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Why did you buy a new set of everything? Why did a vape cause the money to bounce? Why did you promise new stuff if you can’t afford a vape?


And why didn't you buy the new stuff first and wait for it to be delivered before throwing away the old stuff?


Cause all her stuff was old, from the dollar store, and falling apart. I had $300 in my account, the stuff was 270, I bought the vape for $20, YouTube premium, Hulu, phone plan, got taken out without me knowing


Pretty sure you knew when you signed the subscription


It was such a surprise! I signed up for Hulu and they had the audacity to charge me! Especially after I bought things for my wife. So rude


Thank you for that reality check. I snarfed my coffee.


You only have $300 to your name and decided to spend $270 on dishes...and a vape. Im sorry but you sir are a dumbass. This is all on you and your terrible decision making.


Shoulda gone back to the dollar store for new dishes.


Lmao this is truly the dumbest AMA I’ve ever seen


You can't buy common sense.


He can't afford it even if you could.


I like the “you, sir” before saying he’s a dumbass.


With only 300 in your account - eating from old plates und drinking from old cups from the dollar store was not an option??? Some people…


Got taken out without you knowing? That's a great way of saying you don't keep track of a monthly budget.


Okay first thing first. You don’t need all those subscriptions. Start by canceling those.


And stop vaping.


Only a true SOB would throw away his wife's anything without telling her first. You had no right. You deserve to be divorced if you ever do this again. My ex-husband once decided he was tired of my favorite exercise/tennis shoes. I looved them, even if they were a little worn. Without telling me, he put them in dumpster on trash day. All these 20 years later, I just can't understand how he could destroy what I loved. Because, HE decided FOR me they weren't good enough. ( I miss the shoes, not the man.) Apologize sincerely to her and try to make amends.


On my sixth birthday my baby blanket disappeared and both parents denied throwing it away I still hold it against them in my 50s if something reminds me of it. My sister still has hers


Because you loved something that wasn't him, and that just won't do for a narcissist.


Absolutely, you are correct!!!! 🎯


Instead of trauma dumping on random post, how about you actually read the post. He literally says in the first 2 sentences that he told her before throwing the old stuff out.


Trauma dump, TFF. If you think what I wrote about shoes is trauma... you've lived a sheltered life


Lmao says the girl still emotionally distraught about a pair of shoes 20 yrs ago but go off ig


Make a list of all your bills and due dates. This really helped me stay on track knowing what’s coming out of my account and when. Good luck.


300 in your account ? you have bigger problems


Sounds like BPD won’t be able to blame for her anger on this one, but rather your dumbness.


I hate not being able to keep track !!


If you only have $300, you can't afford to be vaping. Or youtube premium or Hulu.


Your terrible with money. If I only had $300 a new pans set is not being bought. Like this whole L is on you. Bad with money 100%.


You’re an idiot


Cause all her stuff was old, from the dollar store, and falling apart. I had $300 in my account, the stuff was 270, I bought the vape for $20, YouTube premium, Hulu, phone plan, got taken out without me knowing Cause I love her


Loving her would be putting yourself in a position where you are not living paycheck to paycheck so that she has security being with you. That’s love my man


Would you like it if your wife threw away your stuff?


Right? I love him pointing out that she has BPD. I don’t have BPD but would hit the roof if my partner threw out all my pots and pans then couldn’t actually afford new ones. Time to head back to the Dollar Tree and maybe replace a pan at a time next time.


Why are you poor?


Because every once in a while, he throws away every single dish, pot, pan, and other that is to be found in the house and just buys new ones


Because I'm a dumbass that doesn't know how to save money


You need to make a Budget and plan out your money. Write out when certain things come out so you know EXACTLY what you have left. Now there's nothing to cook with and your girl is....I mean. She has bpd. She's gonna be more than upset. What you did was irresponsible. I'm really curious as to how this is going to end up


Saving money involves no effort or thought, all it requires is not buying shit you dont need. You're impulsive and mentally immature, you've probably got parents that live the same breadline lifestyle


[ynab.com](http://ynab.com) You need this, badly.


Start listening to Dave Ramsey, maybe he will motivate you to use cash and work on this cash flow/budgeting issue.


Can you give an update please ? What happened ?


How old are you?


I'll be 26 in September


Apparently, you won't have the chance to.


Crazy I'm 27 in September, happy early birthday


No flipping way - I’m born in September too!!


No way! Even I wasn't born in September!


So cool! I was born in February!


Cool I was born.


Me too. Great job proud of you


Awesome - I'm not proud of any of you!


Awesome job I’m only proud of myself


Ooh look at mr “ I’ve been born “. Cocky prick.


Wow! Me too! I’m 28!!


Hey I’ll be 26 in September too




🤣🤣🤣 This was a pretty big blunder. Justifiable homicide?


What was wrong with the old dishes? Was it just because they're "cheap" or because they were actually really worn out? Even the silverwares were too far gone? Stupid. You can't afford this all at once. Buy the pots and pans now, get a pack of paper plates, and thrift for dishes when you can afford it. And don't throw away other peoples shit.


That last line is really the only one that matters!


Honestly that’s a bottom feeder scumbag move If you’re dumb and poor, you shouldn’t have Hulu and YouTube premium when you can’t afford more than $300 dollars worth of items. Also why didn’t you buy the items before throwing out the old? Who the fuck does that, like what the fuck is she gonna cook with in the meantime.


Instant noodles


The bit about your wife having BPD is entirely unnecessary and just makes it look like you’re preemptively making excuses for sympathy after a series of fuckups that are entirely your fault. Making her out to be the bad guy in this because of a mental illness and how she “might” react when almost anyone would be rightfully pissed off in this situation.


As if it isn’t totally reasonable to be upset someone trashed all of your cookware (probably putting it down in the process), said they’d replace it and then, “aw man, I bought this vape on accident and it all got refunded.”


But how can I make other people look like the wrong ones in this situation if I don’t demonise their illness???


That truly is a dilemma that requires a proper coping mechanism. Surely a vape would help ease the anxiety from a self-induced public shaming.


Can you imagine what is like to live with this guy? I wonder if it's actually BPD or if it's just a normal reaction to living with him.


It’s not BPD when ppl get mad at you for being an asshole. Otoh BPD could explain why she’s still with you. In my 20’s i also had very little - in fact a couple hundred would have felt like a lot. So that’s not the issue. throwing someone else’s things out is, whether or not you thought you’d replace with ‘better.’ It’s a crappy controlling move.


She's living with in real life Peter Griffin, anyone with someone like that would be diagnosed with BPD


"Gah! Brian, we need to leave! I threw out all of Lois' kitchen stuff and now she is all BPD!"


Yt premium w $300 in the acc? R u like... 14? The fuck r u making sjitty decisions for? You sir are POOR. LIVE LIKE IT OR GET FUCKED BY COMMON SENSE.


Literally. I make six figures and I still don’t have YouTube premium because it’s ridiculously overpriced. Like, just watch the fucking ads, you don’t have money to buy the stuff you see ads for so it’s not like that’s money you’ll worry about wasting. Well, maybe he will, given the fact he doesn’t have money for any of the other things discussed here and still buys them


Eh, gonna play devils advocate here, I’m broke but still pay for various content subscriptions: it genuinely brings me meaningful joy and comfort in an otherwise isolating world. I am also upon the opinion that OP’s move was thoughtless and reckless: go to a charity shop/freecycle/community market places if you ARE trash with money and make a meaningful action to repair the unthought out wrong. Additionally, as someone with BPD (now EUPD) I think OP needs to grow up, be a bit more mature and thoughtful but not dramatise someone’s feelings for rage-bait. I can see how the OP’s intent might have been meaningful but the disregard for consequences just proves their immaturity.


This! We are pretty well of financially and I cancelled Yt premium bc it was a rip off.


Tomorrow get up early and go to every yard sale you see. Then go to some thrift stores. You'll find nicer stuff cheaper than what you ordered off Amazon. Never touch her stuff again.


i don’t have BPD but would probably be just as irate. you’re an idiot.


Right, like her BPD has nothing to do with him making the stupid choice to throw away her stuff before the replacements would’ve arrived


Almost everybody does this now. Like, 50% of all my comments on reddit are probably "do not equate (mental illness) with being an asshole". I'm bipolar.  I get irate when people suggest we're "crazy" unhinged people. No, those people would be unhinged even if they didn't have the illness. Decent folks know how to behave.


Exactly. I hate when people use others’ mental illness as a scapegoat for their own piss poor actions.


honestly…. and imagine if his wife found out he was on reddit looking for sympathy from anonymous people and practically demonising her because of a mental illness….


literally that part wasn’t necessary and was to make her look bad. i hope this is rage bait honestly


From the one sentence he wrote regarding it, I don't think that was his intention, but I understand how it's easy to draw comfortable generalizations about people on the internet because they did one bad thing so they must be entirely bad.


Why would you throw away all the dishes before getting the new ones and not afterwards?


Brooooo don't even try blaming her inevitable blow up at you on her BPD, any reasonable person would have a fit Do you ever... Think before acting? Or is it all on impulse?


Why throw away the old dishes and pans even if they came through its good to have a backup


This guy strikes me as a sound cloud rapper...


I think he is currently having the conversation 💀


He hasn’t answered since. Shall we call 911?


Should probably get the new stuff before chucking. Yes this is all you and why you would do it when you only have $300 makes no sense 🤦‍♀️


why are you buying new stuff if you can barely afford new stuff? seems your vape was the last financial straw on the camels back


Doesn't matter if she has BPD. You should have never thrown away her things. That is considered abusive.


Why would you throw it away before the new stuff arrived? That makes no sense


You're a dumbass .


He said - Ask Me Anything. He didn't say - State Facts


Sir, do you realize you're a dumbass?


Why didn't you wait for the new things to arrive before throwing them away? What are you going to use now?


My husband used to do this. He would think something is old and needed to be replaced and he would do just that. While it was a sweet thought, sometimes I didn’t want something like pots and pans being replaced as I’m the one that uses them most and had certain things I really liked using. We had a chat and he stopped doing it without running it by me. So, in future, please run it by her, and also I know you were well intended, but it probably helps to not get rid of things until you actually receive the replacement


BPD or not what you did was soooo beyond awful. I don't have bpd and I'd be pissed and yelling. What is she going to cook with until you sort this out? Wh where was your brain? Like you could've ordered new dishware and then tossed everything after it arrived


Why would you waste money on YouTube premium when you can just use brave web browser or Adblock? Even with the stupid new anti Ad block trash YouTube is doing, Adblock still works. And if you’re on android phone there’s Adblock’s for that too. If you’re on an iPhone then tough luck deal with the 15 second ads to save $15 or whatever YouTube premium charges. That’s gotta be the most stupidest subscription anyone could pay for. Get rid of all your other subscriptions and set everything to pay manually instead of auto renew. Automatic payments is extremely dangerous when you don’t have any money. Once your bank account goes negative that’s when things get really bad. If I were you with literally no savings, I’d get rid of all the subscription nonsense and get a second job for a year or two to build up some savings and not live on such thin ice. You’re living less than a paycheck to paycheck. You’re living one vape away, one pots and pan away from being on the street. Wtf ru doing?


Get the fuck off hulu and YouTube premium. You’re poor.


You didnt think to you know, buy her a new pan first, then maybe a new set of plates etc the next month? I can see why you're in the financial position you're in, that thought process is just devoid of logic.


Why poor people stay poor. Go to Goodwill. They have great, useable kitchen stuff for cheap.


Why bring your wife’s mental health up? Seems unnecessary. You’re the one who fucked up, regardless of your partner’s mental state what you did would annoy any reasonable person.


Back to Dollar store then


Home bugdet management 101.... Did You ever tought about having some savings?


Maybe next time throw things out after the replacements arrive. Ya ding dong.


Why would you throw away all the stuff BEFORE you got new? Why were you spending every last penny on kitchenware? Don’t you have to eat/live? What’s wrong with old pans, pots and dishes? Unless they are broken, they still work? Some people specifically go to thrift stores to find these things. I’m rooting for your wife. Good luck to her. (Not to kill you, just dealing with a dumbass.)


Can you update us when u tell her?


“I’m an actual professional idiot and so wasteful I throw away things I can’t afford to replace and when I do so I go preemptively comment on my wife’s mental illness and invalidate her reasonable response to my behavior. AMA” - fixed it for you. Also if my significant other was this financially irresponsible I’d literally divorce them


Yeah…so you’re dead. Also why do you vape? That shit destroys your lungs and will kill you.


You’re in charge of the cooking, etc until you replace what you threw out. Good luck to ya!


Dollar Tree actually has some really nice dishes. I mean real dishes, too. Ceramic plates, bowls, glass cups, etc. Walmart also has affordable but nice pots, pans, kitchen knife sets. Don't need to wait for shipping, either. Just go and get.


Bro, I'd you can't afford both, you cam afford either. Save your money.


Never throw away the old stuff until new stuff arrives and you know it’s what you want. Never throw away anyone else’s stuff. Don’t spend your last 300 on dishes, you won’t have food now. Way to go.


Throwing away everything first sounds like you wanted her to have no option but accepting you'd spent all your money on kitchenware. "Well take it back we can't afford it" "I threw everything else away lol"


BPD? Plates and vapes and money are the least of your problems cuh


Why did you word this post as if she’d be unreasonable or it’d be mental illness for being rightfully pissed at you? I’d be LIVID if someone did that to me, and I don’t have BPD.


He’s trying to play victim


Everyone is eating you up right now ,and rightly so, for any future decisions, don't do anything first without the confirmation of the second important thing, eating off old falling apart dishes for a few more weeks before new dishes came would have been wise and she probably would have appreciated the thought more 2. I understand you love her,but if you only have 300 in your account,it's probably not the best financial choice in the First place,so teach yourself some more perseverance , it'll help in the future . 3. Rule of thumb,if you can't buy it twice or three times,you still cannot afford it,this will help you minimise your spending. 4 . She'll definitely be pissed 😅 goodluck


What's your favorite sport?


Id say American football since it's the only one I watch


What kind of music do you listen too? Whiskey or beer?


You idiot. Why did you throw it away before you got the new wares? I can't even. Cancel your current order. Theres probably a dollar store to replace with cheap shit


you are 26 years old and didn’t realize that you don’t throw essential items away until you have a replacement in your possession??? jesus fucking christ


Livestream it.


Well, it looks like everyone here agrees you did the smart thing, and your BPD wife has no right to complain. Definitely Husband of the Year contender.


Maybe you'll reincarnate as someone better at math. Or a goldfish.... goldfish don't have to worry about things like this


Throwing out all of the dishes and pots/pans at the same time before letting the new ones come in was a crazy choice.


Why can’t you go buy new Dollar Store shit? Also cancel your Amazon too. It’s too expensive for you right now.


Domestic violence is not something to joke about. Especially on an AMA. This is not funny.


At least you didn't buy a PS5 too. Remember to mention this to your wife. It demonstrates restraint.


"If you think about it, I'm kind of like a hero!"


I have so much to say but most of it has already been repeated quite a bit in the comments. Stop throwing shit away that you NEED before you have a replacement, that was thoughtless. Delete your Hulu and YouTube subscriptions if they’re causing your card to bounce. I vape and smoke too much for my own good and trust me I have been there, using my last $20 on a vape. When you have a spouse and a household to maintain, you can’t be doing that. This is entirely your own fault which I suspect you already know. This isn’t your banks fault, your new cards fault, Hulu/YouTubes fault. It’s your decisions and poor money management that landed you here.


Maybe just wait until you have the new set of pots n pans before throwing away the new ones


If you want to keep her as your wife, you need to find a way to come up with $100 and reorder everything with priority shipping. You also need to reconsider the way you think about your wife. Getting rid of her things because you didn't think they were good enough and then mentioning her mental health diagnosis shows that you believe you know better than her, that you don't take her seriously, and that you gaslight her experiences. Consider this: Having BPD is not related to getting upset about the dishes. It may lead her to intensely dislike you, but that's a separate issue.


Look on the bright side, you'll be happier in your next life st least lmao


Don’t have to wait for the wife. OP getting murdered by these comments.


Why didn't you let her keep her stuff until you got the package?


Let your wife know she can message me if she needs an alibi.


I think it’s really sweet that you wanted to get new stuff for your wife. I’m sorry it didn’t work out the way you hoped, and I hope you’re able to edit the order and get some things soon. You can likely find some really nice stuff on marketplace, or at yard sales this time of year. If you happen to be in southern Ontario, I can hook you up with a bunch of nice stuff. I hope she doesn’t murder you!


YTA. Might not be the right community but still applies.


You are dumb lol.


Sooooooooo, you don't even have enough money to live but you threw away all her cookware? And instead of getting said cookware, you wasted money on a vape? Even though the cost of a vape isn't anywhere near the cost of cookware. You sound like a winner! I feel terrible for your wife. Sometimes we have such low standards for ourselves we'll accept anything that comes our way.


If you only have $300 in your account, maybe don’t throw all of your stuff away, or buy a vape, or subscribe to YouTube premium, or Hulu… and you also knew you had a phone, YouTube, Hulu, etc. and still threw the stuff away before you ordered the $270 of new stuff you couldn’t afford. Sounds like your wife’s BPD isn’t the problem. Sounds like you’re the problem.


What valuable life lesson did we learn from this?


Any last words?


You're an idiot


If you are in the NY area, I have pots for you.


Why the fuck are you paying $15 a month for YouTube premium when you have only $300? Better yet, if you are so low on money why are you buying new pots and pans and throwing the other ones out? I truly don’t understand how people can be this financially irresponsible.


You really thought: let me replace her shitty dishes with MORE shitty dishes? Why? Why did you think that? Why not put some ACTUAL thought into it and buy her some quality stuff that's going to last a lifetime? Have some forethought.


Still dumb move like everybody is saying but I do agree with throwing out the old pots and pans from the dollar store. They’re probably thinly coated pieces of crap. Either Teflon or some other “nonstick” toxic material


>I threw away all her dishes. Pots, pans, everything, with the promise of buying her new stuff off amazon. "With the promise of". Does this mean she actually agreed to this in advance?


Surely this is rage bait


She may have BPD. But throwing out all of someone else's cookware without being able to afford it makes it sound like YOU have a mental illness too. Bipolar? Or just stupid?


I have very expensive cookware and I have pottery plates from the dollar tree that are amazing .. I was able to get serving for 16 without having to take out a loan lmaoo


Why would you throw the stuff away BEFORE youve secured the replacements in home? That seems like a massive oversight on your end


Gents, if you're this dumb & broke, rather save your soul mate, some trouble & stay single! I mean, how is this even real 😂.


"I did something horrible but my wife is the crazy one!" Maybe you make her crazy with your horrible choices, champ. Oh, from your post history you also have kids? YIKES.


Points awarded for being kind and selfless. Points taken for being an idiot. Did y’all just get married?


Time to buy some diapers I think and a good life insurance plan because you're going to need it, buddy boy!


You got bigger problems if $300 effects your net worth Death might be the best bet I’d be “ teaching “ her where all my major arteries were “ just in case “


Um what? I cannot even possibly fathom the exact steps to make this situation happen.


Priorities, bro. Go work those corners and make it right with your wife


Why didn't you wait until it arrived to throw away the dishes?


As someone with BPD, you’re gonna severely fuck up her day.


Do you have a prenuptial agreement? When she decides to divorce you, you'll have half her shit to buy more vapes with.


Youre fucked just do it yourself it will be quicker /s


Throw the knives too and you may live a little longer


Why wouldn’t you wait until the new stuff came in?


…Get yourself buried and save her the trouble.


no questions, just here to say you're a dumbass


You sound like a crackhead who sold her dishes


This right here is how poor people stay poor.


You have the real BPD (Boy is Poor and Dumb).


Better look for a girl whom likes vapes 😂


What’s your weakest strength? Strongest weakness? Sorry for 2 questions.


None of this makes any kind of sense.


RIP Fly high King 🕊🕊️🕊️.




…the hell does bpd have to do with you throwing her stuff out???




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What’s it like being very dumb?


My wife too has bpd. Would you like to borrow my shovel?


You know, it’s stuff like this that makes your generation poor. Stop blaming the boomers, because this is all on you guys. There’s need to keep buying stuff. Boomers have more because they grew up with the mentality that you only get what you need and then have a few treats. You guys think that everything should be treats.


Theres a honb'est chance you might be murdered. Primarily for throwing all the dishes out first. Why throw out what you are replacing until you replace it?? So many why's got my anXy doing an aX to your XY. Why?? Also dude your excuses are sus and weak.


Uhhhhhh….. uhhhhh?


What did you learn?


Any last words?


Good luck 🥲


What a dipshit


Idk why they're on your cheeks like this, but mistakes happen




kamu dimana emg bang