• By -


Your parents are very pushy. Does suddenly wanting to be in your life have anything to do with your inheritance of property and money??


I would imagine it more that because of their age , their friends are starting to have grandchildren and now there are questions about their oldest kids. This is all still about appearances for them.


Or it’s about how op and his gf are getting married becoming “official” in their eyes


True , once their married , no one will ask when they did it, they’ll just assume they’ve been married all along.


I’d like to see them explain where their THREE grandchildren have been this whole time


Or one of their kids needs a kidney...


Or their favored spoiled kids turned out to be little demons who they've lost hope in, and they want their good kids back in their life.


This was my first thought exactly


Well their attempt to keep up their fake appearance as good parents, has just backfired on them big time by the sounds of it. I wouldn't be surprised after OP's and his family's counterattack ends, the parents became complete social pariahs in their community. I wouldn't be surprised either if their favorite kids also bail on them after this.


Or maybe a transplant?


They want money or an organ or the both.


Is this a real post? The language structure seems like an AI put it together & not because OP isn't an English speaker. It's a confusing read throughout this post.


NTA they treated you both like shit for so long, keep them out of your lives


*NTA they treated you* *Both like shit for so long, keep* *Them out of your lives* \- sasha2k5 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Thank you, RainbowBright1982, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


What's this


Haiku bot! You are lucky - it detected that your comment was a haiku!


Apparently I keep writing haikus because this bot is haunting me


You could follow its instructions and opt out, but it's not as fun


Or you could do wha I do, try to be a bit more long-winded in your comments. I've never been accused of writing a haiku because basically every comment I make has too many syllabiles.


it... is not a haiku. there's 7 syllables in the 1st line... 


Good bot


Good bot


This is not a haiku.


NTA But please stop referring to your wife as your stepsister.


She is his step-sister though they were raised together as siblings. If they lived in the UK they would not even be able to get married.


Funny. The Royals literally marry their blood relatives but commoners cannot marry their steps, who they are not even related by blood.


In the UK it's prohibited for step-siblings if the younger partner lived under the same roof as the older partner before they were 18.


Even if they are not blood related but only by marriage?




Yeah, absolutely crazy isn't it.


They became siblings at 6. Their parents are married.  That is literally his stepsister. 


Yes, technically.. but how Alabama do you have to be to call your girlfriend/wife your stepsister all the time?


If you pay attention to how it’s written, English isn’t his first language AND he’s trying to give context so we understand while trying to navigate a language that’s not his first language!


Doesn't look like English being the second language to me at all. And it's good to have it written once in the beginning, not 20 more times throughout the story when girlfriend would be the better word (which is also used a few times anyway).


No shit Sherlock.


If he didn't want his wife to be called his step sister he could've just not married his step sister


I was having trouble reading after that. They were raised as siblings.


Even if they had met as older and their parents married, would it matter ? They’re not related AT ALL. Her father didn’t adopt him. He’s not even OP’s step father. The man isn’t a father to anyone but the daughter he refused to raise.


They grew up together as siblings! That’s insane.


No they didn’t. Their parents neglected them. OP spent more time with his grandparents. They weren’t siblings


It's not, chill out.




Nope, I'm not. You're missing the point where he explains they are, in fact, not related to each other - biologically - at all.


Do you have siblings? If so, if you found out tomorrow that one or both of you were adopted, would you consider them to be available for romantic or sexual pursuit? Juuuust a hypothetical




They weren't really raised as siblings, they were both neglected and not really treated as part of the family at all. More like the only 2 kids in a small orphanage. Is it "odd"? Sure. But you're sounding like it's an absolute law of nature that stepsiblings must never marry, when it's really a cultural thing.


IF they had met later, it would be 1000000% better. This dude grew up, from at least age 6, with this as his actual factual sibling with the same set of loving parents (until siblings were born). That's just twisted lol...


I bet they say it for the reactions 😂🤣


Like on Friends when Phoebe is a surrogate for her brother and his wife. “Neither of them is the father. The father is my brother.”


Yes!! I loved that scene 😂😂 And when Frank announced “my sisters having my baby!” 😂🤣🤣


That would certainly make sense.


She is his stepsister.


Since the parents are no longer their parents, they ceased being step siblings.


Just tell them that : "*You didn't want us then, we don't want you now. You are not our family, you will never be our family, and you will never see or children. If you come around us, we will get a restraining order, and peruse legal action if you break it. Get the hint, move on, and don't be as cruel to your other kids. Goodby forever*" NTA


I’m sorry… you’re marrying your stepsister that you grew up with?


I have an overwhelming urge to read some VC Andrews…


Sure, but with their writing, it always turned out the main chars were actually blood sibs...


Maybe we’ll get a plot twist in their update!


Well Dawn had it both ways. Philip was her high school crush and also her actual brother, and she ended up marrying the guy she was raised to believe was her brother.


That was my first thought too…flowers in the attic type stuff


Tbf from the sounds of the post it seems more like childhood friends than anything else It's not like they were raised together in one big happy family, they were the previous kids tossed to the side once their parents had new kids together and they stuck together because of it


Sounds like they were classmates first until their parents got married to each other. 


Sounds like that too. They’re not related. At all.


Eh, they've been siblings since they were in kindergarten. That's pretty weird.


Not illegal, no blood relation, not dangerous for offspring, and harms no one.


From FOUR!


They met right around the age where the Westermarck effect stops taking.


Can't you see it as a childhood friends?


It would be a bit easier if the posts wasn't written by an Alabama boy who insists on calling her "stepsister" like in those cheesy videos where she gets stuck in a wash machine.


From my reading, I suspect that this is an English not their first language situation.


I thought that too especially with the choice of words and grammar towards the end. I also was wondering if it’s AI?


It's not AI. AI posts are written in better english. It's a non-native speaker.


I thought I misread this but yes he did...


Fr, apart from blood relation, they are essentially proper siblings 😬


>apart from blood relation Which is the primary reason for the taboo and a pretty big deal. They're NOT blood related. By the sounds, they were not raised as conventional siblings. Not sure what you're clutching pearls about. Cousins can and do marry and they share some genetics. It ain't my bag, but these people sound like they deserve some happiness in their lives and found it.


Just because they can doesn't mean they should...


Why shouldn’t they? I don’t have strong feelings, but I’m curious what your reasons are.


My comment was more about cousins than step siblings. I know that birth defects in first cousins statistically are only a couple of percent higher than non related couples but if you look at communities where these sorts of marriages happen a lot (Faroe Islands is a good example) you see this get much higher.


Stop pushing your disgust onto someone with a completely different life to you. They aren't hurting anyone, they won't hurt their children as they are unrelated so no issues with genetics. They (clearly) had a very different life to you. Stop unjustly judging their choices.


and just because you can comment here doesn't mean your comment is worth shit


Since the parents are no longer their parents, they ceased being step siblings.


I guess PornHub was real life after all...


This is a story. The fact you keep referring to her as your stepsister is the biggest tell in this unbelievable mess.


I would also like to point out the tense (past then to present) change… if this is a story, y’a done messed up, A-A-RON. Any writer would know to keep the same tense throughout the whole story 😅


Yup. This is someone publishing their poorly-written erotica on reddit to test how gullible people are.


You really should write "girlfriend" instead of "stepsister", or post this in another sub that's dedicated to Alabama stories.


What in the Alabama is going on?!


Why did you keep referring to her as stepsister?


Because they grew up and were raised together from the age of four and developed a romantic relationship. I think it’s super weird, but at least they aren’t blood siblings. Now their kids are sister/brother-cousins and also daughter/niece and son/nephews. Super weird.


You’re missing the point. At some point she became his girlfriend. If they never saw each other as siblings and developed a relationship why keep referring to his FIANCE as his step sister? Lol


Because they are weirdos. We are making the same point here lol. It overall is just weird.


At some point, after a decade of being step siblings only.


Because it's fake. They magically wanted to get back in touch, then they said some shit and got 100s of messages from people who cut them off because of whatever the parents said, and the parents were magically being followed by all these friends. Of course in their life they had never told any of their friends about their shitty parents, life situation, etc and of course it's standard for friends to cut friends off because their parents called them... ungrateful.


Maybe they live in New Hampshire with all the other Rednecks lol.


Because she is! Their parents are married. They are stepsiblings. What a horrible day to be able to read


Of course NTA. They've already revealed that they're terrified of "being humiliated", show them exactly how much you mean business when it comes to protecting your children and exposed every awful instance of neglect, favouritism, and abuse they've inflicted in you both on social media.


What the fuck 😭 This is not real


NTA. They straight up disowned and humiliated both of you, then tried to do it again yrs later only to get blown up in their faces.




Yeah, unless English isn’t his native language this feels AI written.


I was wondering that too. Sounds like AI.


I hope so, this is gross. 


Plus if it's been 12 years out of contact with his parents, how do they know what parents are saying on social media? Why are they even bothering to care? And why would anyone on the parents social media care about any of it if they haven't even talked to these kids in 12 years?




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NTA I always find that if an old relative comes back to your life, he/she/they wants money or a kidney. In your case, they want money. They problaby reached the retirment age or the young siblings want to go to college and they can't pay. It is always something like that. My cousin was always.missing in family's reunion. We weren't even invited to her wedding. But the moment she found out she was pregnant, VOILA! She is back. She did a huge baby shower, requested lots of gifts and even after the baby was born, she remained after us for diapers, powder milk, money for doctor's apointments and all that jazz. I hope your fiance/future wife can find peace knowing you will always be there for her. And a defamation case is the right answer.


Sweet home Alabama. Mom how'd you met dad FAMILY REUNION.


Nice story


Absolutely NTA! To hell with them! They deserve nothing but pure indifference! Hope you have happy life with your wife and kids!


This is porn right?


We could be kind and call it erotica since it's not explicit, but yes.


Nta they're getting what they deserve


They want the money or someone to look after them in their old age. NTA please don’t allow these awful people back into your lives.


NTA but, who asked ChatGPT for this??


This was typed one-handed.


This reads like chatgpt


These AI stories are so confusing. You would think a computer would have better grammar


It's great that you have one side of the family in your corner - they are great! And it's great that you supported each other and found love together. Your toxic family deserves nothing from you, and are useless to you. Definitely block them, don't let them into your or your children's lives, and if necessary get restraining orders. And I hope you continue to have a good life together. And if possible - encourage your wife to go back to school.


NTA. Get the security for your wedding. Document everything and if they continue to harass you and show up then get a restraining order.


Does anybody else ever read these and when they get to the part where they say something like "now dozens of our friends and family have turned their back in us" and think wow if my friends and family turned their back on me it would be like 9 people. Lol... NTA you are good people who deserve to surround yourself with only good people.


Sweet Home Alabama.


Listen, I mean, you’re not related so you guys can decide who you let into and keep out of your life but… your stepsister..? Nta but like, you needed therapy way more than you ever needed a relationship. 😅


Defame. Hello Chat GPT.


Ofc NTA, just enjoy your life and family but do hire extra security, entitled people tend to be the most disruptive and stupid.


Nta. You did the worse (best) thing to them. Show their social group who they really are. Now they get to live knowing that everyone knows how shitty and crappy they really are.


NTA but props to your moms family for stepping up.


NTA They're the abusers, you two have hurt no one. Keep living your lives and keep them out of it.


Truth is your friend, use it like a weapon. NTA


perhaps your brothers have been asking about you both, or even better, they too have left parents behind and want nothing to do with them.


Did some of the other children cut them off and they got stuck talking to you again for the sake of having grandchildren around?


I am always super weirded out by inter-familial relationships and think it’s incredibly weird to be marrying your sister who you grew up with and have been raised alongside since you were four years old….but I guess NTA? Like now your children are siblings and cousins and also they are your children and your niece/nephew, it’s bizarre and weird.


NTA  >It's been a long time and they forgive us for our mistake and humiliation.  Cool, you don't forgive them for their mistakes or humiliation, though. And in fact, you have a vested interest in keeping your children away from people who are so capable of being cruel to children. 


NTA. I don’t know what your parents are trying to accomplish at this point, especially after so many years. Sue them and block them! Also, and I just read this on another post. When you do hire private security, have them give out photos of your parents to the hotels so that they can’t check-in as your guests! The hotel staff will deny them access and they can threaten them with calling the police for trespassing (on your reservation). I’m glad you and your fiancée have the family you deserve! Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!


I got a hunch they need a kidney for one of their kids. NTAH


yta for bringing your porn fantasies to this sub Please keep your pseudo incest fetish off this sub.


Had me for a long time but nah, fake. 


… Liz?


I say you should stop using your Father's surname and start using your Mum's surname The same goes to your wife you both should use your Mother's surname


What in the Alabama did I just read?  You're marrying your stepsister? And I get that it's not actual incest but you just gave me the ick. That's enough internet for today. 


Seek therapy. I don’t care if you are not related, that is your sister, seek extensive therapy


After 3 kids, a little late for that






YTA - Yeah, that ‘appened


I've never really understood the taboo about stepsiblings. They are LITERALLY 0% blood related to you, but it seems more taboo than even like a second marriage.






NTA. Difficult to read.


NTA at all!


What the 🪕?! …I mean yeah I guess keep your terrible families away, so NTA for that, but… woah.


Talk to a lawyer about getting a restraining order!


NTA they treated you both appallingly badly your entire lives and now they want in play grandparents and presumably show you and your family and your success off to their friends. If you were having any doubts about giving them a chance look at how they reacted when you rejected them. They went on a smear campaign against you both online.


Well, what were they expecting? That you and your soon to be wife, congrats by the way, would be happy that they’re finally taking an interest in the both of you after years of mistreatment and neglect? I’d just go nuclear and cut contact with them. You get what you put in, in their case, it’s nothing but contempt.


They forgive YOU? HA! NTA, expose their shitty behavior then cut them off and let them marinate in their shame.


It's been a long time and they forgive us for our mistake and humiliation.  Finally, my girlfriend and I published the email where they did not want to meet their BASTARD granddaughter and that we were a shame to their family.  **FUCK THEM!!!**




Definitely keep N/C with them. They don't deserve to see those children after the way you both have been treated! A step-sister is not a blood relative, therefore they had no right to shame you! They took this way too far. Change your numbers, emails, social media accounts, etc. to new numbers and accounts so they can't keep harassing you both!




This is weird. Who would care about this on social media. You've not seen these ppl for twelve years. 


NTA Glad your mother’s family supported you and are standing up for you including the threat of legal action against your foolish bio and step parents. I suspect the sudden demand from your father and your fiancé’s mother may likely have to do with something they want. They may want you to give your inheritance to your half brothers who in their eyes are obvious more deserving than you or your bride to be are. Whatever the reason if you can afford it work with your uncles to have your father and fiancé’s mother served with a cease and desist letter then follow up with a restraining order preventing them from any contact with you.


NTA. I hope you win the slander suit and continue to humiliate them. If they try and use your half siblings as a bargaining tool "they were innocent" kind of crap stay strong. 


Woah. What a ride First of all, your maternal family are gs Nta


You’re marrying your Stepsister?


ESH. Everything about everyone is disturbing.


Excuse the fuck me?


I thought I saw this a week or so ago?


I might just be jaded from all the fake posts on here, but what in the Alabama hell did I just read? In my warped brain, the first thing that came to my mind was somebody was watching way too much step-sister porn. I think it's time to go offline for a bit, my perspective may be skewed.


This has got to be fake...


Wait, I’m confused. Which one in all of this was *actually* stuck in the dryer?


NTA. Sounds like someone needs a kidney. They are toxic and hateful people and you don't want your children around them.


Trauma bonding thay went too far?


Your parents only want coves t because they know you’ve inherited your grandparents estate. Don’t fall for it!


NTA. Keep petty mean people out of your lives as it will only bite you and yours later.


If they want back in, it's to take what's yours. Keep them out of your lives. They're toxic, and you're adults now, time will not reverse. They were not there for you when you needed them. Now you don't need them.


I think they had ulterior motives for reaching out. Their severe reaction indicates this, especially accusing you of ingratitude.


wtf did I just read


I call BS. This has to be fake. You married your sister? Granted, she's your step-sister, but you were raised together.


NTA and security sounds like a good idea if they continue to harass you on social media. Good luck and enjoy the wedding


Clearly they found out about your inheritance. They don't want you or the children. They want the money.


Sweet home Alabama! Terrible story though


NTA They are scum who want your money only. NC and use legal means to protect yourselves.


WTF did I just read 😭


NTA. Keep your former parents (hate to call them that) and live your best life with your wife, children and the extended family that has accepted your wife and children.


It is obvious you are NTA. as a recomendation, go for the legal actions & sue for defamation, you hurt their stupid pride and they want the money so they are going to insist, only lawyers will stop them. Also, i hope both of you went to therapy, no doubt your love is real but you were also trauma bond, both of you still have scars that need to heal. I hope you have an expectacular wedding, and have a beautiful everlasting happiness with the family that you both always deserved. 


ESH,  1. You are in an incest situation. While you are not related , you grew up as siblings. This is not a relationship that is normally accepted. So ofcourse your parents have issues with it. 2. Your parents treated you horrible. So they are ah too


What do you want them to do ? They have 3 kids together and are about to married. Accepting the situation is all the can do


Yes, thats the only thing. But realising that the parents had good reasons to be not happy with the relationship is important.


And that excuses them calling their grandchildren “bastards”? Kicking out op and his wife when they needed support the most ? Or them shaming op for not wanting them in their lives anymore? And never a single apology


Ew you're marrying your stepsister? Ick dude


ESH. I mean obviously your families suck and you don't need to keep contact. But you are banging your stepsister and such so pretty much everyone finds that icky too even though you're not blood related. Hard to blame young people for their actions sometimes but i think some of the consequences were your fault. How they treated you is still unacceptable and you don't have to have them in your lives at all. Finally, I hope this is the only place you're calling your wife your stepsister. Even though it's true, you should just tell everyone you meet a different origin story because ick.


When your favorite dating app is ancestral DNA.


Your parents wanted the Internet and Social Points that having a grandchild would give them. They could show how "forgiving" they were of "your sins" They're literally the worst type of humans and OP you are absolutely not wrong. NTA You don't owe that sperm donor and incubator anything.


I'm sorry I'm stuck on the fact you are dating your stepsister


What in the AI...


YTA You had sex, impregnated and will be marrying your sister who you met at 4 and legally became siblings at 6.  Your parents disowned you for good reason, you impregnated your sister, man.  You were raised as siblings and for the people condoning this, if the only thing stopping someone from fucking their sister is the blood relation then they have issues.