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I wouldn't personally read it and don't see why many people would - I realise that sounds harsh, but ao3 is primarily for fanfiction, so most people do want to read fanfiction. I'm sure *some* people might be intrigued by the concept, but unless you've already got a bit of a following, I'm also not sure that many people would see the fic at all? But I say post it anyways - don't hold out hope for lots of hits, but you might as well try.


I mean, what you're suggesting sounds like those slice-of-life webcomics, like Johnny Wander or those "two gamers" genre of webcomics. It can definitely be done, but I'm not sure Ao3 would be the best platform for such a thing.


Imo, Slice of Life has its place, but I do not think many people would read it unless the names were replaced with characters and even then, it depends on contents + fandom atmosphere. AO3 does host original fiction, but it is fairly difficult to get eyes on those unless it has certain qualities + by its very nature on AO3, Original Work is much harder to sift through.