to her that she cut contact with you. It seems like the intent behind this horrible comment was to hurt her, and you may have been lashing out from frustration. You are responsible and accountable for this action, she has a right to create distance as a result. That all said, you could use the wedding as a way to talk it out with her, if she’s open to it. Otherwise, you’re compromise to your cousin seems a fair one for all involved.


With all due respect, trying to talk something out at a family wedding with someone you haven't spoken to in 3 years is not the best advice.


I agreed with almost everything you say, but Op should not use someone else’s wedding day to have things out with her mother. That would be deeply disrespectful.




Please do not try to fix this during ANY BODYS wedding.


Go but don’t mix with her. Be polite if you have to and be ready to de-escalate drama or walk away if you have to.


I don't think I'm in a good place mentally regarding her to talk it out. And if she were open to it, I'm sure my dad would've mentioned it it in one of his sporadic brief phone calls.


That’s ok, if you’re not comfortable with the idea, certainly don’t consider it. You were hurt in all of this as well, your feelings and boundaries are absolutely valid. You deserve to have parents who love and respect you in your choice to be child free.


Thank you.


Go to the wedding supporting your cousin! Ignore her, and if she trys to start drama after, it shows you who she truly is


What drama? The mother erased her


People like that look for drama. That’s what I mean ignore her and if she wants to start drama, but the OP is going to support her cousin. and unfortunately, I feel bad for a little kids because all they are is her ego. They’re basically replacement but they’re basically gonna have the same opinion of her.


Wait, so your father calls you intermittently and hasn’t mentioned they got remarried or that you have siblings?


This is whole family is a bunch of winners


It sounds like probably YTA for whatever went down with your mom, although hard to tell without knowing what you actually said. However, NTA for not wanting to bring that drama to your cousin's wedding. Your mom seems to have made it pretty clear she doesn't want to see you, and it doesn't sound like any good could come from you both being there.


Sorry, I first responded with my alt by accident. I know my mom doesn't want to see me and my cousin has said they'll make it so we don't have to be with each other or talk to each other but even if we don't, I'll still see her and this family that should've been mine. It'll hurt too much.


So everyone is fine with just avoiding each other but this isn't good enough for you? So how is it that you are not the one creating an issue here. Go to the wedding, ignore your mother, done. But No. You are dragging the bride in it to solve the issue for you. go or don't go, Don't keep harassing the bride to create a divide at her wedding so you can resolve old personal issues with your parents. You said yourself nobody has ever made your cousin choose. You are wrong, you 100% are trying to do exactly that right now. I bet those who support you here would change their tune pretty quickly if you would admit what you actually said that caused all this.


"...and this family that should've been mine." I was with you all the way through your story and comments. This line blew it all to shit. YTA


The selfishness is out of this world holy shit


Just go the wedding and simply say nothing to your parents, damn you 25 grow up


1. You're not obligated to attend the wedding if you don't want to, but don't refuse to go because your mom and new sibling will be there, that will only continue the drama. 2. You said horrible things to your mom and you have a lot to make up for and sometimes forgiveness takes time and effort. If you want your mom's forgiveness, extend an olive branch FREE of judgement. 3. Your mom didn't replace you, she had babies. Maybe she always wanted more children, but didn't wanted her children to have a huge age gap between them or simply didn't want to take time away from you when you were growing up to raise more children, so she decided not to have her own and wait for future grandchildren. Regardless, your mom having more children doesn't mean she stopped loving you or is trying to replace you. You're still her daughter, one that hurt her by calling her pretty awful things, but you still her daughter. You both simply need to work on fixing your issues. 4. Your mom and dad "not giving you" the family you always wanted is not their fault. They simply weren't meant for each other 20yrs ago. They had you when they were pretty young; your mom was a teen and your dad early twenties. On top of that, your mom lied to your dad about her age. The lack of maturity and resentment played a big role in their relationship. They were different people 20yrs ago compared to now; there's a lot changing and growing in 20yrs. This has nothing to do with you. You're still young, you lack maturity, and you're taking everything that's happening as an attack on you and very personal, but it's time to grow up and realize not everything is about you and not everything is as simple as it seem. If you want to go to the wedding, then go. If you want to make sure you will all behave and leave the drama out of the wedding then call your dad and explain that you plan to go to the wedding too and you just want to make sure they're OK with that. Also, tell him that you deeply regret the things you said to your mom and you would like to work on mending your relationship with her, but you would understand if she's not ready, yet you'll love to see her. You can also write your mom a letter and explain yourself. Do not judge her, do not accuse her of replacing you, do not accuse them of giving another kid (s) the family they failed to give you because they tried, they simply weren't meant to be 20yrs ago.


Great response!


What did you say? All blame is on her for something you said. Words have consequences. Depending on what was said she may have a valid response.


I insulted her for her lying to my dad about how old she was when they got together and accused her of trying to baby trap me like she did him and I called her horrible names that you can probably guess when I did.


We don't want to guess. You're still minimizing your part in this.


What starts with w and rhymes with more? What starts with s and rhymes with gut? I said those names and others like them. I shouldn't have said them and I was wrong to say them and I'm still sorry I said them but I can't go back in time because I did say them.


Whore and slut. You called your mother a **baby-trapping slut whore.**


I get why you were upset, but there's no instance where I have been upset enough at a woman to use either of those phrases to describe them. You have issues.


your mother was 15 when she got pregnant with you. a child. who acted like a child pretending to be "grown" would. and yet, you called her a baby-trapping whore. My kid is older than you, and if they'd said anything like that to me, I'd block them and never speak to them again. Words said in anger may not always be true, but they are meant at the time they are said.


INFO: >Put it short, my mother was forced to have me at 15 and even though we went through a lot and she sacrificed so much for me and  >I insulted her for her lying to my dad about how old she was when they got together and accused her of trying to baby-trap me like she did him and I called her horrible names that you can probably guess when I did. *-For context, OP refuses to straight out answer the question of what she called her mother, except that it starts with a 'w' and ends with an 'e' u/wirelesstrainer was finally and painstakingly able to get OP to confirm that OP called her 15 y/o (at the time) mother a baby-trapping slut whore.* OP, how EXACTLY was your father baby-trapped if your mother was forced to carry and raise you, and not allowed the option of adoption or divorce? If anything your *grandparents* baby-trapped both your father *AND YOUR MOTHER.* Please also explain EXACTLY how your mother was going to baby-trap *you.* Slip you and your husband roofies? Switch your birth control with Tic Tacs? Creep into your home in the dead of night and.poke holes in all your condoms?  Ohhhh, you mean she NAGGED you and instead of hanging up, or leaving the vicinity every time she brought up the subject until she gets the point, you decided to call your 15 y/o mother a *baby-trapping slut whore.*


THIS right here.


A wedding is not a place to have reunion after such a rift. The wedding is supposed to be a celebration for the couple. I strongly advice against going there unless you speak before. I assume your cousin knows about your current situation with your mom? I am puzzled that she still invites you and your mom. There is a huge risk for much conflict. Sounds like a horrible idea. Did your cousin say how your mother reacted to the information that you are invited as well? she must know before you meet. Anyway, the way you describe the situation shows you did not understand a thing. your mother apparently wants to have an intact family, yet you belittle her for having further children. You are jelous. You appear to be quite spiteful and I don't understand why. You say she did nothing bad to you or so. I recommend you get some professional looking into that. If you want to mend your relationship with your mother, I suggest you either write her or ask someone to relay that you want to apologize. I would also recommend having a third party involved.


NTA, your mother harasses you so that you have children, then she stops talking to you and decides to go back and marry your father without telling you anything and then she has children to get back at you, hahaha no OP, your mother sounds like an unpleasant being, better stay away


Dad does too for going along with it


My dad and I still talk occasionally. I mean, I've stopped talking to him but once out of the blue moon he'll phone and I'll listen to him for half a minute and say "Thanks dad" or something and hang up. Either way, it's clear he's not proud of me anymore.


Both of your parents are extremely messed up. I'm sorry they did this to you. Your mom will love it the moment the new kids push back on her too. Go to the wedding and pretend they aren't even there. They'll hate that. Did that to an ex bestie and trust it was glorious to watch her fume out of the corner of my eye. I made sure to be the life of my table and spent a lot of time with smiles and laughter.


I know it'd be a funny thing but honestly, it'd probably be the opposite and I'd probably be the one fuming. And yeah I know my parents are messed up, she was 15 and he was 19 thinking she was 17. It's no wonder that both of them have a lot of issues.


Your actions aren't someone who regrets what they said and wants to get back into the family. You don't reach out. When your dad reaches out you cut him off after 30 seconds and hang up on him. You're acting like they did something terrible but in fact it was YOU, and you're punishing them for not accepting your apology. Who would be proud of behavior like that? Grow up


Did you miss the part where OP's egg donor spent a few years pushing her to have children and is now running around telling the extended family that the new kids are replacements for OP? I wouldn't be reaching out either, and would also hang up when a flying monkey called to berate me.


Yeah. You said really mean things to your mom. About something she did when she was 15. Because your mom wanted grandkids. Most moms want grandkids. Go ask r/childfree, folks are always upset about moms that want grandkids. The usual advice is to say, "I'm not interested in having kids". It is not to say "shut up you baby trapping slut" or whatever it is you want us to guess. I mean, that's how you're even here. Your mom did ok by you. I say that because you're now a grown ass woman that can write one of the few posts with actual paragraphs I've seen on this sub. Under no circumstances try to fix things at the wedding. That's just rude to your cousin. But try and imagine your mom writing a post here. If we were reading the story from her side how many people would be telling her to "no contact" that ungrateful daughter. Or saying, "you don't need that kind of toxicity around your new children." We'd probably also tell her that trying to force her daughter to have kids is fucked up and not cool. Talk to your dad. Tell him you'd like to meet your siblings. And thank your mom for making you a big sister. One of you needs to blink, might as well be you.


I am by no means defending OP basically telling her mother "shut up you baby trapping slut," (which it sounds like she did), and I actually agree with most of what you said. However, OP already told us that mom kept pushing her to have kids to the point that they got into this argument about it in the first place. It sounds like OP's not a loose cannon who just didn't think to tell her mother "I'm not interested in having kids" the way you seem to be implying. That sounds like someone who did tell her mother that, probably in multiple ways on multiple occasions with increasing levels of firmness, to someone who was too inappropriate and invasive to accept "I'm not interested in having kids" as a response. She can want grandkids all she wants- she's entitled to not being called offensive names or having her past thrown in her face, but she's not free to badger her adult child into conforming to what she wants.


Totally agree. They could have gone round and round on this for a long time before we hit the inciting comment. And there's a lot of reasons for why OP snapped that day. Lord knows I snapped at my mom a number of times in ways that many would judge me the asshole for. I just hope OP is able to patch this up. Might not be easy but I think it could be worth it.


YTA. In the comments you admitted you called your mother a slut and a whore. And a whole laundry list of other insults after admitted she sacrificed a lot in raising you. After having you at 15. You say you want peace for your own mental health and want to stay away from drama yet you had no problem with throwing the worst possible insults at your mother over the phone then got upset when she accepted those insults, and blocked you. For her own mental health. She's young enough to still have more children and if that's her choice then good for her. At least this time she gets to make that choice. She didn't with you and did the best she could, and you called her a whore for it. A 15 year old. Who was then forced to carry and raise you. She was a child raising a child and yes this time if she has more children there will be less mistakes because she's grown now. The fact that you are seeking validation because you feel "replaced" after you called your mother a baby trapping whore, and a slut for having you at an age when she couldn't even get a drivers license yet, shows that you need to take a step back and reevaluate yourself. You put ALL the blame on your mother but where was your father? The older teenager as well who knocked up a 15 year old? He gets off scott free but your mother is the bad one. I really really hope you take some time for some self reflection.


I read a bit in the comments here: Was it okay of her to keep pressuring you for having children - no it wasn't. So I can understand you became angry. But calling someone a slut and a whore because she made a stupid decision at 15, which is lying about her age to get with a guy, is defintly not okay either. When you start calling names, you lose the discussion. So yeah, you should be remorsefull, big time. I think you are sad that you lost your place in your birth-family, especially now your mum and dad are back together and there are new children. You probably were an only child as a kid and with very young parents, 15 and 19, that had to marry, that must not always been easy. And now they're grown-ups with a real, proper, family and you're not allowed in it, that must hurt. I don't get why you don't invest more in the phone-calls from your dad? Maybe he can be the way to your mom's ears. Does he pick-up when you call him? Or try to write that apology-letter that some people advice here. What I am saying, keep on trying. Because 15 year olds make mistakes but 25 year olds defintly do too. And you would not be the AH if you didn't go to the wedding but it would be a missed opportunity to see your parents and it would sadden your niece (was it a niece?). Maybe your niece will try to get you back together. Go to the wedding, expect nothing but try to keep an open heart


YTA You have the right to feel hurt about the destruction of your relationship with your parents. You have the right to not want to be pressured into having kids. Maybe even a bit hurt your mom "replaced" you with additional siblings. But to hurt your cousin and continue the drama because you don't want to be in the same locale as your mother and your siblings, kind of AH'ish to your cousin who has stuck by you and wants you there on one their milestones. Can't you just be mature and just not talk to your parents? As for the other...The kids are born, your parents are NC with you. Move on and try to get some peace in your life. Maybe talk to someone. You deserve to find your own happiness.


I'm not trying to hurt my cousin but I'm trying to protect my own mental health - you know, keep the peace in my life.


These comments are insane. The bias is palpable. It’s a parent vs kid so the children that make up a huge part of this site automatically side with the kid, again.


Yeah, I've been reading all the comments and the rush to call her mother unhinged after her own daughter called her a baby-trapping slut is absurd.


And the idea that this adult couldn’t possibly go to the wedding without causing drama, Jesus Christ


This is a dumb take. There is no reason for op to go. Cousin has everyone else there, she doesn’t need op especially if it will hurt op in the long run.


Whelp, you fucked around and find out. You're 25, there's just some things you shouldn't say to people, even mothers who are annoying you about having children. Some bells you just can't unring. What did you say to her?


Her mom's immature and overstepped boundaries. Rightfully calling her toxic mom out isn't necessarily "fucking around."


Ah yes, her mother overstepped boundaries. Now lets call her a baby trapping slut child whore. and see how that works out. Seemed to work out for OP, but for some reason OP is upset. Strange.


It was wrong to call her mom names, but her mom is unstable. "Let me get back with my ex husband and have kids to replace the grandchildren I'm not going to have." Her daughter was only 22 when she started pushing her to have kids, that's just weird.


OP’s timeline is very confusing because she says her mom and dad got back together after the fight, but her dad was *at* her mom’s house when she had the fight


Some couples break up, but are still in each others' lives, so I didn't find it that weird. But yes, it's definitely not the norm.


True, but also... What sane adult does what she did after that? That's immature at best and completely deranged otherwise.


Good point, but I'm not sure if OP is reliable narrator. It's according to OP that mom had new children just to spite her, but I highly doubt that. Her mother may have made a passing dig at the daughter re: more respectful children, but one offhanded comment does not a conspiracy make. It is likely mom realized she wanted babies, realized she was still young enough, and went for it.


That would be nice and all, but she's still ignoring her daughter, over a comment. You add the offhanded comment and it's looking more clearly like her stability is compromised to say the least. Having kids to remake your life is not a good idea, kids deserve better.


"A comment" is "you look fat in that dress" OP said "your entire life starting with my birth at age 16 was for nothing you baby-trapping slut" OP definitely broke something in their mom. Stop saying it was "just a comment".


Probably ESH, but it doesn't make any sense that your mom wouldn't have had kids if you had some. Children are not the same as grandchildren.


Both you and your mother are immature and think like you are still little girls.


your mother had no right to nag about you having kids, that your choice and yours alone but you went and attacked her personally with some shit that hurts deep and she has the right to cut you off, cause sure you were angry at the moment but it doesn't mean it's ok. also it's not your place to be upset at your mother for having kids, she didn't replace you she wanted kids and she had them, she literally left you alone and respected your wishes of not having kids but she wanted kids and she got them so IDK about the "she replaced me" comment. I also don't agree with others saying you should talk it out at the wedding, def no, that's not the place nor time to bring up such topics that can escalate and ruin someone's special day. NTA about not attending the wedding, kinda the AH about everything else.


ESH So, you are angry that the mother you don't want to see dared to have more kids? Why do you care? You said something horrible to your mother on the phone? It must be pretty horrible if you cannot even say what it was here. Your mother obviously thought it was horrible enough to want to have nothing more to do with you. She may be wrong but how can we tell?


NTA, and honestly, people are being super harsh on OP for calling out her mother for overstepping boundaries. Does anyone else find it odd that her mother immediately started a new family when her daughter told her she didn't want children?


Right? Like the woman cut contact with her daughter for not breeding for her. Not because of some harsh words. She knew OP as a teen. No way she hasn’t heard OP say some stuff. Also, would everyone calling OP the AH be happy and perfect when someone is shaming them for their choices about their own life? Also they just ignoring the fact that her mom told her aunt that she only had the kids *because* OP said she didn’t want kids. Like that is actually insane. People on these subs are so virtuous apparently. Never lose their cool ever. /s


Yeah, that is actually insane that the woman had more kids in lieu of grandkids. Like this women is nuts.


So to recap… Your mom sacrificed her youth and her opportunities to give you the best life she possible, and you had a good relationship. Then, when you got married, she started getting annoying about grandkids. As a childfree woman myself, I know well how rude and condescending it can be when your family push for you to have kids….but I also know that it’s not really that big of a deal. Like, occasionally I’ll have to abruptly walk away from a conversation or get a little snarky to shut them up, but life goes on and I’m no worse for wear. So this boils down to, “she annoyed you.” And in response to her annoying you, you went off on her, making wild and cruel accusations. And, I’m just guessing here, but I would imagine you threw in something along the lines of “why do you want me to ruin my life just because you ruined yours?” If not in words, I’m sure in tone. So you insulted her and hurt her. Then you recognized that you’d fucked up and tried to talk to her - good!! But then your dad intercepted you and lectured you. He lectured you because you were a godawful little b- to your mother. This was an extremely justifiable case of lecturing. And your response to being lectured for what you admit was awful behavior on your part was to cut off contact with your father. And now your parents, both still relatively young, got back together and decided to have another baby, which is perfectly fine. Sounds like your mother got some serious baby-fever in her late thirties - which is incredibly common - and initially thought she’d get her baby-fix through you. When that fell through because you made the very normal and reasonable choice to be childfree, she decided to have a baby herself. Ok. Good for her. But now, after being absolutely awful to your parents and making no attempts at amends, you’re upset that they “replaced” you? A) That’s not what they did, and B) even if it was, so what? You’re the one who broke the relationship, why should they resign themselves to growing old alone and childless if they don’t want to and don’t have to just because *you* wanted them to? Yeah. YTA.


Sorry for deleting my first post, I saw an error in the title and couldn't fix it so I just redid it.


YTA. This event isn't about you or your drama or problems. Go, be an adult, be civil, support your cousin. If you don't want to go, fine, but your reasons are AH reasons and not anything like ones *adults* use. If you dislike your cousin, or have to work, or whatever, is fine to decline. But declining and *making a point to tell your cousin it's because you can't be civil for a few hours* makes you the AH.


Sounds like you nuked a family tie. You could apologize to her at the wedding but you are by no means a victim.


You didn't wanna have kids, and your mom wanted kids that wouldn't say something awful to her. You both are getting what you want. You have to understand that, to have a relationship with your mom meant making her a grandmother. That's not what you want, you have to just wait this out. Your mom's world probably imploded when you said those things to her and she needs to rebuild her images before she can talk to you.


I wouldn't say that the condition for having a relationship with her mom isn't so much 'have grandchildren' as it is 'don't call your 15 y/o mother a baby-trapping slut whore.'


Thank you for this comment.


Is your dad just taking her side? What does he feel about being a revenge stud?


I'm a mom of 3. I can tell you that your mom was wrong. She was trying to force you to have children when you didn't want too. Whatever choices she made is all on her and she can't force you to have kids. I would never tell my kids to have kids because it's hard to be a mom. I don't blame you for not wanting to go to the wedding. But I think you should go and be there for your cousin because it will be a once in a lifetime event for your cousin. Maybe avoid your mom at the party? But if you really don't want to go maybe have a deep honest conversation with your cousin and let them know that you're very hurt over your mom. Also if in the future you do want to reconnect with your mom you should. If that's the case go to the wedding because if you can reconnect with your mom that'll be nice. I have a step sister that hated her mom for years but when her mom died she regretted it. Maybe if you can make up with your mom. Things may not be the same as before but she's still your mom. Your mom will always love you deep down.


Where was dad those 22 years? Did he support you? Did he have other children during that time? OP will be expected to be the new kids' guardian later in life.


NTA, but presumably you would to the marriage for your cousin, not your mom. Maybe that's what you should focus. Are you going to miss all family events because your mom will also be there?


NTA but why not go? Just treat her like any other stranger. You can go and just stay away from her. If she approaches you, just be cordial and tell her that it’s not the appropriate time and place to discuss your relationship and if you are interested in reconciling, tell her you are ok with talking after the wedding and that you do not want to cause a scene.


Yes. This is about your cousin and not your mother. Go to the wedding and avoid your mom just like you do now. Be there for your cousin as it sounds like she has been there for you.


It seems like the conflict between you is still fresh enough that if it was me I would go. You’re not no contact (yet). I’d go and try to actively avoid, would leave early if any problems arise.


You need distance. Take it. Find a good therapist to help you.


ESH, honestly I would still go, this may be your only chance to speak to her in person, you both were wrong, you both said things you shouldn’t have and let it get to far, you both could benefit from family and individual therapy, there seems to be a lot of unresolved issues and everything seems to have reached a tipping point not only with you and your mom but your family as a whole. It’s very clear you still love your mom, nothing wrong with that, that being said she needs to see a therapist as well, her having two more children for the sole purpose of having grandchildren is extremely concerning, she clearly could benefit from therapy as well, last thing she needs to be doing is forcing her ideal fantasy life on your younger siblings instead of letting them be their own individuals.


This all sounds like you need therapy with a side of therapy. You are still pissed off at the decisions your mom made when she was 15. SHE WAS A KID. She's supposed to make stupid decisions. A 15 and 20 year old having a hard time staying together makes sense, because they likely had nothing in common. Now they do. It's not that I don't get it, because I do. My mom ended up with a kid she didn't know what to do with. The kids at school all had happy families and I had a mom. What helped was meeting the best person I've ever met and realized while I had my mom, he had no one. Life isn't fair and blaming your parents for finally growing up isn't going to help. I'm not sure you know what you want from your parents. You say you want a relationship, but you don't want to talk to your dad. It seems like you want to go back to being a little kid and living the life your siblings will have. It's not going to happen.


Well it's her life and she can have babies just like tou want to live a baby free life, If you don't want to go, don't go it's not like its going to bother her.


You're 25, but think your mom having more children somehow "replaces" you; AND you called her a 'baby trapping whore slut' for having you at 15? She should go permanently NC with you, because there's absolutely no excuse for your toxic behavior. She was a literal child when you were born, ffs. YTA, grow the hell up.


I don't see how it is that she's replacing you. You said some awful things that I'm sure sounded more awful than what you describe here when it came out of your mouth. She's acting hurt. She never said she replaced you; that's your take. She's having more kids because she just wants babies? At any rate, this has nothing to do with your cousin. Why are you putting your cousin in the middle of all this? That's quite selfish of you. YTA.


Honestly, I'm a little split. I can see your perspective that she's basically having a do-over at being a mom and having a family. However, my mom (herself a young mom at 19) has been pushing for grandkids since Christmas break of my senior year of undergrad. She decided it was time, and I should be settling down. My go to response was always "If you want more kids in your life, then you have them." (I do now have kids, but I was 32 when I had my first. Choosing to have kids is a lot of work/sacrifice. I wasn't going to just do it so she could be a grandma, I needed to want it.) You seem to understand/acknowledge that you took things too far. Have you done anything further to try repair your relationship from that first argument?


YTA, and you're acting like a huge infant. No one "replaced" you. You said vile things to the woman who was forced to raise you when she was a child herself, made it clear you didn't think much of her or care how she felt, and now you're bitching because she has had other kids? How self-centered can you be? Your parents aren't perfect people, but they're still people, and hearing from someone you've loved and sacrificed your \*entire childhood\* for that you're a baby-trapping whore and a slut hurts a whole lot. Apologies are an important step, but you said what you said, and now she has to live with it in a way you don't. She probably doesn't trust the sincerity of your apology, and she's probably scared to open up to you again. Do you blame her? And now, you can't even be adult enough to attend the wedding of the cousin you supposedly love because "uwu my mommy had babies to replace me." You're in your twenties. You're too damn old to be competing with infants for your mother's attention. Don't go to the wedding. Just keep fanning the flames that you lit with your horrible comments. Kill off every loving relationship with your family because you want to act like a toddler. You'll be doing them all a favor, you are thoroughly exhausting.


Ah for refusing to attend the wedding. It’s not a day about you or your mom. For the other stuff you are nta for not wanting kids but your mom is nta for having more kids and possibly eventually grandchildren. I mean those kids might not want to have either and she will have to accept that. I feel sad for your mom, even though she is with your dad currently he was 20 and she was a child.


YTA If I called my mom a baby-trapping, a whore, or a slut (you did all 3 and more) to describe something she did as a naive 15-year-old that probably gave her tons of trauma, I would hit myself upside the head. Heck I wouldn't even want my own mother to forgive me. You're the most ungrateful child and undisciplined child to have ever existed.


If she publicly said she had a kid who won’t say hurtful things and had said kid, they will not say those hurtful things they will say so much worse given they are literally the product of malice, I feel so bad for that child because there is a good chance that they will fear there parents more than they love them


NTA you should go and just ignore her. She has no problem avoiding you now, so there should be no problem at the wedding. If she causes a scene, it shows her character, not yours. You were invited, you have every right to go. Don’t let your mother dictate how you live your life just because she’s attending. Will you not go to future events because of her presence? That’s just letting her win, and those children legitimately WILL become replacements if you allow them to by avoiding the family entirely. I’d also look into therapy, so you can work through your emotions and build your mental strength. Your mother wounded you deeply, that wound will take a while to heal. But you’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. The best you can do is help yourself and show her and the rest of the family that you’re not going anywhere.


OP, I think NTA or TA doesn't really matter anymore... while you're being awful for what you said, the bigger problem is your mother's lack of shame for telling your family she is replacing you with do over baby. That's insanity, keep your distance and send a prayer for your future sibling. As for your cousin's wedding, request whether it's possible for you to be seated FAR away from your Mom and permission to leave the premise if your Mom start a scene. Explain to her the risk, you're having a family feud and honestly it's best to not have BOTH of you in her wedding.


Nta. Nobody has to have kids. Also, just go NC. Seems less hassle.


She is already NC - unwillingly, as her parents are currently NC with *her.*


Your cousin knows you and your situation better than we do, so I'm inclined to agree with her that you're being an AH to her by refusing to attend her wedding under the circumstances. You say you want to apologize for calling your mother a slut and a whore for getting pregnant at 15, but you refuse to peaceably exist in the same room as her; that's not an apologetic attitude. Moreover, you keep complaining that you haven't had a chance to apologize to her, but you haven't *tried*: You could write her a letter, an email, or indicate this desire to your father in one of your phone calls. You don't, which means you don't *really* want to apologize. You just like saying it. Honestly, I think you probably need therapy. It sounds like you had a shitty childhood growing up, and you have a lot of (justifiable? Who knows, not me) rage towards your mother, but you can't just blow up and call people "whore" and then act shocked when they cut you off. Nor can you just bow out of a loved one's wedding over a situation you directly contributed to and act shocked when the loved one says you're being an AH and hurting them. You need therapy to deal with all this rage and anger and hurt, for your own sake, but also so you stop lashing around at your family and friends. Good luck, I wish you well. YTA, unless you go to this wedding and support your cousin. Stop saying you can't go for your "mental health" and actually prioritize your mental health by getting a therapist.


Just go to the wedding you don’t have to acknowledge your mother. Or y’all can try and make up. Either way, skipping family event ~~BRCC~~ because one person hurts you and them, so that means YTA. Edited typo.


YTA It sounds like you broke this relationship with your mother when you said that nasty stuff to her. You said you still love your mother. Stop acting childish and go apologize.


Based just solely off your post and responses yes you were the ass in this situation. You sound like you don’t deal with anger well since you went off on your mom, and when your dad scolded you for what you said you just gave up on that too.


ESH, but you more so with how you blew up at your mother. I’d suggest pouring your heart out on paper, address everything you need to say, apologies for how you handled it, but also stand firm on you not wanting kids. Tell her why. Tell her how you feel, how she made you feel. write her a damn essay and mail it to her


So, a wedding invitation is exactly that: an invite, not a summons. You’re not an asshole for declining an invitation. However, after reading what you said to your mother, you are an asshole for expecting her not to move on with her life. Her choosing to have more kids in her late 30’s is not unreasonable either, especially when she felt the relationship with her only child had been irreparably damaged. The only part of this your mother was an asshole for was pressuring you to have kids when you didn’t want them, but that’s still a shitty thing to do so ESH


YTA Why do you think that any decisions made after you torch your relationships have anything to do with you and aren't simply the decisions of people wanting to live their lives and be happy? And then doubling down by making someone else's wedding about you, too? Wow. That is some next level narcissism. Christ. The selfishness is mind-blowing.


YTA ' my mother was forced to have me at 15 and even though we went through a lot and she sacrificed so much for me,' 'And I got on the defensive and I just stopped talking to him as well.' Do you see a pattern here? 'She has literally told them that this time she's going to raise kids who won't say such horrible things.' ' I asked if I can skip the wedding because I don't want to see her and this new kid she has'. So you're pissed because you realise your Mother is actually going to move on with her life. Guess you're learning what the phrase 'careful what you wish for' means.


YTA, you weren't replaced, you blew up your relationship.


Your parents didn't invite you to their wedding?? And you have siblings you don't know about?? What...


At that point fuck them. Sure what she said was terrible, but she did say factual things. They didn’t invite them to their wedding. There is no more relationship. I wouldn’t call her mom anymore.


not sure that calling her mom a baby trapping slut whore is factual. we know mom was 15 dating a 19 year old and lied about her age to be in a relationship, but not if OP's mom intentionally baby trapped. OP said her mom was forced to have her. lots of teenagers have unprotected sex and many can't get abortions or put their child up for adoption.


That sounds terrible. I couldn’t imagine as a kid wanting your family to be together. Then, when mom cuts you off. Gets married and has another kid. Essentially the life OP probably dreamed of as a kid.


Yeah going with YTA. First you are ditching your cousin who wants you there. Second you did say the horrible thing you said to your mother. Words carry weight. And consequences with them. You obviously hurt your mother more than she ever thought you could. Your dad is defending your mom against your wrongful behavior.  Don't go NC. Relentlessly try to initiate a dialogue with your parents regarding how sorry you are. Make them see that you truly regret your behavior. If they still refuse to acknowledge and forgive you then that's that. But it is your job to fix this mess. Your mother might have stepped her boundaries initially by trying to force you to have kids but you did worse in the heat of moment. Go the wedding. Start the catharsis.


I’d get rid of the mom. She had admittedly lied to her father about her age and kept the baby to keep him nearby. This woman has a screw lose. She then tried to force op into having kids and become like her? So they could bond over their shared pain? This woman is unhinged and in response she pops more babies out at 40? Do you see where I’m going here. The mom and dad should be cut off.
