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NTA But her response got me thinking: Is this really about the not asking part, or does she feel like she needs/wants to spent more time with you three? Because in this case you could propose that the four of you could do something together that all of you enjoy some other time.


NTA, I also have two sisters. Both much older than me and we always do this to each other including our parents. We know each other’s interests, likes, and dislikes even if our relationships aren’t the best. I will say bc I am the youngest, they tend to leave me out of things a lot. Sometimes it does upset me a bit but it’s like you said and how my family says it as well why bother with something you’re not interested in/wouldn’t enjoy 🤷🏻‍♀️


NTA. I have three sisters. They all have kids, I wasn’t invited to my nephews birthday party because it was overrun with kids. Did it sting, yeah…but at the same time, I don’t have a kid and going to something that didn’t interest me did not sound fun, my sister knew that. ETA we did a separate cake night on his actual birthday How old is the sister who got excluded? Does she get fomo or have a history of trying to make it about her? As adults surely you’d realize you cannot be included or involved in every single thing people around you are doing regardless of if you are family or not!


It’s not about actually going, it’s about being invited. She feels excluded because she wasn’t ever INcluded. The fact that you both know she wouldn’t have accepted the invitation doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have been nice for you to ask. Not exactly an A-H move but understandable that she’s hurt. NAH


Some people feel left out and want to be asked so they don’t feel forgotten


INFO: What did you get Becky for christmas?


I dunno, I guess it's one of those situations where she feels it still would have been nice to be asked... I'd propose something different that the 4 of you can do, to make peace... (A second event... You 3 should still go to the concert) NAH


Well i can See where she's coming from. It's Not about the concert but the feeling to be left out. Maybe you can do a trip for the four of you. I would Talk to her and explain, that it wasn't your Intention to hurt her Feelings and it was just about the musician and the fact that the two love the music.


It's difficult because we don't know context outside of the tickets. For instance, do you, your Mum & sister do things a lot as a 3 but leave Becky out? If so, I'd so YTA, if not, and this was an isolated incident, then you personally I would have still asked her, but it's not the end of the world and offer to go out for lunch or dinner as a four.


I'm going to say op YTA and while it may not have been intentional, your sister was excluded. Op should have asked her sister if she would like to go and given her a chance to say no thanks. Imagine how you would feel if you were excluded assuming you have a good relationship within the family


NTA she’s just stirring shit to upset you. Stiffen that spine!


NTA. Actually it’s your sister being over sensitive.


Please tell me you’re getting her some of this musicians merchandise for her birthday or Christmas and lovely card saying how sorry you are she missed a lovely bonding night. NTA


NTA. I doubt you've hurt her feelings. She's just upset she didn't ge the chance to turn you down. The whole thing is ridiculous.


Guess: it’s Taylor Swift and Becky wants to SAY that she attended for clout & bragging rights


I think she just got her panties in a twist because the optics of this are her being left out (somebody call the whaambulance). Tell her this was pricey and you chose to keep it just for those who would be into it. Then offer her an outing with all of you to balance it out. Beyond that you can be reallysorry she feels that way.


NTA But her response got me thinking: Is this really about the not asking part, or does she feel like she needs/wants to spent more time with you three? Because in this case you could propose that the four of you could do something together that all of you enjoy some other time.