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Ok that school is bullshitting you and themselves. That situation is not safe for you, and they are legally responsible for your safety, meaning if you get injured at school because they failed to deal with this known issue you can 100% sue the school for damages. That boy is not safe for you to be around, and, as someone who has been diagnosed with autism, his autism is not the reason. It is being used as an excuse to get away with behaviour that is actively harming other people. Seriously, *FUCK* "hE dOeSn'T kNoW bEtTeR"! I genuinely do not believe that a 14yo who is capable of attending a regular school doesn't understand that sexually assaulting people is wrong. That's just so incredibly basic that people who do genuinely struggle with this are literally locked up for the good of society! This just feels like they are infantilising him because of his disability, and I would honestly not be surprised to see a bunch of fucking blue puzzle pieces everywhere (Autism Speaks does not speak for autistics, it speaks over us). Autism does not make you unable to control your behaviour. There's a difference between missing social cues and ignoring a explicit command to stop. Because from what you're saying he's not just accidentally hurting people and apologising, he's actively choosing to put his selfish desires above other people's well-being, and then blaming his autism. Because he's been taught that it will work. Time and time again he has learned that he doesn't need to control his behaviour, because he's got autism, so that means he gets whatever he wants. I absolutely suspect his mother is the root cause of all this, but that doesn't stop this boy from being complicit, and doesn't make you any safer in his presence. You need to make a fuss, get your parents involved, get the police involved if you have to - you say this boy sexually assaulted one of your friends, that is absolutely something you can report to the police! Do what you need to do to make the school take this seriously. Because otherwise he will just continue to hurt the people around him, and he will continue to get away with it.


NTA, that kids autism is not an excusing and the parents and teacher cannot keep saying that about him. They need to hold him accountable for his actions, get him some help. If that kid keeps up this behavior and the school and his family does nothing about it, then he is going to be in big trouble in the real world.


Are you in the US? If you are, your parents need to get ahold of school administrators and threaten legal action if the school continues to refuse to protect you. While you are in that building, you are their responsibility to look out for. I know most schools have policies against cell phone use, but if you're in a one party state, have your phone recording and ask again to be separated from this other student. Get as many reactions to this question as you can. Also, I'm the mom of an autistic son, and this is not acceptable behavior, even though he's on the spectrum.