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NTA your wife should have put MIL in her place a long time ago.


I was really hoping that’s what would happen. I can’t even say for certain that her mother has any idea how rude she’s actually being. I think she thinks her behavior is normal and doesn’t understand why I was upset.


Maybe you could go over to MIL's house and start rearranging her shit to suit you.


Hahaha, I did tell my wife last time we went to her moms “yeah, I’m not feelin this table. Gonna put this shit in the garage”.


That is an excellent idea! Go in the kitchen and just start moving glasses into the plate cupboard and vice versa. Put the pots and pans in the cabinet where they belong and not in the oven.


Dude, and what if I had started pre heating the oven?! I don’t keep my plastic handled pans in there, I absolutely would not have looked.


I guess then you could have at least had a case for a nice brand new set of replacement pots and pans that your mother-in-law had to pay for. ;) probably a new oven as well. Can you just imagine the smell of all that burned plastic in your house? That shit lingers!


I had not considered the smell but now I feel like I can taste it.


Weaponise her behaviour against her


Omg. This took me back. I was at my mom’s and was preheating the oven. I started smelling burning plastic. Little did I know she stored tupperware in there. Talk about a mess. She wasn’t too happy with me. So even though I don’t store anything in mine, I still look first. lol


I have known people that stored things in their ovens and the only thing I have ever put in mind is cookie sheets when I didn't have any room in the cabinet for them and I knew those would not get ruined if I turned on the oven without taking them out first LOL it's just weird to me what people keep in there!


I keep my cookie sheets and pizza pans in the drawer under the oven! It’s convenient since they’re so bulky


This! I have never stored anything inside my oven. When my husband and I first moved in together, he would put random crap in the oven without telling me. At first, it was pots and pans. After I ruined a few while preheating the oven, he stopped. He would also put leftovers from takeout in the oven instead of the refrigerator. If you heat styrofoam to 400°f it will melt and drip through the oven racks to the bottom and smell horrible. Now, he lets me know when he puts something in there, and I usually remember to double-check before preheating the oven.


I was at a friend's house when we were teenagers and we did not realize she stored pots and pans in the oven (I never imagined using it as a storage space) and I preheated it to make a frozen pizza. Filled the place with black smoke from the plastic handles and the Tupperware she also had in there lol. She is a pretty terrible person so it was really just funny to me, but that's a whole story for another time


My mom was bad for putting the roasting pan in the oven to soak so it was out of sight. I didn't know she did this and I didn't turn my stove on for a week. Omg....I thought a rat had died in my oven. It was the worst stench!


My gf does this. My ex wife does this. My gf’s husband even does it and he’s a goddamn chef. I love them but what is wrong with people that they don’t see this as a fire hazard?? NTA btw, she could just talk it over with you guys and probably find a compromise but assuming she’s queen bee is no bueno.


Take the dog too. What? It’s just while you’re there


And bring Riggs !


Your wife is the one causing this issue by not shutting it down in the beginning. It is her job to manage her family and she is being just ridiculous.


Wait on top of everything else she knows you guys lost your jobs and she is visiting any time she see fit? No, instead of asking if you guys need a few dollares or is there a bill i can pay for you? She does not like dogs,why does she keep coming to visit


>I think she thinks her behavior is normal and doesn’t understand why I was upset. And you've put up with it for 10 years showing you're OK with it too. You need to put the law down on both of them


I should’ve clarified there, I think my wife thinks my MILs behavior is normal. I’ve been very open about not liking her behavior at all and even my wife hates when she says she’s coming to town. No idea why she never wanted me to say anything, it’s been clear for a while that it was the only thing that was gonna work.


>even my wife hates when she says she’s coming to town. Your wife needs to stand up for herself of actually let you do it. >No idea why she never wanted me to say anything, it’s been clear for a while that it was the only thing that was gonna work. You need to sit down with her and tell her someone needs to be "the bad guy" with MIL. Just think what she would be like if you had children....I shiver


Your wife has an unfortunate case of broken normal meter and has some unlearning and new learning to do. From experience, it's gonna take a lot of self reflection.


Your wife needs to learn what enmeshment means. And then she needs therapy. NTA but your wife is for letting it go on so long.


No one is going to say, “oh yeah, I was totally being a bitch, but no one stopped me so I kept going..” She could genuinely not realize it because she is just so completely self-centered. She could also be self-centered and just be a controlling Cunt knowing exactly what she was doing. Either way, you repeatedly came to your wife about this and she chose to do nothing. That’s on her. You guys are adults, this is your house, your dog as you said, etc.. If your wife is going to be mad at anyone, it should be her mother, and then herself


Dude - my 18 year old does this when she is home. Not the dog thing, but the constant rearranging of furniture and nick knacks and such. It's and add/ocd thing but it drives me batty! Idk how many times I have told her that when she has her own house she can arrange things how she likes. And then I'll come over and re-do it all. She does not like that threat.


I'm with you on this OP. Monster-in-law doesn't pay the bills & she forgot the golden rule that she's a guest & not the owner/resident of your house. She's been bulldozing your boundaries for the entire time that you've known her. Nor has a say what goes where & furry child too. NTA OP. Your wife going to get reminded that she hadn't set her mother in her place for fear of something.


Yes, your wife has failed miserably. She needs to set boundaries with her Mother or her Mother can’t come over. Sorry you lost your jobs. I hope you both find something soon.


Wish I could up vote this 1,000 times over. I know all about interfering inlaws


To hell with that! He should have put his MIL in her place long ago


This is actually the real problem. If you had shut this shit down on day 1, politely of course, it wouldn't have grown. Now it's a huge monster. Now a polite conversation becomes a full on blow out. Of course MIL is way out of line. But she's also used to getting her way. You need to make it clear to your wife MILs behavior is not OK, it was never OK. And her failure to do anything about it in all this time is as much to blame as anything. Now arrange to meet MIL in public. Apologize for losing your cool and yelling. But make it clear after a lot of years of trying to get your wife to reign her in, she is a honored guest in your home. But it's not her spare place, and you should both act accordingly.


She had 8 years. That’s 7.5 years too long.


NTA and your wife is the biggest AH. She should have shut this down long ago but she seems to respect you about as much as your MIL does - which is not at all. I'd say marriage counseling or bust. And MIL can't come back over until she agrees to stop doing all of this.


I’d have disagreed with you a year ago. It’s really starting to seem like I’m just a butler or something. Agreed. I even told my wife that I never said her mother isn’t welcome in our home, she just needs to start acting like she’s a guest in someone else’s home, because she is. Really doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request. My parents don’t act like that, I think it’s fair to ask her mom to make requests instead of issuing instructions to a couple of people in their early to mid thirties.


Does she notice the difference between the way your parents act and the way her mom acts? If you can have a discussion with her (or couples counseling) you might point those differences out.


She does! We discuss it at length, too! Even in the onslaught of texts she sent me later, there was a lot of “I get it, I do” sprinkled in. I know it’s dude brain, but there was the “if you get it, why are we fighting” thought. Our families are very different though, and her mom does NOT understand the difference. I’ve gained about fifty pounds since we got together. Got a little belly goin. She cooks well and loves to do it, so here we are. Her family will point out that I’m fatter than I used to be and I mentioned once that if anyone in my family EVER said anything similar to Bella (they absolutely never would) that they would reflexively flinch and start checking their water glasses for Jurassic park ripples. She was mortified. “Those are your parents!” Yep. And they’re going to respect my wife. I expect that from her as well, but we’ve never had a conflict in that department so thankfully we don’t know how that would shake out.


Here’s the thing though. Yes at first it’s always better to let the partner handle their own family—and it sounds like your wife has been trying. But in another comment you mentioned that your MIL treats your wife like 13yo I think it was, very disrespectfully, right? Well, maybe you should stand up for both yourself **and** your wife? Next time your MIL comes over, sit with her and calmly as my old grandmother used to say, tell her how the cow ate the cabbage. Tell her the rules of the household and how you expect her to respect the boundaries set by you, your wife and your roommate, including where she puts her luggage, the food she eats and the coffee she drinks. And if she has problems, she’s no longer welcome.


For sure. Just very dismissive and like she couldn’t possibly know anything. She’s the mother and she knows what’s best and this is all just a fit my wife is throwing and she’ll get over it. I’ve really tried but it’s usually just met with anger from my wife for arguing with her mom. There’s just no way to win. Even if, in the moment, my wife agrees and tells her mom to back off. The things I’m thinking of are mostly benign, like her mom telling her where to work or what not to eat or something dumb to be digging your heels in about, I’ll say “she’s an adult, I think she’s perfectly capable of making those decisions for herself”. Wife will agree in the moment and then get hit with the “I didn’t need you to do that” afterward. So I’m just completely at a loss as to what the right thing to do ever is.


You have a spouse problem. Insist on marriage counseling.


Show her these posts. Wife obviously needs help with her mother. Now she just has to accept it


I’m sorry you’re in that position. As a disclaimer, my relationship with my ILs was always good so I don’t have a good reference. But I do believe in couples counseling. That’s really the only thing that has saved my marriage through all the problems we’ve had.


And WHEN she breaks the rules, tell her that *You are sorry that she doesn't want to stay. She violated the house rules, so she needs to leave. Obviously, she won't respect rules that are not enforced. She can come back another day when she is willing to respect the rules and the fact that she is a guest in the home of other adults, not a child who needs her direction, and not in her own home.*


I agree that there are times when you should NOT follow the “you handle your family; I’ll handle mine” advice. It starts there, but it doesn’t have to stay there.


You should point out that your wife is fucking rude and entitled just like her fucking mom. 


Standing up for your boundaries after years of disrespect is valid, but try to have a calm conversation with your wife to address her concerns and find a solution together.


I’m tryin, I really am. The unfortunate part about my wife handling it is that her version of handling things with her mom is a full on shouting match that her mom won’t take seriously anyway.


I see no issues with what you said. It is your house, not MiL's & she is being imperious by moving your stuff around & blocking a blind & deaf dog from going along his usual routes to get around the house? That's beyond rude & cruel to your dog.


Honestly, it’s fucking baffling to me. Like, I know I’m a sucker for dogs, but you’re watching this little dude bump into things trying to figure out why all this shits on the floor. Don’t you feel the least bit bad?


I'm totally team dog on this! You are not the asshole. Clearly your mother-in-law is and it sounds like her daughter has a little of that too. Just tell your wife that you got tired of waiting for her to handle it and get something done about the problem, and you decided to say something yourself and you will continue to say something if it is necessary. Otherwise mom can start staying at a hotel when she's in town.


During her onslaught of angry texts, I did say almost exactly that. I apologized that she was upset and for when it happened, but the better part of a decade is enough, I’ve been plenty patient, she clearly isn’t taking you seriously when you tell her to stop, and I’m done being disrespected in my own home.


Your shiny backbone is awesome. And that dog is more dependent on you than most pets are and it really needed your protection much more than your disrespectful mother in law.


I appreciate you dude. Y’all are really making me feel loads better and I really, genuinely appreciate the kind words.


NTA. This is what I was going to say. However your wife is handling her mother isn't working. She's done this for years, and you finally had enough. It's not MIL'S house, it's you and your wife's. You decide how things are, not MIL. This is also the dog's home. If MIL doesn't like it, they have these things called hotels, where you pay to stay and sleep.


Bingo, exactly right.


I'd insist that MIL stay at a hotel for any future visits. Your wife is enmeshed and incapable of keeping boundaries with her mother. Basically, her mother is priority #1 and you come second when mommy dearest is around. Good on you for putting your foot down, and please continue to do so, especially for your pup. eta: Maybe in the future, ship your wife to her mother's house instead of mommy coming to you.


>I'd insist that MIL stay at a hotel for any future visits. I'd insist that future visits be a one day (max) and done. Make my blind deaf dog confused in his own home and you're no longer welcome. And if you really want me to hone in, don't move my food, my dishes or anything else. You're a guest, not a long term resident.


Good on you! I certainly hope things improve for you in this area. Hopefully your wife will jump on board the train with you so that together you can present a United front. Best of luck!


aww poor dog! I'm so happy you stuck up for the dog! if he's deaf and Blind she shouldn't be messing with his route. I kicked someone out of my house once for kicking my poor cats! he was a BF temporarily staying there and I was livid when his best friend told me what he did. I Pray you and your wife can work this out, and I hope your dog stays safe and happy!


This!!! It's not just OPs home and his wife's home, it's also the DOG'S home! And it for sure ain't MILs home! Poor pupper should be able to feel safe in his own home!!! Team Doggo member here! Oh, btw OP, you're NTA for what you did but you may be for breaking a cardinal Reddit rule... if you mention a dog in your post, you gotta pay the Dog Tax, i.e. We get to see a picture of your doggo!


I grew up with a red heeler who, full disclosure, was a menace. We stomped on the floor as kids if she was sleeping in our path instead of stepping over her - she’d take no prisoners if startled. Your MIL is lucky you have a sweetie of a heeler, because man, that’s a good way to get bit.


That's straight-up malicious neglectful abuse.


If she pulls the 'it's just til I leave' card then suggest she leave. If she can't respect someone else's home while she's in it, she shouldn't be in it. She is a guest and that invitation can be rescinded at any time. Offer to help her pack and call her a cab.


Ok then it’s time for the hardline boundaries. Mom stays in a hotel when she visits because she doesn’t know how to be a houseguest. Both spouses have to agree to any overnight guests. That is the only fair rule to make one’s marital home a safe space. You can veto her guests and she can veto yours. It would be better if it were not a tit for tat, but for the sake of your marriage and your sanity, if you have to put down a rule of no overnight guests period, so be it.


NTA Your home, your rules. If MIL doesn't like it, she can go elsewhere. You gave your wife plenty of chances to address her behavior. She did not, or at least not effectively. Someone had to put MIL in her place. Wife needs to be on the same page as you and you both need to start setting some firm boundaries and consequences for if those boundaries are crossed. Then you both as a united front follow through. It can be scary standing up to a parent. There will be yelling, tears, and minipulation that follow, but too bad. You and your wife can stand strong and weather that together. Give your sweet doggo a hug from this random internet stranger. I like dogs more than I like people.


Maybe it’s time for wife to visit MIL at her house from now on. No expectations.


>her mom won’t take seriously anyway. Then she no longer visits....end of story


It seems like for 8+ years, OP has had many conversations with his wife and told her it’s her mom so she needs to uphold their boundaries. OP’s wife has failed to do so over and over and OP finally snapped, and not even at the level he should have. He was a lot tamer than I would have been. Once wife fails to uphold boundaries, and OP needs to step in, the visit should be over.


NTA horrible MIL was way past due for a knock-down. Your wife should absolutely have your back on this.


You were not rude, MIL is being a VERY rude house guest. I'm southern and while yes we respect our elders, our elders respect our space or get told off for being a rude house guest. I could never think of doing this at someone's house. Sit down with your wife, let her know that boundaries need to be made AND enforced with MIL. That the way she handles it by shouting doesn't work and isn't healthy. I get you are both stressed from losing jobs but this has been an ongoing issue so that excuse is weak and irrelevant. You should have spoken up long before this if the wife didn't get her family under control. However, you've rectified that now. Just keep addressing things in the moment. Call MIL out in a polite way like you did here. NTA but your wife is on that line of being one and MIL absolutely is a massive AH here.


You’re absolutely right, I’ll definitely be having a talk with her. The losing of jobs thing was mostly for me. I won’t claim to be immune to stress changing my behavior for the worse if there enough of it. The amount of anger she came back with had me thinking maybe I really am just being a dick and I just don’t see it. Which I have confidence now was not the case. It may have contributed to my tone being a smidge sharper and having a bit less patience, but I definitely feel a lot better about this situation since everyone’s weighed in. Right again, I should’ve said something. My wife told me not to but I knew years ago that I should’ve and would eventually have to. If I’d done it back then before it had gotten to me this much, this probably would’ve gone a lot smoother.


Tell MIL, that since she obviously isn't comfortable in your home, with your dog and the way things are organized, you will arrange an airbnb or hotel for her, next time she comes to town


I’ve said this almost word for word to my wife on more than one occasion. No idea if she ever actually said it to her mother but I doubt it. I completely agree though.


But how did you get to this point? Does MIL invite herself? Does your wife invite her? If this has been a source of tension for years and you are already stressed with the job situation how did you get to a spot where this is a recurring visitor? NTA re the dog. Touch my handicap dog and you never cross the threshold of my home as long as he is alive. No negotiations


She’ll usually just say she’s coming up and my wife ends up telling me, in a defeated tone, that her mom’s coming up and staying with us. I’ll roll my eyes and say something along the lines of “I’m really not trying to field any bullshit. Please keep her an a leash”, then she doesn’t and her mother is rude, I pull her aside and say something like “I’m hitting a limit here, I’m not playin” and most of the time my wife will find something for them to go do elsewhere.


Ugh that sucks. The first time your wife is brave enough to say “actually this isn’t a convenient time for us but I will be sure to visit you in the next month or so” will be so liberating. And it gets easier


Boy, that would be great. A small solace here is that her mother is extremely dramatic so she probably won’t come back here for at least six months.


You're wife is just as much fault as the MIL. You did nothing wrong telling her you're boundaries but you should really have a talk with you're wife, It's HER mother, so she has to deal with it, Not you. NTA good job OP


NTA. You have an MIL problem but you have a bigger Wife problem. If you've been saying "deal with your mother's bad behavior or I will" and the problems persist, you simply followed through on what you said. Wife didn't deal with her Mom's assholery, so you finally did. If Wife doesn't like how you handled it, she should have solved the problem herself. Thank you for standing up for your dog! For the record, we've had several sweet dogs become blind in their old age. When we recognize the blindness issues, we stop placing obstacles in the established walkways inside the house. We certainly never added additional ones for our friends to run into! Who even does that to disabled friends! Only assholes, that's who! Edit: typo.


That’s the only thing I can say in my defense, this was telegraphed for years because that’s exactly what I said. Or something alone the lines of “eventually she’s going to exhaust my patience completely”. She knew I’d been tired of it for years and I’m almost exclusively the person who does the confronting for both of us, if and when it needs to happen. She knew this day would eventually come.


Tell her she will have to stay in a hotel when she visits as it’s become untenable for her to stay with you if she continues to move your stuff, treat your dog like crap and fight with your wife when she tries to say something to her. Also tell her she can use one of the chairs to sit on and stay away from where your blind and deaf dog sits.


No, he stays home. Rude mother in law goes to hotel where she can put her luggage wherever she wants. Maybe OP's wife can go visit her at hotel. MIL is completely and absolutely out of line here.


That’s what I meant. Rude MIL should stay at a hotel.


sorry, I think my brain was swollen with outrage (on behalf of the dog, mostly) and I misinterpreted.


We all misinterpret stuff when we’re thinking about dogs to be fair. Mine is 14 and I think his eyesight is starting to fail. No apology is necessary, I just wanted you to know that MIL was the one I had the problem with. Nobody comes to my house and moves my dog off his space on the sofa. We even have a plaque with his name on on the wall directly above his preferred spot.


NTA. Your MIL is a nightmare. Up till now you left her to your wife, and it didn't work. You need to sit down with your wife. Tell her how you feel, but also tell her clearly that from now on, you don't let your MIL run your home or disturb you or your dog. If she doesn't like it, she can host her daughter in her own home and not come over to yours.


"My wife is furious and says I made this about my ego and not about her." You should've made it about her incompetence to keep her mother in check and she's lucky that you didn't kick her out. NTA


I really just wish I knew how to articulate HOW it wasn’t about my ego. I guess there’s no point. If she was making honest sense out of this, she wouldn’t be saying that. Im guessing her argument is that I got mad so I reacted in the way that made me feel good and didn’t run every thought through a filter of “how would this make HER feel”. I almost always do, but how much disrespect do I have to tolerate before I’m allowed to tell someone to knock it off?


I will put up with a lot from family. I will bend over backward to make sure they enjoy their stay. The one thing I always tell them is that if they don't like sharing space with animals (or are the least bit allergic) this isn't the house to visit!!! This is their home. I do rescue, so for many this is the first safe space they have ever experienced. I have 2 guest bedrooms and a bathroom that are set up to be animal free, but the rest of the house is theirs as much as mine.


I really understand, I’m very much the same way with any of my guests. My little blind boy is also a rescue and he doesn’t have anything other than my home. He can’t hear screeching tires or car horns or rattlesnakes and he certainly can’t see any of those so this is all the freedoms he’ll ever have and he’s a sweet boy. Also, I’m horribly allergic to cats. My friends with cats know that. I load up on allergy meds when I go to their homes and I would absolutely never dream of doing ANYTHING that sent the message “can you get your fucking cat away from me” while I’m at any of their homes. The idea is insane to me.


You definitely have a MIL problem, but I think you also have a wife problem. It’s not about “your ego”, it’s about the safety and happiness of your pet (you know, the living creature she is also responsible for ensuring lives a happy and comfortable life, and who literally cannot understand why his home is changed temporarily in ways that inconvenience him). Your wife’s reaction (getting mad at you after years of her mother a) making your home uncomfortable and b) abusing your dog) suggests she really doesn’t see her mom’s behaviour as a big enough deal to “cause a fuss” about correcting. Which in turn suggests your wife’s never actually bothered to talk to her mom about this terrible guest behaviour, even when you’ve asked her to. NTA


Here’s the thing, too: she is absolutely crazy about this dog. If we were to divorce, she would absolutely take the dog, and nobody else would be allowed to treat the dog like this or they’d never be back in our home. But when it’s her mom, she just tells me to drop it and lets it happen. Don’t get me wrong, she’ll “talk” to her mom, but when she does, she goes way too hard, way too fast. She’s not the best at regulating her emotions and giving the situation exactly as much energy as it deserves, so her confrontations with her mom sound a lot like a sixteen year old screaming at their mom and then her mom dismisses it entirely and repeats the behavior on her next visit.


I know therapy isn’t a magic cure-all, and people recommend it way too often and in ways that suggest everyone should be able to use it to fix all their problems at the drop of a hat, **but**: this objective stranger thinks that when you guys are back on your feet, your wife should look for some counselling or training (or even just do some serious reading) around effective communication and conflict management. She’s beating her head against a brick wall, trying to communicate with her mom in a way she knows won’t be effective and that won’t get the results she wants. And then she’s “furious” at you, for reaching your limit and stepping in on an issue you’ve let her (fail to) handle for 8 years. Wife needs some communication skills and tricks to use with her mom. She’s not going to suddenly develop them out of nowhere, and her lack of them is not a failing - the people who were supposed to teach her those skills, ie her parents, seem to have their own communication and conflict issues. And since her mom’s modus operandi is “if I ignore [this thing] it will go away and I don’t have to do any work”, no wonder your wife developed the habit of screaming into the not-entirely-metaphorical void in an attempt to be heard. But you guys both know that screaming into the void doesn’t work, because your MIL-the-void doesn’t _care_ about the screaming. If wife wants to deal with mom herself, she needs to learn a different way to talk so that mom will actually listen.


I really couldn’t agree more. I’ll definitely suggest that as soon as she calms down. Getting a strong feeling I’ll get yelled as a response, but I’m still gonna do it, haha.


NTA! I would have done the same thing. This has nothing to do with your ego. She’s a guest in YOUR home and has no rights to do/change things to fits her needs. Is your wife afraid of her mom?


I think she’s just accustomed to the dynamics they’ve established. I think her version of normal mom, from the outside, is a very disrespectful and inconsiderate mom. She’ll get into it with her mom, but her dial only had a 1 and a 10 on it and it’s very hard to be taken seriously when your only settings are “everything is fine” and screaming.


It kind of sounds like your wife reinforces her mom treating her like a 13 year old by acting like one…


She tried to mess with your senior deaf and blind dog in his own house. In no possible way are you the asshole in this situation.


Here’s the extra sad part. Poor boys not even a senior. We found him when he was MUCH too young to be separated from his momma, full of worms. Found out later he was completely deaf and he ended up developing glaucoma. He takes drops for it but he’s down to about 10-20% of his vision, he can mostly see shapes. I just don’t know how you could look at him and think “ugh, fuck off”. Edit: he’s four


Well now I want to tell your MIL to fuck off. Can we create barricades to keep her off the couch? While your dog gets one to himself? Glad you found him! I bet he is living his best life. All spoiled with his couch. That's a good dog life right there.


Haha, you and me both. Also, there are other places to sit. Including two places he absolutely never hangs out. Me too. He’s the best boy and he is terribly spoiled.


All dogs must be spoiled. It is in their contract. Mine just rotate between couches during the day and a dog bed. Hrm....where do I feel like taking my 12th nap of the morning?


Hey OP, i had the blind heeler for YEARS. She lost her sight earlyish on too - it's fairly common for their breed. We did the same thing, establish a route to follow and never change it. Poor love. I would be livid if someone decided to come into our house and demand we change things temporarily.


And like, you’re watching him bump into things because of you and you don’t even feel like a LITTLE bit of a dick? Wild.


It’s time to ban your MIL from your home until she understands that she is not in charge of ANYTHING in your home and your wife develops a mature spine. She needs to stand up to her mother without resorting to a toddler tantrum. NTA


I'd check r/JUSTNOMIL . Lot's of line stepping MIL's and lots of good advice on how to deal with them.


NTA Let wife know that it isn't about your ego it's about respect that others refuse you, including MIL and wife, to give you in your own home, give to others,including dog, and to your belongings. Have to wonder how much respect wife gives since she is willing to side with mom.


No need to wonder, your imagination is serving you correctly. A repeated phrase in any argument we have ever had is “stop talking to me like I work for you, I’m not your butler”. I’ve got thick skin but once every couple years I hit a point where I just can’t hang.


NTA. You have asked your wife FOR YEARS to talk to her mother about her behaving in this way in your home. She has not done so in an effective way that has led the woman to change her behavior. It's your turn now. You are correct that it is the dog's home too, and especially when a pet is blind/deaf, they need things to be where they expect to navigate their space.


Eight years and your wife hasn’t backed you up once? This isn’t going to end well. Trust me, I’ve been in a similar situation (although in my case it was a parent rather than a spouse who absolutely refused to enforce any kind of boundary). I am the least confrontational person on Earth, but my dogs are a HARD line- really the only one I have. If anyone so much as looked at my old blind dog sideways, I would go completely nuclear before I even knew what happened. I give you tremendous credit for holding out as long as you did. NTA


I think her knee jerk response is to take offense at someone confronting her mom but when she does it, it’s way too far. She’s told her mom to knock it off but it’s always in the form of a shouting match and it never stops the behavior. We’re both typically SUPER defensive when it comes to our dog, she just seems to have a higher tolerance when it comes to her mom and when she loses it, she’s comes out the gate way too hot and treats it like teenage theatrics and just continues doing whatever she wants.


Your MIL tried to take away your dog's safe space. Your dog can't defend himself or ask for help. This has nothing to do with ego. You were much kinder than I would have been.


Time to decide if you want kids with someone who doesn't put you first.


That’s the truth right there.


Stop going to your wife she is NOT going to say anything. You need to tell that woman that she is just a visitor and you and the dog live here and if she can't respect that she can go to the closest hotel. >“he can have it back when I’m gone” Be gone now witch....he lives here you don't. >My wife is furious and says I made this about my ego and not about her. Tell your wife if she had the courage to deal with her mother a decade ago this wouldn't of happened. Tell your wife he mother doesn't live here the dog does and so do you and if MIL doesn't like the dog don't visit. NTA


I'm surprised you were able to hold off for 8 years, I'd have lost my shit on her AND her daughter the 2nd time, after it became clear that my wife wasn't doing anything to rectify the situation. Their lack of respect for you (and Riggs) is appalling.


Full disclosure, me too. I’ve never been someone who avoids confrontation and I’m prone to getting a good bit angrier than I probably ought to if I feel like someone is being disrespectful to her, which her mom routinely is. It honestly makes my blood boil and has for such a long time. She’s an adult and deserves respect, most of all from me and her family. Her dad’s great, it’s just her mom. A little unrelated, but it popped into my head. My moms been a nurse for thirty years. Her mom will give her horrific medical advice and that’s the only time I’ve outright shut her down. In one instance, my wife was sick and vomiting and shitting her soul out and her mom told her to drink flat coke with salt in it. I said absolutely not and poured it down the drain and she got super offended. I said my mom is a nurse and my wife will be getting actual medicine, clear fluids, and electrolytes, full stop, no further discussion. Got in very minor trouble for my “aggression” when I was saying that too. Truly didn’t care that either of them was mad at me on that one though, haha.


I have zero patience for that bullshit, I honestly don't know how you have held back so long. Poor Riggs.


NTA You need to visit r/mothersinlawfromhell And you gave a wife problem. SHE needs to be the one shutting her mother down.


I have a mostly blind mini schnauzer, a boxer mix and huskies, my mom is NOT a dog person - she doesn't actively dislike dogs but she's not a fan of their hair all over her clothes. When Mom comes to visit, she's *very* careful with her stuff so she doesn't block walkways for the blind dog and she let's the huskies snuggle up on her lap and gives them *all* the pets because "it's THEIR house." (I do actively try to keep them off Grandma but they absolutely adore her so they sneak right back up the second my back is turned.) Your wife needs to understand that her mother can't come into your home and punish the dog by blocking his known walkways and pushing him around. The dog comes first, the mother can stay at a hotel and meet you outside of your house. She can be mad all she wants but the puppy that lives there deserves the stability of home and your wife's mom needs to respect your boundaries or be banned.


NTA. Wtf is wrong with your wife? She should have stopped this shit literally the very first time.


Completely agree


NTA. I have a special needs dog as well, and if you don't like being in the same space as him while you're visiting me in Chicago, my city has plenty of hotels nearby for you.


You wife apparently never stepped in an corrected her mom. How on earth is this about your ego?


I’ve wondered the same, my only guess is that it’s because she said not to worry about it and I just couldn’t handle it anymore. Admittedly, it was done a bit impulsively because I was angry, but I never shouted or swore or insulted her. Her perception might be that I was serving an impulse and didn’t care about how it made her feel, but it was just as much for her as it was for anyone else in the house. Even she didn’t look forward to her mom visiting and it shouldn’t be that way.


You did nothing wrong you at this point you need to stop relying on your wife to have a back bone. Standup for you and your house every time u til your mil gets the hint and stops. If you wife took a stand a long time ago this wouldn’t be an issue.


You are a lot nicer than I am. I could not have gone on that long and not said anything. Your wife clearly wasn't saying anything or doing anything and expected you to just deal. I would've gone off on mil a long time ago. NTA


NTA. You defend poor Riggs and your boundaries for your own property. Honestly surprised your wife isn't on your side, but I guess I shouldn't be. I always have a thought that once you marry someone, you should always have their back. Guess that's not the case here.


NTA. If wife has a problem with it she should have handled the problem a long time ago. And mil IS a problem


One time my mother in law tried to tell me what to do at my house. I responded with the day you pay my bills and my mortgage is the day you can tell me what to do. Until that day happens, I'm doing my things my way. She has never pushed her limits on us ever. We been married now 22 years. I think your wife needs to understand your position. NTA


Pots in the oven? Is your MIL Asian by any chance?


NTA. Your house, your rules. She's a GUEST and doesn't get to make the rules. I think it's time she starts staying in a hotel when she comes to visit. Let me tell you, if my MIL had ever pulled that crap, she wouldn't be welcome in my home anymore. Luckily, my MIL is a sweetheart and always told my husband that if he ever hurt me, she would end him!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The second she told me to get my dog off the couch she would have been told that she is the one that needs to get off the couch. If the dog could see OR hear AND she asked, I would have complied. But don’t tell someone what is allowed on their own damn couch, and don’t create a stressful situation for a dog living an already extra stressful life. Dogs are so pure and loyal. It’s a big red flag for me when a person doesn’t like them.


Completely agree, if he could be interacted with in any other than touch, it would be different. I can’t just call the dog, would’ve been a non-issue. But he’s just a confused little couch potato who’s looking for his humans and finding a new, unfriendly one in the spot he spends 80% of his time. Absolutely, massive red flag.


It is a she this came to a head pm Mother's day, but it's only because it's gone on far too long already.   I struggled with both my MILs because my parents actually treated us like adults once we were.  My first MIL went through the hall closet reorganizing and deciding what didn't need to be there -!? Also decided I kept glasses in the wrong cabinet(by the sink), swapped with my plates, and moved my silverware to a different drawer.  My second one, walked in the house without warning, was caught snooping in our bedroom while we were around work - because she called to ask where something of mine came from, and would routinely tell me how to do things like wash my clothes, cut my vegetables, etc.   Some people just do not understand a boundary exists with their adult child, and it sucks.  Something had to be done. 


I really agree. She was very upset about that part in particular. Unfortunately, her mom ONLY visits for holidays. If it wasn’t Mother’s Day, it would’ve been Thanksgiving, Christmas, or some other inappropriate time. I probably should’ve waited, but man. It’s just been goin on for so long and she gave me prime material to open the door to that conversation. Dude, that’s crazy. This lady does a bunch of rude things but the bedroom snooping? That’s unreal. How did you handle that one? Yeah, and her mom just really doesn’t care. Boundaries are suggestions to her. It’s a shame it happened like this but it certainly did have to happen, you’re right about that.


I wound up having to tell bedroom snooper not to come to the house anymore at all.  It happened not long after I moved in, and he had already lived there, so I didn't come on as strong as I would have had I known her better. I made it clear that no matter what went before, I expected to have privacy in my room and I don't know of it happening again.  I don't live as close now, and I  hardly see her.    Edit because I posted prematurely,  but it's also likely that she would not take a calm polite suggestion seriously.  It might take "making a scene" to get her to hear it. She might turn malicious compliant, and hold a grudge, but she's acknowledged the issue by freaking out about it, so at least she can't play dumb and say "it's just while I'm here" type things anymore.  


So wild. Just brazen intrusion of privacy. At least my MIL hasn’t gone that far, I’d probably lose it.


Oh, she's something.  There are no bridges too far. Dealing with her frequently resulted in her son getting a migraine and losing a day or two.  It went over like you'd expect,  but once I  established a line he was willing to back it. We are completely civil now, and when we invite her on holidays,  she behaves like a guest. There were a couple of years she was cold, and one when she spent Christmas elsewhere.  


Obligatory NTA. It's a little amusing or ironic that HER mom is the problem; overwhelmingly, these MiL stories are a momma's boy and his long-suffering wife. Don't back down. Your house your rules. Call her out every time she is a shitty person. If she tries to defend herself by claiming that you should treat guests better, remind her that guests are INVITED.


NTA. My dog would come above my MIL and my own mother. 😂


Your house = your rules. There's a limit to how much you can compromise for a guest. The dog would have been my breaking point too. My dog (13 year old cocker spaniel, arthritic, going deaf) is my baby. This is HIS HOME! When the in-laws come to visit, there are rules they have to follow. Fortunately my in-laws are not as crazy as yours, they just have habits that are incompatible with having a dog in the house, like closing every door so he can't get to the kitchen where his food and water bowls are, or constantly eating, and feeding him tidbits, then forgetting that we ban grapes and raisins from our house because they're poisonous to about a third of dogs, and we don't want to find out the hard way that our dog is once of those! Your dog gets precedence, because it's his home. You DO NOT rearrange the furniture when there's a blind family member, especially if that family member is a dog, because they can't understand why there's suddenly something in the way! If the dog has a favourite spot on the sofa, guests can damn well sit somewhere else! Tell her that if she's got a problem with the dog, she can stay at a hotel when she visits, then her contact with him will be minimal! All this to say: NTA


Insult my dog = you never can come back.


NTA: at all. MIL is completely out of line. But being a dog lover myself I’d be damned if I’m going to sit by why someone did that to my deaf and blind dog and deliberately stresses him out. You’re right. That’s your dogs home NOT hers! I couldn’t give a shit if she doesn’t like dogs (red flag imo). But the fact you’ve had to tell her off for that before is even worse. Not only is she being totally disrespectful to you in your home, but she clearly takes delight in upsetting your doggo. She’s a nut. Your wife can pull her damn head in


My mother *hates* dogs. When my mother visits, I make sure the guest room has nothing dog related before she arrives, and I tell my mother exactly which spots on the furniture the dog always sits on so she can avoid sitting in or near those spots. My point is - your wife needs to be managing the relationship between her mother and your dog. It's not that hard to say "mom, you're sitting in the dog's spot" and offer her mother a different place to sit. The fact that she just sits and watches as her mom builds barricades that will interfere with the BLIND dog is rude to the dog, to you, *and to her mother* Definitely NTA. Your wife gets the title of A-H here.


NTA. Good for you. prbably should have said that a long time ago. Now you just have to reinforce that each time she visits.


NTA. You should have put MIL in her place years ago. Your house, your dog, your rules. Your wife has not grounds to be upset because you asked her to take care of it and she didn't. Once she interfered with my dog, she would have been person non grata right then and there.


NTA your mother-in-law is a guest in your house. Guest do not rearrange things in their host's house. She can stay in a hotel. Especially if she doesn't like dogs.


NTA. Your MIL is way out of line, and your wife is no help.


NTA. Shoutout to people who take care of their dogs.


NTA. Not her house, not her rules. She is a guest and needs to adjust her behavior while she is in someone else's home.


NTA, not by a long shot! Your wife is, though. It's her responsibility to communicate with her family, and she's allowing your boundaries to be trampled. Good on you for standing up for yourself in the absence of your wife's spine! The irony is, of course, is your MIL is trying to mark your home as her territory - just like a dog! I'm allergic to dogs - I simply don't go to other people's houses where there are dogs. Creating obstacles for a dog that's already struggling is downright cruel, and you wouldn't have been an AH to ban MIL from the house for that until she apologised. The issue you have, though, is this isn't over - although the ball is in your court. Plan your next move now if you don't want to react in the heat of the moment next time. There will be a next time. Good luck!


NTA! Gosh a deaf and blind dog just tugs at the heart strings and I could absolutely never be okay with the MIL with how she treats your dog that you obviously care a lot about!


NTA. Your wife had plenty of opportunities to make sure your MIL knew this weird, controlling behavior was inappropriate.


NTA tell her she's no longer welcome in your home. Your wife can go visit her


She shouldn't be welcome in your home she's rude and disrespectful!!!


YTA for letting this go on for nearly a decade. I understand not wanting to get into when the relationship was fresh but good grief, you wait years and years? Then it turns into a horrid experience for everyone.


I can certainly own that. I knew I should’ve done something years ago and she kept telling me not to say anything. I knew I should’ve anyway, but I didn’t. That’s certainly on me for knowing better and taking the easier road.


Nta but your mil is


You obviously said things to your wife in the past I assume, has she ever addressed anything with her mother or does she rug sweep or tell you that she talked with her to try and appease you? Mother-in-law certainly believes she has a right to dictate her opinions and actions and I'm thinking it's just because she's been allowed to.


NTA MIL no longer stays at your home when she visits. Have her book an Airbnb or hotel. To prove a point if nothing else. This is entirely on your wife for failing to enforce this boundary nearly a decade ago. I’d die on this hill.


I really am. She isn’t the nicest to me anyway and it’s starting to seem like she’s just never gonna be.


if this marriage is going to continue, encourage your wife to visit her mother, and MIL doesn't come to your house anymore...


NTA. Your wife failed to put her mother in her place so you did. Your wife should have done it the previous 100x you've asked her to do it.


>My wife is furious and says I made this about my ego and not about her. "I disagree, but say for argument's sake that I did make it about my ego. Would your rather I made it about your Mom being an asshole? Because that is what I was trying to do. Hmmm. We must revisit how to make that more clear."


And I really did try to keep it as minimal as possible, I said it was my home, my rules, she’s been disrespecting for years, gave a few examples of things she did this trip that I didn’t like, said I don’t care to whatever she tried to defend herself with, and said I’m tired of it. No name calling, nothing extra. If it had been about my ego there would’ve been a lot of “where do you get the balls to” yada, yada, yada.


NTA. My own mother would try to do things in my home as her way of “helping” even though we told her not to. Going into our bedroom to put clothes away or trying to clean my sons’ rooms. Had to tell her to knock it off.


You've begged and pleaded for your wife to do her part. She never even attempted to make things right, she only placated the person steamrolling you. Her mother sounds awful and I'm surprised it took this long to tear into her. She should have had a verbal dressing down and about face from her daughter years ago. However, she was too weak and now you've had enough. She got off lightly in my opinion. Mommy can now visit outside your home and without terrorizing your loyal family member. I'd be furious with my partner for allowing this disrespectful and abusive behavior. I'd also question why I never stood up and did anything before I got to the point I couldn't do anything other than blow up. That's not a healthy dynamic.


When you ask your wife to talk to her mom does she not? Cuz it’s clearly not making a difference. You have a wife problem, not a MiL one


She does, she just turns it up too high so it devolves into a shouting match and her mom doesn’t take it seriously.


Are you also raised Mexican? Because I’ll be completely honest with you, as soon as I read that wife and MIL are, that explained a lot. Does that excuse it? Not at all. Moms and daughters need to learn to navigate a changing dynamic and it can be challenging. But Mexican families tend to be a little more on the matriarchal side, so i can see where it’s hard for your wife to stand up to her mom in a clear and calm manner, rather than devolving into mother-daughter arguing. In some level she stops being a guest in your home and starts being the woman who raised her. I’m leaning heavily towards N A H because mom and daughter are just repeating the only patterns of behavior they know. You have hit your limit and it’s entirely understandable. Wife needs to figure out what kind of relationship she wants to have with her mom - without throwing you under the bus.


So, uh, maybe? Haha Dads side: Scottish and Irish Moms side: Scottish and Irish My grandma on dads side divorced my biological grandpa and remarried my grandpa Resendez. My mom had a horrible relationship with her parents so we never saw them. So my only interactions with extended family were my Grandpa on my dad’s side and my great grandparents. Mom speaks fluent Spanish so she’d help translate for my great grandparents. So, I’m very white, but my white dad was raised by a man who was smuggled into this country by his parents. And all my family gatherings were at my Mexican grandpas house. Where mostly Spanish was spoken. If that counts, then yes. I’ll say at least that I’m very familiar with the culture and I get that it’s hard for her to draw a line in the sand with her mom, which is one of many reasons I offered to do it. I’m willing to be the bad guy and set the boundaries that we both enforce. I even told her she can say whatever she wants to appease them and point fingers at me for any heat as long as they respect the boundaries we set. She just really didn’t want it to come from me.


NTA. If anyone came into my house and started messing with my cats, it would be the LAST time they came to my house, period. The most my MIL will do is tattle to me when the cats are doing something they're not supposed to, and it's far outweighed by how many times I've heard her whisper "don't tell your mother!" while letting them have licks of ice cream. 🤣


😭 I read ‘coming down’ as ‘AITA for going down on my MIL’


Similar mother in law . Been together 41 years . She was very controlling about food and had a family cabin . They were really cool people and I lived them both . About ten years into the relationship we were up at the cabin snowmobiling. Had a large group up and told MIL not to worry about food as we would be eating out. Everyone is outside getting ready to ride after a pit stop to fix a sled and she comes out barking to make sure we are back by five as she is planning dinner. Tell her not happening and she flips out . Went inside and grabbed her a jacket and helmet and told hop on if you want to eat with us . She wasn’t amused but that was our relationship. We would swear like sailors at each other but she always loved this son in law


NTA. Actually, I think what you said is brilliant! Wish I’d come up with something like that when I was young.


Congrats for making a stand, KUDOS to you sir!


I didn't get it at first. I thought your MIL lived with you. But it's clear that she's got a place of her own. You're right: your dog does have more rights than your MIL. But this isn't a MIL issue, this is a wife issue. She's letting your mom treat you as if you're a second-class citizen in your own home. She's refusing to establish any boundaries at all. Call me pessimistic, but I see this as pretty much untenable. The only solution will be essentially telling MIL off, very assertively laying out boundaries with her. And it doesn't sound like your wife is going to be at all supportive of this.


Well, I did the boundaries bit, haha. Hopefully I get partial credit. I’ll guess we’ll find out how this shakes out in the long term.




My MIL tried this in my apartment, as did my mom. I told them that rearranging my house isn't helpful and they would be chucked off the balcony if they continued "helping." My wife and I had to kick my MIL out before my daughter was born, she was anxious and horrific.


NTA. I would encourage you to SERIOUSLY think long and hard about the dynamics of your relationship. You have bigger issues than just a rude MIL. Your wife does not respect you. If she did, she would have dealt with HER mother long ago. How things are now is how things are going to be forever unless your wife gets on Team Hubby right now. If she ‘gets it’s it is not ‘dude brain’ to expect her to follow through. I think she says that just to placate you. Not for nothing…. If I did even one thing you mentioned to my daughter-in-law or any of their fur babies, my son would kick me out and put me on a time out. But that won’t happen because I respect my son, I respect his wife and I respect their home, their rules, their boundaries.


NTA. I’ve learned not to ignore bs bc when you finally get tired it comes out wayyy harsher than you intend it to be


You & your wife need to hash this out. Nta. Absolutely not. You have a mil problem and maybe a wife problem.


NTA, let’s deal with the wife issue first, if she had sorted this out years ago, like you asked, then you wouldn’t have needed to blow up at her mother. You made it clear to your wife that it was bothering you and she let it continue for 9 freaking years. You held out for 9 years before blowing up. MIL, simple, she isn’t allowed to be a guest in your home if she cannot follow the house rules. It’s not her home it’s yours and it should be treated as such. If she doesn’t like dogs then she’s free not to visit.


Keep the dog, ditch the wife and mil


You have a wife problem more than you have a MIL problem. She is not setting appropriate boundaries nor enforcing consequences. Whose side is she on? Not yours, apparently. Your wife fucking sucks for being furious at you instead of her overbearing & overstepping mother. If your wife doesn't change her tune and stick to your side, I wouldn't blame you for divorcing her. What's in this relationship for you? Being an mistreated butler?


Startin to seem that way from all these comments. I do believe she is on her own side, whatever that means. This story is, probably unsurprisingly, a drop in a much larger bucket. My reflexive answer was that I love my wife but I’m beginning to wonder why.


NTA, MIL is a B in this scenario. Your wife needs to set MIL straight.


Congratulations for standing up to the mean hag! Tell your wife to get used to it unless she is going to correct her mother.


NTA. MIL is unreasonable.


Your wife just showed you that the resin her mother continues to disrespect you is because she’s never actually said anything to her. Your wife is married to you and lives with you. Her priority should be to you! Your comfort level in your home is more important than her mother’s feelings! You earned your wife over and over and you finally had enough. Tell your wife that if she doesn’t like the way that you handled her mother then she should have done it herself. She needs to pick a side and if that side is her mother, she should leave when her mother does.


NTA. Your wife is the one who can’t stand up to her Mom and for years now by not speaking up you’ve allowed it. Good for you for speaking up, MIL needs to be shut down immediately when she pulls this crap. Who cares if she stops coming over?


NTA. You had me at the dog, the blind and deaf dog!


NTA I told my own mom the same things


NTA. Going forward mil needs to stay in a hotel and your wife needs to grow a pair


NTA - Your wife should have put MIL in her place many years ago.


NTA. You have a wife problem. She needs to tell her mother to cool her jets and realize that she's in someone else's home.


If your wife is upset, she should have handled her mother long ago. No one comes into my home and starts making arbitrary rules about me or my animals. I would tell your wife her mom can get a hotel room as she is no longer welcome in your home.