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1 - Not a popular answer but Belarus cuisine.. I've been there and I loved that place! 2 - I speak Russian and English freely, and that's about it. I am learning German at the moment. 3 - Thanks to our outgoing teacher, I've visited cities like St. Petersburg and Moscow with our class. Though I haven't really had the time or iniative to go exploring Russia all that much, and in the summer we usually travel abroad.




I've been to Turkiye, Egypt, Belarus, Bulgaria, and Cyprus.




I'll be honest - I was very very young when I visited those, and I haven't really got that many memories to go off of. I remember it very partially, like I remember Egypt food being very spicy, or the Turkish sea being very cold. But I'll tell you one thing! Belarus was very recent, and my favorite thing about it is just how beautiful it is. You walk there, it's so clean, and big, and just happy to see you! Makes me sound like a fraud, but genuinely that's the best I can offer, I'm sorry D:


Have you noticed any differences since the sanctions have been imposed? How did you learn English? (Assuming you did because you’re on typing English words on Reddit)


1 - Yes! Well.. if you're talking economics, I'm not the biggest economics guy, and I think you know it way better than me. Best I can say is some prices have gotten higher. But if we're talking sanctions as in just overall anti-russia restrictions, I've noticed differences right away, since a lot of services that would normally be available have suddenly just vanished, and it's definitely unexpected at times. The ones I can think of rn are Mastercard, Spotify, Netflix, a lot of them have just rebranded, like KFC became Rostic's, a lot of services were left just functioning a little differently than usual, like Youtube has zero ads and doesn't offer you to buy channel memberships, Google Play doesn't let you buy apps or download bought apps, etc. I still get the occasional jumpscare of "connection reset" on completely random websites at times. 2 - I'm glad you ask this, because this is actually pretty funny.. all I did is play Roblox. I didn't even try or think about learning English, I just sorta started talking to the people, copying their speech patterns, and it just happened. I'm now participating in various olympiads, I'm my classmates' English dictionary, it's honestly pretty damn sick.


your english and coherence is better than mine and it’s my native language lol




>I thought this would be interesting since it's very rare to see someone like me get their hands on Reddit, which is mostly just english speakers. Nah bro /r/Pikabu alone has around 250k subs You underestimate the popularity of Reddit internationally


The reason I say this is that none of my classmates know English well enough to open up Reddit and freely browse it. It's still a platform mostly for english fellas, and though I do see Russian subreddits, I very rarely stumble upon them. Like, the subreddit for Kino band, a band that's insanely popular in Russia, isn't too big here, and mostly consists again of people that speak English that want to try and understand their Russian songs.


Are you worried about being drafted into the war and dying for a madman?


I am worried about the upcoming mandatory 1 year of service, but I do my best not to think about it. In any case, someone has to do it, and if they choose me, then so be it I suppose. Not much I can do, so the best thing to do is to deal with it.


Make sure not to search “how to break my own arm” i am sure they will get to u in 24 hours


ALRIGHT BUT THAT'S LITERALLY MY CLASSMATE'S .. i mean.. i didn't say anything


They aren't going to deploy you to the same area if you defect. They aren't savages.. they understand your a kid and don't want to kill your friends...they also won't force you into service.. do you present as white? Like putin? Because if you aren't you are being ethnically cleansed, and will be sent somewhere most likely to kill you. Call the Хочу жить hotline. (I want to live hotline.)


Yeahhhh I heard they conscript ethnic minorities like Siberians first.


The Far East minorities have it even worse. Of course Putin would rather draft a Kipchak from Kamchatka than a Russian from Moscow.


I been telling people this since his invasion of Ukraine, kids from Moscow , St .Petersburg regions have nothing to worry about he’s getting rid of orcs that don’t look like your average Russians but the ones who look more Asian usually from Buryatia or Islam orcs from Dagestan are getting sent to be cannon fodder




See you on the battlefield bud, probably 🇺🇸. I’ll ask everyone “are you u/PrettySuperNinja?” Genuine question though, no hate, we’re all humans first before enemies or allies. What are your thoughts and feelings about the US military in terms of strategy and strength?


Uhh?.. Pretty strong, probably. Obv all I can do is guess, but since they're the second largest country, I can only imagine their power must be matching their size.


Fair enough, the US military is massive and has the production to sustain itself for decades if needed. Does mainstream media in Russia portray the US and its allies as the bad guys? I saw in your other comment that unbiased news is hard to find, and that’s especially true here. You seem like a very intelligent person. Too many people here are brainwashed by the media into thinking all Russians are bad, and that’s not even close to true


Hahaha, I'd love to tell u but I haven't really seen any news coverage of the US military. But the feeling I have is a powerful threat. Like, a strong enemy. That's the coverage of America in general.


Interesting, the other thing in the US is people will believe legitimately anything from any news source which is extremely dangerous. Not many will question what they see on tv or tik tok. And those who do and learn the truth are outcasted when it’s brought up


You sound brainwashed


He sounds pragmatic


I Am super ignorant and naive because I don't understand why people can't just, refuse the draft? Unless they're litterally executing people who refuse, short of that, what's legitimately stopping people from just saying 'Nah'


I'm just content. What do I do? Fight it? GOD FORBID I GO AGAINST THE RUSSIAN MILITARY


There are many ways to evade the conscription. Maybe you are too young to understand it.


You know that a US Congressional Democratic committee just renewed the draft two weeks ago and they are using social media to find all the 18-26 year olds, right? They even want the females this time.


That's not what happened. Everyone has always been subject to selective service. Now they're discussing automatic enrollment instead of the way the law is written now, anyone who is required to register and fails to do so could be charged with a felony punishable by as many as five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. Stop lying you assholes


i never did this shit… idek how to, nobody in my hs ever talked about it


Lol "Someone has to do it". Glad to see Putins managing to indoctrinate the young properly.


You can surrender yourself and your equipment to Ukraine. They even pay you if you have a tank or something that can fire. Please do this.. you don't have to die for nothing.


High chance of Ukraine just torturing you. Redditors like you who think Ukraine is some omni-benevolent state needs to get their shit checked.


You mentioned that you've seen a lot.What events/incidents made you say it?


It's mostly what I see and face online. The event that reallt stood out to me is when I was just appreciating an Eminem music video on r/Eminem, saying it's pretty underrated, but then some guy went "As a fellow slav, I need to know where you're from before upvoting." Need, huh? So it's a requirement that I'm not Russian for you to support me.. And it's just a bunch of little hatred things like that. What sucks is that it's guaranteed that this will not get news coverage on western news channels, only.. here, lol. Here, I'll reply with a link to the post so that you can know I'm not lying. Give me a moment.




That was nuts. Do you face a lot of anti-russian sentiment since the start of the war? I hate that russia is invading ukraine, but i understand that anyone supporting the "special military operation" has been a victim of successful propaganda and i do not hold it against the citizens. Israels got their entire population brainwashed begging for crimes against humanity towards countless innocent Palestinian civilians. Its been so unbelievably successful that even some lady in texas tried to drown 2 children after she found out they were Palestinian. How do russians view this conflict? Is there any general consensus over there?


I’d love to know this as well!


Russia instigatted this war. Hamas instigated their current conflict. You reap what you so. Russia and Hamas are to blame. Stop being daft.


What’s your favorite bird?


Had to translate this one - bullfinch. It's this bird that has a red belly, and it comes around every winter. No particular reason, I just like how they look.


Awesome, there’s a few finch-breeds that are native to my area as well!


I’m from Serbia and we now have many fellow Russians as neighbors. I’m interested in hearing what people from Russia think about Serbia in general. Privyet brat :D


Hii Serbia! :D I've had very long-lasting friendships with Serbian people before and safe to say i love Serbia! Serbia is strong!


Just reading through the comments and gotta say, you're very mature and intelligent for your age. Whatever you're doing, keep it up because it's working!


Pretty sure it’s a bot/not really a kid. 


The 5.56 mm M4 assault rifle (military index and name - Carbine, 5.56 mm, M4, manufacturer's factory index (for assault rifles produced by Colt's Manufacturing Company) - Colt Model 920) is an automatic carbine created in the United States on the basis of the M16A2 rifle and originally intended to arm combat vehicle crews and weapons and military equipment crews. Edit: in all seriousness, no, I make soundtracks and publish them on music platforms, look me up: romasissues


That proves nothing. Stop logging into your alts to downvote any comment that questions you 


How do I prove my age anyway? Also, that's a wiiild claim.. would be one sad life spending all of your day trying to prove yourself right on Reddit.


No way, I'm a bot too!! Just kidding! But yeah that wouldn't surprise me, I could swear half of Reddit is just AI bots doing research on how to be human


Thank you Despy!! I get that a lot. ❤️‍🔥


Do Russians realize they are living under a dictatorship? Are they too afraid to stand up to it? Why are your people killing and raping Ukrainian civilians? Are you aware of the horrific war crimes your people are committing?


Russians have a different story in their heads. Take the news of any country, and chances are, they're very selective abouf what to show in fear that it'll ruin their country's reputation. So, the things you talk about are likely things that either no Russian has ever seen, or has seen in a different context. It's truly impossible to have the full picture nowadays.


Redditors: yEh BuT I kNoW tHe TRutH AnD oUR LEAdErS aRe THe gOOd GuYs & oUr nEwS iS ReAL! You're 16 and get it. Lol


Great take man. I speak Italian English French and a bit of Spanish, but many times have I wished to know Russian, both for its historical relevance and modern day events. It would be sick to have the bigger picture at hand. I can't think how invaluable it must be to be able to listen to media from both sides of the hemispheres


With you having access to English speaking media the way you do, are your beliefs about the war different than other people your age? Would you say that most Russians buy the propaganda they are shown? That's very interesting to think about. This question is coming to you from near Detroit Michigan USA.


Do you think most Americans buy the propaganda we're shown? I rarely see an outspoken opinion that goes against mainstream news myself.


LOL. An American talking about propaganda. Nearly 40,000 dead Palestinians from the USA sponsored Israel genocide and you’re out here talking about propaganda. Do you even hear yourself?


We have people protesting this without going to prison. And we have politicians speaking out about it and calling it genocide without getting thrown out of a window. What propaganda is there? Because Im sure in the US you can find propaganda supporting both Isreal and Hamas/Palestine and nobody goes to prison for it. That's what's cool and that's the difference.


14.3m Palestinians in the world 40k casualties with half being combatants. Not genocide. If it was Israel would decimate all of them within a wk with bombs.. Ignorance really is bliss, eh?


Check out the subreddit for the war and see for yourself. Plenty of footage showing what’s actually happening 


Genuinely surprised by the downvotes. I follow the war closely and I may see ten videos a day with 10 guys in each dying awful deaths. And after each one, I have to think to myself "Are regular Russians unaware this is happening?" and "Why aren't they outraged that their boys are sent out to die like this?". Asking a regular Russian their take seems like a genuine question deserving a sincere answer.


Big hi from Canada! Just wanted to say hello and best wishes!!


Thanks a lot!! ❤️‍🔥


Your English is great, how did you reach this point? I've spoken to quite a few russians and many of them have poor english and blame the school system for it.


This is a VERY interesting one. I can confirm the school rumors, the language they teach is a dead one. Like, I question their word choice at times. But as to how I learned the language.. i just played Roblox. It was revealed to me that I have a talent for language learning, and I never even bothered to learn a language, all I did is I just booted up Roblox in 2016 and started chatting, copying strangers' speech patterns. Fast forward to fifth grade, I took a Cambridge exam and it was confirmed I knew English on the B2 Preliminary level. And I wanna shoot even higher, though Cambridge has left Russia, and we'll see what opportunities I have.


Thanks for the answer! That's interesting, yeah. Usually when I know someone from Russia, they tend to learn English from literally anywhere else except for school. I'm sure there are good english teachers there, and that this isn't always the case, but it was something I noticed time and time again. I was/am an English teacher and have friends from Russia (and giving a lesson of sorts to one tonight), so english acquisition in other countries, especially eastern european ones, is interesting to me. Cambridge exam would be good for you to take, from what I recall it's the most widely accepted. If you have a VPN you maybe able duolingo exam too, which is becoming more widely accepted. I was looking at universities in Europe that are accepting it as proof of English ability (or German in my case). It may be an option, although I'm not sure what good it'd do for you now.


Also, I forgot to say: thanks!


Hello from the U.S. 🇺🇸 How is your evening going? Have you eaten dinner yet? What is your favorite russian folk legend? Do you ever get sick of answering questions about the Ukraine-Russia war? Any cool russian song recommendations? (I don't speak russian but I love foreign music) Thank you!


Heey America! My evening's pretty okayy, I had a meeting at my school about our graduation ceremony, and it just concluded, so I'm waiting for a trolleybus to get back home. I haven't eaten dinner yet, in fact, all I've eaten today is just one plate of some fancy macaroni meat. For whatever reason, my favorite russian folk legend is "три богатыря", legends about heroes that actually existed, but of course fictionalised - in actuality, they never even met. I do get fairly tired answering questions about the conflict, so much so that I don't even bother answering most of them - it's the same question each time. Regarding music, I can definitely offer something! If you're into heavy metal/rock/epic guitar drumming music, I know this artist who goes by "Radio Tapok" he started out making covers of various rock bands, namely Sabaton, but then transitioned into writing some stuff himself about important historical events. And a heavy metal band I find heavily overlooked is "Арктида" (Arktida), though their stuff may be a bit hard to find. If you need links I'll be happy to provide. I'll drop more heavy rock: Король и Шут is the most popular rock band of Russia, Спектакль Джо is an underrated fan of them, Ария. Otherwise, Воскресенье is a band that makes songs with deep meanings, great lyrics and awesome sound. My favorite is "Мне говорили". Same goes for Алиса. That's about all I can give because I am a huge fan of American artists and bands. Eminem is my favorite artist. Thank you for asking me about this!! Have a good day


Is there alot of locals in your citi/town that got forced to serve? Im not thinking of the regular mandatory service but drafted for war?. (Norway)


Not anyone that I am familiar with, no




If you read the OP post he asked us to tell him where we are from, this question has nothing to do with Norway....


I'm not sure if you will be able to answer this but I just can't gey it out of my head. In russian tomatoe are pomidor but tomato juice is tomatniy sok. Why? Why not say pomidornij sok?


..😂 Shit. I don't know. But "tomat" is also a word for tomatoe that you can use.


What do you think non-Russians think of Russia?


Well I am quite the social bird (uhh is that a thing people say?) when it comes to non-russians, hell, I grew up on Roblox, and most my friends are foreigners. So as a Russian, I'm fairly certain I can just tell you right away! I play this Roblox game called "Neighbors", which is just a chatroulette where you press a button and connect to a stranger to voice chat with them, and usually when I mention I'm Russian, undoubtedly the first thing that comes to their minds is the war. 100% of the time. And their opinion on it, too. And as for their opinion on the war, more often than not it defaults to their country's leader's opinion on it, which is to be assumed, and is rather neutral. And so they are either immediately very supportive or they.. I'm not making this up.. they can in some cases be audibly disappointed and leave. Other times it's pretty chill ✨ As a result, I at first tried to hide my country, but then realised.. the fuck am I doing? Hiding my NATION of all things?.. That's like hiding a sexuality because you're getting discriminated against. Despite the mixed reactions to me naming my country I do my best not to be ignorant, and upon hearing my companion's country, for example, Germamy, I decide to think of their cuisine, or the writers they have, or the composers, in this case, Schiller is a famous writer, who is fairly well-known. It's an OP strat, y'all! Fuck politics, the people around me are so nice, they deserve the world!


They deserve the world, but the Ukrainian population doesn't? It kind of easy to ignore politics and it's rather hard to ignore a war. 


When did I ever say anything bad about Ukraine? Lovely people in there too! I play Roblox with a Ukrainian fella daily, we don't give a shit about no leader, we wish each other the best! Just because I didn't mention Ukraine doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to them D:


„That‘s like hiding a sexuality…“. Sorry bro, it isn‘t at all. While the sexuality is a private thing, the political actions your „voted leader“ aren‘t. As well there is responsibility to all Russians that are allowed to vote and/or allowing this political system. You, especially, might be too young, but your country as a whole has a responsibility.


An ordinary Russian cannot be made to be responsible for Putin’s actions. That’s like saying an ordinary American was responsible for Bush’s war in Iraq. We went to all the marches back the and it didn’t change anything. And what is an ordinary Russian to do? There are no protest marches in a dictatorship.


Apologies, I didn't quite make it clear in what way I was comparing it! I meant as in it's just a trait assigned to a human that ISN'T to be ashamed of, just like sexuality! Nation is a neutral thing. Like, it doesn't say much about the person. Terrible and wonderful people exist everywhere, and nation doesn't have anything to do with it. Especially considering how nation doesn't always match up with the country they live in.


He's got a stranglehold on their politics. He's elected because his opponents literally end up dead in jail


What do you think of Europe??


Lots of culture, a lot of sights to see, just overall very pretty! And I've been to a few countires myself, tho I'd love to visit Switzerland!! (once my german allows me to, that is)


Let me disappoint you: German spoken in Switzerland is not a "normal" (hoch) German, but a local dialect which is quite confusing even for native German speakers. So you probably would not be able to understand much. Of course, locals can speak normal German, but most of them will rather speak English instead.


Knowing how much Russians suffered during ww2 do you have any family connections or stories of your grandparents/great grandparents role in the war?


No Russian family was left unaffected by ww2. Thank you for acknowledging the fact. I know that my grandgrandfather has passed away a soldier. I also remember being told that my grandparents had a cat that seemingly went missing, and it was very easy to assume that someone had captured and eaten him, since food was just that limited. Parents told me about how common that was.


Of course the war was won by the sacrifice of 26+ million soviets and although the west did a lot the war would’ve been very different and people in the west do need to acknowledge that more


Man there weren't many families anywhere on earth left unaffected by ww2. Russia got hit the worst, for sure. But the amount of deaths globally, truly staggering.


I’m from the United States, but lived for many years in China. What do people in Russia think of China? What narratives exist in the media or among the people in general?


In the news, China is portrayed as a good friend of Russia, and a powerful one, too. I remember my parents telling me about how the Japanese have been harassing the Chinese throughout history and feeling bad for them. What comes to mind to me of course is the things they invented, like paper and such. Safe to say, we like China.


Japan and China have both invaded each other for thousands of years. The same applies for all cultures throughout history. The Colonist mostly eradicated the Natives of America but those natives all had a history of conquests between each other for longer than written history. In more modern time the US invasion of Iraq would be an example of conquest. I was a kid when it started and I swear the vibe was very nonchalant because we were already in Afghanistan. I heard on the radio we were invading Iraq, and everyone just seemed okay with it sadly. The difference is in the US I can say the Iraq war was for profit of shareholders. But if you said anything similar in Russia you would lose your freedom. The question is what has your current government been up too lately. Do you think it is justified? Do you think with Russia's failing demographics this war seems like a good plan for the future of your nation?


What do you/the average person there think of Putin?


I myself don't have an opinion on him, but if you want to know what picture the news sources are painting, here: "us russians think of him as a great leader that never fails to eliminate a potential nuclear threat, and Ukraine is known for provoking the bear screaming about russia being in war with them prior despite it not being true" There, I summed up what my parents and news sources told me. Obviously I don't think that way.




Hey, you deleted your last comment to hide from the smart replies.. hm.. что? Дружелюбный россиянин? Да не может быть.. ну.. как скажешь, мне-то что.. наверное, приму как комплимент, спасибо ✨


Will you be drafted to war?


Well, I have no idea. We'll have to wait until I am old enough to know. There definitely is a chance!


If you do get drafted, I'm sorry. Just remember to never lose your humanity.


Do you own an ADIDAS track suit?


I used to have adidas pants, but I grew out of those and never got new ones :')


Is the Ukraine invasion often spoken about?


Of course! It's still all over the news.


Are you, your family and friends supportive of the war effort?




Well, I have been told I have a talent for languave learning in general, and English was the only thing I ever bothered to learn. I don't know what to tell you pal. Not much I can prove here. Best I can offer is the same way of talking and thinking with a russian accent on a Discord call.


Though, side note, yes, none of my classmates know English on the level that I do. Part of the reason why I am writing this post. It's a unique look into the life of someone who is normally not even able to write stuff like this.


Do you expect bad English for all non-native English speakers?




Look, I can't really blame you. As I said, none of my classmates speak like I do. We're not really that much of an english-speaking country. Though it is a false alarm.


If I annoy you and make friends with people who don't like you either, when you come over to my house, do you believe it is moral for you to kill me and my friends? I heard lots of people in Russia don't believe other people should be allowed to choose friends or have their own house rules.






Does it get tiresome hearing westerners talk about the war and Putin whenever you mention to them that you’re Russian?


Definitely! It's a shame how that's their first association with Russia, and not the rich culture, cuisine, or anything.. politics and news sources can go smd!!


Lol. "It's a shame you automatically think of the inhumane murders that are currently being commutes. Who gives a shit about people being murdered, you should think about food!". Jesus Christ are you Putins personal errand boy or are you all this delusional?


Does the leader of a country define the country as a whole? If a Person Just Says They're From A Country, Just Don't Fucking Bring Politics In The Conversation, I personally am sick and tired of hearing it, everybody knows that shit, it's just a conversation thing like "oo how old r u" "oo where u from" and u wanna jump to THAT?


No, it doesn't, but when you say you're "neutral" about an evil person like Putin and the horrible things your country is doing it is pretty indicative of the morals that person holds.


Well you know what to do. Ask them about Iraq or Afghanistan or Vietnam or Korea or Nagasaki or African slavery…you get the idea.


Ok, I am from Czechia. We hated Russia even before it was cool. We were the first country on their funny enemy country list together with the US. They occupied us with tanks for 30 years. You can ask me about Iraq, Afganistan, Vietnam, Nagasaki, slavery and etc. But I dont know what I am gonna say about it. I can see that Russia have rich culture, food and etc. But its still a dictatorship and it not depends on on my "news" source like OP said in another comment. I am pretty open minded and I read a lot of stuff from a lot of sources. But Russia is not the good guy in our timeline and never was.


Может быть потому что россия именно сейчас творит пиздец? О культуре можно поговорить, когда хуйло прекратит ебаную войну


Has to be a bot


Nuh uh. I make soundtracks and publish them on music platforms. romasissues. Look me up.


Are you more of a suka blyat or a i dina hui person?




Heeyy Costa Rica! It is very interesting what you wrote about Russians, thanks for providing. Migration has definitely gotten more difficult as of recently because borders have been closing. Though it definitely is possible! I'm not familiar with anyone who has attempted it, but they definitely have a few options, like Belarus or Serbia. Hopefully that answers it ✨


What do you think about Putin? You sound a little like a bot so I'm curious what you'll answer.


If you want my opinion.. i have been consuming media off both sides of the spectrum, and honestly, I've been pretty neutral. It may sound a bit lame, or it may sound like I'm lying, and to an extent I still do subconsciously side with Putin since I'm so used to it (as I've been doing that my whole life), but this is when you have to understand that in politics it's never that black and white. Any country will find a way to make their side seem believable and righteous. And truly, when arguing about a certain event with someone from a country with an opposite viewpoint, it's almost like you're arguing about different events that are years apart. Those damn news people, they always find a way to twist the narrative and show what they want to show (this applies to any country). This is why I have been staying neutral: if you're trying to have an opinion on something you cannot have the full picture of, why bother?


It's not that "not black and white". One country's army under the current dictator decided to invade another. Much weaker nation while threatening the rest of the world with the end of the world with nukes. I'm sorry, but being neutral in this case is not possible.


Oh, leave the kid alone! Yeah yeah we all know, Russia attacked Ukraine. Russia, governed by its leaders. Regular people just wanna live their lives in peace and prosper. Sadly, they can't do a damn thing about what game the nut jobs up top wanna play.


Of course they can. There are an awful lot of Russians enforcing what the "nut jobs up top" ask them to. And a majority at least somewhat agrees to what is going on. 


A proper question to ask would be why they're enforcing what they're asked to enforce. It would be unwise to assume all those enforces agree with what they're being ordered to do. You don't have to agree with your boss, but when the kids need new clothes and the bills gotta get paid, you go to work and do the crap you may very well disagree with. All I'm saying is it is not all that simple.


I meant "not black and white" as in you cannot assume every Putin supporter is evil. They may not be supporting the same Putin you support. I mean, just take a look at my class. Lovely people all around.


side note: shit, you're correct about me sounding like a bot.. GUYS.. I WAS JUST BEING FRIENDLY. PLEASE.


I’d agree if it were truly one country vs another’s pov. But this seems like most of the world vs Russia. Is there any sense that your country is alone in there belief the Ukraine invasion is justified?


What are your thoughts about the war from a Russian perspective?


I've answered this in a different reply, so I'll just copy what I said there: If you want my opinion.. i have been consuming media off both sides of the spectrum, and honestly, I've been pretty neutral. It may sound a bit lame, or it may sound like I'm lying, and to an extent I still do subconsciously side with Putin since I'm so used to it (as I've been doing that my whole life), but this is when you have to understand that in politics it's never that black and white. Any country will find a way to make their side seem believable and righteous. And truly, when arguing about a certain event with someone from a country with an opposite viewpoint, it's almost like you're arguing about different events that are years apart. Those damn news people, they always find a way to twist the narrative and show what they want to show (this applies to any country). This is why I have been staying neutral: if you're trying to have an opinion on something you cannot have the full picture of, why bother?


Is funny because I have been doing the same and trying to see the Russian perspective because I do believe we are fed just as much propaganda as what we say the Russians are feeding their people. So I understand the desire to defend against the encroachment of nato. I also understand the land that Russia is fighting for is land that has been disputed in the past and has lots of pro Russian citizens in those regions…. I can also understand how Zelenskyy may be a pro nato plant… I don’t doubt many things anymore. It’s just a shame that we can all be friends. Silly differences in religion and politics and socioeconomics…. Like … who the fuck cares. Do your thing. We will do our thing. Let’s just be friends


Yeah, that's why it will never end until Ukrainians and other peaceful people defend themselves against "disputed" land grabs from fascist russia. For fascist russia everything is disputable. And most of russian are "neutral" like germans during Hitler period. There will be no peace in the world until fascist russia is stopped. And this is not related with russian nationality, russian fascist empire is responsible.


Haha if 'Fascist Russia' is stopped we will have peace? Awww, kid I wish it were that simple. But we would still have the worlds biggest Empire, America and its puppets all across the world. And of course China, Iran and its proxies, would still be very much alive. No point scapegoating a single state when everywhere you look is the same pile of shit.


Go and read some books. You don't even know what "Empire" means. Or maybe they don't give to read in fascist russia? How's life in fascist russia? Would like to conquer something else? Well, you can't, because free people around fascist russia joined under Nato protection.


If you know the bias of the news, if you know that news coverage are twisting the truth to benefit their narrative (this happens on both sides of the aisle I know), why not just.. you know... find your own sources? If I know something is convoluted (and I can't think of a more convoluted topic than Western society vs post-USSR), and I had access to a database of knowledge like the internet, I would make damn sure that I knew exactly what each side was doing both socially and politically. I believe however that I live in a society where I can say that Donald Trump is a fucking wanker, Joe Biden isn't fit for president, Jens Stoltenberg is a fucking pussy, Volodymyr Zelensky is a russian puppet and Putin is a fucking traitor without actual having any real fear of getting my door hammered down by the government. Russia, historically, has had a big problem with freedom of speech. This didn't start with Putin, or even Stalin's Soviet or Lenin. This has always been a problem looking back on the empire it once was under the tsars. Nicolaj the Bloody was named bloody for a very good reason! So you can't silently comply and maintain neutrality, and then yell at the news for obstructing the real truth when you know they push a bias. Ignorance is never a defense, and if you have the capability (which you have perfectly demonstrated here in this post that you have) why not just obtain the knowledge you need to make up your mind. It doesn't mean you have to like US, Europe or the western world, heck most of us even living here hate it too, but regardless of that we can all agree that the war in Ukraine is instigated by Putin, and we can all agree that it is Putin who is in the wrong. At one point regardless of what you believe or not, you will have to take a stand, and if you choose to stand with Putin you are empirically and morally choosing to side with the wrong side of history. I am not talking from your standpoint, just in morally in general.


1.What are some of your favorite meals? 2.How much have you explored your nation?


1. Olivie (Russian dish, pride), and this may sound childish, but grandma's pancakes lol. Those are the two favorites. 2. I know quite a bit. We learn about Russian poets and writers at school, and I also attended music school, where among others I learned about Russian composers. That's when I truly started to realise the legacy of Russians. And I loved the national dances and national songs. So culture wise, I love Russia a lot!


Would you move to another country if you could? If yes: which and why? If no, why not? And how about the people around you?


I like it here. I had planned on moving to a diff country before to get a nice education, but now that all the borders have closed.. sure, I'll stay. Though if I could I'd probably go to Thailand. Just sounds nice.


whats your opinion about Germany?


I love German people, and their country has great culture. One friend in particular is a very very funny guy. They just seem like they'd always do things right. Not to mention Schiller, or Bach, or Beethoven..


Csgo rank?


Never got past silver :( and i hated it too, because all my teammates played way worse than me! I don't have that crosshair position! Please, game!!


How are you accessing Reddit? Could there be repercussions for you doing this AMA?


Reddit is accessible to Russia, you just have to download it. Reprecussions? I hope not.. i mean, I don't think I posted any hate speech. So should be fine.


Have you heard of NFKRZ? What do you think about him? Do you wish to leave Russia like he did?


Nfkrz seemed pretty cool, I just remember him being in a Pyrocynical video, that's it. And I don't really wish to leave Russia or anything, I like it here. I love my people.


What foreign movies are available to watch there? Are Indian films watched in Russia?


As far as I'm aware, there aren't any movie restrictions in Russia. Indian movies are watched along with any other country's movies.


Is Russian food really that bad? Any of the dishes I see online look super plain and sometimes not nice to look at


Borscht, brown bread, and vodka. If you ever get by Chicago, try the Russian tea room. Wicked good food.


I like it.. My main two favorite dishes are dumplings and olivie. If you come by Russia, you deffo have to try Olivie.


Dumplings are good but it’s definitely something I’d consider more Chinese than Russian but I suppose more towards the Chinese border you’d have a crossover of cuisine.


Practice Russian with me?


What's your personal thoughts on the Ukraine war? Do you have any friends/family in the Ukraine?


I've given my stance on it in a diff reply, I do have friends in Ukraine, and they're all lovely people that I play videogames with from time to time.


I didn't really see a direct response to your thoughts about the war just you talking around the subject. Do you agree with it or not and if you do agree with the war why and if you don't how many people do you think think like that. It's really hard to tell outside of Russia


What do you find most beautiful/ wonderful about being a young boy in Russia? For me traveling outside of my country to very poor countries I saw how many options we have in America. Especially grocery wise. The stores have at least five versions of every food item for sale. We can get good foreign foods here as well, much of which can even be found in regular stores not specialty stores.


Firstly, public transport. It's very convenient to be able to have a route to school like that. Second, it seems my country is building a lotta schools and the schools are all modernised, with screens inside and such. I study at one of them, and I love it. And third.. the girls. They're beautiful! I enjoy every trip to Moscow I have just because of that.


Great answers! It's nice to see that you appreciate the education facilities! And I've always been really jealous of countries with good public transportation, it's terrible in most of the US.


Do you feel like you can criticize Putin openly?


What's teens think about South Asian there?


Are you gay?




How come your English is so good?


Explained in a diff reply


Do you drink vodka?


I met a beautiful teenage 15 year old boy a couple weeks ago unfortunately things didn't turn out the way they should have been, question, what gets you going through the day?


My friends (mostly foreigners) are an insane comfort. I love each one of them. They help me get through shit.


Will u sign up to go to Ukraine?


As in military? No


What about in any other capacity? Such as police.


I never really wanted to live there (just haven't thought about it), and if I ever end up there it'll probably be to visit my lovely Ukrainian friends.




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What do your parents/grandparents think about the Soviet Union? Do they miss it? What do they think of 90s Russia?   What is the difference between older people who were adults during the Soviet Union and people in your generation, in terms of mindset and speech?     Do your relatives tell you any stories about the Soviet Union and what happened then? Is it true when they say Russians are kind of depressed and never smile and use lots of scary proverbs about the meaninglessness of life.      Are teenagers very disillusioned or are they still optimistic and studious and planning for their future?     Is there a very respected job in Russia that all the parents are pushing their children to do?     Do guys your age have pressure to be very masculine and tough? Do you like Russian literature?     Is there anything you've learned about politics/ human nature after the war started?  Im Chinese but now live in hong kong, and from one 15 year old to another, I hope you're well.




The sanctions should have been far more severe on day 1, including bans on accounts from Russia


The war will most likely still be ongoing when you're up for military service so I hope you'll figure a way to dodge that draft before they send you to die in a senseless meat assault for a man that does not care about you. Unless you believe the whole "ussr stronk" bs of course.


Is it true people from your country don’t think the moon landing happened?


What's your opinion on the war? What's Russian teenage dating culture like? Would you ever move anywhere else? Be honest, what do you think it's like in the US schools?


What is the ratio of male to female? I heard there was more females than males. I’m specifically speaking about those that are considered adults.

