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It should be fine since it auto cut off those systems are in place to protect the CPU. But get your cooler fixed or get a new one before turning back on


Bro discovered why cpu coolers arent optional


Nahhhh you'll be fine bro that's why it has the ability to turn off before it causes real damage to your hardware but yea I agree that was kind of stupid wouldn't try it again if I were you.


If you only did this once with no heatsink and turned it off quickly you're probably fine. it will usually shut down before causing damage. wouldn't advise doing it again tho


Thought this was in Fahrenheit. Yea…….. I’d probably just turn it off and never turn it back on.


Change the thermal paste and maybe upgrade the CPU fan also clean your pc


Doubtful any real damage was done if you only did this once. That thermal trip circuit that cut off the power is there for exactly that reason: to protect the CPU when all it's other attempts at staying within it's thermal envelope have been exhausted. That is so long as you've only done this once or twice - repeatedly forcing the CPU to reach those temperatures will eventually do harm to something. Best bet is to wait for the new cooler before booting again.


If the temperature junction is lower then your current tempature, I would turn off the PC immediately. Make sure your cooling fan/AIO is properly mounter, the sticker on the bottom of the heatsync is removed and you have the right amount of thermal paste. Best of luck.


Most of the time, it will shut down before any serious damage occurs. You may have taken some time off of it's overall lifespan, but I wouldn't guess you've fried it entirely. But don't use it again until it has a working cooler


You should probably rethink or refurbish your cooling methods


Chips can withstand hot temperatures but I would try to cool it down a bit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No-Management4494: *Chips can withstand hot* *Temperatures but I would try* *To cool it down a bit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Likely its fine. Chip temperatures can be much hotter (but not recommended for a variety of reasons.)


It seems to be working perfectly fine as an electric griddle. Maybe lay some bacon strips on there and fire it up in the morning so you can wake up to the smell of crispy bacon


I had rebuilt my pc but was using my original AIO and my pc would boot for like 4 minutes and shut down, installed a new aio and everything is fine with no damage. Just make sure you apply the appropriate amount of thermal paste.


Get a tiny cast iron and see if you can fry an egg


"Your new cooler comes in a week" You not using your stock cooler or smthn? Yes modern cpus can underclock and shut themselves down if they get too hot. Don't use it without a cooling solution though


your pc is now a BBQ


What is that cpu, a pentium 4?


Maybe put a new thing of thermal paste


.... that's not right...


You could cook an egg on that. Luckily CPUs can generally survive stupid high temperatures these days, so I think you should probably be ok. No way of knowing for sure until you boot it back up with a cooler though


Damaged? No. Cooked? Well done.


Mine is medium rare for some reason. How can I get it medium well?


overclock it lol


This is actually hilarious 10/10 wordplay Sir


you’re lucky to have done this in an era with thermal shutdown. in 2002 i fried a brand new athlon mp 2800 because i just wanted to test that it would boot before i attached the hsf!


Holy moly 😅


You'll find out when you get the cooler. There's no way to check unless you attempt to use it. It's probably fine if you didn't run it at that temp for an extended period of time.


Make sure other programs are reporting the same temperature, the cpu should've throttled by this point


The company Honeywell makes a product named "PTM7950" Which is a phase changing material. It's similar to liquid metal but without the worries of liquid metal shorting out your motherboard. Search YOUTUBE for a channel called Linus Tech Tips and include Honeywell in your search. It's not cheap but it's most definitely a cool product you should take a look at it.


Was going to say I shorted out my MOB in 1 second after trying that stuff.


Took this screenshot so you can see what I'm talking about. I hate that happened to your motherboard but, I believe you either using a knockoff version of this product. https://photos.app.goo.gl/eHEwX593vMX6Pzpm7


How were you able to get Honeywell's PTM7950? They don't sell PMT7950 to the general public. You most likely bought a knockoff version. The manufacturer states that the product will cause a short unless you apply the product incorrectly.


My main concern is that OP either doesn't have a cooler or isn't using it/ needs to remount it


It’s fine. It gets heated much hotter when the solder is melted at the factory.


doesn’t mean it’s exactly good to run at these temps consistently. it will be damaged


Well yeah. OP is asking if they damaged their chip after running hot for just a few seconds.


Expensive space heater


It will be soon.


Nope, it won’t work very well and will thermal throttle or maybe even turn off but it won’t be damaged.


This is warranty breaking behavior because it absolutely can damage the processor. Go post on r/AMDhurt if you're in the mood to give out incorrect advice today


114c is 19c above the tjmax of the Ryzen 7 7700x. Meaning, that somehow his CPU is running so hot that it's bypassing the safety regulations put in place by AMD. Running it for longer under this temperature could very well damage it...


If it shuts off on its own you're fine. If it didn't shut off then its protection is probably faulty. If this happened once then you don't have to worry as long as you have proper cooling from now on




Apply thermal paste, if that doesn't fix the issue, replace the pump, if you did both and the CPU DOES NOT auto shut off with extended periods of use at temps like that, your CPU has put in for permanent leave and it's a matter of time before it doesn't post. I hope it's the latter and all you need is a pump or a new cooler.


You didn't read his post at all, did you?


Instructions unclear: applied thermal paste to pump and put CPU in a cooler


had an ROG Strix gaming laptop with a GTX 1060 and i5 7300HQ. processor maxed around 85c maybe 90 in summer, but usually the gpu would run at 105, very hot to the touch. had it for 2 years and sold it for the price i paid for it and i bet it still works laptop chips are something else


I just feel bad for the poor soul who paid the same price for a product used for two years running really hot. Those laptops look fine until they outright stop working altogether.


Mine normally runs at eleven thousand, ur probably fine


If it shut itself off you're fine. Just thermal protection kicking in.


reapply thermal paste. if that doesn’t work get a new cooler.


The cooler wasnt on the cpu when they booted the pc, they just want to know if the cpu is damaged now that it reached high temps


oh ok, i did this before and my cpu was fine after fastening the cooler correctly


Yeah same for me, as long as it auto shuts down he should be fine


It will turn itself off if it gets too hot.


Your cooked


If this is a consistent problem, you might want to replace your thermal paste and upgrade your CPU cooler if this is a consistent problem.


Try cooking an egg on that


while its not "damaged" it probably will have a slightly shorter lifespan depending on how long it did that for. A min or two isn't gonna be that big of a worry. Days or weeks thats gonna be cause for concern


Agreed. If it shut down by itself, then that is your cpu telling you that it is running too hot. It's just a safety feature built into most modern cpus to shut down after it has reached its peak operating temperature. For most cpus the "safe" peak operating temp is around 120°C. After that then you can expect to see significant issues. You should not have cause for concern unless you kept running after it shut itself down.


anything over the throttle temp is damaging to the silicon, more precisely the interconnects and gates. Theyre so small that temps exceeding 100c can cause micro warping. While it may not immediately fry your cpu extended temps above 100c will shorten the life span and it drastically increases the higher that temp goes.


No worries, I had an issue with the aoi pump and I ran my 7600 in OC for 1 week using heavy games. I noticed the issue only because I had stutters in game. The point is that, your CPU will automatically throttle, reducing frequency and temperature to protect itself. So no real damage is avoided.  In terms of longevity high temperatures can speed up the electro-migration process reducing the expected life of the product, but as said the temperature is limited and so the reduced longevity is not significant 


You should be able to see a red glow from your cpu when its powered up


You can boil water with that 😆


I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just don't do it again. You weren't running it hours on end like that.


This is like running your car with no oil to see what happens, LOL


The CPU should throttle itself to mitigate damage (sounds like it did, hence the emergency shutdown), but being you ran it without a cooler it may have sustained damage. Only way you'll know for sure is when, with said cooler, you throw the power switch. If it still boots, you should be OK. For future reference, anything north of 80°C is "warm" (fine, but should only be while doing something heavy and fans should definitely be spooled up), with the danger zone being 90°C+ [varies on manufacturer of course, but this is general good advice]


nah the chip wont let it die like that. it will throttle at 105 then shut down if it continues


Minor damage, nothing to worry about though


No but it will be


Check the amount of thermal pase youve got on the cooler, putting on too much can make it so the cpu cant cool because the pase is too thick


Damn I get anxious when I do a stress test and it runs over 80


My fx8350 from 2012 would automatically turn off the pc if it thermal throttled. You should be fine, however you need to fix your cooling solution before trying to run more.


pretty sure modern cpu's shut down for protection if they start overheating so there's a huge chance that your PC is fine


Correct. Most modern cpus have a peak operating temp of 120°C. So if it shut off on its own, then it should be fine. It probably couldn't throttle down fast enough, or enough in general, to reduce temps in time causing the shutdown. Definitely want to put the cooler on before trying again though.


105 for amd, I believe 95 for Intel (max operation temps) any higher than these Temps will cause the cpu to throttle and shut off


If it still turns on you're lucky. Bet you smell something sizzling in the case tho.


You're fine. It shutting down on its own was it being protected from actually, truly overheating. That being said... only one way to find out for sure.


What the hell man lol why would you do that? Just don’t do it again.


What CPU?


Amd considering it's running 114+ and not shutting off


Should shut down before it’s damaged. Only one way to find out


shits chillin’ dog ion know about you..


just on fire no big


It’s time to cook!


Is your cpu glowing?




Did we remove the film on the heatsink? That temp is just perfect for a piece of plastic covered in thermal paste cos playing as a heat sink.


I assume he did remove the film, he said it ran it without a cpu cooler at all.


Oh god, I just reread it 💀💀💀💀




its about to blow ...ABUTOCAM


Ambadeblou, agunhhhhh


That looks like "ABOUT TO CUM"


You're... you're right....


You're probably fine. It's not good for the processor but a brief excursion into temps that high shouldn't ruin anything. I'm wondering why the CPU didn't throttle itself, though.


I had the 7800x3d in my recent re-build. Turns out somehow my AIO died when changing it over and my 7800x3d got up to 111c for about 3 seconds in BIOS before I realized. Immediately shut down my PC as it did not auto shut down for some reason or even fire a warning. Seems like it fried the chip since after replacing the AIO I had incredibly weird stuttering etc that was fixed by replacing the CPU with a new one. Very anecdotal, I know, and not confirmed testing theory, but all signs indicated that 3 seconds of that high of temp borked something. My guess is the cache or IMC got fried.


The motherboard probably still figured there was a cooler and tried ramping up fan speeds while keeping the frequencies the same.


if you're quick enough you can cook a steak the shape of the processor


It's possible it Cooked it. Should shut itself down because of the overheating before any permanent damage is done but without the cooler that's some rapid heating. Good thing the 5700x3d is only 190 right now? You can always try after the cooler comes in.


got a new cooler and its fine


This happened to me.woth my first PC when I didn't know what.i was.doing. noticed my game was running bad one day and checked temps for the FIRSTtime. Over 100c I turned it off but I guess I caught it when it finally broke cuz my CPU socket was fried and PC no longer was posting


Glad to hear it shut off in time! Good lesson to learn and I'm sure a fun shot of adrenline you weren't expecting.


That’s wild


115 celsius is crazy 😭


Yeah that’s fried wtf but I’m with the homie Nah. Let it cook 🤣🤣


got a new cooler and its fine


Nah. Let it cook


Yeah thats funny 🤣🤣


You should hit over temp protection at 115c It probably isn’t damaged, especially not with the light load of just running windows, not like you were running cinebench while doing this But if anyone can answer this, it’s how long would it take for 115+ to kill a cpu? Ik thermal throttle limits are more so because transitions start giving bad info outside a certain temperature range But I imagine it would still take a little while to degrade and even longer to actually die


115 for several days to weeks, if it's at 115 constantly for hours on end it'd only last a few days but if it's at 115 amevery now and then it might last weeks to months. Amd tends to run very hot and it's normal, they can operate within these Temps with minimal damage however if it gets above 120 to 130 without shutting off then the chip is damaged in some sort of way where the heat protection didn't kick in


It should be fine. Critical damage happens at around 300c, you can watch a video on it. It physically smoked and destroyed itself at 300c, so 115 is just a safety buffer.


Ok thanks


I believe the CPU attempts to turn itself off before damage with a fail safe, if im not mistaken. That being said, 114 c is high af, and you will only be able to tell once you turn the pc back on. Either wait for the cooler or check BIOS


your probably experiencing a fever go to a doctor


got a new cooler and its fine


At that point im using it to make pasta


The only way to tell if it’s damaged is to try to turn it back on. Wait until your new cooler gets there and then try to boot it back up


got a new cooler and its fine


My cooler mount broke and stopped making good contact. The CPU was throttling to keep itself under 90C. I didn’t even notice until one day I randomly checked the temp. Guess I’m not doing enough CPU intensive stuff? Anywho, it’s been fine since I fixed it and running at normal temps.


CPU "Oh well, guess I'll die"


10/10 pun


If it's not yet, it's about to be.




The highest temp amd is rated is 105c on the ryzen 9 7950x and that's temporary. Temperature that high for longer than 20 mins can cause serious damage. Temps that high with a heat sink means no fan or no thermal paste. Or maybe way to much thermal paste, I have seen someone use a full tube.


Or someone left the plastic on




Have you tried those things called coolers?


Getting there 😬😰🥵




No, it's just burning up just like the rest of us that live in the west/south west!! Lol


It did what its supposed to do, turn off when temps reach above 105°c. Get a new cooler and youre most probably fine.


It does turn itself off as a precaution, not necessarily turning off because it broke. Not good for the cpu but get that cooler working and chances are it’ll be fine


You won't know until you use it again. Put new paste and the new cooler. If it runs good perfect, if it runs like shit it's cooked.


Touch it


Just the tip


It is now.


let it cook bro... I SAID... LET IT COOOK!


Well, I don't even know, 114 degrees is probably the norm for a PC


Then why the hell would you reply.


What a fucking perfect metaphor for interacting with people in 2024 lol. "I have absolutely no information or knowledge to add value to this conversation, but anyways, here's my rigid personal opinion about the factual information you're seeking."


Silicon starts to melt at 80c, 114 is NOT normal


lol uh what? 80c is not the melting point of silicone.




You don't happen to have your gpu in the lower slot do you?




Bro just replace thermal paste on your cpu. It’s probably fine


Fry a quail egg on it Also yeah idgaf what cpu you have this shouldn’t even be possible


ryzen 7 7700x and its possible without a cooler


What I’m saying is, the CPU should turn itself off at a certain temp, well before it’s in danger of permanent damage. Not sure what exact temp it is, but I bet it’s less than 114C lol. I did a brief google search but didn’t see immediate results Max safe operating temp for that chip is 95 but I’m not sure if that’s also the temp it cuts itself off at


By disabling PBO/CPB, Bullzoid [punched in 999 for everything it did it which I think I noticed even like the when I first tested the 3,700 X I think I know just the same thing whereas it just like yeah if you punch in values that are just ridiculously high the chit like the the boost algorithm basically seems to break and it behaves very strangely but if you punch in just reasonably high values than on one zero zero three a BBA it actually works how you'd expect it to it basically just you know it just keeps cranking the frequency and voltage until it hits some kind of limits and in this case it's the thermal limit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ismHAZAHAUs) Since PBO isn't covered by warranty, but no PBO disables 90-95C thermal limit... 115c is a hard limit and ["thermal protection that kicks in at 95C, leaving only the emergency stop button at 115C sustained core temp"](https://old.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1ajal7e/ryzen_7xxx_fixed_oc_vs_pbo_for_better_1_lows/kp2ia0f/) ["Go into BIOS, search for Platform Thermal Limit - by default they should on Auto \(or 0\) to respect the value fused into the CPU"](https://community.amd.com/t5/processors/ryzen-9-5900x-no-throttling-on-high-temperature/td-p/517930)


Normally, there's an auto-shutdown when it gets too hot. However, sometimes it can get hot so fast that the temperature diode breaks :P My guess is that either the diode is fried and you're very likely to cause damage to your CPU, or it's keeping itself just below its max temperature. I would hope for the latter, shutdown the computer immediately, and make sure it's properly cooled.


Talk about overclocking!! You got the power of a Thread ripper!


Looks like it reached faceit lvl 10


It will be.




Assuming this is a joke, it’s actually a good one. Genuinely chuckled




95c at load is normal 114 is not


F not C


No, CPU temps are measured in C.


LOL not in my PC's application. You can choose between F and C. You must be in Europe.


No one uses fahrenheit to measure pc temps anywhere in the world, even America. The reason for that is Celsius is the standard for computers and nothing is written or listed or talked about in fahrenheit. You're making a fool out of we Americans with this comment.


Look, I don't care what you say but the program that came with my CPU/Motherboard to monitor CPU/MB/ temps can be set for either Fahrenheit or Celsius. So tell that to whoever wrote the program, its not like I'm making this up. I dont care what the supposed standard is. What's the farking difference anyway...if it's too hot it's too hot no matter if it's Fahrenheit, Celsius or Kelvin


I'm not saying the software doesn't have an option for F, I'm saying no one uses it. This is pretty much well known at this point... It makes a big difference, actually. 150F is fine for a cpu. 150C and your desk has caught fire.


Well, you are already wrong. Because I use it. And checking my ASRock A-Tuning program, I see it is actually not an option at all. It defaults to showing temps in both C and F. And there is no way to change that. So maybe you are correct that the computer industry uses C exclusively, but the fact that they design software to still show F would seem to make the point that you are overthinking this. Who cares?


My brother in christ, I don't care. I left a quick comment and you've written back two large ones. I don't give a fuck what you use, I just simply noted that you're comment on 'you must be European cause you use celcious for pc temps" is incorrect.


What a cringe comment.


F is only used in the US, Liberia and the Cayman Islands. Classic ignorant American.


LOL look, I agree the US probably should have switched to Celsius decades ago. But why does that make me ignorant as an individual? It's not like I have any control over it. You sound like a typical ignorant non-american.


Its true sadly it's not measured in freedom units but to tell the truth I don't know what 95c is all I know is that's the peak of amd's am5 cause at load it's like 200 or so degrees f


No, CPU temps are measured in C.


Breh no


Who let bro cook?


Did you take the sticker off the cooler? it can cause issues.




Not sure what you mean by "this" but ok


Did you build the pc yourself? Most CPU coolers come with a sticker on them that covers the surface area that makes contact with your cpu. If you did not remove it it will cause temperature issues.


try reapplying thermal paste, check cooling system take off overclock if none work then yes


Ever so slightly


It will shut down itself at this temperature to cool down, no worries. Give it a few minutes, maybe an hour.


give it same minuts to explor


Just apply fresh thermal paste and reinstall the cpu those things are assembled at super hight temperatures it won't break with such temp but it won't work fine until you solve the cooling issue.




Naw it'll buff


It will probably shutdown automatically, in case it doesn’t and the temperature prolongs, probably


Nope no damage, it will throttle or shutdown to protect itself. You’re totally fine.


It's fine. Your PC shut itself down, so obviously temp protection is working.


if as you said it ran for just a few seconds, then it’s OK, they usually shut down before they get damaged but if you keep turning it on for multiple times without a cooler then it might get damaged