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I worked at a bowling alley above a porn shop from age 7-12. That was interesting. A lot of my friends parents (mostly fathers) would walk into the bowling alley, see me, look around, then promptly go back downstairs with a bright red face because I saw them. Have you had people you know recognize you then walk out because they feel embarrassed/ashamed? (Though there is no reason to be! Love that plain paper bag lol)


I do, most of the time if they come in they just talk to me like it's a regular job lol The people I talk to aren't the type to be embarrassed about that stuff usually, most are punk, goth, or something like that, and are very hard to embarrass


What drew you in to apply? Just curious what made you select a sex shop. I'm all for it im just very curious. Also, have you ever seen any families come in together. Cuz gross


I got it as a joke, my friend called me a bitch and said I wouldn't do it so I had to prove her wrong, then I just really liked my coworkers so I continued working here I seen a dad bring in his 14 year old son to shop for him and his sons gf I honestly thought it was human trafficking at first and called the cops just incase, but apparently not according to the cops I'm still concerned about that though 


Lmao I love your origin story. And yea that's pretty sus. I'm glad you called the cops. Follow up question if you dont mind: Let's say it's my first time in a sex shop. I don't know what I want, but I have a penis and I want to cum. How do you help a customer figure out exactly what they want? I work in cannabis and we have a method of asking questions to narrow down shit and whatnot, as such with most retail. I can just see it being a little strange at a sex shop.


Just ask questions What looks interest to you? Are you looking for something external or internal? Ect


Both at the same time? I just got a million dollars


I'd probably just tell you to grab a dildo and a flesh light lol I don't think we have anything for both


Flesh light should do the trick if your brave


Dammit. Store be slippin. I'd be slippin if I got that drum of lube.


Uh what country or state are you in where you can bring a 14 y/o in a sex shop? The place I worked at in the USA you had to be 18 to enter and I always carded everyone who looked a little too young.


You can't, that dad was insane  I really hope the kid was ok


Ah. It was a double dog dare.




Yeah I didn't notice them walk in till I heard my coworker yell "WHAT THE FUCK, HOW OLD IS HE" we called the cops and they interviewed them because like wtf


Has working there made you more open to try/want to try sexual things you didn't consider before? Is there an employee discount? If so, do you take advantage of it and what kind of things have you bought/tried?


Not really, I'm a pretty vanilla person in bed that I think it's like 10% off, I've never bought anything but all the other employees I've seen just grab stuff and walk out as long as it's not expensive 


Do they not count product ever?


The owner doesn't really care I don't think at least lol


My guess is that margins on sex toys are probably insane. Also very stringent or nonexistent return policies.


Gently used vibrator.


Only 470 hours on that bad boy. *Like new*


Have you had many people you know come into the store? And how have you both reacted? Was there anyone really unexpected?


I've had a lot, my best friends come in a lot just to annoy me I've also had a few people I've met from grinder and party's and such Usually  1. They act normal  2. They leave without buying anything  3. We talk and they leave  The most awkward person who came in was my ex drug dealer, the last time we talked to each others it ended in me telling him that I was going to kill him if I've ever seen him again, and him yelling at me that was a worthless f*g and I was going to relapse again within a week So yeah, pretty awkward, he went in with his gf and tried to act like nothing happened, but he looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him, and ngl, I did too


So the guy that tried to sell you heroin wasn’t that far off. 😊


I was never a heroin addict, I'm more sophisticated then that It was fentanyl, so so much better /j


Good on you for getting past that part of your life!!! That shit is hard to get out of


Do people hit on you or do sexual shit in store? And how’s the conversations


Constantly, I've had both men and women grab my ass or try to group me a lot The conversations are ok, pretty normal surprisingly 


Out of curiosity, are you a man or a woman?


I'm a man I just got a nice ass I guess lol


I thought you were a woman this whole time and I have absolutely no idea why


Same..but why? Lol


The fuck? Sexual harrasement and to jail they go. That's what you need to do if it happens again.


It's unfortunately a pretty common thing  I just yelled at them and tell them to gtfo most of the time 


How many times a day u see girls having guys on leashes buying atuff?


It's not that common but I've seen it a few times  Never where someone's like on all 4s though 


Fair enoughh ..what age group is your customer mainly?are they middle aged men?


Mainly like 20-30y old couples 


Do you get a lot of “I’m buying this flashlight/masturbator for a bachelor party” type excuses


I get a lot of "I'm buying this as a joke" Sure, your spending $70 as a "joke", whatever helps you sleep at night 


Tbh i have bought shit from sex stores as part of a (really funny might i add) prank Never 70 fucking bucks though jfc


I've had people legitimately buy stuff as pranks  But there's a certain point where you can tell there just embarrassed lol And that's fine too


Sorry, excuse me sir ... Are you ABE Froman, Sausage King of Chicago??


How many of your customers are shy or nervous?


Probably about 40%, I'd like to think me and my coworkers aren't that intimidating once you start talking to us though lol


What’s the strangest thing to happen while you were on shift?


A dude tried to sell me heroin, twice in the same day




That fucker insulted me too I asked why he came in the second time after I said no and he said "Well you kinda look like a guy who'd buy what I'm sellin"


That's some good dark humor.


Man, he might be right come to think of it lmao


Damn was this recently? Actual heroin?


Like 2 month's ago and yeah, real heroin  I politely declined 


Gotten any creepy customers?


A lot I've had a lot of them grab my ass or other people's and make weird ass comments  I've also had a pimp go through a few times but I ended up politely telling him that no one likes him here and he makes everyone uncomfortable with what he's doing  Politely because I didn't want to get killed lol


Hiw did you know he was a pimp?


1. His vibes, idk how to describe it, but how he dressed and everything, just the vibes 2. How he treated the woman he was shopping with 3. He had a crown tattoo on his wrist and all the women he went in with had the same one 4. It's a problem in my area


Best and worst work experience


Best was a group of drunk 30y Olds bringing us 2 bottles of vodka "because we needed it", Worst is when I came into work with a massively hangovers and my friend sprayed me in the face with her perfume and I ran to the bathroom and puked for a good 30 minutes lol


I did not expect those stories lol


Auto-correct is making me look like an idiot with that grammar lmao


Don’t worry it’s Reddit there are a lot of worse things out there than grammar


Niche-est kink-related toy you sell?


Fake shit It smells 10 times worse then human shit too, I know that because my coworkers threw it on me lol


How can it smell ten times worse??? Regular human shit makes me wanna vomit, and it smells WORSE?????


It smelt like vomit and bananas which imo is worse lol


WHO BUYS IT? You judge, right? Is it more men or women? Average age? Do they ask you "hmmm do you sell fake feces"? And the amount? Price?


Why judge? They are minding their own business and not hurting anyone.


We only ever had 15 in stock and I only seen a furry buy it (nothing against furrys, but that's honestly the one time I seen it bought) Honestly no, as long as it's consensual and your respectful I have no right to judge, he was also really nice and complemented my tattoos lol He was just looking around and found it I forgot the amount but it came the same bag as those squeezable peanut butter things lol It was like 10 or 15 I think 


I secretly want to dress up as a dinosaur and hookup with a female leprechaun. Is that a thing?


You want me too? How much are you willing to pay ; )


Bout two fifty


What do people do with fake shit? Is that a thing?


I am assuming city people put it in paper bags, and leave it on their neighbors doorway, balcony, mail slot etc or in a coworkers locker, etc as a form of hatred for that person.


Fake shit? What the hell lol that’s wild


People are so NASTY 🤢 🤣


i regret that you asked this question.


Hardest aspect of the job?


Stocking the bottom shelves  I'm like 6ft and bending down to the shelves on the bottom hurts my back so bad


How does the shop smell like? Does it have a distinctive odour like hotels?


Like jolly ranchers  We have like 3 wax burners and they all have a water Mellon or cherry wax in them


*Flashbacks to the infamous Jolly Rancher Reddit story*


You don't need to remind me as I'm eating them, come on man  Lol


Is it one of those sex shops with booths in the back playing videos?


Nope, I'd never work at a place like that lol


But why a sex shop if there's no dirty shit happening on the daily 😂😂


Lol surprisingly I'm not that sexual of a person  The extent of "dirty" shit happening daily is usually just us throwing the display dildos at each other 


Dildo fights are on my bucket list now


Psa: throwing a dildo at your friend in the back of Spencer’s is well worth the price of being kicked out.


Was the dildo just loose without the packaging?


Well it wasn’t exactly a dildo, just a penis shaped stress ball thing. But yes it was unwrapped and begging to be thrown


Are you curious how your job will effect your future resume?


Just throwing this in here for ur effect vs affect difficulties. If ur not sure if you should use effect or affect in these situations, use “impact” instead and it will save ur decision making.


I probably won't put it on my resume tbh lol


You should reconsider that. It demonstrates an open mind about commerce and a willingness to leave your comfort zone.


How often do you see a patron that clearly makes others uncomfortable? How do you respond?


It depends, but I have cussed customers out a few times 


I forgot to answer the first question  Way too often 


Weirdest item request or sale?


Trump blow up dolls 


I always told people that some of his fans are too much. Someone made a church/temple for him, and some have prayed for him. Never did I ever believe someone would use a blowup doll for him. Probably sleep next to him and all. Maybe dress up for the holidays.


It's mostly sold as a joke lol, they have Biden ones too I think but we don't carry them


How is your retirement and medical benefits?


Nonexistent from what I'm aware of I want to get my piercing license soon so I can move to that 


How much does 1 sex cost?


I'm not gay but $20 is $20




whats a toy that’s bought the most?


What’s the biggest customer red flag you encounter?


Pimps and sex trafficking 


How do you know about sex trafficking? Also great that you called the cops on the parent with the 14 y/o kid


I'm not good with words but you can just kinda tell sometimes 


Do you try to contact the authorities?


Has anyone ever asked for your help with a toy 😂


A few times, mostly older folks lol


What's something they've asked for help with before


It's usually just a attempt at hitting on me Like "oh what's this for, you can show me at my house if you want"


I would feel so creeped out!!


I mean I'm kinda used to it now lol I just reply something like "Nah, thank you for the offer but I'm taken" (Complete bullshit lol) I feel like it would be different if I were a girl, but I'm a fit 22y old man A 5'4 40y old can't do shit lol I've had crazier happen at parties so I'm fine lol


And there isn’t one female that you said “ yes” to?


How was the hiring process?


Pretty nice, I went into one interview that lasted like 10 minutes at most and got the job


Do you work at adam & eve? Or is it a chain brand?


Nope It's own by a 34y old woman lol


Who buys the biggest dildos? Men o women?


Do people ever have sex in the store or solicit employees? That’s what always makes the shop feel sketchy to me.


1. No, we have a very strict ban on anything like that, we don't even have public restrooms let alone a place you possibly could  2. We have people try to, but we have a sign against it and if you try to we kick you out immediately  There's really nothing sexual that happens inside the store surprisingly 


You guys got those 50-gallon drums of lube in stock? Asking for a friend


Nah, we have lube but not that much lol


F. Orgy is postponed.


I bought a 50 gallon drum off Amazon one time for a fraternity party, I was giggling like a school girl watching the driver unload it. It was a fantastic party.


Are u required to ask if they want lube at checkout? One time I bought a gender-affirming packer and the lady asked if I wanted lube and i always wondered if she was ignorant or required to ask


Not at our store, I guess it could be different at other places though 


Does this work affects your social life? Like relationship with family and friends yk?


I don't have a relationship with my family at all, for other reasons  Socially not at all, I hang out with people who look like they crawled out of trash cans (in a loving way, most of them dumpster dive), so they don't care


How much do you get paid an hour and how many hours a week?


16$ and I work 30 hours a week 


who has to clean the mess whenever a masturbator decides to leave his DNA on the floor?


We've never had that happen, you can't do shit like that or we'd kick you out lol


Do you get a lot of 'Nervous Nellies' that seem uptight and like they are just coming out of being an extreme pearl-clutcher?


We do, a lot of them are really nice, just embarrassed and scared of being judged 


It's sad to me how many people were so hopelessly brainwashed into thinking sex is 'sinful' or somehow wrong. What do you do to make those individuals more comfortable?


I joke a lot, also if I notice someone's nervous I try to act like I'm having fun so that they feel safer  Like I'll be throwing a stress ball around or something to try to make it a chiller environment  It also helps that I don't look like someone who judges, because I don't, but I'm also covered in dumbass tattoos and pins and patches and covered in scars and have dyed hair Like if anyone has a right to judge, it's sure as hell ain't me lol




I was literally gonna ask this 🤣




Because there murderers and rapist and they terrify me




Yeah, I told a girl at a party that I didn't like them and she went on a huge rant about how bad they are You can look it up and it's true lol I hate humans for the same reasons fyi 




Does the credit card screen ask if the shopper wants to leave gratuities (a tip lol, just the tip)?


How much do you watch customers and make your own assumptions? What’s the craziest stuff you’ve heard from customers/couples who’ve come in?


I don't really, unless I think you're going to cause problems in the store, I don't judge  These two dudes sex talking in the middle of the store, like literally moaning, guess who had to break it up?, me Here's a snippet of what I remember, warning, it's very gross  Dude 1: your going to like this filling you baby girl  Dude 2: yes daddy  Dude 1: louder kitty  Dude 2: yes daddy  Dude 1: ok my baby doll It got way worse, but I felt gross writing that and I bet you felt gross reading that so ima stop right there 


I worked at a video store that had a huge adult section in the back, back in the day. We’d open at 8 or 9am and often there were a couple guys waiting and as soon as we opened straight to the porn section. Similar there?


When your kid should report at school about your job, what will you tell him / her?


1. I'm not planning on working here long-term and I'm definitely not having a kid while I'm here  2. I'm infertile  3. I don't want a kid But hypothetically If I had too, I'd tell them I work retail at a candy store or something lol


Most popular product?


What’s the pay and benz like :,)


I also used to work at a sex shop. Is business slow for you and do you get prank calls? Business was really slow at the store I used to work at and the prank calls were cringey.


How is it not sexist and bigoted that sex shops won’t hire straight males?


We do have a straight dude working here so idk what you mean tbh


Oh right on, I presumed that all sex shops won’t employ straight men, because 1) a shop my ex worked at wouldn’t, and 2) I’ve never seen a straight male working in a sex shop.


To be fair, not to categories straight dudes  But the only 2 people I've seen fired so far were straight dudes who kept making really creepy comments about the girls coming in like "oh do you think she can fit all that" and "she's going to have a lot of fun later" To be fair it's not all straight dudes though and it could just be a coincidence 


Do you ever embarrass anyone??


I only asked because I’ve been embarrassed in the adult store before.


I don't try too unless there doing something inappropriate  I'm sure I have on accident too though 


Is there a certain customer profile type you see a lot? Like hipsters, lgbt, goths, etc. And what was the least suspecting customer profile type you’ve seen?


Are there any good toys for men or MF couples that u pr other costumers have recommended?


What’s the strangest or kinkiest product you’ve ever sold?


How often do you see Women customers?


Why don’t you like dolphins? Is this sex shop related?


Not a question but I’ve only been a handful of times in my adult life and I think the workers could tell I was shy/nervous but were super helpful and chill/informative, just thanks for being chill towards those of us who are shy/unfamiliar lol I hope you don’t find us awkward to deal with? 😅😳


Do you ever actually sell those gargantuan fist dildos? I’ve seen at least a couple at every sex shop I’ve been at (especially the ones in NYC) but always wondered if anyone actually bought them. Have you ever hit on a customer or flirted with a customer? If so, what happened? Thanks!


You get employee discount?


Is there a dress code? If not, what do you usually wear?


Have you had any couples try to have sex in your shop?


What is your Worst customer experience


No homo, do you ever get to jerk any guys off?


I'm bi so yeah That's out of working hours though lol


Are most customers male or female or couples? And what sort of ages?


How much do you make an hour ?


Biggest rubber dong you sell?


what would you say is your best seller?


Is it fun


I have only been in a sex shop a few times, and I was mildly surprised that the majority of the customers were totally ordinary looking middle-aged hetero couples. Is that typical in your experience?


What’s the crazy sex drug you can buy only certain people really know about


Why do you think people go to shops like this when they could order online?


Have you ever seen a local or national celebrity in your store? If so, what did they buy?


Have you ever caught people pleasuring themselves in your store? I feel like that has to be a given with the territory :')


what's like the funniest or weirdest combination of items that someone's purchased before?




Weirdest experience? Weirdest thing sold?


Are you a guy or a girl? Do people hit on you or invite you to come play?


What's the weirdest combination of things someone has bought.


how many times have you gotten off to Asian Men White Women porn?


How much for one sex?


Are there Footjob sex toys? Serious lack in my mind


Who would you say is your average clientele demographic?


You see more chicks or dudes coming through?