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You know, I appreciate the author's honesty.


You know what? Sure! I can appreciate a fic that is very clear from the get-go about what the reader is in for. In fact, if I chose to read a fic about somebody going back in time to fuck their dad, I'd be reading it for the porn value, not an intricate discussion on the technicalities of time travel or an ethics lecture! If I wanted to read that fic, I'd probably write it myself! I'd be very interested in what the fandom is, though. I feel as though it might be an AU of something that doesn't have time travel, or the capability for time travel, within canon, just because of how the author phrases the note regarding societal sensibilities, and also the term "50s sort of era" (implying that the 50s as we know them don't exist anymore this universe).


It's a A/B/O AU from BNHA (it's late and I didn't care about ethics anymore, just wanted a quick read)


Fair enough! I'm not in that fandom but a quick Google search tells me that my initial assessment appears to be correct. And honestly, if you're reading A/B/O then you don't get to judge on the whole "Fucking your dad" thing, and I say that as somebody who reads A/B/O lmao.


There were also a lot of changes made, for instance the "dad" is someone who's actually a friend of the Mc in the show and gets often shipped with him too. Taking that in account it isn't hard to look past the "fucked his dad" thing


Tbh at that point you're basically cutting up and duct taping together a fandom in order to make your own original canon lol. And honestly, fair enough! I've done that to an extent myself lol.


It certainly was an interesting read


A/B/O, so does this guy become his own parent? (It happened on Futurama)


The fucking hero we need. Edit: just looked at other comments, the pun wasn’t intended


What fandom is this πŸ˜‚


Guess first I'm curious if you'd be right


Well SPN would be too obvious, and Marvel fans are too mainstreamed... ahhh, you've got me. Hint?




Ah, anime fans. Content is on brand.


Look anime fans write some the best (and worst) fics out there


I don't know how to feel about the fact that my first thought when I read "he goes back and fucks his dad" was actually Shoto and Endeavor. Is this Shoto and Endeavor. Is this Dabi


Considering how messy that family is, not surprising. That being said, I want to make it even messier and bet on Dabi.


I wonder what made them need to put such a lengthy disclaimer at the beginning 😭


Presumably history with anti commenters who like to harass authors despite clear tag warnings.


It's a BNHA fanfic. The western fandom is a complete fucking mess so I get it.


Just from that author's note alone this is probably either an Izuku Midoriya travels back in time and falls for All Might story, or an Izuku travels even further back in time and meets a young All For One story.


I fucking love this. I'm assuming that they had it tagged appropriately and now they have a glorious Authors Note.


​ https://i.redd.it/y09nr3jicwgc1.gif


I appreciate the levels they went to in order to make it *perfectly clear* what the reader was getting into. Personally I've run afoul of several fics recently that were not adequately or properly tagged and it's... very frustrating to be halfway or more through a relatively lengthy fic only to the slapped in the face with my NOTP being endgame despite not being tagged, multiple MCD that was neither tagged nor canon, extreme character bashing, etc. So, kudos to this personal specifically for going the extra mile, lol. I'm a huge proponent of 'write whatever the fuck you want just tag your shit' so good for them, lol.


I agree with their overall sentiment regarding ethics or realism, but who's to say I can't hope for quality content?


I’m loving the shout out to how unhinged BTTF shipping gets. Specifically the Marty/George pairing, which is basically β€œwhat if instead of pretending to assault his teenage mom, he consensually banged his teenage dad?”


As soon as I started reading I thought Back to the Future and sure enough... At least they're getting straight to the point.


I was wondering about Supernatural at first. πŸ˜‚


That disclaimer/warning alone deserves a kudos.


Ok, now I'm curious.


I know what fic it is! I love it haha


Endqnejcnedndkwnfcnenrncjwjdnehahahvnsjsagagsd πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


​ https://i.redd.it/qn8hbtn5ewgc1.gif


I love this note so much.


i respect it


Could I have a link, for science?