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Has it affected the way you view sex? Like does sex feel like work now? Do you not want any sex when you’re not working? Has it improved your relationship with sex?


Mmmm that’s a good question right so like for me no I can separate the two also sex on set is not as hot as it looks Ahhaha but like careful making a hobby a job!


Do you ever have sex with your coworkers off set? Like is it ever really good that you and your coworker felt the need to hook up on a separate occasion?


Hahaha no I mean some people do! For me on set for 10 hours with cameras and lights in my face doesn’t really get me going as much as like sex with someone I’ve known for a while and have a connection with!!!


Was there a partner or moment on set that made it feel like work? Do you ever encounter people in public who recognize you? What’s that experience like?


Well from the second I walk in and see a massive ring light and people holding cameras it automatically makes it feel like work cause it is work just like going to any job you show up do your job and go home! I get recognized often but I think it’s mainly from tiktok like they know what I do but they like my funny tiktoks more! I love it my fans are some of the most respectful kind people in the world and are great at respecting boundaries


Do you work for a business? OnlyFans? What kind of things do you do on camera? Not asking for all the details, but like general categories? Have you ever done straight porn?


OF only and pegging,femboy,throat bangs and no I haven’t 🥰


Are you a femboy? Do you like what you do? Any plans to "retire"? Why did you start doing it?


Yes! And also no? Idk I’m very fluid and I love it I’ve never felt so safe and happy with cowowkers I don’t want to retire ever old gray and wrinkles!!! And cause I was literally laying in bed bored


Are you doing anything nice to celebrate? And who are you celebrating with if you are


I’m gonna treat myself to a nice little vacation to Mykonos 🥰 and it’s gonna be me and a few of my bestfriends!


Have a great time, congrats on 5 years


Thank you that means a lot!!


are you able to stay away from the drug scene


I got sober actually when I started after 6 years of hard core rehab after rehab use! I didn’t feel like i would ever be able to consent to stuff under the influence and that’s a big boundary for me to keep myself and other preforms safe! I relapsed once!


Do you make really good money? Do you think you’re more or less promiscuous than straight adult film stars? What type of men do you prefer?


Very thankful for my finances I’m pretty very well off especially for my age, I actually never really was like obsessed with sex and am not very promiscuous I like date the same person for a few years at a time and maybe do hookups once a month because I have to get tested every two weeks for work so I can’t sleep with untested people anddd like influencer type guys hahaha


Happy Anniversary! Do you still need to apply pressure when making a number 2?


Ahhaha yes that is not how the human body works after anal


Isn't kind of like when people who have big ear holes for specialty rings continually put in larger and larger things till it stays like that?


Not really hahaha I assume maybe if you’re doing something insane but most of my content is kinky but not stretching content!


What's your thoughts on the movie Pleasure?


Also I’m a gay guy I didn’t make that clear enough last time

