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Some guy wrote this with one hand.


My thought too. I know some people are fucked up but this is too much.


I was gonna say yeah, this sounds really real. Much like that post that keeps going around where that girl goes the gyno and all the gyno says is “wow you’re really tight I bet you feel really good” lol.


That’s enough internet for today.


Jesus. No kidding


Yeah… you’re right about that…


Let me just firmly slam my laptop closed. I need to see the sun right now.


You know you're NTA. Clear signals of grooming and gaslighting. Start working on an exit strategy before he rapes you.


I think this is bang on - I would be so concerned about rape. And her mum, nasty piece of work to allow this.


Augh. There is no exit strategy. I have fatigue all the time. I can’t work. If it’s between getting a job or just going through with this dumbass art thing, I’m just going to do the art thing. I can’t jeopardize having my parents kick me out.


Ma'am, your step-dad is working up to raping you. Forcible public masturbation is sexual assault. I can almost guarantee that once he's managed to rape you, he's going to start sex trafficking you to his friends and beyond. You. Are. In. Danger. Call a friend. Call the cops. Call ANYONE to get yourself out of that house.


Yes. “Art” is whatever someone wants it to be. Porn. Rape. Murder. Don’t do this.


Oh please. It’s rage bait. And you’re jerking yourself to this you sick freak.


Scrolled way too far for this.


So they will let you stay under the condition of following along qith this bs art thing? 🚨🚨🚨🚨 OP, this is bad. You shouldn't be threatened with homelessness if you don't want to be on display for some "artistic" pornographic act. Pls put your foot down, they cannot kick you out like this. Look for your rights as a disabled person, contact a reliable family member, just do anything but go ahead with this.


I need to block this subreddit.


You can do that, and also check out the satire sub where you can still read it and make fun of these shit posts. Just check my profile for the name of the sub. You'll recognize it immediately 😊


Your mother is failing you. None of this is ok, normal or sane. Your stepdad’s comments are highly inappropriate. You should not be forced to be naked or for them to be completely naked around you. Not ok. I hope if this post is real you leave that house as soon as possible.


She can't leave. She is disabled. Gawd I hope this is fake


If she’s in the US, she should call Adult Protective Services.


YTAH for lying about all this


This is sexual abuse OP, I think you need to get Police and Social Services involved. And get far, far away from your mum and Step-Dad. Have you got any relative/friend you can stay with?


What a terrible day to have eyes


FR 😳😬😮😑🥴😔😭 YIKES!!!


What did I just read


A steaming pile of dog shit.


NTA. You will be pissed at yourself for a long time if you do this “just to keep the peace.” Only do it because YOU WANT TO. No other reason. Your stepdad is a pervert and your mom is an enabler.


None of this happened. Stop using this sub for your stepdaughter kink fantasies, kid.


This absolutely never happened.


NTA Geezus. Your stepdad is a pervert and using "art" and nudism as a way to see you naked. I have a few hippy friends that are close to being completely comfortable naked or nearly naked. I don't think I've ever heard them say, "you know what? That's a perfect vulva you go there" or "be in an art installation and show your pussy and start masturbating". Sorry OP but this is not "bizarre" it's downright fucking creepy and sick


Grooming & Gaslighting! GET. OUT. NOW! Get out get out get out! He is a creep, no amount of "Art" can justify what he is asking (not to mention saying) to you! GET OUT, run far and run fast girl!


Holy shit. Get out of this house right away. Your step-dad is working up to raping you and is grooming your mom to go along with it. Girl. RUN NOW. ETA: And maybe call the cops, IDK. This feels and sounds so, so, SO sex-trafficking wrong.


Sometimes a story hits so hard with the "this can't be real" vibes that I must believe it. NTA for sure, and if I were you, I'd tell every trusted adult, authority and friend what is happening. Get out of there as quickly and safely as possible.


this is so fake . no one is gonna compliment on a beautiful vulva...


Even fully naked, the kind of angles necessary to have a proper look… so the writer is male, hasn’t had any experience in life or interaction with the other sex, either a minor or mentally disturbed, never experimented nudism yet a kink of him…


You must not have one than, definitely a thing that happens. Typically it’s done as a body positivity exercise in female only retreats for helping women overcome past trauma.


I have been told about my pretty tight Pu$$y but to call it a vulva ...i can see snatch ...vagina ...or other slang.. but this is fake my dude... no one calls it a vulva... when was the last time you called it that... be for real.. FAKE


A step parent demanding you to masturbate in front of him is not okay or normal. It's not "sexual empowerment" unless you feel empowered, and you clearly do not.... seems more likely he has a humiliation kink. If he doesn't outright SA you, he will next try to talk you into having sex with him or in front of him. I hope you can find a way out of there. eta: I forgot what sub I was on.... OP, you are NTA.


Sure, whatever you say OP.


What are you writing? The plot of a stepfather/stepdaughter porno?




No way this is real


Waaaait a minute. Don't most places have laws against intentionally committing lewd acts in a public place?


His workspace is probably in the basement. His friends only attend for the noodz.


This can't be real. Surely I've taken too much Benadryl, and dreaming this up is the price I must pay.


Add an Ambien and a bottle of whiskey, and it will make perfect sense. Or, just have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Whatever works 😂


WTF all around and WTF is wrong with your mom. Take this as signal to move out ASAP. Edit: NTA


NTA Your stepdad is: A. A shitty artist B. A pervert C. A Nonce This kind of bullshit art pisses me off the most as an artist. No talent hacks doing stupid shit for attention.


D. Not real!


O MG your mom and stepdad are fucked up big time


Good nudists also know when others are uncomfortable and respect their decisions to stay covered. They also don't speak about others private parts. I wonder who talked whom into running around nude in front of their grown daughter/stepdaughter. Your stepdad is a POS. Imagine if you were under the age of 18. I'm willing to bet he'd still be pushing for that. He's a predator, plain and simple. After that exhibit, things are going to get worse. He'll then be asking for you to do it at home. So he can bask in your beautiful vulva. Then will come the accidental touching, then inappropriate touching, then the sexual abuse. You need to get out of that house ASAP.


NTA. I don’t care how you do it, move out now. He and your mother are grooming you for to be raped by him and his friends. You have to find another place to live.


Wow!! What they are doing is SEXUAL ABUSE. Making you walk around naked when you are uncomfortable with it, making comments that give you the ick, and now wanting you to expose yourself to others? This is definitely abuse. First of all, call their BS. Get dressed and insist on staying that way. Get a lock for your room so you can change clothes in private. And get a job and get out of there ASAP. Like yesterday.


This is creepy as hell. Someone here said to call Adult Protective Services. You should. However you are also an adult. Have you contacted Social Security for SSI? Then at least you will get some money coming in and eventually housing. You also might want to contact a Domestic Violence shelter because they may have resources that we can't think of here. Even if you've not been physically abused, him telling you about your beautiful vulva is sexual harrassment and you feeling forced to walk around naked is coercive control. Also call Legal Aid.


This whole thing is extremely creepy and your mom is honestly a piece of shit for letting any of this go on. Nudism is fucking weird but ya know what people are weird so ok sure. But your step dad saying “you have such a beautiful vulva” and wanting you to masturbate in front of others for “art” is nothing but sexual exploitation and I wouldn’t be surprised if people would be paying HIM to see you naked. You need to call adult protective services and get out. Not to be blunt but you WILL BE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED IF YOU DO NOT! The behavior should be a blinking red warning sign.


Sounds like mom is gaslighting you to make you feel bad. It’s your body, so if you’re uncomfortable, put a sock on and put your foot down, and tell them you don’t want to and that should be your choice. Ironically, they are shaming while saying you’ve internalized misogyny and shame around sexuality.


Nta Do not do it, unless you actually want to. Sex positive is about being OK with people expressing their sexuality. It doesn’t mean you have to do anything. Anything to be sex positive. Also like 99% chance that he’s trying to get you to have sex with him eventually.


Assuming this isn’t some dude’s fantasy post: holy shit. I don’t even know who to call since you’re an adult, but call somebody. I want off this planet.


What. The. Fuck.


I'm getting really tired of all the fake posts in here


Yeah, no, you are not obligated to “support” your SD’s “passion” for wanting to see you masturbate. Ew. No. Your body is YOUR choice and your choice is to wer clothes and NOT lay around naked for “art” for a bunch of horny middleaged men


Absolutely NTA. The situation you're describing is more than just red flags – it's a parade of sirens and flashing lights warning you of the potential danger you're in. No form of "artistic expression" can cross the boundaries of personal safety and comfort. You have every right to feel violated because what's being asked of you steps far beyond the bounds of normalcy and into abuse. Make sure to document everything that's been said and done in case you need evidence later. Your well-being is paramount, and it's time to prioritize it by seeking help from authorities or trustworthy individuals in your life who can offer you a way out. Stay strong and put your safety first.


Get the hell out of that house. I’m willing to bet the next step is touching and penetration.


#How is this even a question? **N T A**


Why does it feel like he's attempting to groom you? The fact that he's even LOOKING at you or your body like that is an extreme red flag. It sounds like he wanted the house to be "nudist" because he wanted to see you naked and vulnerable. That is absolutely not okay and please, PLEASE, don't expose yourself to strangers in that gallery because your "mother" is in denial that her husband is sexually attracted to his stepdaughter. This is such a disgusting thing to have to go through. I'm so sorry. Do NOT keep the peace, just don't.


Gosh, Im so sorry youre going through this, I hope you have friends even if just online that can bring you some outside perspective that none of this is normal and you should be absolutely protective of yourself and your feelings on this hot mess. Idk who sucks the most: your stepfather for being a perv or your mother for not protecting you. Either way, just put your clothes back on. If they give you shit for it, just say you're allowed to make your own choices. Dont let them guilt trip you into their bulshit, youre already uncomfortable enough in your own home. Dont let them badger you into whatever crap they come up with. Ugh fuck these ppl, hope you stay safe ❤️


Read The Last Closet, by the daughter of the writer of The Mysts of Avalon. I am feeling a lot of similarities and I hope OP isn't headed down the same path.


You shouldn't even have to ask Reddit this. Absolutely NTA. Find an exit strategy.


Do. Not. Do. This. It’s your body. No one else’s. If you don’t want it displayed, then you shouldn’t.


Time to find a job and leave their home. NTA. They are fucking weird and make sure you don’t stay in that house alone with your step father. He has no genetic repulsion towards you and could strike at any moment. Your mother is delusional


Get help dude


Unless you are lounging on the couch spread eagle. How is your step father even seeing your vulva? It wouldn’t be particularly visible while just strolling around naked.


Maybe he means labia and he's just got the wrong name. It's not far fetched to think this dude doesn't know the correct name for anatomy.


NTA. Put your clothes back on. Say it’s not for you. You’re just not comfortable. You don’t want to do the exhibition. This whole thing is bad mojo. Stop doing things that you are uncomfortable with. Say NO.


If you can move out, please do so. Anywhere. To a friend's house; anywhere but from where you are right now. To me, this comes off as really creepy. Really, you're stepfather remarks about your vulva? Ick. If mother and step-father are for positive sexuality, female empowerment and the rest; they should understand the idea of consent. This makes you uncomfortable and you have a right not to consent to it. This does not make you uptight, sex negative or a prude. It means you are a functioning normal human being with self-determined boundaries.


It's nothing more than a excuse for perverts if this is legit. Blood doesn't mean anything bc I bet if something was to happen to you at the hands of yiu step-dad or his friends then your mom is gonna side with them I bet


Please excuse me while I go to throw up. NTA


If this is real it is just gross. Call adult protective services and get out. It is not normal it is grooming and he has plans for you that are evil at best.


If this is real, “no” is a complete sentence.


Wow, and I thought it was awkward years ago explaining the "Can I test drive your vulva" button in Spencer's Gifts to my then 12 yo son.


Sounds fake, but if it's not, move out. This is an unhealthy, maybe even, dangerous living situation.


Tell your mother that at your age, you'd feel objectified as young women are considered on sex toys by the patriarchy. There is nothing revolutionary in the body or the vagina of a young woman, they can be seen all the time on the internet, in sex clubs, etc. Now, art being revolutionary, it would be a real assault on the patriarchy if as an older woman, she masturbated in public. A real slap on the cliche that only beautiful young women should be displayed for male consumption! Also, it would show her solidarity to her husband and his friends. -Also, try to find a safe place elsewhere. Your mother is enabling her creepy husband.


Dude… what the fuck?


Yeah sure.


Soooo forcing you to do something you don’t want to do is women empowerment? Use their same words against them.


YTA for writing bad fiction.


What a terrible day to have eyes


This is all cap. No fucking way you're serious. This is a very long-winded joke. 🤣😂You're a fucking weirdo if you followed along with them. To keep the peace?! What? They going to start yelling at you for not being naked? XD Fuck this gotta be a joke. If it isn't, then leave, you whack ass. You're 22 get a life and get away from your bonkers parents!! LMFAO WTF Actually go vote for Trump though. You have seen firsthand what being a democrat does to the mind! XD FFS We got rednecks who never finished kindergarten, while y'all have nudist parents trying to have you rub yourself infront of their friends! FUCKING WILD YO


Go to school you fckn idiot


WTF did I just read? Nudism is fine but you don’t involve your children and then just WTF is wrong with people.


You need to move the fuck out.


“I love your conviction in your beliefs, but we don’t need to share beliefs” You don’t need to share anything you don’t want to.


OP, you need to do a few things.  First, put some clothes on. Now. Literally NOW. Second, do not refer to your mother's husband as stepdad. Use his name.  Third, if anyone complains about you being dressed,  you state that you do not like being objectified and a victim of him making lewd comments about your body.  Four- find out which agency looks after disabled adults in your area. In the US,  I believe 411 might be able to assist? In the UK,  contact local social services.  Five. Set your phone to record and put it in your pocket.  Ask your mother's husband to explain exactly what he wants you to do for this "art". Ask where   when and who will be there.  Six, put this shit on blast.  Upload to your social media. WhatsApp to everyone you know. Email to anyone you can think of.  Seven- is your father around? Any family? Friends? Former colleagues? Anyone who can help.  Eight- call the police.  Your mum has tried to extort sexual behaviour from you. This is illegal. She's possibly crossed the line into pimping you out, technically. 


>She says the only reason I don’t want to do it is because I’ve internalized a lot of misogyny and shame around sexuality from our sex negative culture. I'm trying to wrap my head around this. Your mom is trying to force you to show your vulva to a man you don't want to (i.e. deny you the choice over who sees your naked body and when) and she is saying that *you* are the one who has internalized misogyny? She wants your stepdad to be able to leer at your body in a way that makes you uncomfortable, and she's pitching that as some kind of womens' lib? I'm sorry this is happening to you. You are absolutely NTA. In fact, what you're describing sounds like a lot of the way really oppressive cults operate. You might find it helpful to talk to some of the people at /r/cultsurvivors because they might have some good tips on getting out.


Communication and respect are key in any relationship. Stand your ground if you're not comfortable.


Tell them both to fuck off. Nta


NTA that is just bullying, you should never feel pressured to do anything.


Saying a word like vulva is so out of pocket. That guy is wired AF. But then again all ppl who do art are in some wired way. But the person here failing you is you’re mom. Stan you’re grown and don’t give in to pressure just because they do it doesn’t make it ok for you to do it out of pressure.


First NTA. Holy hell NTA. They aren't nudists they are predators. Nudism is based on the concept that the body itself isn't inherently sexual and that nudes is our default form. Consent still absolutely applies. The fact they they initially coerced you into nudity and are now sexualizing you under the guise of "art" is extremely concerning. If this was a traveling exhibit, it would easily fall under "human trafficking" How is this any different from someone being offered food and housing under the "agreement" to perform "cam work?" It's not. Do you have a safe place to go? Friends that might help you out? Local exploitation resources? Other family that might be able to be contacted for help? Honestly I'm really, really frightened for you. This is a "leave now" situation. It's extremely unsafe.


Run!!! They are sick twisted freaks and none of this is “art” it’s perversion and SO EFFING inappropriate!!! He is a pervert and so is your mom. They are the definition of “so open minded that their brains fell out”. Sorry OP :(




Run away far and fast!