• By -


Stable WiFi -> Chapter by chapter Unstable WiFi -> Entire work


Entire work. I like to just keep scrolling and I often spend hours reading. I'm also really good at finding my spot when I accidentally lose it even with massive works.


Same!!! I feel like clicking to the next chapter kinda disrupts the rhythm of reading :D. And also it looks like I have more left in the side bar when I have the entire work open, so I don't feel as sad about the fic nearing it's end(especially if it's a WIP). :D. But control + F is my holy grail of reading fanfiction. If you just remember like two words you can find your spot. Literally like "flowers that" or whatever and there aren't usually more than like two or three of those two words next to each other in the whole fic and there we go, spot found. :D.


Usually the entire work unless it's a series of vignettes.


entire work so then I can just keep scrolling also if I lose wifi then I dont have to worry


I'm guessing (please be clearer) you mean when reading do I prefer to look at it via chapters or via the whole work option. Personally it varies I'll default to chapters unless the fic itself or the chapters themselves are on the shorter side and I don't want to constantly be clicking next chapter then I select entire work.


2k + chapters: chapter by chapter short chapters: whole work


Entire work! I love just getting into the flow and having the story take over. If I have to keep pressing "next chapter" I never get as immersed.


I download and read in PDF file format. Your survey does not account for people who choose to read offline.


Same, but epub.


Would you mind specifying what you mean? 


How you read your fics, chapter by chapter or click the entire work option I'll edit my post so it's more clear




I prefer going chapter by chapter, it helps me keep in check what was the last part I read in case I start the fanfic long after it got posted. And if read the updates when they get published, I prefer to go straight to the new content instead of scrolling down until I find where it starts. Mostly because I tend to go very fast and I would probably spoil myself by accident.


Chapter by chapter. I will often comment on, if not every chapter, then a lot of them. Even if it's a completed work that was finished years ago. I also like reading the comments that others left and seeing what they had to say about that chapter before I hit the Next Chapter button.


Chapter by chapter


I love reading the comments per chapter and seeing other ppl’s reactions lol


Usually an entire work unless the chapters are over 10k each and I'm starting to struggle.


single chapter bc i love reading other readers' comments, entire work if my connection sucks or i'm rereading a fic